• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Stainless Steel Fox

A writer of various scribbles, I've recently become enamoured of Ponydom, and have done my limited best to write a few stories. I hope people enjoy them.


Based on a comment on Youtube about a clip showing Blueblood spitting out Applejack's fritter. What if Blueblood has an excellent reason for acting like a complete prat that night? What if there's more to this stuck-up idiot than meets the eye?

Posted in part because it feeds into the Cutie Mark Adventurers continuity, but set sometime between the 'The Best Night Ever' and 'Sweet and Elite'.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

I am quite happy to see this here, we need more fics that don't show Blueblood as a jackass or evil incarnate

Always another side to the story no one ever sees. I wonder how this BB will interact with the mane 6 and how it ends?

Always happy when a pony gets more characterization, and Celestia knows that Blueblood could use some.

Comment posted by Snow123 deleted May 29th, 2014

I like the concept, but I feel it to be just a touch exposition-y... Not a bad story, though.

Whoops, you made a formatting mistake. Fimfiction's coding doesn't use underscores for italics.

Didn't I read this already? :rainbowhuh:

4464452 I did publish it on Fanfiction.net previously. I'm working through my back catalogue, copying my pony fics across to here as and when I can. However, the idea is that the incomplete ones I bring across will finally get started again. That's why I'm bringing them across one by one, so I can concentrate on each one.

I also needed this because it is in the same continuity as Cutie Mark Adventurers, and some things that happen in the next chapter won't make sense without it. Of course, people who've read the original will notice I made some modifications as to the origins of Daring Doo, in deference to season 4.

a quick question I've been meaning to ask for forever.
Cutie Mark Adventurers happen in broadly the same continuity as this yesno?

4472602 Yes indeed. There is a second part lying unwritten on my computer, which details their gem hunting expedition. Needless to say, it is not a placid little jaunt into the Badlands during which nothing of importance happens, as the title 'Maresia Bluehills and the Sunstone of the Deeps' should hint.

Can this story be read on it's own, or do you actually have to read 'Cutie Mark Adventurers'?

4473382 It's stand-alone, I came up with Cutie Mark Adventurers afterwards and needed an adventurer character for later on, so I thought, Why not? This one has references to the abandoned story, Celestia's Notebook on my Fanfiction account. I may go back and try and revamp that one day, but it would take a major rewrite to fit it with canon now.

What exactly was the comment anyway?

4554993 I don't actually remember. But I think all the other commenters were going on about how big a jerk he was, and this one commenter asked, maybe he has a reason? That got me thinking, and the result is above.

Lil sister, I don't know if you should be going off with this fancy pants feller...

Hey Mac, don't compare Fancy Pants to Prince Blueblood. Fancy Pants is much classier!

Anyway, this story isn't bad, but it takes too long to build up. And it seems a little redundant to make Blueblood an Indiana Jones tribute character, since the show already has one, as this fanfic points out. On the bright side, I like that he apologized to both Applejack and Rarity, and paid AJ more than double for her cake and fritters. His jerk persona is an explanation, but not an excuse - at least, not a good one. IMO he should either figure out a new way to avoid gold diggers or suck it up.

5056163 This story was originally written well before 'Read it and Weep' and posted on FFnet. I revised it to fit canon when I reposted it here.

As you say, his backstory didn't excuse his bad actions, which is why he did his best to make recompense when he realised that he had treated an innocent badly. As to his previous dates, trust me, they deserved it. Think your average harem comedy with the poor sod in the middle suffering all the pain that his various wannabe paramours cause in the process of trying to remove their opposition.

To be honest, I don't find things like Ranma or Love Hina funny, just painful to watch, and want to reach into the screen and give the various girls involved a massive bitch slap..

5063260 Ah, ok. That you wrote this before "Read It and Weep" explains a lot.

Consider my interest is peaked. There's just one thing that is confusing me...

I assume that your use of the _ symbol is suppose to mean something but I have no idea what.

5162504 I use it to put _emphasis_ on a word, similar to bolding or italicising. It's a hold over from when I posted fics on forums that didn't have fonts, now it's just a personal idiosyncracy.

This is good!

How Auntie Celestia has put up with it for all that time I don't know.

What goes through the poor dears mind as she greets the long line of nobles!

Kill me kill me kill me kill me, oh MAKER JET SET AND UPPER CRUST kill me kill me kill me kill

"Oh its wonderful to see you two again. And how is your foal doing, oh she's so sweet."

ech... ugly little rat face thing... should really look into encouraging these dopes to taking a dip into other gene pools, in breedings taking its toll... ugh for the love of the Prime Cause, Tirek, Gregor, hells Femta and his bucking ilk show the buck up so I can grab ol' Betsy and take in a little game of Smack a Bitch... OH SWEET MAKER AND BABY JESUS IN HIS BUCKING PRAM ITS LADY WINTER SAGE AND HER GOLD DIGGER DAUGHTER, MY NIGHTMARE KNOWS NO END!

"Ladies, its wonderful to see you again!"

Maker help me, I'd grant each of them an eternity if I could... booze, booze, booze, where the hooch....

You have this tagged as Incomplete, but in the event you never update, I feel it works quite well as a stand-alone chapter.

She could take a bath in a live volcano, and in fact has done so on occasion. She says it opens her pores. Personally, I think she's just showing off.

Now I'm imagining Spike and Princess Celestia going bathing together.

Is there anymore that is going to be added to this story?:twilightsheepish:

Quite different from another "Good Blueblood/Disguised Blueblood" story I read awhile ago, but just as good. Well done! :raritystarry:

This is a good story, and I hope you continue it. But it can also work as a stand-alone tale.

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