• Published 5th Jun 2014
  • 15,275 Views, 813 Comments

Daily Life of an Equestrian Ninja - PianoPony

Even being a ninja and knowing that you harbor one of the world's most feared beasts can't prepare you for everything. Naruto learned just that when a white pony with wings and a horn appeared one morning at his doorstep.

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Chapter 20- Naruto vs. Snake

Author's Note:

Can you make it through the chapter while reading Fluttershy's lines in Flutterguy's voice, keeping a straight face?
I don't think so.
Besides, you're not supposed to keep a straight face while reading my story. DON'T BUCKING DO IT!

In the next chapter, Naruto finds the meaning of life!
Sort of. Depends on whom you ask.

Chapter 20- Naruto vs. Snake

“I found them!” Naruto yelled to the others.

“Really?! Are they okay?!” Applejack squeaked.

“They started dancing… In front of a giant, green snake,” Naruto explained awkwardly. Twilight, Zecora and Fluttershy gasped simultaneously. The others simply looked utterly confused.

“What the hay, Naruto?! You’re not making any sense!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“That’s a Danciconda!” Fluttershy shouted in a stallion’s voice.

“Wrujfsd sfdi sdina?!” Pinkie Pie asked.

“A giant snake that hypnotizes its victims and makes them dance to its enjoyment, before devouring them! And the worse you dance, the quicker it will eat you!” Twilight called in horror.

“Yeah! My clone looked at it and got all trancy!” Naruto confirmed.

“Well, what the hay are we waiting for?! Let’s go save ‘em!” Applejack exclaimed.

“No, we cannot take the risk! With your ailments, we will not be amply quick!” Zecora said.

“I’ll go! I can deal with animals!” Fluttershy said gravely.

“And I shall assist too, it is the least I could do!” Zecora said, looking at Naruto.

“Okay, Fluttershy. Take Zecora, and follow me!” Naruto said as he jumped to the closest tree to a left, and continued jumping from one branch to another in a straight route.

Fluttershy picked Zecora up with her hooves and flew after Naruto as quickly as her wings could carry her.

“Be careful!” Twilight called.

“Yeah! Go kick that snake’s big ugly scales!” Rainbow added.


“Hurry up, Fluttershy!” Naruto urged. She was barely keeping up with him, even with the rush of needing to save the Crusaders.

“I’m trying, I’m trying!” she replied with her disturbingly low tone. She was clearly having a hard time carrying Zecora.

“Naruto! No matter what you do, you must not look in its eyes! That is how you will be hypnotized!” Zecora warned him.

“Okay, but do you have any tips, or do I just beat it the old fashioned way?”

“That snake enjoys rhythmic movements above all else. Dancing to it should work best,” the zebra replied.

“Sorry, but I don’t dance. I’m gonna do it my way! Believe it!” Naruto said, when he came to a stop. “We’re here!” he said as he looked down.

The Danciconda seemed to be quite content with the fillies’ strange ‘dance ritual’, still moving its head about in a way fashion. However, the trio of fillies had begun growing quite tired, their moves much slower than before.

“When I attack it, go down there and rescue them!” Naruto instructed. Fluttershy and Zecora nodded in response.

He then jumped down, careful not to look straight at the snake’s face. “Hey, snake! Why don’t you get a taste of this instead?! Shadow Clone Jutsu!

A clone immediately appeared to Naruto’s right, and began focusing chakra onto Naruto’s right palm. “Rasengan!” the two Narutos yelled when the glowing blue orb was ready.

“Fluttershy, Zecora—Now!” Naruto called as he took a step to prepare to jump up at the Danciconda. But then, he suddenly froze, tears of pain forming in his eyes.

“AH!!! MY FOOT!!! WHAT THE HELL DID I STEP ON?!” Naruto cried, grabbing his aching, bare right foot, the Rasengan vanishing. Looking down, he could see the spiky shell of a chestnut on the ground, where his foot was just a moment ago.

“Crap! I totally forgot I don’t have my shoes!” the barefoot ninja shouted in pain, jumping all around on his left foot. Surprisingly enough, the snake seemed rather in interested in Naruto’s energetic ‘dance’, and followed his every movement. It completely forgot about the three fillies dancing in a circle not far from him.

Fluttershy got close enough to the ground to let down Zecora, and then landed down herself. The two stared at the jumping human for a moment, before turning their attention back to the hypnotized Crusaders.

“Wake up, you three! There’s no time, we must flee!” Zecora said urgently, giving each of them a soft shake.

The three of them suddenly shook their heads, as they finally landed down on all four hooves and slowly regained their senses and focus.

“Ah! It’s Zecora!” Sweetie Belle cried, pointing at the zebra in front of her.

“Ah! It’s a huge snake!” Scootaloo cried, pointing at the creature behind Zecora.

“Ah! It’s… What the hay is that?!” Apple Bloom asked, pointing towards Naruto, who had just stopped jumping around in pain.

“Ow, ow, ow…” Naruto muttered, as he finally allowed himself to put his foot down on the ground, the sensation of intense pain finally starting to calm down.

“Naruto, look out!” Fluttershy yelled, as she pushed him out of the snake’s fangs’ way just in time.

“NARUTO?!” the three Crusaders shouted, completely shocked.

“Thanks, Fluttershy. Sorry I lost focus,” the ninja said as the two stood up.

The Danciconda was about to strike again at the two, when Zecora ran to stand between them. “Leave those two alone, before I make you with agony moan!” she called threateningly, her expression furious. However, she was careful not looking directly at the snake’s eyes.

The snake stared at Zecora intensely, trying to work its hypnotic charm on her, to no avail. It then hissed once more, its tongue sticking out to smell the gray prey in front of it.

“Zecora!” the Crusaders called fearfully, unable to do anything to help.

“Hey! You didn’t forget about me, did you, you stupid snake?!” Naruto yelled, as he jumped once more at the giant snake, holding again the glowing blue orb in his palm. “Rasengan!”

The force from the impact between the orb and the snake’s belly scales flung its head and the top of its body backwards. Naruto then landed back on the ground.

“Yeah! You got him, Naruto!” the three fillies cheered.

But the Danciconda immediately rose back, and once again tried to bite down Naruto, who dodged by jumping to the left. “Over here, you overweight pile of scales!” Naruto called, sticking out his tongue at him and waving his hands.

Naruto started running away, and the snake immediately slithered after him. It quickly caught up with him, and began choking Naruto with his tail, only for him to vanish in a cloud of smoke. The snake released its grip and looked at where Naruto was supposed to be, completely puzzled.

“Hey! You’re looking for me?! I’m over here!” Naruto called. The snake turned back, to see Naruto standing boldly in front of him. “Shadow Clone Jutsu!” he then called as he performed the hand seal.

Two clones appeared at Naruto’s side, and began channeling chakra towards Naruto’s open palm. A large blue sphere, this time surrounded by glowing blades made of air began formed above it. “Wind Style: Rasenshuriken!”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened in horror. She saw what that technique could do before. It completely decimated a huge, albeit fake, Timberwolf. “No, Naruto! You’ll kill the poor creature!”

The snake slithered closer, and Naruto moved his hand backwards, ready to use the Rasenshuriken. “Sorry, Fluttershy, but I don’t have a choice,” he said coldly, preparing for the right moment to land the blow.

Then, to the shock of everyone, Fluttershy flew up right in front of the snake, staring it dead in the eyes. The snake immediately stopped in its tracks.

“Now you listen here, you mean old snake!” she called and looked up at it fearlessly. “I don’t know what you’re thinking to yourself, but you CANNOT eat my friends! Do you understand me?!” her male roar echoing in the woods. Everyone around simply stared at her, completely and utterly stunned.

The snake looked a bit confused, but then it stared back at Fluttershy, its eyes starting to spin again hypnotically. “I said… DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!” Fluttershy repeated, as if not affected at all by the snake’s hypnotic ability.

Then, every single jaw in the area dropped, as the Danciconda hung its head low, as if accepting its defeat. It turned around and slithered away silently into the darkness of the forest.


“Oh… I can’t take this anymore! They’ve been gone forever now!” Rainbow Dash said, pacing around nervously.

“I know what you mean, Rainbow. But we have to put our faith in them,” Rarity said encouragingly, but it was more to herself. She’s been beside herself with worry for her little sister.

“That’s it. I’m going,” Applejack said, standing on Twilight’s back. “I’ll be darned if I leave Apple Bloom in this kinda—”

“Hey, everypony!” Sweetie Belle’s voice rang.

Everypony looked to the source of the voice, and smiled from ear to ear to find the Crusaders running towards them happily. Naruto, Fluttershy, Zecora walked just behind them, all smiling as well.

Sweetie Belle and Rarity hugged, as did Applejack and Apple Bloom’s snout.

“We were really worried about you, squirt!” Rainbow said happily, giving Scootaloo a noogie. “We heard you tried to take on a giant snake!” she laughed.

“Well, we kinda bumped into it by accident,” Apple Bloom explained. “But those three sure took on it!”

“You should have seen them! They were amazing!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed with much enthusiasm.

“Yeah!” Scootaloo called. “Zecora was all like ‘you shall not pass’! And Naruto made clones and cool glowing orbs!”

“Well, sounds like it all went just fine,” Twilight smiled in relief.

“See?” Naruto grinned. “I told you to leave it to—”

“But Fluttershy was the coolest!” Scootaloo exclaimed, looking at her with sheer admiration. “She just looked up at the snake, and the snake was all like ‘no way I’m messing with her!’, and ran away!”

“Wow, are you serious?!” Rainbow exclaimed, and the mares all began gathering around, asking her just how she did that.

“Tsdkmf tsdkmf, Nsdnro,” Pinkie Pie tried to comfort Naruto, putting her hoof on the degraded ninja who just lost to a pony.

“…Thanks, Pinkie… It’s… No big deal…” he lied, clearly distraught over being out-cooled by Fluttershy.

“So… What are you, Naruto?” Apple Bloom finally asked.

“Oh, right,” he grinned, realizing he still hadn’t introduced himself to them properly. “I’m Naruto Uzumaki! I’m a Ninja of the Village hidden in the Leaves! Nice to meet you all!” he grinned, putting his arms behind his neck.


A while later, after cleaning the mess they made at Zecora’s house, the whole group walked out of the forest, safe and sound. Before they did so, Naruto transformed back into a pony, and thus earned a barrage of questions from Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. By the time they were done, Zecora and the Crusaders were just as informed about him as the six mares.

“By the way,” Naruto said as they were about to enter town. “It was me and a clone who staged that whole fox thing yesterday.”

“Yeah, we kinda figured that out by now,” Scootaloo smiled.

“Yeah, no offense,” Apple Bloom added. “But that was some pretty darn bad acting, Naruto.”

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m a ninja and not an actor then!” Naruto laughed lightheartedly. “Oh, right. I’m also the one who left that knife and those hairs. Sorry I got us all on that crazy running around yesterday,” he admitted, though there was still a small lie hidden there.

“Wait, so does that mean you live in our guest room?!” Sweetie Belle asked happily.

“Yes, ever since he came to Equestria. I’m sorry, but Naruto wanted me to keep it a secret, so I had to cooperate,” Rarity said.

“Hey, don’t worry about it!” her younger sister said happily. “And besides, do you know what that means?”

Naruto and Rarity exchanged looks, completely at loss, and then looked back at the three fillies.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SUPER SLEEPOVER!” Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle yelled at the same time, earning cheerful laughs from everypony, and a somewhat amused groan of pain from both Rarity and Naruto.

“By the way, Naruto,” Twilight spoke. “Why did you turn into a fox with nine tails? That seems… Completely unrealistic, even for the poison joke.”

“Oh! Uhh… Haha… Who knows?” he chuckled nervously, looking away from her. Zecora and Twilight arched a brow at him, but did not raise an objection to this.

As the group made it back into Ponyville’s market, all the nearby ponies stared in horror at Zecora and the Mane Six, since most of them looked strange because of the ‘curse’. They all began running around and fleeing into their houses in horror, afraid of the ‘curse’.

Twilight took the lead, walking towards one of the colorful houses, just behind a cart full of flowers, and knocked on the door. The door opened slightly to reveal a frightened, pink Earth pony with green mane and tail. “Daisy, we need to talk…”


Over the next two hours or so, Naruto and the others walked around Ponyville, explaining to everypony that Zecora is not an evil enchantress. Pinkie was pantomiming with a surprisingly high success rate for getting the message across.

Afterwards, Zecora met with the residents and made amends. The citizens of Ponyville apologized for criticizing and being wary of her without a good reason, while Zecora properly introduced herself, and explained her strange behavior during the times she came to Ponyville. Afterwards, residents happily gave away everything she needed to help brew the cure for the poison joke inflicted mares. The spa ponies even volunteered the Jacuzzi to be used as a bath for the cure.

And so, a while later, the mane six and the Crusaders were all enjoying a warm, healing dip, their poison joke symptoms all gone. The spa mares were chatting happily with Zecora, while Spike was writing down a letter dictated by Twilight.

“And… Done!” the purple dragon announced happily.

“Great!” Twilight smiled. “Now it’s your turn, Naruto.”

Spike walked towards the tub of water and showed Naruto the scroll.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today, my friends and I learned two important lessons:
First of all, never judge a book by its cover. Somepony may look unusual, or funny, or scary. But you have to look past that and learn who they are inside. Real friends don't care what your "cover" is. It's the "contents" of a pony that count. And a good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever.

“Well, I don’t really get all that stuff, but it looks okay to me,” Naruto smiled.

“Really? Didn’t you learn anything from that little fox hunt this morning?” Twilight smirked at him knowingly.

“Oh, right,” Naruto grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

After a while of trying to piece together an appropriate paragraph to present to Princess Celestia, Naruto was finally done, after getting some help from Twilight and Spike.

Second of all, we learned that painting over your real “cover” with a nicer one will never bring any good. It can only serve to lie and confuse your friends, and could bring about much trouble. As I wrote before, it is only your “content” that counts for real friends. And you should not be afraid to be honest with them. That’s because at the end of the road, real friends will always appreciate who you truly are on the inside.

Your Faithful Students,
Twilight Sparkle and Naruto Uzumaki

“Hey! I didn’t sign up for this!” Naruto objected to the last few words, as the scroll was rolled neatly by Spike and burned away in green flame. Nevertheless, his frown soon melted away into laughter alongside the others’.

However, Naruto’s smile vanished again not long afterwards. “Sorry, Twilight… But there are some things I just can’t tell. I… I don’t think I can ever be completely honest with you all…”

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