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Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

Profile of Retired Writer, Lapis-Lazuli, and his editor, Stitch / Inky. Thanks for the memories, FiMFiction.

Comments ( 381 )

ITS HEEEEEERRRRREEEEE now to read it :ajsmug:

At last... The sequel of one of my favorite shipfics is finally up. :yay:
Time to stop all of my activities and focus, it's reading time !
The SunLight shimmer will always sparkle ! (yeah, that was cheesy)

Yay! :yay: Sequel will commense read soon :twilightsmile:

My, my. THIS is off to a roaring start.

Not too sure how I feel about this pregnancy sub plot. I've seen this type of thing done before and it honestly makes me confused. I mean, making a magic penis for kinky time fun, sure. Making a magic penis with some semen just for that extra special touch, why not? Making a magic penis with semen filled with living, biologically compatible, fully functioning sperm ? Why? Why would Twilight ever cast a spell that did that?

In other stories it was always, "Oops! Didn't know the spell did that!" Which is silly. Twilight wouldn't cast a spell without knowing what it did(I'm looking at YOU season 3 finale! :twilightangry2:). Ahem. Seeing how this is Lapis and Inky doing this story I have faith that if Sunset really is pregnant that they will have come up with a much better reason why than what I've encountered before.

Now, if she isn't pregnant...that opens a whole new can of worms right there.

On to other musings.

I liked that Sunset is in charge of the potions. Honestly, seeing her doing mostly cleaning feels like a waste of her abilities. It would be nice to see, by the end of this, Sunset using her magical talent for the benefit of all and hopefully not be regulated to a glorified maid(and Twilight's chew toy. :derpytongue2:)

It's cute to see Spike and Sunset come to a sort of truce. Lapis, I enjoy seeing one of your stories that actually has Spike in it. :derpytongue2:
Sorry, couldn't resist. :twilightsmile:

I do feel concerned that Sunset isn't really getting better but is instead moving form one emotional obsession(gain all the power and rule the world) to another emotional obsession(Twilight is mine! No one else can be near her she's all mine!)

I look forward to seeing how this plays out.

I really still don't get what Rarity did. Even after rereading the chapter, all I can see is Rarity pitying herself, and telling herself she doesn't deserve love.

Can anyone please explain what part of the things that Rarity said was bad.

Oh, I am so psyched that this is out. I am already loving this!

Oh myyyy... Sunset? Have you and Twilight been experimenting with magic in the bedroom?
Has Twilight, perchance, wanted to try out stallion parts on an occasion or two?

Winter wrap-up, winter wrap-uupp… Oh, bloody Tartarus! Damnit, Spike!

We all have that person in our lives who will torture us in this manner. Twilight's pain is felt.

Oh way that was great :pinkiehappy: I do hope Sunset goes and talks to Nurse Redheart :twilightblush: I also hope she tells Twilight about their foal coming eventually :twilightsmile: But I have a feeling it won't happen :facehoof: Untill it is almost to late :trixieshiftright: I WANT MOAR SOON! :flutterrage: If that is alright with you :fluttershyouch:

I just have to say, damn. I'm impressed with the way you people made this story speed along at a quick yet perfectly understandable pace. I know I could never do that.

4631771 the main incident that caused this debacle happened in the second to last chapter in the previous story

That end scene with Rarity wasn't all that clear to me either. It was heavily implied that Rarity wanted the same relationship with Twilight that Sunset enjoys now but was never brave enough to go for it. Thus, when Sunset came along Rarity ended up living victoriously through Sunset, what with the clothes, advice, and all that.

Hopefully we'll get a firmer understanding about what the problem is in the next chapter.

Commence reading! Huzzah!

Or at least her stomach seemed to think so. Her hoof tapped at it experimentally, trying to not think too hard as to why she wanted such weird combinations of food.

She can't be... that's impossible, right? Right?!

Though she did wonder herself why Big Macintosh kept ordering that Object Animation stuff...

He wants it, he needs it, obviously. :rainbowlaugh:


“Ah…. no…. Mistress,”

Should be three dots for an ellipsis, Lapis.

after much conflict with one another:.They

You've put a full stop after the colon, and left no space.

Once Spike had figured out she wasn’t there to sweep Twilight away… and Sunset had grudgingly admitted that Spike, like all annoying little brothers, wasn’t going anywhere, they’d come to a mutual truce.

Hmm. This sentence could probably be re-punctuated as: "Once Spike had figured out she wasn’t there to sweep Twilight away--and Sunset had grudgingly admitted that Spike, like all annoying little brothers, wasn’t going anywhere--they’d come to a mutual truce." That errant ellipsis doesn't quite sit well where it is.

and it was ready to accept it’s first offering.



I don't think this needs to be hyphenated. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

She’d be a lot further along if you weren’t prancing around the place like Rarity on fashion week yanno.

Needs a comma.

That stuff ain’t cheap, yanno. Pegasi. Oi.

I can tell you, with good authority, that "Oi" is the British call for attention. The word you're looking for as exclamation, is "Oy". :twilightsmile:
Sauce: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oy_vey

I’ll make sure to mention it to Mistress so she can put on our to-do list tomorrow

put it*

(an art she could finally claim mastery in)

Nyeeeeehhh... you really shouldn't use parenthesis in writing, it's bad technique. Consider em-dashing this like so: "As she slid back into the lacy violet socks--an art she could finally claim mastery in--she did her best to rationalize her recent snack choices." Or just simply using commas.

and perhaps the most tedious yet mentally demanding of her chores.

This should be comma'd, like so: "and perhaps the most tedious, yet mentally demanding, of her chores."

If it had a different color or something special in it (potions had never been Sunset’s strong suit in studying magic), there was likely a clipboard Mistress had for it.

There's those dreaded parentheses again. Em-dashes all the way, brother. "If it had a different color or something special in it--potions had never been Sunset’s strong suit in studying magic--there was likely a clipboard Mistress had for it.

She set the picture and stared at it

Set the picture down*?

Liking so far. Very, very nice. :pinkiehappy:

Alright, on to chapter 2...

I know that, and I reread the first fic in preparation for this one and I don't get it.

Heck, I even opened that chapter as I was reading, so I could reread the specifics and I still didn't get it.

For a couple of months, I drew the conclusion that Rarity wanted what Sunset had, being a sub to Twilight. Either I'm right, and Sunset is just exaggurating A LOT, or I'm still wrong

The way you describe it, with Rarity living through Sunset, now that makes much more sense. Thanks a lot :pinkiehappy:

Odd food cravings? Check.
Random mood swings? Check.
Rarity back in town? Check.

Strap in boys and girls, this ride is gonna be a good one.

Enjoying so far. Still disappointed in how vague Rarity and Sunset's relationship is. :twilightangry2: If this is jealousy, then damn, it's serious. Jeeze. :flutterrage:

Oh boy...

I get the feeling that someone might have a, ah, bun in the oven. So to speak.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Second chapter in and shit already went south.


~Skeeter The Lurker

three days in the fungeon

Maybe I'm not just in the know about "fungeons", as it were.

Also, it took me so long to figure it out. Between the mood swings and unusual cravings, I just couldn't piece it together. Until about 15 seconds ago. Congrats, Sunny!

Commence read!

WOW! Twilight's discipline was a pretty intense scene, nice going there, Lapis. :twilightsmile:


The fact that Rarity had come to the meal wearing an incredibly sharp working suit that would’ve been more suited to a high-profile Canterlot business tycoon than the usual flights of fancy her friend indulged in had set the tone for the evening.

Holy run-on sentence, Batman! :pinkiegasp: Again, this is a prime candidate for em-dashes. "The fact that Rarity had come to the meal wearing an incredibly sharp working suit--one that would’ve been more suited to a high-profile Canterlot business tycoon, than the usual flights of fancy her friend indulged in--had set the tone for the evening."

She clammered into the chair

1. clambered*
2. This is kind of a personal preference thing, really, but I would recommend "onto", here. Whilst you sit "in" a chair, you don't really climb into it, if you see what I mean.

Twilight knew this was a bad idea - it was such a bad idea that she was about to open her mouth to say so when Rarity lifted an imperious hoof and gave her a withering stare.

Ok, I have to admit, the hyphen is throwing me off a bit, but I feel there should be a comma where I've highlighted. Or another hyphen.

you come prancing it here like this!


And I didn’t even have that much!

You might want to consider some emphasis on one of these two words. It'll add strength to Sunset's emotion.

They were glued, inexorably to her lover.

Either slap an extra comma after "inexorably", or ditch the first one.

Twilight rushed around to make sure she wouldn’t try to punch Rarity again, but there wasn’t a need.

Should really be "any".

Go to see her.

Should either be: "Go see to her." or "Go see her."

far more complicated and’s going to take a lot

Hm. I take issue with this, mainly because I don't think this is something Twilight would actually say. Should really be "and is" to keep her in character.

But he wasn’t alone.

Better wording here would be "and".

I’m sorry your first night back home had to be like this Rarity.

Umm... you've already mentioned that Rarity has been back a few days by this point. Pick a point in time, fella. :twilightsmile:

She stopped to give Rarity a little hug then vanished up the stairs with Spike right behind her.

Needs a comma.

True, she had deserved

deserved it*

up in Mistress’s and her room

Clunky. "up in the room she shared with Mistress"

Just because she’d wanted to hit Rarity and had the ability to do so didn’t mean she should have.


especially as creative as Mistress could be.

Again, somewhat clunky wording. Perhaps "especially given how creative Mistress could be" might work better?

.... no Spike.

Three dots, my main man.

Rarity couldn’t stay away from Ponyville anymore than you-.

You're interrupting speech, here, no full stop needed.

I mean maybe I set myself up…


“Hush,” Fluttershy scolded her… in the firmest voice she’d ever heard Fluttershy use in her life.

This isn't the best way you could have written this. Aside from using yet another ellipsis, it doesn't carry the kind of weight you're looking for, in my opinion. An improvement would be: ""Hush," Fluttershy scolded. It was the firmest voice she'd ever heard the pegasus use."
Something you need to be wary of is using ellipses in close proximity. It can cause flow to falter and looks generally messy, even if used in dialogue where characters are pausing lots. I say this with the best will in the world, but using them outside of the dialogue as well as inside it, really just craps everything up.

yanking her leg back away

Er, do you mean: "yanking her back leg away"?

She blindly descended into muttering over and over again until the word stopped and were replaced as she took her hooves off Fluttershy and nervously began rubbing them against each other.

I was going to point out your tense slip (highlighted in purple), but then I noticed you have more pressing issues, with regards to both sense and brevity.
First of all, you've not specified with what her words are replaced.
Secondly, this is way too wordy for its own good. Consider: "She blindly descended into muttering the word over and over again, until the repetitions blurred together and she began nervously rubbing her hooves together." Or something to that effect.

Fluttershy didn’t… quite yell

Lapis, what am I going to do with you and all these ellipses? :P
You really don't need this here. Emphasis on "quite" works just as well.

She spoke softly, but in an almost… lecturing tone.

Again, you don't need an ellipsis here.

And although she would never admit it, she needs you to forgive her Sunset.


I can’t promise more… okay?”

Despite the ellipsis, this doesn't read as though she's taking a long pause, neither do I think anyone would naturally pause for a great deal of time here, either. Just use a comma, in this instance.

She was not going to yell or scream (especially since she sincerely felt like doing those things), and she wasn’t going to pull an Iron Will either.

There's dem parentheses again. Consider: "She was not going to yell or scream--even though she sincerely felt like doing those things--and she wasn’t going to pull an Iron Will either."

I gave Rarity a black-eye

Yeah, you definitely don't need the hyphen here.

She planted her hooves in the ground


I shouldn’t have hit her Mistress


But she deserved that and more,

Get rid of this comma and replace it with an exclamation mark, because...

and I definitely had every right to call her every fou -!

...this is a no-no. Again, interrupted speech does not require punctuation besides the hyphen. Also, no space needed before the hyphen, either.

the gentle foal-gloves.

Doesn't "kid gloves" refer to gloves made of the skin of goat offspring? Not gloves made specifically for handling young children? :applejackunsure:

Whatever had gotten into her had to be dealt with and right now.


She took another step forward, this one onto the edge of the chair and lifting her head up.

I think this should be "lifted".

“Let me tell you about the mare who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with me when Changelings invaded Canterlot and didn’t hesitate once to put herself in harm’s way to save countless ponies she’d never met before.”

1. Comma here.
2. Possibly emphasis here to add weight.

She forced her voice into a normal volume.

back to*

She lifted her hoof of the chair


but she needed a steely bite of discipline too.


But you do] have

Oh, hello errant bbcode tag! One too many square brackets there, Lapis. :rainbowwild:

One of the hardest lessons of friendship is owning up when you’ve been a jerk.

owning up to*

We all sort of screwed up on that one.”

I'd emphasise "all", personally.

I will not have your friendship, and thereby your happiness, in risk of fracturing


Phew! That was more work that I anticipated. I think you need to give Inky a very hearty smack across the back of the head for letting so much slip by. :rainbowlaugh:

Seriously though, my poor little Edit Bot nearly crashed! :pinkiegasp:

EDIT: Congratulations on the feature, that lad! Brohoof for you! /)


:pinkiehappy: You know, my Fungeon! My.. fun Dungeon, look it's a play on words!:pinkiecrazy:

Can someone remind me what's up with Rarity?


But seriously though, if one of the two writers could pitch in and clear things up, that'd be very much appreciated

But you do] have to apologize

random ass brackets invading the sentence? Yeah, I know that feeling.

Inky here, I don't want to spoil a lot of the plot tension, but in essentials, Rarity 'intruded' in Sunset's eyes on the relationship between her and Twilight. I don't wanna go into the motivations and thought processes behind this, as they are integral to the story itself. Read on! All shall be revealed!

4632983 it's awful. Awful play on words and you should be ashamed of yourself.

We have no shame my friend. We lost that writing the first story. (And I, Inky personally was born without shame. 'Tis awesome.)

4633038 that sounds awesome in a surprisingly unhealthy way.

Wait, so you want us to read about Sunset being mad at Rarity, without knowing exactly why she's mad? :pinkiegasp:

Seriously though, if you'd just tell me what I'm supposed to get from the scene in the second-last chapter of the previous story, I'd be grateful

We her socks now tightly strapped into place,

We her, me you


Though I do have ONE little complaint
The whole thing with Rarity at the party REALLY confused me
Like... I didn't have a single clue of what was going on
Now I know it was something very very bad.

4632560 stop beating around the bush and lets just say it!



P.S. to much?


Without going into plot spoilers, the very basic idea was that Rarity hadn't been wholly honest with Sunset about how she felt about Twilight, and when Sunset found out Rarity might've had feelings for Twilight, she had an epic-level freakout thinking Rarity would try to take Twi away from her and Rarity fled the scene because of it.


No one ever said emotions were rational, and Sunset has some seriously strong emotions and instability.

Might want to tone it back juuuuust a little. :rainbowhuh:

I stand by my comment on the first chapter about the shit hitting the fan.

Huuum, not the track I was expecting at all.

*grabs popcorn*

Still good though.

I'm calling it now Sunset is pregnant.

am i right? P.M. me the answer if you feel like telling.

Edit: I'm not the only one that thinks that, it seems.

I went back and tried to read the party scene, but, for the life of me, I can't remember exactly what Rarity did. From what I can piece together, she was in love with either Twilight or Sunset...

I am terribly confused. Any chance someone could fill me in?

Didn't you mention that Twilight was considering making sure Sunset saw a shrink. I can definitely say that she needs to see one ASAP!

go spike only one action and thinking like a adult in my book:moustache:

Read the reply to the other comment that linked here

YEEEEEEEEEEESSS!!!!! THE SEQUEL IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

4635508 She's in love with Twilight, but Sunset's pissed at her because A. Sunset saw Rarity as a close friend and figured Rarity would have told her if B. Rarity was living through Sunset because she loves Twilight but couldn't work up the nerve to do anything about it except C. Dress in Twilight-colored Sub clothing that would surely have been noticed by one of the pair and potentially damage SunLight's relationship.

4632949 Fungeon. A fun dungeon. See: King Candy, Wreck-it Ralph.

4631799 Yea, there was that part in the last chapter of the last story where Twi magiced herself some stallion parts. That's probably what did it. Wonder how long til she starts showing?

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