• Published 11th Apr 2012
  • 9,621 Views, 452 Comments

Steamlord - The Psychopath

A man decides to leave his destroyed world for a new one. He goes slightly off course...

  • ...


Although Sunrise still wanted to return back home after it turned dark, Twilight refused to let her go into the forest alone and asked the little dragon if she knew the way, to which said dragon responded "yes". Although the lavender unicorn hesitated, she followed the little dragon, hoping that her powers would be enough to sway away any dangers. She looked around at every corner and creaked within the woods, determined to not be turned into stone again. However, as Twilight remained paranoid about the environmental dangers, Sunrise walked forward with a smile and holding three balloons made by Pinkie Pie. The further the two went through the forest, the more Twilight could start to see the damages caused by the monstrosity that crashed through Cloudsdale and slammed into the forest. The ground started to sway and move around wildly as several trees had been pushed away and collided with each other. The grass had just barely started growing back, showing little green stubs all over the funneled ground.

Not liking the fact that the visible damages seemed to be increasing, and that there were no living creatures in the area, Twilight tried to tug on the little dragon to get her out of the area. The little dragon refused and tried to run back to where she knew her "house" was. However, despite Sunrise's knowing of the house being a few feet up front, Twilight's fears got the best of her, and with a grab, she teleported herself and Sunrise away, back into the pony's library.

Meanwhile, at the experimentation room, the robots were getting their hardware upgraded by Steamlord, while SS operated the mechanical arms and the nano-bots to rebuild these bodyguards. They were currently "sleeping' as these processes continued throughout the night. The loud noise of mechanical tinkering, the buzzing of the mechanical arms, the sound of steam being expelled, and the ticking of cogs and gears filled up the empty ship. The creator hadn't stopped for the entirety of the night, and he was tuckered out. The first thing coming to mind as he slouched on the chair near the terminal connected to Templar's capsule, was how he was going to bring back Sunrise. He didn't think that rebuilding would take so long. It never took this long before, or perhaps, that was because he never noticed time fly in a world where none passes. Either way, as he left the robots to get their new joints, swords, batteries, and a whole lot of things requiring complicated terms to describe, the man looked outside the windows, thinking and hoping it was still somewhat bright outside. He was wrong.

Checking his fabled pocket watch, he saw that it was indeed late. It was eleven in the evening, and even if he used his cloak, many of the creatures in the forest could detect heat in many ways, meaning that they would easily find him. And just using his...other means of transportation wouldn't exactly be discreet. With a sigh of regret, the man went to the bathroom for his shower and change of clothes It was going to be a long and stressful night for him. What was Sunrise going to say at him "abandoning" her with Twilight? Moaning and sliding his hand over his face, and Steamlord fell asleep.

Sunrise woke up as Twilight shook her on her make-shift bed. The dragon yawned and rubbed her eyes, thinking that the sleep-over that Twilight managed to hash together last night went really well. Spike had prepared a small breakfast for everyone. Naturally, gems for the dragons, but an oatmeal cereal for the pony. However, as time went by, Steamlord didn't arrive, and Sunrise was growing impatient.

"Well, perhaps he's waiting for you at the school?" said Twilight, who looked at the little dragon leaning against a window.

"Why didn't he pick me up yesterday? I thought he liked me."

"Of course he does. I'm just guessing that without his "bodyguards", he can't leave your home."

"Well, it's true that I've never seen him leave our home without the Crusader Knights. I guess you're right."

"Don't worry Sunrise. I'm sure he'll appear dramatically and try and look all cool and stuff." Spike said while folding the top of a paper bag. He handed it to Sunrise.

"What's this?"

"It's your lunch bag. I had to make them for Twilight when she was still studying at Canterlot."

"...what's Canterlot?"

Twilight looked surprised, although it would be a bit normal for her to not know. Steamlord also seemed majorly ignorant of where he was. Where did he come from exactly? Twiilght just assumed that he came out of the forest in fear when the metal monstrosity fell, but there were too many things connecting him to it. It was painfully obvious now about where he came from, but where did he come from? She would have to corner him and ask these questions, but for now, Sunrise had to go to her first day of school.

"I'll tell you along the way to the school." said Twilight.

"Pfff...fine...what about Spike?"

"I don't need to go to school. I've got Twilight!"

"Oh...but I won't know anyone there."

"Apple Bloom is at the school, so I'm sure you'll get along great with her and her friends."

"I guess that's good. So, what's Canterlot like?"

With a smile and a wave to Spike, Twilight was off with the yellow dragon to reach the school. Everypony around were pretty much oblivious to that yellow dragon, although Pinkie Pie still popped up from nowhere and gave Sunrise a cupcake before disappearing into her bush again. The lavender unicorn was relieved when she saw both Applejack and Rarity talking to each other as they walked forward. They had just dropped off their little sisters at the school when they caught glimpse of their friend and the little yellow dragon. Rarity was the most impressed with the appearance of Sunrise.

"Hey there Twi! How're ya doin'?"

"Fine. I'm just going to put Sunrise here in the school that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle go to."

"What fer? That Steam guy lookin' after her?"

"He...he's become her adoptive father."

"Say what now?"

"You heard me."

"Then how come he ain't the one takin' her ta school? That's pretty bad parenting if ah ever seen it?"

"There was an issue yesterday, and he needed her to stay with me."

"It seems ta me that 'e trusts ya a lot. Wonder why..." Applejack squinted at Twilight, who blushed slightly.

Rarity, on the other hand, was completely astounded by the bright yellow of the little dragon, as well as her green "teck". What attracted her eyes, mostly, was the carved jewel around Sunrise's neck. How was such a thing made?

"Tell me, deary, who made that for you?"

"It was Hospitaller." Rarity threw her head back in confusion.

"Who is Hospitaller?"

"You remember those things that entered the library awhile ago?" Twilight said as she tried to avoid further conversation with AJ.

"Ye-You mean that beast with bad taste in fashion is...?"

"No. It was one of the things following him."

"What?! I thought those were mindless beasts!"

"HEY! Don't insult my dad OR my uncles. They're very nice to me. They even helped...me...and my real dad..."

Rarity realized that she said something very wrong and tried to apologize.

"Oh I'm sorry dear. I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway."

"It's okay. Just don't make fun of them. I don't like that."

"I understand. Well, I guess we should be off Applejack."

"Yeah. I gotta go check on the apple orchard. The apples're startin' ta come. See ya later. Have fun at yer school Sunrise."

"Thanks Applejack!" yelled the little dragon.

The two mares looked back at Twilight with a concerned glare. The lavender unicorn was certainly going to have much to explain. However, the school was more important now. It came strange to her that Rarity didn't say that Steamlord and his bodyguards were waiting in the school. Her assumptions came true as it seemed that there was nothing out of the ordinary at the school. Ponies were coming and going until every colt and filly were finally seated. Sunrise was saddened at the lack of her "faja".

"It's okay Sunrise. I'm sure Spike is right. He must certainly be waiting for you somewhere and will pop up out of nowhere. Maybe he's using that "invisibility" spell from before."

"I...I guess you're right."

With a disheartened look and motivation, the little dragon and the pony went inside the school. Cheerilee was about to write something on the board when the two interrupted her.

"Calm down now, calm down." she said to the mumbling little ponies. "Hello Ms. Sparkle. Who is this?"

"It's Sunrise. Her father wanted to put her in school here."

"Her...her father? But I thought dragons didn't care about these things!"

"Well-" Twilight gave off a nervous laugh:"-her father isn't exactly her "father". He adopted her."

"Oh..OOOOH I see. Well...welcome to our school, Sunrise. I hope you learn as well as the others here and that you make many friends."

The little yellow dragon said nothing.

"Hmm...where can you sit..."

"Over here!" yelled a recognizable country pony.

"Ah? Yes. There seems to be a spot near Apple Bloom. Go ahead."

As Sunrise moved forward, the sound of crackling resonated throughout the classroom, bringing about the gasping of the little ponies and causing Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara to squeal in fright. Even Cheerilee was frightened.

"Twilight! Look out!"

"What? Oh...it's you again." Twilight said angrily as she turned around. "Your...bodyguards look different."

"Yes they do. I literally skipped fourteen generations of upgrades thanks to Security System."

The robots were spectacularly different. The main thing about their new appearance was that each portion looked "segmented", and these "segments" in their armor was colored in a particular way, mostly resembling the less dominant color.. The lines formed by these "sections" created a variety of cross shapes along their bodies. They looked much more sleeker, and the helmets looked more pointed. The "nose" from before was much more present, but it gave more of a mysterious and scary look than anything else. The base color concepts were still there, and even the eyes were still present...or absent for Teutonic. However, besides their enhanced "segmented" appearance, the claymores on their backs were...strange. The hilts were still the same golden handle with two extra handle bars on the sides, but the portion of the blade near the handle was much smaller than the rest of the blade which widened into the proper size of a claymore.

Sunrise ran and grabbed Steamlord by the leg in joy.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there this morning. It took much longer to upgrade these three than I expected. I thought it would take a few hours, so that's why I asked you to stay with Twilight. I hope everything went well?"

"Oh yeah! I had a great time with Pinkie Pie! Twilight even showed me what a slumber party was like."

"A slumber party?" he man said unenthusiastically. He stared at Twilight in a "are you kidding me?" manner.

"S-s-s-so, you are h-her father?"

"Her adoptive father, miss...?"


"Glad to meet you. I hope Sunrise behaves like she must. I want her to learn all the necessary basics, and when she is done, which should be in a few years, then I'll take the lead."

"I see. Well, it's good to know you take good care of your daughter..."

"Yup. Now where did I...*moan*"

"What is it?" asked Twilight.

"I made her lunch, but I see you took care of that. Well, at least I brought her a backpack with pencils and paper. Hospitaller, could you pass them to me please?"

The robot still expelled steam, but this exhaust seemed more intensified and loud. Hospitaller passed them over directly to the little dragon, who thanked both the robot and her dad.

"Have a fun time then."

"I'll...I'll try."

"Hey! No pessimism around me. You WILL have fun! Say it."

"I...I will have fun."




The surprising resonance of Steamlord's voice literally deafened everypony in the classroom.

"Well, Miss Cheerilee, have a nice day."

As Steamlord waited for his robots to leave first, he heard a colt say out loud:

"So, if that guy is your dad, is Twilight your mom?"

Twilight turned into a new shade of red unknown on the color variance scales, while Steamlord had a rather different reaction:


The man had literally tripped and fell through the door, tearing it off it's hinges.

"Prune, don't say things like that!" snapped Cheerilee.

It was a little, entirely purple colt whose face looked puckered up. This was certainly a reason why he was related to plums in some manner or form. Twilight simply jogged out of the school as fast as possible as Steamlord was dragged on the floor with his mouth wide open by Teutonic and Templar. Templar waved "bye" to the crusaders, while it Apple Bloom was the only one who waved goodbye in return. Many things were going to happen today, mainly at the school, but also in the small town.