• Member Since 14th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 18 hours ago


"Friendship is an island that you retreat to. And you fall on the floor and laugh at all the ninnies who don't have enough brains to have your good taste." --Ray Bradbury

Comments ( 25 )

Very good start to the story. Can't wait to see more of it.

One question, though: why is it marked complete?

Just curious.


It is complete. The other chapters just haven't been posted yet.

4652753 Ah, okay.:twilightsmile:

And I actually saw the other chapters (I think:applejackunsure:) when I was over at DA a little bit ago. But I may have to check again.

I shall give this a read in just a moment, it has caught my attention!

4652171 It is complete. I looked at the FAQ and discovered that I forgot to hit the publish button for each chapter. What's odd is that the word tally for the entire story is just for the first chapter. I hope you can read the entire story now.
(Unless I'm still blowing it somehow.)
Addendum. I logged out of my account and read the story as a visitor, so it's working now. Still has the inaccurate count, thought. Weeirrd.

4655959 Story word counts always take a while to update whenever a new chapter is posted.

4655959 Okay, I see them now.

And I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure that that happens to a lot of folks around here.

And that is weird.

Anyway, I'll be reading the story in a little bit. I'm taking a bit of a break and breather from doing some work in my bedroom, and I figure reading one of my favorite fics is a good way to do that.

The appledash was kinda pointless I like your first story better no offense. Also i thought it was dash and pinkie that were lovers now suddenly its appledash? right it wont be the first time a perfectly good story was ruined with a horribly overused ship. Every grimdark fanfic cupcakes sequel or not always has freakin appledash can someone please kill that ship with fire? thank you.

Can't wait to get to this!

4662038 Ah-ha! There you are! One of my more enthusiastic fans.:pinkiehappy: I hope you like this tale.

i suggest you mark this story as a sequel on the first one and make a blog about this with the original tagged, i would not have found if i wasn't bored and looking through old stories...

Man, it is so AWESOME how you piece together the story from the beginning of the chapter to the end. The way you introduce plots twist at the end of each chapter is not only necessary, it un-ravels the mystery in a compelling way.

Nice job. :ajsmug:

4752337 Thank you very much. One of the things I love about writing fimfic is that this fandom has inspired a lot of stories that I would not have otherwise have come up with. Plus all this writing is good practice. I like to think that I'm at least a bit better at my craft now than I was last October
when I did "What My Dark Half Is Telling Me". Anyway, I'm glad you are enjoying the ride so far.

And I have finished this story, and I have to say this:

Get this, and the first story, published.

I want to spend my $19.95 on this stuff.

Great ending by the way. You know, right when I was ready to rant on how Equus was a weakling, he popped a trunk on Gilda's ass. :rainbowdetermined2:

Overall, a nice-, no, amazing job. :twilightsmile:

4752608 Who publishes fimfic?
I'm very flattered that you feel so strongly about my stories. (It took a few months for Malevolence to be polished to my liking. Rethkir helped a lot with that. derpyworks, who did the cover art, is a big fan of my stuff. It took a little while for him to crank out the art, but the wait was worth it.)

Equus a weakling? Well, Gilda deserved what she got. Equus's dad got some damage, too. I tried to make Equus someone who isn't a wimp but who isn't Batman, either. Getting his ass kicked in every adventure keeps him from looking like a Gary-Stu (Morty-Stu?:rainbowlaugh:)

I'm glad you favorite this story. Hopefully my other stuff will ring your bell as well.

Stay Pony, my friend.

Comment posted by Drifting Heart deleted Oct 31st, 2014

That was a great and I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. 10/10- Great story would read again!

Thank you for uploading your story to The Dark of the Night! :twilightsmile:

Stupid pointless appledash stop ruining grimdark with your stupid ship!

That was quite a story! Well done, man! :pinkiehappy:

Man, this Trixie is truly a monster. I don't think there's any redemption in her future.

Not in Equus's universe, anyway.

What do you think becomes of Starlight and Our Town? Or would the Map still come to exist and Our Town is discovered?

I honestly don't know. I figure Equus has had enough adventures after "Pony Dreadful", so I decided to retire him. I didn't want him to get long-winded like other franchises have in the past. (Remember James Bond driving the invisible car in "Die Another Day"? Yech.)


That's understandable.

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