• Member Since 28th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 21st


Sometimes you sit at the screen for hours and never type a word.


Who needs science in the land of magic? This adequately describes why the field of medical sciences hasn't come as far as one would expect. Unfortunately for Twilight, this means bad news for her and her disease.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 58 )


Might have been funnier if it had ended with alicorn'd Princess Spike. :moustache:

... so basically they don't need technology cause they have magic but they're too stupid to use it correctly. Wow.:derpytongue2:

Well, so eager to have us read another story that you shove the link right after the conclusion sentence? Not even a cursory sentence seperation?

A bit sloppy of execution, but a cute enough story. I agree with 4646810 , leave the plug for your next story in the author's notes, not in the story itself on the same line as the end.

4646810 Well actually that was a mistake. I fixed it but thanks for bring it to my attention

lol :rainbowlaugh: such a huge accomplishment should have earned Spike an Alicorn power upgrade or something, maybe he can cure some other really small and simple "Medical" issues and go down in history as the greatest healer of all time :moustache::trollestia::yay:

I found this Very amusing and fun to read thanks for writing this then.

This made me laugh. I can actually see this sort of thing happening in the world of MLP... like, all the time.

And now you've gotten me thinking. In the show we've seen a pretty wide range of medical tech, but I have to wonder what their standards of medical knowledge are. What's in their doctors' power to heal, and do they overlook things that would come naturally to all of us?

I also really like how you portrayed Spike the voice of reason/ Captain Obvious. I feel the way everyone ignores him until his theory is proven true, and gets results is very much like how things happen in pretty much any field of research in real life.

That was just, wow, I can't even comprehend this hilarity:rainbowlaugh:.

Comedy gold man. This was pure genius!

“…” said Twilight.

Yes, that's right

Twilight, tonelessly, droning said

DOT. Dot. Dot.

out loud


4651923 Well with the dreaded splinter in your hoof, who knows what a pony might say or do? Let's be glad she survived the horrible disorder

I love this!

It was interesting but ultimately a bit silly.

How did Spike learn this arcane word 'splinter' if neither of his parental figures (Celestia and Twilight) knew of it? How does it exist in the Equestrian language? Why is Spike so calm when those around him - those he learned from, those he emulates, those he admires - are panicking so much? How did ponies get to building skyscrapers and airships and trains without the knowledge to, I dunno, take little bits of wood out of a hoof?

Yes, I know it's meant to be silly but it stretched my suspension of disbelief too far to be entirely enjoyable. I suppose it's one of those cases where it just doesn't click for me. It could have worked, I suppose, if it was something as non-threatening but more rare. Sorry man, it was a bit too 'out there' to really do it for me.

Good luck.

EDIT: I canut spel rite.

4653634 Uh...uh...(>_>)...uh...ERM...(<_<)...maybe...uh...Error...the author you have contacted is no longer available.

Sorry! I really am! This should be right up my alley! But ... it's just too much, ya know? Maybe if it was the common cold? Ponies wiped it out thousands of years ago but Zecora is the 'straight mare' and the zebras know about it because they lack the pure magical abilities of ponies?

Zecora's hard to write for though ... maybe Sweetie Belle? They were dragging that stallion away in an ambulance but she did say he had a 'terrible cold.' I dunno how she'd know it though ... I'm saying it could work with some adjustments, that's what I'm saying.

And really, aside from the suspension thing that kicked me out of it, it is pretty amusing. It's good! It's just ... got issues. Ya know? Maybe 'revisit' the idea in a slightly modified way?

EDIT: I still lack basic spelling ability.

4653753 Hmm I see what you mean. Plus the common cold does seem somewhat like a better route. I suppose I didn't really think it out from Spike's side. Unfortunately, me and re-visitation go together like water and electricity. Thanks for feedback though. Hope to see more of critics around

This quick read, it amuses me. Well done! :pinkiehappy:

Just one problem...

Especially since you leave in a house...located in a tree.

It was just a splinter...LOL

With confidence in each step, Twilight stepped right on it.
“AH!!!!” Twilight yelled as she fell to the floor, “Spike…I’ve been hit! Call the guards!”

Said everyone ever after stepping on a LEGO, stubbing their toe, and impaling themselves with wood, A.K.A., the 'Splinter' disorder.

4650357 Agreed. And am I the only one who could totally see Spike curing Cooties? :moustache: Knowing how things work there, I wouldn't be surprised if Cooties was a real disease there.

This has no right to be as funny as it is. Well done. Never do it again. :pinkiecrazy:

4653634 Maybe he learned about splinters from fellow dragons on the mountain during that one episode about the great dragon migration.

Oh my gosh... :rainbowlaugh: This made me laugh so hard!! :moustache:

that actually made me laugh, good work sir

Love it...but one question though. How is it that Spike knows what a splinter is and no pony else does. He has been raised and around ponies his entire life and not a soul figured this out. This either makes Spike's powers of observation incredible or all of pony kind is...dumb. Still loved the story either way.

Just like we have technology but no magic and don't (always) use it correctly.

Oh my Glob!!! Twilight is so frikin' cute in the picture!!!:twilightblush::twilightblush::twilightblush::twilightblush::twilightblush::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

“It is just a splinter!” Spike hollered


4668855 Thanks for making my day

Hearing that from the author truly is an honor :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

4664949 well, we might have magic. No one knows. You have to admit though, there is a lot of evidence that the supernatural is real, and science is really just in denial about it. Unseen forces dragging people away, cold spots in the middle of rooms, smells from no where, breezes that shouldn't exist, mysterious figures, bad feelings, being touched by someone who's not there, voices on tape that didn't happen, a million other things. And science doesn't even try and explain it. So until further notice, it's magic.

Very fun thanks for sharing

4717463 No problem mate. anytime

4717504 Thanks for the reply

Why they don't know what a splinter is?

4762963 Because uh...I needed a plot.

The only scientific objection to the existence of magic is how to focus the energy to perform what is actually scientifically possible but most don't understand,which is a problem unicorns don't have because they have a natural body part to focus it.:twilightsmile:

4890978 So until further notice, screw science!

No,until we get to Equestria so we can study magic,screw magic:twilightsmile:

4907600 I refuse! Besides, science has promised us plenty of things that don't even close to exist. We were apparently supposed to live in Paradise by now, yet here we are. There's still things like Disease, war, poverty, unemployment, starvation, murder, general violence, and the like. Besides, ever heard of ghosts? Most people don't believe in them, simply because they can. They don't have any real reason not to, they simply don't. But when evidence of such things come up, they deny it. What science cannot explain, they simply dismiss. Instead of attempting to explain it, they simply ignore it, offering downright stupid excuses for not even trying, just because modern science doesn't have an explanation. People that vanish into thin air, objects moving without reason, people being inexplicably healed, tapping from no one, voiced that didn't happen but appear on film, animals that come from nowhere, and vanish when touched, smells that don't have an origin. All of it thrown out with a simple, "a trick of the light." We'll unscrew science when it actually starts trying to explain it.


What started out as a fan fiction about a pony getting a splinter evolved into a debate of magic vs. science.

Your argument is valid,but I disagree with most of the scientific community,as most of these things you say modern science can't explain,it can,just no one has thought enough. Beside,it's just me being sad that we can't figure out how to make magic,which,also,Arthur C. Clarke :twilightsheepish: But also,equestria probably has their own version of the Third law making the equestrian version 'any technology is indistinguishable from sufficiently advanced magic

4915299 we both know that laws a pile of bullshit.

You are incorrect,even if I thought the law was a pile of ponyfeathers,which I don't,it wouldn't be know,it would be think because that is a matter of opinion.:ajbemused:

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