• Member Since 4th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I like writing ponies. And violent explosions. For some reason, that's not a problem here.


Kildeez and Sifty: in our world, they are two men with far too much time on their hands, a creepy fascination with colorful talking horses (well, one of them, at least), and enough anger issues between the two of them to give Freud palpitations. But in Equestria...well, they're pretty much that, but they have guns! And knives! And one of them's the Dovahkiin! And the other is what happens when Chrysalis finds a weird monkey wondering around her lands and is drunk enough to tap dat (I'm not proud)! Now, with a disillusioned Dovahkiin and a horny half-changeling wandering around, surely Equestria stands a chance against the Nightmares roaming their lands!

Or they could just make things worse. It's honestly kinda fifty-fifty at this point.

Critics are raving! Because of the LSD we slipped into their drinks! But still, they're raving, and that one taking a dump in the corner says he can't wait for the next chapter! So what're you waiting for!?

In case you haven't figured it out, this story is not to be taken seriously. Just something I hack away at if I hit a stumbling block with my other stories. For funniez. If, for some reason, you find yourself craving more of this idiocy, go ahead and check out my deviantart or Sifty at his Deviantart page.

Chapters (26)
Comments ( 48 )

Kildeez, what nightmare have you unleashed upon us?:rainbowhuh:

4915453 Heheh.




4915849 TELL ME you've seen his review of Birdemic.

4915883 YES go see that now! Right now! It's incredible! Not just his humor, but just the sheer amount of stupid, incompetent bullcrap that created this movie! It makes "The Room" look like a masterpiece by comparison!

4915893 I saw it and here my response...


4919673 Are those birds!? Dive bombing buildings!? With plane-sounds like they're 1940s kamikazes!?

It does...that's what happens when you make a story with comedy/entertainment.

Just started reading this, and well... my sides hurt XD
hahahaha! Awesome work on this you two, its funny as fuck.

Awwww no more.
Hehehe, this was an awesome story so far, I love it! XD

Hehehe, these two are such goobers.
Hope to see more of this soon! :D

I upvoted this just for the title, alone! :rainbowlaugh:

Lordy lord at all of the stuff being thrown into this...
i approve~
CHAINSWORD! :D hahaha!

Nice job, nice job.

i hear some j-j-j-jolly cooperation going on (checking your knowledge of dark souls memes)

basically, sifty screamed about never going to blighttown again.
blighttown in an area in dark souls where you slog though water in which you can only move in walking speed (unless you get a special ring you will never ever get without consulting the wiki). the water also poisons you. also you fight giant bugs that breathe fire at you. and bugs that will spawn forever that spit blood at you. and giants that chuck giant rocks at you. and blowdart men who apply super poison to you unless you use a special shield (which you will never realize unless you consult the wiki)
also your fps will be like 10
right before a bossfight, btw

haven´t even gotten to the part where they hide crucial checkpoints behind illusory walls...

or how like, there´s an area with ghosts that are invulnerable to everything unless you use a specific items which makes you able to hurt them for about five minutes, but you wont know that unless you use the wiki or read the description of just about all your items

because its pretty fucking awesome to beat the game.
also, goofy hats

6965543 I guess it's the real accomplishment thing...like people who read "Ulysses" or "Finnegan's Wake"

7192997 Hellsing Ultimate's The Major is the main antagonist, and it's a delightfully evil character...

7502846 oh lol, naw. Nothing like that

Praise the update, for we have been blessed with it.

So yeah thanks for updating, it's not like I wanted to read it or anything.

Gave you like just because i like the story description. Read later, though.

I don't know if you're parodying this shitty genre, but the "humor" fell flat and was just cringe.
I've seen bombing open-micers acquit themselves better.

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