• Member Since 10th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I wish I could just finish all the half-done stories I've got backlogged.


If you've ever played an RPG, you'd know that gathering items plays a huge part of the game. Button Mash has been playing Soul Heart, an online role playing game, with Sweetie Belle. He's had a pretty good time playing the game and hasn't been bored since starting. However, when he's asked to gather rare items for Sweetie Belle, he takes it upon himself to gather them all. Join Button Mash as he slowly realizes what MMORPG's are at their core.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

We all know that feeling, Button....XD

Nice short story here, by the way. ^_^

Funny, I don't enjoy any Video Games as much as I used too.
In fact, Htyrule Warriors gave me a headache after playing 1 1/2 levels.

5073683 May I ask why? I personally found Hyrule Warriors an enjoyable romp. I think I might know where your distaste comes in...

5073711 Don't you mean Cave Shooting Simulator?

It's tagged as a comedy, but I don't see the punchline. Or anything funny at all, really.

5073860 I don't really know what caused it, I was just playing and then my head started to hurt so I finished the level I was on and then I stopped.

Comment posted by Bob the ODST deleted Sep 29th, 2014

So, how about Destiny?

This was FFXIV for me when I quit... though really it was a combination of that and elitist pricks. Seriously. How much of a fucking asshole does anyone to have to be to DEMAND people in an online game mere hours to maybe a few days after new content is added to be a fucking pro at it or be blacklisted should you even try doing new content without being an instant master at it. And the having to do this kinda stuff for good weapons made shit even worse as people started demanding you have upgraded ultimate weapons.

Star Trek Online. :fluttershyouch:

Lol noob.

*stare lovingly at Onyx Netherwing Drake*

*sighs* This is one of those stories where you wish there was a PC around to teach the difference between item grinding and fun-farming.
<- oldschool FFXI player.

I used to have friends that would just sit there with a single spawn, AFKing between them and getting bored silly, hoping for that rare shiny to drop.

Me? I'd be gleefully splattering everything in the zone people needed, using the local monsters for crafting supplies, popping chests...instead of staring at a spot waiting for same-old-same-old monster to appear. I'd make deals with friends not just for Rare Shiny, but to get them stacks of crystals, and whatever else happened to be worth it. When you're a Thief and your talent is literally getting better drops, why not share the love?

King Bolete would have had dead friends up and down the line to keep from going brain-dead killing the same-ol-monsters, and my wallet would be full of whatever was getting me plenty of galders...so either way, Sweetie's getting her shells. Lucky drop, or all the loot to buy one off the other players farming/auction house.

Poor Button Mash. Nobody's taught him that if you can't have fun farming, it ain't worth farming it.



As an example: at about level 40 you get a series of quests for some level 40-ish class-specific armor.

One of those quests has you collect 20 teeth (iirc). The teeth drop from elite monsters so it works best with a full group of 5 players (and you still have to pull them cautiously). The teeth have about a 20% chance of dropping - so that's about 100 kills for you to get your items for that one quest. The teeth drop individually and are loot-able by only one person. So for a group of 5 players that's ~500 kills. You will be level 50 before you complete your level 40 armor quests.

Oh, and bosses were not guaranteed to drop loot. Take 40 people in, manage to kill boss, get 3 gold coins each. Well, better luck next week!

"Sweetie, what was it you needed again?" Button asked, adjusting his headset.

"Twenty bear asses. I usually get them from Fluttershy, but she's been banned for PK."


The chime pulled Button out of his role play and brought his attention to the private message he had just received.

Kries3210: Go to www.galders4cheap.com for cheap money and items. 100% trusted and affordable at 10k = 20 Bits!

Ugh. Even in Equestria. :ajbemused:

Buttons' head hung to the side and stared at the screen with glossy eyes. He had been killing King Boletes for the past five hours and hadn't gotten a single shell to drop.

I feel your pain, kid. The number of hours I've wasted on that kind of fetch quest...

And now, for some criticism:

This feels unfinished. As another commenter mentioned, it's tagged Comedy but lacks a punchline. It just...ends. And it ends in a really awkward place.

If I might make a suggestion? You should write an ending, a resolution to this. Something like...

Button spent all night hunting the shells, never finding a single one. He woke up the next day and started again. By the time his mom made him stop for lunch, he'd managed to find just one shell. He eagerly presented it to Sweetie Belle the next time she signed on (after his mom forced him to take a break)...only to find out that while he was away from the computer, Sweetie managed to collect all the shells she needed on her own.


He succeeds in collecting all the shells, and Sweetie asks him to help her find an even more rare item.

Brings me back to my Runescape days.

Ugh, mining gold ores, then selling them for as low as possible was very annoying, got all rune gear though...

I got a free account and got everything to about 73. Took me that long to realize "Holy shit, this boring."

If people will PAY MONEY to get around your content--- your content sucks. It's not "unsportsmanlike," it's people getting frustrated with your BORING, REPETITIVE NON FUN SO-CALLED GAME.

5078176 Weapon hunting in Borderlands 2 still haunts me today.

One of those things about MMORPGs...

...everyone wants everything. However, the way it's set up, it inevitably means that X people making effort towards an item equals X-Y people getting it. That is, effort is not 100% efficient in getting rewards, and if something is TOO inefficient, it's content that's exactly what you said. Not fun grinds. A lot of free-to-play games make this happen, thereby proving that one way or another- oh, you'll pay.

The difference is usually rectified by money exchanged to those who got to those who didn't get, or worse still- RMT's.

Alternatively, you don't want everything and be happy with what DOES come along and sell off the excess that comes your way to make up the difference.

Hyrule Warriors was fantastic. When I bought it, had my best friend over and we blew through it until we reached Gerudo Desert. We finished that and then we decided to do Adventure so we could unlock some stuffs. Yet again, blew through it. Two player is much easier than one player, even on Hard :3

Right when I saw the title, I immediately thought this was going to be a Destiny crossover haha!

As someone that crawled up to Level 240 in ol' Trickster Online (RIP), this story made me really happy. Caballa Island, galders, teleport NPCs. The nostalgia. But now I'm having flashbacks to all the drilling...drilling...drilling...blasted Poppuri events making me get dumb premium drills. :rainbowlaugh:

5081623 that game is back on by a new game hoster

5081623 You mean the private server, right?
5081669 Thank god for someone who knows of this game!

5081695 most kids today play maple story or runesacpe becasue when a kid go to google and type in free mmorpg games those are most likely the two on top of the ruselut


I thought MMOs HAD TO BE worse, after all, they have to keep the players paying for that monthly fee.

And this is the end? But there's no conclusion, no resolution.

It's funny and witty, but the story just stops.

This reminds me of Destiny. Speaking of Destiny why isn't it on PC. I maybe would have bought it if it went on sale.

...And then Sweetie wakes the next morning and facehoofs upon coming to the realization.
"It wasn't King Bolete that dropped mysterious shells! Oh, I hope Button figured that out."
:twilightsmile: hehehe

I played it back when it was straight under Ntreev.

5075226 lol Ikr in FFXI I would mix farming and leveling. That way I would a least get something useful. If I didn't have anything low enough I think I would always find some low level character and level sync with them just so I could still have a challenge. Easy kills are nice and all, but it gets monotonous after a while just one shooting everything. Minaswell get some levels out of it right?

As an RPG-Lover who also hates item grinding, I approve of this story.

This reminds me of when me and my friends were trying to farm for a Jungle Key Mold in Terraria. We were sitting there for awhile, and when we finally got it and made the key, we got the Pirahna Gun and realized we had better ranged weapons.


Am I the only one who actually ENJOYS item grinding?



5079477 That's like my favorite thing ever to do in that game, besides farming the Warrior for rare loot.

6652427 I remember fighting the warrior on true vault hunter mode... I went into a rage fueled psychosis.

6652526 One time, I got him down to like, three HP, then he knocked me into the lava and I threw my controller at the wall.

Then I had to buy a new controller, because that was the only one I had.

I know that feel, Button... only I have to wait a week inbetween attempts, and instead of killing King Boletes I have to kill a Lich King. INVINCIBLE WILL BE MIIIIINE! CURSE YOU .72% DROP RATE!

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