• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 9,123 Views, 130 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friends of Harmony - indigohue

A new world, new people, new places, and new evil that plans on taking over the world. It is up to Sora and friends to band together and stop the evil from taking over Equestria.

  • ...

Arrival of Acquaintances

Arrival of Acquaintances

As the train continued on the trail towards the Canterlot, Sora began looking out of his window to see the beauty that the world of Equestria had to offer. So many exotic animals like cheetas, toucans, and flamingos, and different colored hummingbirds all living in the same place. Plus, the new places that he had never seen before, and this is coming from the guy who's traveled to countless amounts of worlds. Seeing so many new things gave Sora a feel of wonder and it made him glad to be here.

Sora gazed out the window even further. "........Still.... I wonder if everyone else is okay. And, how did I even get here?" As Sora delved into his thoughts, he remembered about how this even started. The dark room, stained glass floor, and the door. "That seems about right, it's a little fuzzy, but it seems close to what I remember. And what about the voice? It said that it was my nightmare, but what did it mean by that? Still, I guess it's nothing that I'm not familiar with. But the one thing that I could thing was a little different was the glass floor. It didn't have any of the seven princesses on it. It was just a painting of a girl with different colored jewels surrounding her, and a crown on her head. That sounds pretty royal to me now that I think about it, but who is the girl in the painting?"

Roxas slightly tapped Sora on his shoulder as he tried to get Sora's attention. "Hey, Sora, you alright?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm good Roxas," Sora stated.

"Really?" Roxas suspiciously asked as he sat down next to Sora. "Because it looks like you're daydreaming about something huge."

Sora lied back in his seat as he stared at the ceiling. "I've just been thinking about everything that's happened so far, since we've been here, and how we actually came here." Sora raised his hand in front of his face as he stared at it. "All of these bad things that started happening. The Heartless plus Vanitas and his own army of monsters too. I can't help but feel responsible for all of this."

"Well, don't think that you're alone on this," Roxas said. "This entire place is weird, and out of all the worlds that I've been to, this one is the most different out of them all, and I've seen some pretty weird worlds." "But, I have keyblades too, so I'm also apart of the problem if you put it that way." "And, there is no way that I'm going to let somebody like Vanitas run free in this world, and besides, like we said before, we promised to protect the people that we care about."

Sora looked at Roxas with a reassuring smile on his face. "Yeah, that's right, I remember." "What do you think is gonna happen when we get to this place?"

Roxas shrugged his shoulders. "I couldn't tell you much." "You read the letter too, and you know how vague it was." "We'll just have to wait and see when we get there." "But whatever it is, we'll be able to handle it, we're keyblade warriors."

"Now that I think about it, we're going to go meet a princess in a new part of this world," Sora said. "That's pretty awesome."

"You see, this is nothing to worry about, like I said, we got this." Roxas said as he adjusted himself in his seat.

As the two keybladers sat in the front of the train, the rest of the group of friends decided to sit closer to the back of the train. Twilight looked a little worried as her knee kept jumping up and down as she sat in her seat.

"Twilight, relax, it'll be okay," Sunset said trying to calm Twilight. "The princess will tell us all about it when we get to Canterlot."

"I wish I could be as relaxed as you Sunset, but it's a letter from the princess, MY MENTOR, do you know how it feels to be the protégé of the princess?" Twilight excitingly said.

"Um, yes," Sunset blatantly said.

"Oh, right," Twilight said as she blushed nervously at her slip up. "But still, it's not like Princess Celestia to send a letter that vague." "I'm just nervous about what is it that she wants us to know." Twilight looked up towards Sora and Roxas as they were sitting in seats further to the front. "Do you think that they have anything to do with the Princess calling?"

"Who, Sora and Roxas?" Sunset asked.

"Yes, Sora and Roxas," Twilight bluntly said. "A lot of weird things started to happen as soon as they came to Equestria. "Those weapons that they have, keyblades, I've never heard of those, they're not in any of the books I've read. Not discussing the fact of how they actually came here either, because Sora literally fell from the sky, and Roxas just appeared out of nowhere!" The heartless came, and only Celestia knows what those things are, and then that scary guy with the black mask at the fair."

"Don't remind me of him," Sunset said as she crossed her arms. "But, I can't deny that there have been weird things happening since they came. Sunset look towards the two keybladers, mostly looking at Roxas as he was talking to Sora. "But, there's no way that they meant for those things to happen. They wouldn't be doing their all to stop those guys if that was the case."

"I guess you're right about that," Twilight doubtfully said.

"There's no reason to worry about it Twilight," Sunset Reassuringly said. "When we get to Canterlot, the Princess will tell us all about it." Sunset then casually put her hand over her face as she noticed that the sun was blinding her. "Look at that, it's must be Sunset."

Pinkie peered over Sunset's shoulder with a dissatisfied face. "Really, really, did you have to say that?"

"What do you mean Pinkie?" Sunset asked as she was confused about what Pinkie meant.

"Anyone could have seen that you were leading up to that line," Pinkie addressed. "I mean, there goes the sunset, your name is Sunset, and if anybody else had said it, it wouldn't have been as ironic. Pfft, talk about creative writing."

"Pinkie, what are you talking about?" Sunset questioningly asked.

"Hmmm, oh nothing never mind, it's not important, but hey look it's getting dark, we might need to head back to the rooms," Pinkie said.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea, we don't want to be tired when we get to Canterlot," Twilight said.

As the sun set and the moon appeared over the horizon, the group had decided that it was time to go to their bedrooms.

"All right everyone, I'm going to hit the hay," Rainbow said as she stretched and yawned her way over to the room.

"Good night everyone," Rarity said as she made her way into her bedroom. Everyone else gave their goodnights as they all went to their rooms.

"Well, looks like tomorrow is the big day, better get a good night's rest," Sora said as he walked towards his bedroom door. As he opened the door, the room was dark with only the only source of light coming from the moon peering through the window. Sora walked towards his bed as he landed face front into it letting out a comfortable yawn. As he turned his body around, he found himself facing towards the ceiling of the bedroom with thought after thought racing through his mind.

"Princesses, heartless, magic, and evil bad guys.........ehhhh, I guess it's like home," Sora pondered. As Sora began to close his eyes, he just couldn't help but think about the conversation that he had earlier with Roxas. "Roxas said 'we got this'." "But, what if we're not strong enough? What if we end up letting everybody down.......what if I end up letting everybody down?"

Sora kept thinking these questions until he shook himself out of it. "No, no, no, come on, there's no way that you should be talking like that. If Donald was here, he'd probably have used Thunder on me by now to snap me out of it *chuckles*." "I worry too much......and I talk to myself too much.

"Yeah, you kinda do that a lot."

Sora immediately turned around to the other side of the bed and was bewildered by who was in it. ".......PINKIE PIE!?"

"*Yawning* and I was having the best dream too," Pinkie said as she was stretching out on the bed. "It was about a -"

"Pinkie, never mind the dream, what are you doing in my bed," Sora nervously said as his face started to slightly turn red.

"Well, I get lonely at night with no one to sleep with, and since you were a room over....." Pinkie slyly said.

"Pinkie, I would have liked some kind of warning before you came into my room and..." Sora stopped as he noticed that there were pieces of clothes laying on top of the bed. "Why are there clothes laying on the bed?"

Pinkie casually laughed at Sora's statement. "Well, duh silly, I sleep in the nude."

"........You sleep without clothes on?" Sora said as his face started getting red as a strawberry.

"*giggles* Yeah, it just feels natural," Pinkie casually said, and as she started to sit up on the bed, the blanket slowly started to slip off of her body. "Look at you, your face is all red."

"Yeah, I wonder why," Sora sarcastically muttered.

"So, letting everybody down," Pinkie Pie contemplated. "Well, you're definitely not letting anyone down."

"But, how do you know that," Sora asked Pinkie.

"Because you're you Sora," Pinkie said. "And everybody knows how heroic and amazing you are."

"I wouldn't call myself all of that," Sora said.

"Oh Sora, humble, humble, oblivious Sora," Pinkie said as she started to get out of the bed. "Just sleep on it, maybe that'll give you the answers."

"Yeah, maybe all I need is some sleep," Sora said as he started to lay back in his bed. "See you in the morning Pinkie."

"Goodnight Sora," Pinkie yawned as she began to walk back to her room.

"....You're not gonna try to sneak into my room again are you?" Sora asked quizzically.

"Noooooooooo," Pinkie playfully said.

"Please don't sneak into my room, I don't think I would hear the end of it from everyone else." Sora stated.

"Ok,ok, I won't," Pinkie pie said. "Goodnight, Sora."

As Sora sat back in his bed, letting all of the questions that he had in his mind float away as he drifted slowly to sleep.


Sora opened his eyes to see nothing but darkness in his view.

"Welcome Back......."

Sora heard the voice once again as light started to shine from under him. "I'm back here again?"

As the light began to fade, what was left behind was another crystalline picture, except this time, it was a picture of himself holding his keyblade along with another guy around his age with blonde hair tied in a braid in the back, wearing a red cloak with a weird insignia on the back. It looked like a snake wrapped around a cross with a crown and a pair of small detached wings above it. And, he was holding a sword in his right hand. Sora stared directly towards that one person with a questionable glare.

"I don't know who that is." Sora said.

"A friend......."

"Has the power......"

"To defeat Heartless......"

"No way, he doesn't even have a keyblade, how can he defeat the Heartless?" Sora asked.

"His power.......


".....Alchemy?" Sora questioned.

"Power is needed.......

To save the world.......

From an everlasting nightmare....."

Certain spots around began to glow with little dark patches over them. The dark patches started peering out of the ground and forming itself into human like shapes. What stood in front of Sora were individuals wearing dark robes that covered their faces.

"The Organization....." Sora said. "The Organization is here too.....how is that possible?"

"Another lies in the shadows

Will you gain the strength needed to protect the ones you care for?"
"Another Organization member?" Sora said. "The last time I fought the Organization, I lost my heart......and failed the Mark of Mastery. And Riku became the Keyblade Master. *sigh* Why was I even brought here, I'm pretty sure Riku would have solved everything by now."

As Sora finished his statement, loud rumbling began to appear around the crystalline ground. Then, three small pillars arose on top of the structure itself, each decorated with a different object. On one pillar was the Kingdom Key. On the other pillar were Oathkeeper and Oblivion. On the final pillar was a different keyblade.


Sora immediately glared at the different keyblade. "Wait, that keyblade it's......." Before Sora could finish his statement the four keyblades started coming together. In a flash of light, they all fused together and formed different shaped emblems that began to float around Sora.

"The Elements of Harmony are what you seek

They will lead you to the power that you strive for

Are you willing to risk your life for others that you barely know?

As Sora let the voice's words circle through his head, he came to his conclusion.

"Yes....... I will, I'll gain enough power to protect all of Equestria!" Sora exclaimed to the dark space around him.

"First, seek the spirit from where you Dream......

As the voice started to fade from existence, the crystalline pillar started to go dim as the darkness poured onto it. Sora tried to summon his keyblade, but it was to no avail. Sora couldn't do a thing but let the darkness swarm his body. "No, I can't let the darkness win." As Sora's body became covered in darkness, a small flash of light could be seen coming from the pitch black room. The light ecentually grew brighter and brighter until the darkness was eradicated from the structure and Sora altogether. Sora could feel the light and how powerful it was.

"This light is so... intense." Sora said as he slowly started to close his eyes and pass out from exhaustion.


Sora woke up to the rays of the early morning sun peering through his window. He quickly put his hand over his face to block the sunlight, or at least until his eyes adjusted.

"It's already morning." Sora welcomed the warm embrace of the sun as he started pondering over what the voice had told him. "Seek the spirit of where I Dream? I don't get it. And, what about that other guy? How can he fight the heartless without a keyblade?"

"It doesn't matter, I won't let this world be turned into a nightmare," Sora told himself.

"That's the Sora I know!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

Sora, out of surprise, jumped out of the bed and fell onto the floor with his upper half hanging off of the bed.

"Gee, Sora, so full of energy early in the morning," Pinkie said as she peered over Sora hanging off of the bed.

"Pinkie, what, how, why.....I saw you leave my room, how did you get back in?" Sora asked as he picked himself off the ground.

"Well, I tried going back through but it was locked for some reason," Pinkie pie innocently said.

"I wonder why," Sora sarcastically said.

"So, in the middle of the night, I snuck outside of my room, went outside of the train, got onto the roof of your room, and went through your window," Pinkie explained as she got from under the covers and out of the bed.

"Pinkie, I thought I said to not sneak into my room agai-" Sora stopped as he noticed that Pinkie was a little underdressed.

"Where, where are your clothes?!" Sora exclaimed.

"Sora, I told you this already, it's no big deal," Pinkie Pie casually said.

"Pinkie, I don't think that it would be a great situation for us to be in if somebody came in here and you don't have your clothes on," Sora said as he started grabbing Pinkie's clothes and giving it to her. "Now can you please put on your clothes?"

"I don't want to wear that, it's from yesterday," Pinkie said as she pushed the clothes back at Sora.

"Pinkie, this is like literally the same outfit you wear everyday, down to the balloon patterns," Sora said. "Just, put them back on."

"I don't wear outfits from a day ago that's insane!" Pinkie said.

"That makes no sense Pinkie," Sora argued. As the two continued pushing the clothes back and forth from each other, Pinkie managed to stumble on the edge of the bed and began losing her balance. As she began to fall, she grabbed Sora's arm for last minute support, but it evidently failed as Sora didn't react fast enough, and they both fell on the bed.


Sora began to prop himself back up with an annoyed expression on his face. "Darn it Pinkie, will you quit being so stubbor-" Sora paused as he noticed that Pinkie was no more than a few inches away from his face. "I ummmmm.......this is awkward."

"This escalated quicker than I thought it would," Pinkie gladly said. Then, both their heads turned as they heard the door to Sora's click open.

The first thing that came through the door was long pink hair accompanied by a soft voice. "Sora, I know that I shouldn't listen to rumors and all, but last night Pinkie told me that you were worrying alot, and I thought I'd fix you breakfast in bed.........."

"Of all the people to come through the door, it had to be Fluttershy, with BREAKFAST!" Sora thought angrily to himself. "Wait, what am I doing, I need to tell her that this is all a big misunderstanding before she gets the wrong idea. Good idea Sora."

"Fluttershy, this is not what it looks like trust me," Sora said as he jumped right up on his feet.

"Yeah, he was just trying to make me put my clothes back on after a whole night of them being off in his room," Pinkie said.

"Don't say it like that, you snuck into my room," Sora exclaimed.

"Yeah, everything went according to plan," Pinkie said.

"Plan?" Sora and Fluttershy said.

"Pinkie what are you talking about," Sora asked.

"Well, as I was getting ready to sneak back to your room, I overheard Fluttershy telling Sunset how she was going to cook for you and only you in the morning, and that's when I told her about your problem, and the rest....well you know the rest," Pinkie said as she began to walk out the door. "And the plan was.....*pushes Fluttershy* to get you two to eat breakfast together. Bye! *closes door* "SLAM!"

Sora, utterly confused about what is going on, didn't have any sort of comeback prepared for what Pinkie just said. "What...just happened?"

".....Sora," Fluttershy said.

Sora looked towards Fluttershy and saw that she had a plate of French toast in her hand. "You made that for me?"

"Do you like it?" Fluttershy murmured.

"Like it, Fluttershy this is so nice of you I don't know what to.......wait, is that whipped cream and strawberries on top?!" Sora excitedly said. "Fluttershy, this is one of the greatest things I've ever seen!"

"That's great!" Fluttershy shouted. Thank Celestia he likes them."

"Alright then, let's eat," Sora said as he picked up a fork and handed one to Fluttershy.

"Wait, Sora I can't, this is for you," Fluttershy said.

"Come on Fluttershy, you mean to tell me you don't want to eat this with me?" Sora playfully asked. "Besides, I can't eat all of this by myself, and who better else to share them with then the cook herself?"

Fluttershy couldn't help but smile at the kind words Sora gave her. ".....I guess I'll just get a little piece."


After Sora and Fluttershy had finished their breakfast together, the others were already awake from their sleep. Fluttershy made sure that she got up early enough so that no one would be in her way while she made the french toast for Sora. It was their own little time spent together and you bet that Fluttershy enjoyed every minute of it. As everyone started regrouping, the train was getting closer to their destination as they saw Canterlot appear over the mountainous horizon that it juts out from.

"There it is everyone, Canterlot!" Twilight said.

Roxas looked up towards the city and saw the regality that just the outside of the city portrayed. "Woah, that city looks amazing."

The train arrives at the station, and the group of friends began to walk out of the train.

"So this is Canterlot," Roxas said. "This is where the Princesses live?"

"Well, technically, the Princesses live in the castle all the way up there," Sunset corrected Roxas as she pointed towards the royal castle.

"So, those are the ones that summoned us here huh?" Roxas said. "Time to see what they want."

As Roxas began walking towards the castle, Sunset noticed something on Roxas's arm that appeared to look like something a knight would wear. "Hey Roxas, when did you get that?"

"Oh, this, I guess I didn't tell anyone about this," Roxas said. "This is the armor that covered my body when I was fighting Vanitas."

"Wait, that's the armor?!" Pinkie said in a surprising tone. "How is that little thing a suit of armor?"

"Beats me, after the fight, it just went back to this form," Roxas said. "But, I found out that if transfer enough energy into it, it'll transform into the full suit again."

"How did you figure that out?' Sunset asked.

"Please, in a world filled with magic, monsters, and princesses, how couldn't it be that solution," Roxas asked.

"Geez, you make it sound like our world is just crazy," Sunset said with grudging tone.

"I never said that it was a bad thing Sunset," Roxas said with a chuckle.

"Guys, come on, we need to make it to the castle we don't have time for this," Rainbow commanded.

"Honestly Rainbow, we'll get there in time." Rarity added. "There's no need to rush."

"Ugh whatever, i'm just gonna fly there," Rainbow said as she summoned her wings from her back.

"Ohhhhh, so that's how she flies," Sora said.

"Rainbow please don't do what I think you're gonna do," Applejack said.

"Too late, doing it," Rainbow said as she started gaining momentum. "Alright her we go!" Rainbow launched off towards the castle. "I'll see you slow pokes at the castle-AHHHH!" Rainbow screamed as she saw something standing in her way, causing her to crash.

"*Sigh* I told her not to do it, but she did it," Applejack said with a disappointed tone. "Come on yall, let's go help Rainbow."

Little bits of dust and debris floated around the area that Rainbow had made contact with. She slowly got up and brushed herself off as a little crowd of people began to form around the scene. "Oh man that stung.......eh, I've had worse crashes, but how about I try not to do that again." "Now, what exactly did I hit?"

Rainbow looked down as she saw something else laying on the ground in a red coat. After looking closer at the coat, she noticed a weird symbol on the back of it. It kind of looked like a snake wrapped around a cross. "What's up with that coat?"

Low groans could be heard coming from the ground where the red coat was, and Rainbow quickly realized that she had ran into another person.

"What...the heck.....is WRONG WITH YOU?!" the person shouted as he got back up. "What made you think that flying in a place like this was a good idea?!"

Rainbow saw that the person that was yelling at her was a guy around her age. His most notable features that stood out to Rainbow was his blonde hair, red coat, and.........something else. Rainbow began to snickering when she noticed his last trait.

"What, what's so funny," the person asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry it's just that, pfffftttttt you're really short!" Rainbow said as she began to laugh wildly. The crowd of people were shown with looks of despair and worry when Rainbow said those words. "What, it's the truth look at him."

Lightning started appearing out of the guy's right hand. "Little....who are you callin' little?!

"Uhhhhhh, maybe I shouldn't have called him that," Rainbow nervously said.

"Rainbow!" Twilight said as she and the rest of their friends caught up to her. "Why did you that, we told you that flying wasn't a good ideaaaa." Twilight stopped and looked at the blonde haired guy who had lightning appearing out of his right hand. "Rainbow, what did you do?"

"She called me little, this girl that I don't even know called....me..little!" The person shouted. He looked towards the group of friends and pinpointed Sora out of everybody. "Look, I'm 5'4, I'm 17, that guy's just a couple inches taller than me, but you don't see anyone calling him short!"

"Wait, that guy looks familiar," Sora said to himself. "No way that can be him."

"Listen to me and listen good, I"M......NOT.....LITTLE!" the person released the lightning from his hand onto a nearby kiosk. The kiosk exploded into little bits of wood.

"Ok,ok, you're not little, I didn't mean it," Rainbow shouted.

"That's right," the person confidently answered. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to the castle."

As he began to make his way towards the castle, Sora noticed the insignia on the back of his jacket.

"That symbol, it's just like the one from the dream," Sora said.

Twilight intervened as she ran in front of the guy with the red jacket. "Now hold on, you don't know us, you attack my friend, and now you're on your way to the castle where the princesses are!?"

"Uh, yeah," the person said.

"Just who are you, what you just did, what kind of magic was that?" Twilight spastically asked.

"Hmph, I forgot, you call it "magic" in your world," the person sneered.

"My world?" Twilight questioned. "You're not from here?"

"Good perception, smart, but a little spastic," the person said. "Are you Twilight Sparkle?"

The rest of the group was surprised at how this random person knew Twilight's name.

"How do you know my name?"

"The princess always gets a moment to talk about her faithful student," the person directed. "I guess we're going to the same place if you were so worried about me going there right? Well then, what are we waiting for?"

"Wait, who exactly are you?" Twilight demanded. The rest of the group listened intently for what he was about to say.

"Who am I, the name's Edward Elric, state alchemist." "And what you saw wasn't magic, it was alchemy."

Sora eyes grew wide as Edward finished his sentence. "That's him, that's the guy that's going to help me save Equestria."

Author's Note:

Wassup everyone, I feel like this chapter can either make it or break it so lets see what happens. Also its that time of year, SUMMER BREAK BRUH! Im done with my college exams and I can say that my freshman year is over. Alright nothing but good vibes and personal gains for the summer. And of course new chapters. I'll be here for the Summer. Now you can stop the final song.