• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen May 28th

Wolf Blood

After a few years of watching the show ideas always continue to bubble up in my head now's the time to release them.


Comments ( 2336 )

More please.

First fan fiction so give me a thumbs up and hope you all enjoy it


Man, that ending was great and quite the cliffhanger. I hope to see more.

I wonder what your favorite animal is...

Comment posted by Pikashiba156 deleted Nov 27th, 2014

I wasn't always like this i was once human living in the human world but now fate has decided to mess with me again. I am teleported into a world with talking ponies and big shock i am a WOLF! yeah pretty weird. My only question now is what is the propose of my presence here.






First fan fiction so give me a thumbs up and hope you all enjoy it

First fan fiction so give me a thumbs up and hope you all enjoy it

First fan fiction so give me a thumbs up and hope you all enjoy it


First fan fiction so give me a thumbs up and hope you all enjoy it

Wow. Presumptuous little fucker, aren't you?

5317863 5318023 5318097 Ok you people hate this so I am going to say say this sorry for being so damn nervous about this but at least I am trying my hardest to interest all of you but I can't win every time so my apologies if you all don't like it but that will not stop me from moving forward and trying to get better at this. I have been encouraged by my friends and family to write a story and they gave me hope so I ask what would you write In my place.


so I ask what would you write In my place.

Something original and visibly competent.

I wasn't always like this i was once human living in the human world

The personal pronoun "I" is supposed to always be capitalized.

but now fate has decided to mess with me again.

This kind of implies that something as huge as sudden trans-dimensional displacement and unexplained transformation has happened to him before. I mean, if his idea of fate "messing with him" before now has been just stuff like minor fender-benders, I don't really think that counts.

I am teleported into a world with talking ponies and big shock i am a WOLF!

Punctuation is your friend, and you should use it more often. Putting words in all caps, however, is not your friend, and it should be used sparingly or not at all.

yeah pretty weird.

As this is in the style of casual speech, I'll give it a pass for not being a complete sentence. It is, however, still in need of a comma. Plus, you forgot to capitalize the first word.

My only question now is what is the propose of my presence here.

The word "propose" is not the same as the word "purpose".

The bad news: you've talked me out of reading your story.
The good news: because I haven't read it, I won't vote on it.



I'm going to hazard a guess that English is most certainly not your primary language.

On to more serious matters.
The grammar and sentence structure in this story is so mismatched and scrambled, it's quite difficult to keep track of what is going on. Please find a proof reader and editor to sort out this chaotic jumble of an attempt. Also, try to be more descriptive. "Tattoo like markings" what pattern? Can it be a butterfly? Tribal, skull, GT Stripes?

The story itself feels rushed and not thought through. By all means write what pops into your head, but rewrite it in a well organised manner afterwards. I couldn't bring myself to read more than the first paragraph (If you can call it that)

Don't give up writing but also don't expect people will just give you a thumbs up because it's your first story. You have to earn that.

Keep on writing, I hope your next attempt is better and this experience left you a bit more humble.

bro :rainbowderp: so awesome :pinkiecrazy: wright more :fluttercry:

Sex tag.

I better see our wolf protagonist ruin some pone puss.
And that little crow's as well while we're at it.

I don't care if it's physically feasible or not, it needs to happen.


Ok you people hate this

We never said that. We just have problems with it, we never said anything about hate.

but at least I am trying my hardest to interest all of you but I can't win every time so my apologies

If this is you pushing your limits in making something original and interesting, I'm a little scared.

if you all don't like it but that will not stop me from moving forward and trying to get better at this.

Okay, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you ARE trying. But sometimes, you need to look over everything and find out why we have problems with this. You aren't gonna get better thinking negatively about others opinions, because its the truth.

so I ask what would you write In my place.

1.) Make the wolf be friendly
2.) Sneak into houses at night
3.) Kill as an incognito
4.) Remove Sex/Romance tags


Ok listen sorry I got confused about people hating my story. 1 Don't worry there will be death in the next chapter, 2 sneaking into others peoples houses just no that is not how I work, 3 I plan to make my wolf friendly anyway, 4 I am not going to remove those tags because you don't know what I have planed for our canine hero all I ask is that you be patient and wait like everyone else then you will see why they are there I appreciate you trying to help so thank you for understanding.

i need more you hear me i need more

I am a bit confused, he is a wolf and walkes like a wolf usually does right?, and the others are anthros and are walking on two legs right?

Well i don´t know which else beside a crazy (Screwloose) would be able to be his romance, beside a second OC, but maybe i don´t understand something. Well in the end i can say, the story could be something i maybe start to like, is he becoming something like a pet to Celestia or something like that?, i think it would be still able to let him walk arond freely.


Well Texus like I said before you will have to be patient I never said that the main character was the only one who would be having a romance here ok secondly with the walking I wanted the mane six and the princess's to at first see him as a common animal like a timber wolf or a manticore. Now I am not going to give any more hints about next chapter. So all I ask is that you all trust me and wait for the next chapter.

5326434 Well okay, i agree to wait, i can say that i am interessted.

This is a good story so far, and i can't wait to read more of it. :pinkiehappy:

Great story, can't wait for the next chapter. Keep it up mate.

Good start. Can't wait to read the next chapter. I just have to ask one question. Does anyone else notice the hints of Twilight Princess?
I mean come on sword, shield, and a wolf. The only thing missing is the wise cracking imp.

I don´t remember my problems with the first chapter, but i really like this chapter.
I started to like it, that he was hiding his ability to speak, but even if i think he spoke to early it is still good. To be honest, there is nothing bad with it i just liked it that he was a bit silent at first, i think i like it if such characters start to.....?......to give sb. the runaround (this time i doesn´t knew how to write it correct.)

5351218 To be honest i can´t really stop to think of Zelda, and even if the most people don´t like it, Twilight princess was probably the first Zelda on a Big Console i really finished, after that i finished a few more like Ocarina of time.


I will be honest with both of you link is involved in this story but I am not telling anymore so please wait and enjoy

Wolves do not have retractable claws
Reading most of this story just makes me think "why?"

5352717 sorry some info I read about wolves said they have retractable claws so that's why and again sorry :twilightsheepish:

Can't think of anywhere that would say that...
Canids; dogs, wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes and any other dog-like animal (Plus Cheetah's) all have fixed claws. Useful for digging dens and such.
Not good for grabbing onto prey or climbing trees.

Wolves etc, will pretty much exclusively use their teeth to attack their prey, using their paws to push away, letting them rip off flesh with their teeth.

Generally I find there are parts of the story that progress way to quickly Or face-palm worthy plot developments/no logic: How is he so quickly adapted to this body. How is he still alive (Getting impaled with a large piece of glass and falling off a mountain should at least slow him down). Mare in the moon redux (could it get any more original?)
I am overlooking the fact that it is Anthro which i generally despise, but that I can ignore.

Admittedly it has some good moments. Eating Tia's cake and everything after NMM got zapped was written very well for the most part.

5352807 Listen I know you don't like some parts of my story but I can't please everyone. Anyway this story is something that I thought of it isn't real in a way its like pinkie pie how she dose the impossible. So a wolf climbing a tree is not out of the question besides he has the brains of a human only stuck in a wolf body ok. Also he woke up at noon the next day after he fell off the waterfall at dusk and it took him two days to learn how to walk and also heal his injury so I don't see what the problem is with that.

Im not trying to insult your story, but am rather just pointing out/criticising things that I thought were a bit off to me. (Guess I am quite picky, and just wanted to say something about the claws, but got carried away)
Overall I kind of liked the story, but I would rather give my opinion on the things I don't really like than to not say anything at all.

Its only my opinion. Nothing more.

Just one question.
Is the main character (Ash) Anthropomorphic or an actual wolf?

i have a problem why did it take for ever poor old been waiting every day for this to come

i feel so lonely talking to my self in the comments below notice me sempai

5354215 sorry editing is a pain in the butt right now but don't worry i am working on it most of the time because I have work so don't worry you will get your chapter also Twilight princess is my favourite Zelda game so you rule. :eeyup: :moustache:

Aside from the pacing, this is a very good story. I am eager to see where this leads.

No offense, but I really don't like stories that have the two princesses act omnipotent. It's not that your story is bad, its just annoying when that happens in stories. It's akin to my loathing for advertising Christmas before thanksgiving. Just... Why?

5378946 glad you like it. Also no offense taken but, like so many before you I have said I am trying to please everyone but I can't so I hope you understand.

Super strong speed faster than lightning a king in wolfs form.

No sorry he is fast and strong but he isn't a battle wolf :twilightsheepish:

I liked the chapter. I hope to next one comes soon.

What's the Grand Galloping Gala you ask how can anypony not know what the grand galloping gala is.

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