• Published 24th Dec 2014
  • 10,298 Views, 382 Comments

Mistletrapped - Titanium Dragon

Spike’s attempt at getting a kiss from Rarity with a sprig of mistletoe backfires when he gets kissed by Sweetie Belle instead. Meanwhile, Rarity thinks Twilight set it up to try and win a kiss from one of their friends. Where did it all go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter 5: Couches and Cherry Pie

Rainbow Dash burst into the castle through the front doors, wearing her best grin as she slid across the faceted floor. “Hey, the party start without me?”

“Heya, Dashie!” Pinkie Pie waved frantically at Rainbow Dash from her seat on the far side of the hall.

Rainbow Dash looked around the otherwise ponyless great hall expectantly. “That’s it? Where is everypony?” Rainbow Dash sniffed. “And why does it smell like somepony set a tree on fire?”

“Because somepony did set a tree on fire!”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Really?”

“Yup! It was neat, too! I’ve never seen magical ornaments burn before. You should have seen it!” Pinkie Pie gesticulated wildly. “There were all these lights and colors, and one of the ornaments exploded, and a train came out!”

“A train?” Rainbow Dash glanced around the room. “I don’t see any trains. Or train-sized holes.”

“That’s because it was just an eensy-weensy train,” Pinkie Pie said, holding her hoof an inch off the floor.

“Lame.” Rainbow Dash sat down on the other cushion. “Huh, it’s warm.”

“That’s because Fluttershy was sitting there.”

“Ah.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes flicked across the room again. “Uhm, so where did she go, anyway?”

“Oh, she was just helping Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle wash the ash out of their mane.”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “I see. Some things never change.” She lay back on the cushion, relaxing. “So where’s Twilight?”

“Oh, off in the kitchen with Rarity.”

“And Applejack?”

“Not here yet!”

“Ugh. I thought this was going to be a party.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “It is a party, silly!”

“More like, it’s going to be a party in forever,” Rainbow Dash grumped, crossing her hooves across her chest.

“Well, at least Spike’s here!”

“Huh? Where?”

“Over on the couch.”

Rainbow Dash glanced over, blinking at the small dragon sitting in the center of the large, fluffy piece of purple furniture. “Since when has there been a sofa in here? It wasn’t here before.”

“We moved it out for the party!”

“So, uh, why didn’t we do it in the room where we all already have chairs?”

“Because Twilight didn’t want our butts to start glowing during the middle of a party.” Pinkie Pie smiled cheerfully. “Oh, plus there aren’t chairs for Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.”

“Oh, right. Good call.” Rainbow Dash glanced over at Spike, who kept fidgeting and glancing towards the hallway. “So what’s up with him?” she asked, jerking a hoof in his direction.

“I dunno! He said he had some super-secret thing to say to Twilight. He seemed kind of worried about it.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Nopony should be worried on Hearth’s Warming Eve.”

“Spike’s not a pony, silly! He’s a dragon!”

“Same difference.” Rainbow Dash spread her wings, springing from her cushion to flit over to the little dragon, hovering over the back of the couch. “Yo! What’s eating you?”

“Whoa!” Spike started, his head jerking up at the sound of Rainbow Dash’s voice. “Uh, nothing,” he said, grinning awkwardly.

“Nothing, huh? I dunno, that whoa sure sounded like something to me.”

“No it didn’t! Whoa and something don’t sound the same at all,” Pinkie Pie said as she pronked over to join them, resting her forehooves over the arm of the couch.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “I meant he didn’t sound very convincing.”

“Ohhhh. That makes much more sense.”

Spike rubbed his head. “That obvious, huh?”

“Yup.” Rainbow Dash sank to the floor, hooking her front legs over the back of the couch.

“Well, it’s just, you know…” Spike gestured vaguely.

“Nope! That’s why we’re asking!” Pinkie Pie grinned.

Spike chuckled nervously, his eyes flicking from side to side. “It’s, uh… the tree! I’m feeling guilty about the tree! So guilty, you know, because it was nice. And stuff.”

“Oh, Spike, we forgive you!” Pinkie Pie jumped over the arm of the couch to wrap the little dragon up in her hooves. “And I’m sure Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom forgive you, too, now that they’ve got the ash out of their manes.”

“They’re back already?” Spike squeaked.

“Uh, yeah. It ain’t like it took that long,” Apple Bloom said as she stepped into the room, lifting a hoof to her still-damp mane. “Though I gotta say, nice place you got here. Even the bathroom’s fancy.”

“Yeah, it’s, uhm, really nice,” Sweetie Belle said as she snuck into the room behind her friend, Fluttershy stepping in behind the pair and smiling sweetly down at them.

“Oh, hey!” Rainbow Dash grinned at the fillies, glancing between them before looking at Fluttershy. “So where’s Scoots?”

“She’s doin’ somethin’ with her folks,” Apple Bloom said as she glanced towards the couch. “You know, family stuff.”

Rainbow Dash frowned. “I thought she did that last week.”

Sweetie Belle sat at the foot of the couch. “Well, most ponies celebrate Hearth’s Warming with their families. I’m just glad my sister let me come here instead of going with my parents to Cobburg.”

“Aw, but I thought you liked visiting your grandparents,” Apple Bloom said.

“Are you kidding? I hate visiting my grandparents!” Sweetie Belle threw her hooves in the air. “My grandpa always makes these weird jokes about donkeys, and my grandma keeps mixing me up with Rarity! And their house smells funny, like dead mothballs or something.”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “I don’t think mothballs were ever alive.”


Apple Bloom glanced at Sweetie Belle, then back towards the sofa, a devious grin forming on her lips. “Say, Spike, you think there’s enough space up there for a couple more ponies?”

“Er, I guess,” Spike said, glancing over at the large empty space beside him. “It is a pretty big couch.”

“It’s okay, Spike,” Sweetie Belle said quickly, her horn glowing as she tugged two of the sitting cushions over towards herself and Apple Bloom. “We wouldn’t want to crowd you.”

“You know, I’m sure there’s at least enough space for one pony up there.” Apple Bloom jerked her head towards the open cushion.

“I don’t mind sitting on the floor,” Sweetie Belle said, taking a seat on one of the cushions.

“No, really, there’s plenty of space. I can even scoot over so you don’t have to sit next to me,” Spike said, doing his best to make more room as he crowded up against Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Dash arched an eyebrow, glancing over at Apple Bloom. “Are they like, fighting or something?”

“Uh, why would you think we were fighting?” Sweetie Belle asked, rubbing her mane with her hoof.

“Well you don’t want to sit next to each other,” Rainbow Dash said, glancing from one to the other. “Am I missing something?”

“More like they are,” Apple Bloom said, stepping over to yank on the corner of Sweetie Belle’s sitting cushion.


“Why don’t you sit on the couch, Apple Bloom?” Fluttershy asked softly.

“Because then Sweetie Belle would get jealous again!”

“Would not!”

Rainbow Dash glanced between Sweetie Belle and Spike before cackling. “Oh, I see what’s going on.” She leaned over the couch, grinning. “Still going for the older girls, eh, Spike? Guess Twilight’s rubbing off on you.”

Spike choked as the two fillies on the floor blinked and looked up at Rainbow Dash curiously.

“What do you mean by that?” Apple Bloom asked.

Rainbow Dash waved her hooves in the air. “Everypony knows Twilight has the hots for—”

“Ahem,” Fluttershy said quietly.

“Oh come on! She’s about as subtle as Spike is with Rarity!” Rainbow Dash gestured with her hooves at the small dragon.

“Gee, thanks,” Spike muttered, looking down at his feet.

Sweetie Belle blinked. “Twilight likes somepony?”

“Yeah. Somepony tall and white and good at magic, if you know what I mean.” Rainbow Dash chuckled.

“Twilight likes my sister?” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

Rainbow Dash smacked her hoof into her face. “Princess Celestia.”


“Now Rainbow Dash, we don’t know that. I don’t know if she even likes mares.”

“Whatever.” Rainbow Dash waved her hoof dismissively.

“Maybe we could find something else to talk about?” Fluttershy said quietly.

Pinkie Pie grinned eagerly. “Ooh, I know! Rainbow Dash can tell us about the weather crews! I bet they have tons of juicy gossip!”

“Ugh, don’t remind me. Half the weather ponies from Cloudsdale won’t even talk to me anymore.”

“Awwww. Are they angry because you made winter come early?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Rainbow Dash rubbed her mane. “Well, kind of. I mean, the regular workers don’t care – they’re salaried – but the uh, seasonal weather workers were pretty angry, because they’re paid by the hour, and it was supposed to take all week.” Rainbow Dash winced. “Plus we might have gotten just a little more snow than we were supposed to.”

Fluttershy leaned forward. “I also heard they got fined for safety violations in the weather factory.”

“Oh, yeah! I read that in the paper! The factory inspector was really steamed when he went up there! I guess the lightning fell into the water all at once.” Pinkie Pie tsked.

“I know, right? Somepony could have gotten hurt!” Rainbow Dash spread her hooves.

“Uhm, somepony did get hurt, Rainbow,” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah, yeah. But the doctors said he’ll make a full recovery. They’ll be able to take the bandages off any day now.”

“Ugh, I can’t take it anymore!” Apple Bloom shouted, throwing her hooves up in the air.

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Sheesh. I didn’t think our conversation was that boring.”

“It’s not that! It’s them!” Apple Bloom waved her hooves at Spike and Sweetie Belle, who were studiously avoiding looking at each other. “They’re supposed to be two fruit bats in an apple tree, but instead they’re like… in an oak tree! And they ain’t even in the same tree!”

“Huh?” Pinkie Pie tilted her head. “But there aren’t any trees in here! Well, there used to be a tree, but then you set it on fire. It did look really nice, though.”

Apple Bloom groaned. “That ain’t what I mean! Don’t you know? Spike and Sweetie Belle, sittin’ in a tree…”

“Oh! I see.” Pinkie Pie paused. “I always heard scree, myself.”

“It’s sky for pegasi,” Rainbow Dash added.

“How can it be sky? That doesn’t even rhyme with kissing!”

“You know, spreading wings and flying high?”

Sweetie Belle tilted her head. “I don’t get it.”

“It’s a pegasus thing.” Rainbow Dash shrugged.

Apple Bloom smacked her hoof against the floor. “It’s a metaphor!”

“Ohhhh, I see.” Pinkie Pie nodded her head sagely. “Sweetie Belle should be sitting where I’m sitting!”

“Huh? What are you – eep!”

Sweetie Belle squeaked as she found herself wrapped in pink hooves and hauled up onto the sofa next to Spike. Pinkie Pie grinned at the pair expectantly as every head in the room swiveled to stare at them.


“Uh, hey,” Spike said, twiddling his claws.

“Hey,” Sweetie Belle replied, glancing over at Spike before turning her head to examine the far wall.

“Wow, you’re right, they are lame.” Rainbow Dash sprung up into the air. “Okay, bored now. Anypony want something from the kitchen?”

“I’m good!” Pinkie Pie chirped.

Fluttershy shook her head. “That’s okay, I don’t really need anything.”

“Got any backbone? I think somepony might need some,” Apple Bloom said, glancing at Sweetie Belle.

Rainbow Dash smirked. “I don’t think they keep that in the refrigerator.”


Rainbow Dash burst into the kitchen through the side door, wearing her best grin as she slid across the faceted floor, her wings flared. “Hey, the party start without me?”

“You do know that’s really hard on the doors, right?” Twilight said without looking up as she rolled some dough out across a cutting board.

“Really, Rainbow Dash. This is a castle. You could at least show a modicum of decorum,” Rarity said as she carefully measured out some sugar before dumping it into a bowl of her own.

“What? You mean like when you stuck that giant painting of us up in Twilight’s throne room?”

“That was a work of art,” Rarity said, sticking her snout up into the air.

“What painting is this?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Oh, just some painting that Rarity dug up somewhere of us. And Spike, I guess. It looked like the artist forgot about him and just stuck him into the corner.”

Rarity muttered something indistinct under her breath.

“What was that?”

“Oh, nothing!” Rarity said with false cheer before unscrewing the lid on a small bottle and sprinkling its contents into her bowl.

“Okay, cool. In that case…” Rainbow Dash hopped into the air and floated across the kitchen, peering down into the bowls on the countertop. “What’cha making? Anything ready to eat?”

“Rainbow Dash! You didn’t come into the kitchen just to steal food, did you?” Rarity said, brandishing her wooden spoon at her friend.

“Of course not!” Rainbow Dash grinned. “It isn’t stealing if they give it to you.”

“Well, if you must, perhaps you could help Twilight with the pie she’s working on, hm?” Rarity shook her head as she put the bottle away, only to pull out another one full of some brownish liquid and carefully measure out its contents into a spoon.

Rainbow Dash blinked before landing next to Twilight. “Sheesh, what got into her?”

“Oh, she’s just being Rarity.”

Rarity glanced over at the pair. “Say, Twilight, didn’t Applejack mention she was going to be bringing over some apples to make apple pie with?”

Twilight blinked. “Uh, maybe. Why?”

“Well, I was just thinking, would you be a dear and help Rainbow Dash make another pie crust?”

“Oh, no. I see what you’re up to. Rainbow Dash can uh… work on the filling for this one. You know how to make cherry pie, right?” Twilight laughed nervously.

“Cherry pie? I love cherry pie!” Rainbow Dash beamed.

“So you know how to make it?”


“It’s easy. You just have to follow the recipe,” Twilight said, her horn glowing as she picked up a thick dog-eared cookbook and plopped it down in front of Rainbow Dash.

“Wow,” Rainbow Dash said, eying the ragged cover as she prodded at it with a hoof. “So, Spike does all the cooking, huh?”

Twilight’s ears fell. “How can you tell?”

“Because if you cooked, the book wouldn’t have bent pages like that.”


Rainbow Dash looked from side to side. “So, uh, what am I supposed to be doing again?”

“Making pie filling,” Twilight said, bobbing her head.

“Well, yeah. But like, what am I supposed to do?”

“Oh, right. You’re going to need cherries, and a knife, and sugar, and a bit of flour, and a pan…” Twilight’s horn glowed as cabinets and doors swung open and various ingredients and cutlery floated out and deposited itself on the counter.

Rainbow Dash stared. “What am I supposed to do with all this, exactly?”

“Well, first off, you’re going to need to pit the cherries,” Twilight said, smiling.

“Uh, pit?”

“You know, remove the seeds?”

“Oh.” Rainbow Dash looked down at the bag of cherries. “Uhm…”

“All you have to do is take the knife, and set it in the little valley on the cherry, like so,” Twilight’s magic brought a cherry and the knife up to eye level, the sharp steel digging into the fruit. “Then you spin the cherry around, like this, and then pull it apart.” Twilight deposited the bisected cherry into the metal pan and the pit into one of the bowls.

“Great. And how am I supposed to do that without magic?”

Twilight opened her mouth, then hesitated. “Huh. How do earth ponies pit cherries?”

“I think they have a special machine for it,” Rarity said, her own horn glowing as she worked.

“Oh.” Twilight rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof. “How about you mix up the ingredients while I pit the cherries?”

“Okay.” Rainbow Dash took to the air before landing on the other side of Twilight. “So…”

“It’s in the cookbook,” Twilight said, rolling her eyes.

“Oh, right.” Rainbow Dash glanced down at the page, sticking her tongue out of the corner of her mouth. “Let’s see… a cup of sugar…” She bent down to pick up the cup in her mouth by the handle, carefully sticking it into the bag before pulling back and cautiously dumping it into the mixing bowl. As she pulled her head back up, Twilight suddenly went from glaring across the table at Rarity to focusing on the cherries floating in front of her.

“You alright there, Twilight?”

“Yup! Totally fine!”

“O-kay,” Rainbow Dash said slowly, pulling the bag of flour over in front of her before dipping her head once more, dusting the tip of her snout in white as she pulled her head back carefully, spotting another flicker of movement out of the corner of her eye as Twilight went back to studiously – and very rapidly – bisecting her cherries.

“Uh, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash said muffledly around the handle of the measuring cup.

Twilight’s face was red. “Still totally fine!”

“Er… I was wondering, does this look like a quarter cup of flour to you?”

Twilight looked over and blinked. “What? Rainbow, you’re supposed to use a quarter cup!”

“Well, that’s why I was asking!”

“No, it means you’re supposed to use this!” Twilight jabbed her hoof at a smaller measuring cup lying out on the counter.

“Ohhhh. I was wondering what that was for.” Rainbow Dash glanced between the cup on the table and the cup she was holding in her mouth. “But that’s pretty close, right?”

“Ugh!” Twilight threw her hooves up in the air. “Just let me do it.”

Purple magic yanked the cup out of Rainbow Dash’s mouth as Twilight moved over in front of her, swiftly picking up the smaller measuring cup and sticking it into the flour.

“Sheesh. What ruffled your feathers?”

Somepony keeps trying to embarrass me.” Twilight shot another sharp look across the counter top, drawing an innocent smile from Rarity.

“Whatever do you mean, dear?” Rarity asked, batting her eyelashes innocently.

“I mean you keep floating that over ponies’ heads.”

Rainbow Dash glanced up as Twilight pointed, her eyes locking on the sprig of mistletoe trapped in a blue field of magic overhead. “Hah! Is that why your face is so red?”

“Yes! It’s embarrassing!”

Rainbow Dash cackled. “I bet if Princess Celestia was here, you’d be puckering up.”

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight stamped her hoof. “I’m not secretly dating Princess Celestia! I have a boyfriend!” Twilight paused, her ears falling. “Well, had a boyfriend.”

“Oh, yeah, your boyfriend from another dimension. How could I forget him.” Rainbow Dash smirked.

“He’s real!”

“Yeah. Right.” Rainbow Dash threw a hoof over her friend’s back. “Come on, Twilight. Everypony knows you made him up after you became a princess so that you’d have an excuse to say no if anypony started hitting on you.”

“That’s not true!” Twilight flared her wings defiantly.

“Oh, really? Your boyfriend from another dimension who totally exists? Who we were all supposed to meet before you mysteriously broke up with him? Gee, how could we ever think you made him up?”

“Really, darling. You must admit it was a little suspicious.”

“Well, he was real, okay? We kissed and everything.”

“Uh huh.” Rainbow Dash leaned forward, grinning. “So what was his favorite color?”

“Uhh…” Twilight rubbed her mane. “I never really asked.”

“Okay, what was his favorite food?”

Twilight’s ears fell. “We never really went out to dinner…”

“So what did you guys do when you hung out?”

“Uh… save the world?” Twilight smiled sheepishly.

Rainbow Dash smacked her hoof into her face. “I meant for fun.”

“Well, we didn’t really hang out all that much…”

“See! You can’t tell me a single thing about him!” Rainbow Dash pointed accusingly.

“I can too! He liked music!”

“Okay.” Rainbow Dash leered. “What kind of music did he like?”

Twilight took a step back. “Uh, well… I mean, I know he played the guitar, but I don’t really know what kind he likes specifically…”

“Ha! See! He totally doesn’t exist.”

“But I told you what he looks like! You even met the pony version!”

“Yeah, who was a random guard in the Crystal Empire who you bumped into like, once. If he was basically the same, why didn’t you date him?”

“You know, she does have a point, darling. You hardly seem to know him at all.” Rarity tilted her head at Twilight.

Twilight slumped as she stared down at the floor.

“Not that I don’t believe you, dear. But now that I think about it…”

“Not you, too,” Twilight groaned.

“Well, it would explain a few things. I mean, you said you kissed him, but you hardly ever spoke about him. It is hardly what I would expect out of a boyfriend. Or even a crush, really.”

“I mean, we never really went out on a date, but…” Twilight rubbed her mane with her hoof.

“Pardon me, but how can you say he was your boyfriend if you didn’t go out on any dates?”

“Well, I mean, we did sort of hang out a couple times…”

“But you said you kissed?”

Twilight blushed.

“Well, to be fair to Twilight, it’s not like you need to be dating a pony to kiss them,” Rainbow Dash said, shrugging.

Rarity gasped. “Rainbow Dash!”

“Oh come on! You of all ponies should know that’s true.”

“Well, yes, but a peck on the cheek is very different from, well, kissing.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Rainbow Dash leaned back casually. “But it’s not like you can’t do that, too.” She smirked.

“You’ve kissed somepony?” Twilight asked, finally glancing up from her hooves.

“Er, yeah. Of course. Lots of times.”

Rarity smirked. “And who might this mysterious pony be that you kissed?”

“That’s none of your beeswax, okay?” Rainbow Dash swiped her hoof through the air. “But we totally kissed. It was hot.”

“So what? I can tell you the name of my boyfriend, and point out the pony version of him, and you don’t believe he exists, but when you talk about ponies you kissed, we’re all just supposed to believe you?” Twilight huffed.

“Hey! Just because you made up an imaginary boyfriend doesn’t mean I did!”

“Twilight does have a point. It is hardly fair of us to claim she didn’t have a boyfriend when you—”

“Well, unlike Twilight, there are not-imaginary ponies who can tell you that I have actually gotten kissed before. So there.” Rainbow Dash stuck out her tongue.

“Oh, really?” Rarity grinned. “And just who are these ponies who can tell us?”

Rainbow Dash deflated slightly. “Well, you know. Ponies.”

“Oh-ho-ho. We can’t just leave it at that. And I think I know just the pony to ask.” Rarity’s eyes sparkled as she turned away from her mixing bowl and trotted towards the main hall. “Oh Fluttershy!” she sang.

“No, wait! You can’t ask her!”

“Why not?” Twilight asked.

“Because – ugh!” Rainbow Dash shook her head and ran out of the kitchen, quickly taking to the air in the great hall.

Rarity grinned as she walked over towards where Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie sat on their cushions giggling amongst themselves. “Oh, Fluttershy, darling, sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I was wondering if you could clear something up for us, hm?”

Fluttershy blinked, turning away from Pinkie Pie as she tilted her head at Rarity. “What is it?”

“She just wanted to ask you where you got your mane done!” Rainbow Dash said quickly as she soared towards her friend.

Rarity tittered. “Oh, darling. I already know that.”

Rainbow Dash groaned.

“Well, Twilight and I were having a delightful conversation—”

“I wouldn’t call it that,” Twilight groused as she walked up behind her friends.

Rarity cleared her throat. “As I was saying, a delightful conversation about past romantic liaisons, and Rainbow Dash—”

“I didn’t say anything about kissing!”

“O-oh.” Fluttershy lowered her head, half-hiding her face behind her mane.

Rarity smiled mischievously. “So you do know something. Tell me, Fluttershy, just who was this mysterious pony that our Rainbow Dash kissed?”

Fluttershy’s head drooped further as her whole face turned bright red.

“Hee-hee! Their faces match!” Pinkie Pie said, pointing up at Rainbow Dash, who quickly looked away.

Rarity blinked for a few seconds in bemusement before smirking, her horn glowing once more. “I see,” she said, as the sprig of mistletoe floated out of the kitchen door and hovered directly over Fluttershy’s head.