• Published 2nd Jan 2015
  • 3,323 Views, 272 Comments

Pokémon Harmony & Chaos - MythrilMoth

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo become friends as they begin their Pokémon journey.

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Trial By Fire! Scootaloo Has A Lot To Learn!

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo released their Pokémon, which stared down Miss Cheerilee's team.

"Let's see what you girls can do," Miss Cheerilee said.

"Torchic, shoot fire at them!" Scootaloo declared, pumping a fist.

Torchic turned and looked at her, tilting its head curiously. "Torchic tor?"

Apple Bloom facepalmed. "Scootaloo, ya gotta call out an attack yer Pokémon knows!" she said.

"Oh. Okay. Umm..." Scootaloo frowned. "Do...whatever fire move you know!"

Torchic fell over. "Toooor..."

"You...have no idea what you're doing, do you?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Sure I do!" Scootaloo replied hotly. "I...!" She sagged. "Okay, not so much."

Apple Bloom sighed. "Torchic," she said, "do you know Ember?"

"Tor!" Torchic declared, flapping its tiny wings and bobbing its head.

"Okay then!" Scootaloo said. "Torchic, use Ember on that floaty weasel!"

"Buizel," Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said together in a flat tone.

"Toooor!" Torchic jumped forward and spat out a tiny fireball. It hit the Buizel right in the chest.

"Bui," Buizel said.

"That's it?" Scootaloo cried. "That sucked!"

"Well, Buizel's a Water-type," Sweetie Belle said. "Of course your Fire-type isn't going to work very well against it." She pointed at Geodude. "Oshawott, use Water Gun on Geodude!"

"Wott!" Oshawott declared, opening its mouth wide and issuing a stream of water at Miss Cheerilee's Geodude. It thoroughly soaked the other Pokémon, who grunted in annoyance.

"Dude," Geodude said irritably.

"Hah! You didn't do any better!" Scootaloo declared.

"Oshaaa," Oshawott said, looking down and kicking the grass.

"Cut it out, Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom said. "These are young Pokémon! They gotta train an' get stronger!" She knelt down and rubbed her Chikorita on the head. "Show 'em somethin' good, Chikorita. Use Razor Leaf!"

"Chiiiiiikariiii!" Chikorita chirruped. The large leaf on its head began to spin like a propeller. A flurry of leaves burst forth, striking each of Miss Cheerilee's Pokémon.

"Buiiiii!" Buizel cried, covering its head with its paws.

"Geoooooo!" Geodude moaned, shuddering.

Emolga dodged and weaved, evading the attack.

"Nice, Apple Bloom!" Miss Cheerilee said.

"Whoa," Scootaloo said, eyes wide. "What happened? That was just...a bunch of leaves!"

"Grass-type attacks are very effective against Water-type and Rock-type Pokémon," Miss Cheerilee said. "Water-type moves are also good against Rock and Ground-types..." She frowned. "Actually, your Oshawott should've done a lot more damage to Geodude," she said.

"Wott," Oshawott whined, plopping down on its butt.

"Awww," Sweetie Belle said, picking up her Oshawott and cuddling it. "You'll get the hang of it..."

"Osha, wott."

"Now it's my turn!" Miss Cheerilee said. "Geodude, use Tackle on Chikorita!"

"Geo!" Geodude sprang forward, its impressive bulk flying through the air like a miniature meteor. Chikorita, caught off-guard by the speed, couldn't dodge in time and was knocked backward.


"Emolga, use Nuzzle on Oshawott!"

"Eep!" Sweetie Belle squeaked, recoiling as Emolga flew toward her, its cheeks sparking. Oshawott jumped out of her arms and began running around in circles, trying desperately to avoid the flying Pokémon. It was a futile effort; Emolga caught up and rubbed its sparking cheeks against Oshawott. With a crackling, popping sound, Oshawott fell over, eyes spinning.


"Buizel, use Water Pulse!" Miss Cheerilee commanded. "Go for Torchic!"

"Buiii!" Buizel cut loose with a pulsing jet of water, which caught Torchic and lifted it off the ground. Torchic slammed against the trunk of a tree and slid down.

"HEY!" Scootaloo cried, running over and picking the little Pokémon up. "Not cool!"

"Sorry, but this is what it's like to battle with other Pokémon," Miss Cheerilee said. "You have to be careful—"

"Not that!" Scootaloo said. "That was so lame, just taking it and getting knocked around like that!" She bapped Torchic on the head with a fist. "Don't be so lame!"

"Tor tor!" Torchic spat a tiny fireball at Scootaloo. She coughed as her face was smeared with soot.

"Don't treat your Pokémon like that!" Sweetie Belle squeaked.

"Okay, I think that's enough," Miss Cheerilee said, recalling her Pokémon. "I just wanted to give you girls a little taste of a real Pokémon battle...don't feel too bad about how it turned out. My Pokémon are way too strong for yours. You'll have to train your Pokémon well once you start out on your journey so they'll get strong enough to battle." She smiled. "You girls need to take your Pokémon over to the Pokémon Center and get them healed up so you can...oh! I almost forgot! Come inside."

The girls recalled their Pokémon and followed Cheerilee inside. She rummaged around in her desk, then handed each of them a slim handheld device with a red cover. "I have a Pokédex for each of you," she said. "This is the latest model. The Pokédex contains information on the Pokémon you'll meet, as well as a map of the Caballos region and a GPS so you won't get lost. You can also use it to call anyone you know from anywhere in Caballos."

"Cool!" Scootaloo said.

"Thank you," Sweetie Belle said.

"Mah own Pokédex...an' it's a lot better than mah big sister's!" Apple Bloom said enthusiastically.

"Alright...head on over to the Pokémon Center and get your Pokémon taken care of," Miss Cheerilee said. "After that, you should get going. You'll want to head west to Salt Lick City." She frowned. "It's going to be good experience for you two, but Scootaloo may have some trouble...still, it's the ideal place for beginners to learn a lot about becoming a Pokémon trainer."

The girls thanked Miss Cheerilee, then left.

"Man...the only one who got a cool Pokémon is Apple Bloom," Scootaloo complained. "Ours are junk."

"Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle snapped. "That's not a nice thing to say!"

"Scootaloo, give your Torchic a chance, okay?" Apple Bloom said. "It's jes' starting out...jes' like you." She looked at Scootaloo. "Do you think you're junk?"

"Of course not!" Scootaloo cried.

"Then don't call your Pokémon junk."

"Mine either!" Sweetie Belle said. "Oshawott just...needs time to get good."

"Yeah yeah," Scootaloo said. "So...Salt Lick City, huh? Sounds like Dullsville." She brightened. "Hey! Why don't we head to Cloudsdale instead?"

"Or Canterlot!" Sweetie Belle said.

"We'll go to all those places," Apple Bloom said. "But if Miss Cheerilee says we should go to Salt Lick City first, then that's what we're gonna do."

"Who died and made you leader?" Scootaloo challenged.

Apple Bloom smirked. "Wanna battle for it?"

"You bet!" Scootaloo said hotly.

"We need to get our Pokémon to the Pokémon Center, you two!" Sweetie Belle reminded them.

"Alright, fine. But after that...we battle! Whoever wins decides where we go first!" Scootaloo declared.

"You're on!" Apple Bloom said, pumping a fist.

Sweetie Belle sighed. "This won't end well..."

* * * * *

"Here you go, girls," Nurse Redheart said as she returned the girls' Pokémon to them. "Are you just starting out on your Pokémon journey?"

"We sure are!" Scootaloo said. "And as soon as I show Apple Bloom here how awesome I really am, we're gonna go straight to Cloudsdale!"

"Cloudsdale?" Nurse Redheart asked, tilting her head. "Are you sure?"

"Sure I'm sure!" Scootaloo declared. "That's where my idol is! But Apple Bloom wants to go to Salt Lick City—"

"Ah don't want to necessarily, it's jes' that's where we're supposed ta go—"

"—so we're gonna have a battle to decide where we're gonna go first!" Scootaloo declared, pumping a fist.

"Oh dear," Nurse Redheart said. "Girls, I...don't think you should really use Pokémon battles to settle something like that..."

"Eh, it'll be good trainin'," Apple Bloom said. "Miss Cheerilee's Pokémon whupped us somethin' fierce."

Nurse Redheart sighed. "Well...if you insist..." She looked around; the Pokémon Center was quiet and empty for the moment. "Alright...I'll be your referee." She looked at the egg-shaped Pokémon which was organizing magazines on a rack. "Chansey, keep an eye on things for a little bit, alright?"


The girls and Nurse Redheart headed out to the back. "Alright...this will be a one-on-one match," Nurse Redheart declared.

Apple Bloom tossed her Pokéball confidently. "C'mon out, Chikorita!"


Scootaloo held out her Pokéball. "Torchic, let's win this!"

"Torchic tor!"

Chikorita and Torchic stared one another down with determination.

"This'll be interesting," Sweetie Belle said. "With the type difference, you'd think Scootaloo would have this one in the bag, but..."

"Torchic, use Ember!"

"Chikorita, dodge and Tackle!"

Torchic spat out a tiny fireball. Chikorita leapt to the side, then closed the distance, ramming full-force into Torchic. Torchic went flying, landing on its back.

"Good hit, Chikorita! Now use Razor Leaf!"

"Torchic, get up and use Ember!"

Torchic jumped up and spat out several tiny fireballs, which intercepted the spinning leaves that bore down on it like shuriken. The leaves burned away to nothing. Scootaloo grinned. "Okay, do Ember again!"

"Does...does she only know one of her Pokémon's moves?" Nurse Redheart asked.

Sweetie Belle sighed. "Yeah..."

Torchic spat out another tiny fireball, which staggered Chikorita. "Shake it off, Chikorita!" Apple Bloom said. "Hit it with another Tackle!"

"Chiiika!" Chikorita lunged forward, slamming into Torchic again. Torchic went down, flailing its tiny legs for a moment before falling still.

"Torchic is unable to battle!" Nurse Redheart said. "The winner is Apple Bloom's Chikorita!"

Scootaloo sighed as she recalled Torchic. "Can't even beat a Grass-type," she muttered.

"You gotta learn how to battle," Apple Bloom said. "Ah been watchin' mah sister battle for years. You don't even know your Pokémon's attacks. That's why we gotta go to Salt Lick City, so we can all learn together." She smiled. "We'll git t' Cloudsdale sooner or later. Jes' trust me, alright?"

Scootaloo groaned. "Fine," she said. "But if this gets boring, I'm bailin' and goin' to Cloudsdale on my own."

"Now that that's settled," Nurse Redheart said, "let me heal up your Pokémon...again...so you girls can get on the road."

* * * * *

"So why are you all fired up t' git t' Cloudsdale, anyway?" Apple Bloom asked as the girls left the Pokémon Center and headed for the northwest road out of Ponyville.

"Because the coolest, most awesome, most radical Pokémon trainer in Caballos is the Cloudsdale Gym leader!" Scootaloo said. "I've been waiting my whole life to meet her...Rainbow Dash!" Stars filled her eyes. "She's everything I've ever wanted to be!"

"I've heard of her," Sweetie Belle said. "She's part of that Flying-type Pokémon stunt team, right?"

"The Wonderbolts? Nooot exactly," Scootaloo said. "She quit the reserves to take over the Cloudsdale Gym. But she still does her own stunt show when she has time, and when the Wonderbolts are in Cloudsdale, she performs with them. Oh, I want to see it in person!"

"Well, Ah guarantee we'll be headed that way before you know it," Apple Bloom said. "Jes' be patient, alright?"

Scootaloo sighed. "Alright..." She looked down the long, dusty road that lay before them. "So how far is it to Salt Lick City?"

"It'll take us about four days t' git there," Apple Bloom said.

Scootaloo's jaw dropped. "FOUR DAYS?!"

"Eeyup," Apple Bloom said. "An' we gotta pass through Appleloosa first."

"Is there a gym there?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Nope, it's a settler town," Apple Bloom said. "One'a mah cousins lives there. Ah reckon we might drop in on him."

The grass alongside the road ahead of them rustled suddenly. With a loud shriek, a Taillow darted out into the road. It flapped its wings uselessly. One of its wings was noticeably mangled.

"Oh my gosh! It's hurt!" Sweetie Belle declared. She pulled out her Pokédex and aimed it at the Taillow. It chimed, then reported in a halting mechanical voice:

//Taillow. The Tiny Swallow Pokémon. It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates.//

The grass rustled again, and a thick purple snake slithered out into the road, its slitted yellow eyes fixed on the Taillow. "EKANSSSSSS!"

"It's an Ekans!" Scootaloo cried.

"Oh, I don't like those," Sweetie Belle moaned. "an Ekans fell down my sister Rarity's brassiere one time. She screamed for three solid hours!"

The Ekans lunged at the Taillow, who struggled to get out of the way.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" Apple Bloom shouted, pulling out her Pokéball and throwing it. "CHIKORITA, AH CHOOSE YOU!"

In a flash of red light, Chikorita appeared.

"Chikorita, protect that Taillow!" Apple Bloom cried.

"Ri rii!"

The Ekans hissed and reared, poised to strike...