• Published 1st May 2012
  • 6,059 Views, 290 Comments

The true Psychopath - The Psychopath

The Psychopath, a pony who has strange powers is going to come back because of Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

The first conversation (Rewritten)

Twilight was awoken by the first rays of Celestia’s sun and reluctantly sat upwards in her bed, groggy. To take care of her mane that associated her with the Wicked Witch of the West, she went to the bathroom and nearly fell over multiple times. She had been up studying psychology all night and hadn’t really slept for more than two, maybe three hours. With some caution, she managed to reach the room without waking up her number one assistant and watched him as she carefully closed the door, certain to stop at any given moment if she saw him wiggle in his bed. Sighing in her relief, the pony locked the door to the bathroom and turned to face the mirror, a smile on her face, which was quickly met with scream muffled by a hoof to her mouth.

The psychotic stallion was there and hanging by a single string on the ceiling. She spun around as quickly as she could but saw that he wasn’t actually there and frowned. She really wanted to punch the mirror.

“What are you doing here?” she growled. “How are you even doing this?”

His head bobbed from side-to-side while his legs remained attached to the string like a spider. “Psycho the Psychopath does what he wants, and he didn’t want to stay away from a potential friend.”

“No,” Twilight corrected. “HOW are you doing this? You’re an earth pony! Earth ponies don’t have magic!...like us unicorns do,” she corrected herself.

“Sure. ‘Magic’.” He gestured ‘quotation’ fingers with his hoofs and spoke with a lower tone to emphasize the word. “The maybe-sane-maybe-not one knows.”

Twilight was perplexed. “Did you just call me crazy?”

The stallion spoke with a deep, Victorian dialect. “I would nevah! How very uncouth of you.”

The stallion flopped onto the floor like some ragdoll and hopped back onto his hooves after several seconds had passed. He was bouncing around the ‘mirror world’ much like Twilight’s hyperactive friend, but where Pinkie hopped on all four legs, the stallion would lean against two of them on the sides, hop twice, then repeat the process on the other side. It was a very bizarre pattern to Twilight and she couldn’t understand why he was being like this. Even stranger was that he was doing this freely on the walls, defying gravity with as much effort as it took one to breathe in a free environment. Then again, he WAS in the mirror, so such actions shouldn’t be shocking the unicorn that much.

“What are you so happy about? That you caught me when I was about to clean my mane?”

“Nope.” Psycho smashed his face against the glass of the mirror and stared the mare who jumped back against the wall straight in the face with the only eye that was showing. “I found my new best frieeeeeeend~♪,” he sang. “We’re gonna have great fun together, I know it! We’re going to be linked by the heart!”

The precise second he said ‘heart’, Twilight felt something drip on her head, and when she put a hoof to it, it was a thick, liquid of a red color. She suddenly became pale and swayed back and forth, confusing the colorful stallion.

“What’s wrong with you?” His voice became stern and he stood upwards with an enlarged chin. “Drinkin’ on the job, EH?” he yelled.

“I-i-i-is this…?” she struggled to speak.

She felt something wipe across her head and saw the colorful stallion eating toast with the substance on it. “Why yes. It is indeed jam. Pfff. You get scared over the craziest things.” He gasped dramatically and pointed behind the mare. “Look out! A butterfly!”

Twilight’s magic was starting to ignite her body, giving her the appearance of being on fire.

“Uh-oh. It’s a fire! You know what the best way to put out a fire is?” Twilight didn’t respond. “NINJA SMOKE!”

He took a tiny pellet, nary the size of a small pea in his hooves, and threw it on the ground in the mirror. Just as Spike was about to knock on the bathroom door, said object burst open and flooded the entire tree in extinguishing foam.

Spike and the lavender unicorn both poked their heads out of the foam and stared into the distance with unamused expressions.

“Is this because of your new job?” Spike asked.


“Do I want to ask?”

Twilight shook her head and grabbed one of several parchments floating in the foam then dived deeped into it to grab a quill and ink to write down her message and finally hand it to Spike after getting back to the surface.

“Here. Send this to the princesses,” she ordered Spike.

“But, Twilight. You’re--”


The little dragon sunk into the foam after being frozen with terror and immediately away the parchment in a swirling vortex of smoke and sparkles. Twilight immediately found herself in front of Celestia and Farseer in the dungeons. The princess could only stare blankly at Twilight.

“What is with your appearance, Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight’s horn started to glow and the foam started dissipating from her fur. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Upon closer inspection, Twilight noticed that Farseer hadn’t budged from his spot in the cell. Was he just meditating or was that just some sort of projected image of magic?

“I take it it was whatever presence has Princess Celestia bothered.”

“What?” Celestia responded. “That’s not possible.”

Twilight kept her mouth shut on the matter.

“Being silent does not hide you from the wind. It glides and flows wherever it wants to, but it’s path can be blocked or changed. Keep this in thought, student of Celestia,” Farseer suggested.

Twilight didn’t really have any idea on how to respond to the ‘words of wisdom’. “I’ll...keep that in mind. Thank you.”

“One more thing before you leave,” Farseer warned. “The Enderlands aren’t far off, so do not let the essence of the winds blow you off course.”

“Enderlands? What do you mean by--”

Twilight’s question was cut off by lewd and demeaning whistling and comments. Celestia ignored them and pushed her student into the elevator while the guards near each cell stood in front of the occupant, extended a green-gold pole towards said occupant, and delivered violent shocks of electricity that illuminated the dark corridors of the damp dungeon. The only guard that did not budge was the one watching Farseer’s cell. Perhaps he was known enough by the guards that they felt they had no reason to do anything to him, especially if he had good, wholesome conversations with the princess.

Celestia looked at Twilight with concern whilst the unicorn was quite visibly furious and looking down to try and keep that expression hidden.

“Twilight, what exactly happened at your house?”

The unicorn just couldn’t keep her mouth shut in front of Princess Celestia. “It’s Psycho! He did this to me!”

Celestia reared her head. “What? How? That shouldn’t be possible!” the princess shouted. She followed up with a whisper. “He doesn’t even have his hat on.”

“Well, it seems it is, because he found it funny to flood the library in foam with a pea sized pellet. That defies all the laws of conservation and mass that I know!”

Celestia pursed her lips. “Well, he doesn’t really follow the laws of any reality.”

Twilight pondered. “Well, he also said I had a ‘hidden insanity’ or something along those lines.”

Celestia’s ears twitched. “Well, you have demonstrated a less than ‘stable’ mind in the past, such as a certain ‘spell’ you cast that put Ponyville in chaos.” She frowned. Twilight smiled sheepishly. “I would be cautious. He tends to gravitate towards those he finds ‘amusement’ in. Just let me clean you off.”

Celestia’s horn’s glow engulfed Twilight, and her wet predicament was dried off nearly instantly. Her mane and tail had been groomed as well, and Celestia looked away with an ‘I didn’t do that’ type of expression.

“Thank you, Princess,” Twilight said. Celestia nodded with a smile in response.

The ‘secret’ doors were opened once more by two waiting guards who saluted both mares. Once in Psycho’s cell room, both ponies noticed the guards were slumped over with defeated expressions on their faces. Psycho was singing, apparently, and Twilight found that he actually had a surprisingly good singing voice even if he had some moments where he went to high in his pitch. Some of the guards, however, had different opinions.

"Why?! WHY does he have to sing?" one of them cried out.

"Will you SHUT UP!” another yelled at Psycho. “Hey, Artemis, you hated his singing more than any of us. Why aren't you saying anything?"

"What?" the pegasi shouted. She took some plugs out of her ears with her wings to better hear her comrades.

The guard in front of her looked like he was about to strangle her, until they saw the princess, at which they immediately saluted. Psycho stopped singing as he saw Celestia and Twilight. His smile became much bigger and brighter.

"Tia-Tia! Twilight! It's good to see you again!" He said as he started to sway around again.

"Psycho, we need to talk.” Celestia started. “Twilight has told me that you have been pranking her, and that you managed to get into her house."

The guards turned their heads and started to panic. Too many questions were now racing through their heads. How did he get out? Did he actually get out? Were they going to lose their jobs?!

"I...Idon't know what you're talking about,” he slurred.

"Stop playing games!" Twilight yelled at him/

"What? But...I LIKE to play games," Psycho sniffled. His eyes even started swelling up.

"This isn’t a game, Psycho. I MUST know if you left the castle or not. You know very well that your powers are dangerous," Celestia explained. “I need to protect both my citizens and you, and I can’t do that if you sneak out.”

He chuckled. "The World of Illogic allows one to do a great many things. Trying to understand will get you to insanity's road even quicker than you think, and that’s NO GOOD.”"

"Just tell us, Psycho. I need to know how you have been doing these pranks to Twilight. You don’t have your hat, so it couldn’t have been by your own power.”

“Was it somepony from outside?” Twilight wondered.

“No, otherwise they would have saved him,” Celestia argued. Twilight nodded in response.

"Ah dinnae kno' wattcher talkin’ ‘boot."

The princess rubbed her temple and sighed in annoyance.

"Fine. Fine. Have it your way. Twilight, the guards are here in-case something happens. I need to tend to some other urgent affairs. If you’ll excuse me."

Twilight bid her teacher a good day and watched her leave. As the elevator doors closed, the princess waved Twilight goodbye and wished her good luck. With a sigh, Twilight took out the materials one of the guards had given her. It contained all that was necessary for psychological tests, from papers, to notes, to queries that Twilight wrote herself. As she worked, Psycho kept his eyes locked onto her face. He wasn’t breaking eye contact no matter what angle Twilight put her face in, and she found it extremely unnerving.

"Okay then," she spurted in exhaustion." Let's start."

A train slowly approached Ponyville, tightly packed with almost no room for more passengers. Sitting in the last car was a magenta-colored pegasus. Her fore-legs were crossed as she sat in a rather awkward manner not usually adopted by ponies. Anger scampered all over her faces like the shadows of the passing trees, and this kept many of the other passengers from talking to or even acknowledging her existence. As such, the pegasus was alone in the last car with two suitcases taking up the walkway.

The mare had been asleep for the past few hours, taking advantage of the trip to get some much needed sleep, but as the train started to slow down, she opened her bloodshot eyes. She took a peek outside the window and sighed. As the Disirvian pony spoke, her accent, which consisted in some strange "R" rolling and a strong Stalliongrad dialect, seemed to fill the atmosphere with a unique feeling.

"Ugh. I hope this goes quickly. I don't want to stay anywhere near that abomination for too long."