• Published 22nd Feb 2015
  • 18,461 Views, 422 Comments

A Nobody's Destiny - Golden Flare

Your name is Naxon, you used to work for Organization XIII, but you left, now you find yourself running for your life from dangerous creatures. Can the inhabitants of this world change your life for the better?

  • ...

Day 1: Begin Anew

You found yourself in a world of pure darkness, as you cannot see anything before you, no ground, no sky, nothing. You decide to wander, seeing as you have no destination here. And just as you predicted, there's nothing beyond the nothingness you find yourself in.

You walk, and you walk, and you walk, but the darkness around is starting to become unnerving, but at least this is a nice change of pace from running. Seeing that this is pointless, you stop in your tracks.

Do you see the world around you?

You jumped slightly at the unknown voice.

It is just like you, empty...

Who's there? You voiced through your mind.

But don't feel insulted, it isn't your fault your heart is like this...

Heart? But...I don't have a heart.

You still do not understand...
You will never know the truth if you cling onto lies...

What are you saying?

When he left you behind, the light you once had flickered out...
Do you remember?

You subconsciously put your hand to your chest, Yeah...he was my light. I miss him.

You cannot dwell on the past...
You can only move forward...


There are others...
Others that can be your light...
You are not replacing him...
You are gaining others to be with him...

You mean...

Your friendship with him...
With Roxas...
Is what drove you to leave...
Friendship is the key...

Will you...be my friend?

Of course...
But my friendship isn't enough...
You must befriend others...
Forge bonds that cannot be broken...
Only then will you see the truth...

And then, the ground beneath you began to shine brightly, causing you to raise your arms to shield your eyes from the blinding onslaught. After a few minutes, it died down to reveal a white stained glass texture, everything on it was completely blank.

This is your Station of Awakening...
It is blank because it represents you...
Having nothing...and being nothing...
But...at the same time, you are something...
You have limitless potential...
Your future is what you make it to be...
Not what somebody says it is...
You are in control...
No one else...

I think I understand. Thank you...

(stop music)

Canterlot High School
Time of Day: Morning
Weather: Partly Cloudy
Time: 8:48 AM

The daylight shone into the gym as the students began to wake up, basking in the morning glow.

"YAAAY! IT'S MORNING!" The poofy, pink-haired girl declared.

Rainbow stood up and popped her back, "Agh, finally!"

Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna walked in to see everyone up and about, which brought a smile onto their faces.

"Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna?"

They shifted their focus to a certain fiery-haired girl before them, "How is he?"

"We've yet to see him, Sunset Shimmer." Luna answered.

"May I...come with you? You know, to see him?"

Celestia smiled, "Of course, come."

Sunset followed them into the hallway and toward Celestia's office. Before any of them could say anything Celestia spoke up, "You know what? Why don't you wake him, Sunset?"

Sunset looked surprised, "Really? Me?"

Celestia giggled, "Why not? You appear to have taken a liking to him."

"You mean as a friend?"

"Sure, let's go with that."

Sunset was about to press her about what she really meant, but she knew better than to appose her principal and let it slide just this once. She turned the knob, open the door, and walked inside. As the door clicked, Luna gave Celestia an unappreciative look.

"You shouldn't tease, sister. Especially when Sunset doesn't feel that way towards him."

Celestia grins, "Who's to say she won't? He is quite a handsome young man."

"It takes more than looks to truly love somebody."

Sunset walked over to the chair in front of Celestia's desk and saw you leaned back with the blanket over you, sleeping in content, which made her smile.

"Aww!" Sunset cooed.

Seeing you like that almost made Sunset feel bad about waking you up.


She put her hand to your shoulder and began to shake you, "Naxon...Naxon...Come on, nap time's over."

It's time to wake up now.

The road to your new future has been paved just outside of the dark room in your heart.

All you have to do is...

"Open the door."
Open the door.

A light surrounded your vision and engulfed you, it stayed for a moment, but slowly faded away.

Day 1
Begin Anew

You felt yourself being shaken as you wake from your sleep. You turn to see who it was and stare into a pair of familiar turquoise eyes.

Sunset smiles, "Morning, sleepyhead."

You find the paper she gave you yesterday next to you and write:

Good morning

"C'mon, the principals' are waiting for you."

You nodded and stood up, balling up the blanket and leaving it in the chair, you and Sunset left Celestia's office and into the hallway. Outside the office, you are greeted by Celestia and Luna themselves, both of them wearing warm smiles on their faces.

"Good morning, Naxon." Celestia said.

"Yes, good morning." Luna said.

You gave a nod to each of them.

Celestia turned to Sunset, "Sunset Shimmer, could you take him to the cafeteria for breakfast? Everyone is going to eat before going home."

"Okay, Principal Celestia," Sunset agreed, "C'mon, Naxon, let's go eat."

You nodded and followed her. Celestia and Luna's gaze followed you two until you turned a corner.

"Do you have the documents, sister?" Luna asked.

"Yes, I just received them an hour ago, now we need to get Naxon alone so we can speak with him." Celestia replied.

"Are you sure adopting him is the right thing to do?"

Celestia had a stern look, "Luna. I could not find him in any of our records, he has escaped from some, 'bad place', that Sunset spoke of, so he probably has no family, and he cannot speak, most likely through some kind of trauma. He is a lost soul, looking for a place he can belong. That said, I know what I'm doing is right."

Luna sighed, "I cannot change your mind, but I want to know if you are ready to raise a child, whom of which, has always passed puberty. This will not be easy, sister, and you know it."

"I have to try."

"...Very well. Just know that I am here to help you, in case you need it."

Celestia's expression softened and she smiled, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Luna found her sister's smile contagious and did so as well. They began their trek to the cafeteria for some nourishment as well.

Canterlot High School - Cafeteria
Time of Day: Breakfast
Weather: Partly Cloudy
Time: 9:03 AM

The two of you arrived inside the school cafeteria and took your places in line, Sunset retrieved her breakfast; apple cinnamon waffles with syrup, a slice of toast, and a glass of milk. You, on the other hand...you didn't know what any of this stuff was, so you didn't know what to choose.

Sunset, seeing your confusion, gathered together the same breakfast she had for you and put it on your tray, "I know you're not from around here, so if you don't know something, like food for breakfast," She motioned towards your trays with a slight giggle, "just ask me, okay?"

You nodded and picked up your tray while she did so with hers. You followed her through the cafeteria, over to her friends' table; Sunset couldn't help but notice that the cafeteria was a lot more quiet today as she walked.

I hope nobody gives him a rough time, Sunset thought as you and her made it to her table, "Hey girls, do you mind if Naxon sits with us today?"

They all looked at you, unable to read the blank expression on your face, though from the corner of your eye, you could see one of them, the girl with the rainbow hair, gazing at you with a deep scowl. As you began to observe her, it seemed everything about this girl screamed athlete, but at the same time, she didn't look very friendly towards you.

"Of course he can sit with us, unless somebody can behave herself." The girl with the southern drawl said while glaring at the scowling girl; she had light tan skin with freckles blonde hair tied into a ponytail by a red band, and green eyes, wearing a Stetson hat upon her head, a white shirt with green near the neck line, a denim skirt held up by a belt with an apple shaped buckle, and brown boots with two apple logos on each front. The rainbow-haired girl just huffed and crossed her arms at that comment. "Oh, Ah'm Applejack, by th' way."

You greeted her with nod and you and Sunset took your place at the table.

"You'll have to excuse our friend, Rainbow Dash, she's...not really in good spirits today." The girl next to Applejack said with a reassuring smile; she pale white skin, much like Nurse Redheart's, curly purple hair with a triple blue diamond hair clip in it, ocean blue eyes with light blue eye shadow, wearing a loose pale blue shirt, a gold bracelet on each wrist, a purple skirt with three diamonds on the side held up by a darker purple belt with a light blue buckle, and purple boots with a blue diamond near the top. All in all, she was drop-dead gorgeous. The one named Applejack glared at her for her choice of words.

"Rarity. Tell 'im the truth." She said sternly.

Rarity sighed. "She doesn't trust you."

You took out your pen and paper wrote:

I'm not from around this area, so it's clear others would be skeptical about me

That took everyone at the table by surprise, it seemed that they thought you would be bothered by it.

"Oh. Well...then never mind...I suppose." Rarity was completely dumbfounded.

"Um, how about we just go ahead and eat?" Sunset suggested, trying to ease the awkward tension.

Everyone voiced their agreement and began eating their breakfast, chatting amongst themselves. You were getting ready eat your breakfast...only to realize one small problem.

You don't how to eat the food you have.

Sunset took notice of your confusion once more and asked, "What's wrong?" You pointed at your tray and shrugged, "You have to use your fork to eat your waffles."

Giving up the body language tactic, you write out your dilemma:

I don't know how to use a fork

Sunset was shocked, but not as shocked as Rarity when she read your response.


Everybody in the cafeteria turned to face the group because of Rarity's outburst. You suddenly felt uncomfortable and your cheeks began to heat up for some strange reason, what was this weird feeling?

"Could ya scream louder, Rarity? Ah think only HALF of Canterlot heard ya." Applejack deadpanned.

Rarity smiled sheepishly with a blush on her face, she calmed herself and cleared her throat, "What I meant to say was, how can you not know how to use a fork? Do you know how to use a spoon, at least?"

You shook your head. You could've sworn you saw Rarity's eye twitch.

"Um, Rarity? He doesn't need a spoon right now, he just-"

"No, no, no, no, no, no! This will not do! This will not do at all!" Rarity interrupted, "Do not worry, Naxon, I shall take it upon myself to teach you how to properly use silverware!"

Rainbow facepalmed, "Why are you teaching this cre-" Applejack glared at her. "-guy, how to use a fork?"

"I am a lady, Rainbow Dash, and as a lady, one must learn how to properly use silverware, Naxon is but a young gentleman and needs to learn small things like this, seeing as he was trapped in some...bad place. I can't even imagine what it must be like."

You began to write:

They locked me in my room for a long time

Everyone was aghast, how could you possibly survive locked in a confined space?

"You poor dear! You must be starving!"

As a Nobody, you never needed to eat to live, so you had no reason to feed yourself.

For the next ten minutes, Rarity taught you how to eat with a fork, and as time went by, she even taught you how to use a spoon, in case you needed to eat something different. Afterwards, you began to cut a piece from one of the waffles and stabbed it with your fork, picking it up and putting it in your mouth. You chewed and chewed, then swallowed. Your eyes widened, the taste was amazing! It's like nothing you've ever had before! Well...other than the sea salt ice creams Roxas once brought you.

"Perfect, Naxon! Now-"

You interrupted Rarity as you swiftly devoured your breakfast; the waffles, gone. the toast, nothing but crumbs. And the milk, you chugged without mercy. As you set the cup down, you couldn't help but notice the stares you were getting from the entire table. That uncomfortable feeling came back.

"-We need to work on your etiquette." Rarity concluded.

A chuckling caught your attention, it came from Applejack, "Ya liked those waffles?" You nodded. "My Granny Smith made 'em, she's the lunch lady 'round here." She pointed her thumb to the lime green skinned lady behind the counter. "Here in Canterlot, we supply the best apples ya could ever eat!" She dug into her backpack and handed you two items: a red uneven sphere with a stem and leaf pointing upwards from its top and a bottle with an apple logo with a brown liquid inside. "It's an apple and some of the Apple Family's finest fizzy apple cider! Go ahead and take it, it's on the house!"

You didn't know what an apple was, nor what "fizzy apple cider" is, but you took them nonetheless, knowing how good those waffles tasted.

Heals 20 HP

Fizzy Apple Cider
Heals 50 HP

You wrote to Applejack:

Thank you

She smiles, "It's no problem, Sugar Cube."

You raise an eyebrow.

"It's a nickname she gives her best friends!" A cheerful girl exclaimed; she has light pink skin, dark pink poofy hair, light blue eyes, wearing a jacket the same color as her eyes, a white shirt with a pink heart in the center, a pink skirt with three balloons; two blue, one yellow, a lavender ribbon tied around her waist, a light blue bracelet on each wrist, and light blue boots with a pink bow on each of them. "And you know what that means?"

You wrote your answer:

That I'm her best friend?


But I've just met her

"That's Pinkie Pie for you," Sunset said, "she believes everybody should be friends."

"Enjoying yourselves, I take it?"

Everyone turned in the direction of the voice, it was Principal Celestia, she and Vice Principal Luna were standing over you and Sunset.

"Well, most of us." Sunset answered, looking at the still scowling Rainbow Dash.

"May we join you?" Luna asked.

Sunset nodded and the two principals sat with you and her.

"So, Sunset," Celestia began, "have you found out anything else about Naxon?"

"He didn't know how to use silverware until Rarity taught him, and well...at this 'bad place'...he was locked in his room." Sunset replied.

Celestia was surprised, "For how long?"

"He didn't say. And I thought pressing him would make things worse."

"...I understand."

The rest of breakfast was spent with the others going about their business. After a while, Principal Celestia stood up and clapped her hands a few times, earning the attention of every student in the cafeteria.

"All right, everyone, today is Saturday, so there's no school."

Everybody cheered.

"If you've already finished your breakfast, you can start heading home, I've informed all of your parents where you all were last night, so none of you have to worry if you had curfews."

The students began piling out, each of them glancing at you before leaving, Sunset became very unsettled.

I had to deal with the entire school hating me, please don't put him through the same thing, Sunset internally begged the student body.

"Naxon, may we speak with you in private?" Celestia asked.

You nodded.

"Aww! I didn't even get to throw you a party yet!" Pinkie whined.

"It's okay, Pinkie, maybe another time," Sunset reassured and turned to you, "We'll see you later, Naxon." You nodded.

You, Celestia, and Luna left the cafeteria while Sunset and her friends did the same and exited the school. You followed them into the hallway and entered a room much like Celestia's office, but darker because of the blinds being closed and none of the lights are on...

Canterlot High School - Vice Principal Luna's Office
Time of Day: Morning
Weather: Partly Cloudy
Time: 9:54 AM


Vice Principal Luna turned on the lights and took her place behind the desk with you sitting in front.

"Young Naxon," Luna began, "There is something we wish to speak to you about and we require your full, undivided attention, okay?" You nodded. "My sister and I have been talking after we have discovered that there is no record of you anywhere," You became a little tense, knowing the only reason for that, "you have no education, you have no medical papers, you are completely unknown to anyone around you...and that has worried us greatly." You raised an eyebrow, "You do not have a family to support you, to take care of you. So, we have come to a conclusion." Luna slid two sheets of paper towards you, "We wish to adopt you as my sister's son and my nephew."

You were taken aback by her words. They wanted to adopt you? Make you a part of their family? This doesn't make sense.

Celestia spoke up, "This was my idea, Naxon. You seemed lost and I wanted to help you. By becoming part of our family, you'll have a roof over your head, a warm bed to sleep in, and food in your belly, but most of all, we'll give you all the love a mother and an aunt ever could." Your eyes widen at their kindness. "But please note, we're not going to just let you do whatever you want, there will be ground rules to set the boundaries necessary." You nodded in understanding. "You will listen to us when we speak to you, if we ask you to do something, you must oblige, and...this isn't necessarily a rule, but...if there is something bothering you, don't be afraid to talk to us about it." You stare, waiting for more to be said. "All you have to do is sign your name on these papers, and not only will we be your legal guardians, but you'll also be a registered citizen in Canterlot; you will receive an ID card to carry around, in case people need to know who you are, but you will be a resident here nonetheless."

You look down at the papers and began to think about this; you would have a loving family, despite not knowing what it would feel like, being the person you are, you would have a place to call home, a place to feel safe, a sanctuary. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, if not bad at all, these thoughts leave a warm feeling inside you, much like the one when Sunset Shimmer hugged you.

"What do you say, Naxon?" Celestia asked, "Do you want to be a part of our family?"

Your next action spoke your answer for you: you pulled out the pen Luna gave you and scribbled your name on the dotted line of both papers. You felt Celestia embrace you tenderly and you could've sworn you saw water coming from her eyes. As Luna took the papers, you take a finger and glide it across the bottom of one of her eyes and showed her the drop of water.

Celestia smiled, "They're called tears of joy if you were wondering, Naxon."

That was something you didn't understand, how does joy make someone cry? Perhaps it was a normal human thing. You return the embrace as an attempt to comfort her.

You have forged a Z-Link with Principal Celestia.

You have forged a Z-Link with Vice Principal Luna.


Z-Links are like "D-Links", but different. Each one represents a different element and they grow stronger through the bonds friendships you create and strengthen. These Z-Links also help you control the darkness within yourself, regarding a certain element. Be warned, if a Z-Link is too weak while using its power, you'll succumb to the darkness and go into Berserker Mode for a short time, damaging yourself during battle. Z-Links are measured by levels, and its maximum is 20, when a Z-Link level is at its maximum, you have fully mastered its power, therefore, you won't lose control of yourself from using it. Lastly, as a bonus, you'll receive special items from your friends as you level up your Z-Links, giving you an advantage in battle.

The hug lasted for at least a minute before you two finally let go. The three of you exited the school and entered what they called a, "car". Twenty minutes passed when you three had arrived at a modest two-story house.

Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna's House
Time of Day: Late Morning
Weather: Partly Cloudy
Time: 10:32 AM

Upon entering, the three of you walked through a wide main hall with three separate entrances; on the right was the Dining Room, the left was the Kitchen, and further in is the Living Room. You all entered through the left, which apparently also had the staircase that led to the second floor of the house. Once up, you notice an empty space adjacent from the stairs, you take note of it for future reference, it could be of some use. You turned left and entered a hallway that is a little narrower than the main hall and saw four doors, two on each side. The two principals guided you to the door farthest on the left and opened it; from your view, in the back right corner is a study desk with a wooden chair, on the right side of the room was a bed with bookshelf behind it against the back wall, acting as part of the headboard, on the wall next to the bed was a double door window held closed by a latch, on the left side of the bed stood a nightstand with a lamp on top and a single drawer just below the tabletop, against the back was a dark brown treasure chest shaped trunk, which you make a mental note to yourself to store some of the items you can't carry in there, and lastly, along the left wall was a long dresser with six drawers, three on each side, and a small TV decorated the top.

"This is the Guest Room we use for relatives who come to visit on holidays," Celestia explains, "but from now on, this will be your bedroom. I know it's not much, but it's the best we can do. What do you think?"

You write out your response:

It's perfect

Celestia smiles, "That's good to know." She fidgets a little, "Um, this may be a bit much to ask, but...could you stay in your room until one of us come to get you?"

You instantly became confused, why did she want you to stay up here? Sure, you could use some time to yourself, but asking something like that seemed strange in your mind. What was she up to? You banish all thought and simply nod.

"Good. See you in a few."

With that, she closed the door and left you be. You walked over to your bed and climbed up on it, reaching for the latch on your window, you unlock it and push them open. You found yourself folding your arms on the windowsill and staring into the sky as the birds were chirping their little tune. One thought crosses your mind:

Why does this feel familiar?

Meanwhile, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were just walking down the stairs when the latter broke the silence between them, "Why did you ask young Naxon to stay in his room for the time being?"


Celestia smiles deviously, "That's why." She walked over to the front door and opened it, revealing the six girls from before with Pinkie holding a large box. "I knew you'd all be here before long."

"Sorry I'm late, Principal Celestia!" Pinkie began at a fast pace, "I would've been here sooner, but I had to go to the store to get more streamers! I can't believe I forgot to restock! I mean, I made myself a list, but I guess I lost it!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, can we just get this over with?" Rainbow interrupted in an annoyed tone, "I've had about all I can take with that guy."

Celestia furrowed her brow at that comment, but Luna intervened, "Why don't you all come in and prepare the party for Naxon?" The group of girls entered the house when Luna spoke up once again, "Besides...there's something we need to tell you all..."

Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna's House
Time of Day: Noon
Weather: Sunny
Time: 12:00 PM

A little over an hour has passed and you haven't heard from Celestia or Luna since they left you in your new room, which is, admittedly, a lot less gloomy than your old room in the castle. In that time, you took a little sip of the fizzy apple cider Applejack gave you, it has quite a savory taste. Thinking back on your room, you faintly remember when you were locked up...

The Castle That Never Was - Your Room
Time of Day: ???
Weather: ???
Time: ???

You were escorted to your bed as you entered the darkened room, no source of light except for the one coming from the open door. You sat down and put your hands on your lap and looked up one of your superiors.

"I'm so sorry about this, my dear creation," he began, "but orders are orders, as the saying goes. Don't worry, you won't be alone for long." He smiles mischievously. "I'll be back soon to give you the rest of the data you need."

That said, he exited the room with the door closing automatically, leaving you all alone in the darkness. You felt the days pass by as you sat there, doing nothing at all. You didn't know what to do, other than write in your diary from time to time. You didn't have a sense of self, because you were told that you have no "self". You were an empty husk, a mere shell, just like the rest of the Organization. You estimated seven days before Vexen came back in.

"Come, Naxon, it is time for your tune up."

You stood up and walked toward the door-


The sound of your bedroom door being knocked on snapped you out of your reverie. The door opened to reveal Principal Celestia, who once again bares that friendly smile upon her face.

"Naxon, could you come downstairs with me?" She asks.

You nod and stand from your bed, following Celestia out into the hallway. Just when you two near the stairs, you tap on her shoulder, earning her attention.

"Something wrong?"

You take out your paper and pen and write:

I have to know, when you left me in my room, you weren't going to leave me all alone, were you?

Celestia was take aback by the question, "Of course not, what would make you think-" She stopped herself when she remembered what Sunset told her, she then calmed herself and spoke, "Naxon, I would never ever leave you alone like whoever you were once with, you're our family now, and we look after each other, okay?"

You nod and follow her down the stairs. The entire house is pitch black, you can't even see your hand in front of your face. But somehow, Celestia is able to guide you to the living room, perhaps she knows the house so well that she doesn't even need to see.

"Hold on, Naxon, let me just find the light switch." She says.

You wait for a moment as she searches for said light switch, until...



You jump backwards and stare at the large mass of people with wide eyes.

"Sorry if we all scared you there, Naxon," Luna walked up to you, "but Pinkamena did say she was going to throw you a party, and who are we to restrict her from doing so?"

Out of nowhere, Pinkie appeared behind you and gave you one of her bone-crushing hugs, "That's right, but my friends just call me Pinkie! So were you surprised!? Huh!? Huh!? Were ya!?"

"Um, Pinkie?" Applejack began as came out of the crowd, "Ah don't think Naxon can answer ya if he can't breathe."

"Huh?" Pinkie looked at you and saw your skin slightly turning blue as you held your neck, desperately gasping for air. She swiftly let go of you and became frantic with her words, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you, Naxy! Are you okay!?"

You raise a hand up to stop her as you silently breathe in and out, which Rainbow had to make a joke about.

"Dude's a freaking mime!"

Which earned her a smack behind her head and a glare from Applejack. When you regain your lost breath, you take out your pen and paper and answer Pinkie's questions and asked your own:

First of all, yes I was most certainly surprised
Second, I'm okay, just short of breath
Third, Who's "Naxy"?

Pinkie was relieved that she successfully surprised you and that she didn't hurt you, but she giggled at your question, "Silly! That's your nickname, duh!"

You write:

I thought my nickname was "Sugar Cube"

"Only Applejack calls you that! I call you 'Naxy'!"

You hesitated, but soon nodded in understanding.

"Great! Now let's go and meet everybody!"

Pinkie yanked you towards the crowd as the party officially began, introducing you everybody in the room.

The first guest she brought you to was one of the six girls that you were not introduced to yet; she had yellow skin, blue-green eyes, long pink hair with a white butterfly clip in it, she was wearing a white blouse, a green skirt with three pink and white butterflies on it, pink socks with white polka dots, and green knee-high shoes with flower petals sticking out of the top and the toes having a flower pattern, almost giving it a elegant appearance. She seemed to shy away slightly at your approach.

"Hey, Fluttershy! You know Naxy, right?" Pinkie asked.

She only squeaked in response.

"C'mon, there's no need to be shy, say hello!"

She spoke in a very soft voice, "...H-Hello..."

You wrote:


"Great! Next guest!" Pinkie exclaimed as she shoved you deeper into the crowd.

You became face to face with another girl; she had ice blue skin, violet eyes, sliver hair with a purple, yellow trimmed star clip in it, she was wearing a dark blue zip-up jacket with light blue star marks on its elbows, yellow cloth at the ends of the sleeves and on the bottom, a purple undershirt, a purple skirt with an image of a wand standing next to a crescent moon and a light blue sparkling trim, and dark blue knee-high shoes with a purple, single yellow stripe cloth at the top, purple, star marked tongue, purple with a light blue stripe at the toes, and light blue soles. She gazed between the two of you with little interest.

"Hi Trixie! This is the Guest of Honor, Naxon! But I prefer to call him Naxy!"

"I know, I heard you say it, like, a million times already." Trixie responded.

Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Trixie

"It should be, because I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!" She bragged, "You're lucky to even gaze upon me!"

"Ix-nay on the agging-bray, Trixie!" Rainbow called out, "This ain't YOUR party!"

"Hmph! Ingrate!" Trixie held her nose in the air with a pout.

If it helps, I liked your introduction

Trixie turned her attention to your response and smirked, "It does, at least a little, it's my stage name for I'm performing."

Really? What do you do?

"I am a magician and a musician, alongside my two faithful assistants/bandmates, Lavender Lace and Fuchsia Blush! They're not here, though. They had personal business to take care of."

"Neeeext guest!" Pinkie declared as she shoved you once again.

The next person you were brought to was a male this time; he had tan skin, blue eyes, blue, spiky hair with a cowlick, wearing a white shirt with a dark blue and lightning bolt imprinted on the front and a torn collar, a black jacket with red and white stripes on the arms and midsection, blue jeans, and black shoes with a white stripe on the top, white soles, and white at the toes. He seems to be curious about your appearance.

"Hi Flash! This is Naxon! But I-"

"-Call him Naxy, I heard you." Flash intercepted, "Nice to meet you, dude." He held out his hand toward you as you did the same and shook hands.

Nice to meet you, too

Pinkie continued this process until you were introduced to everybody at the party.

"Time for presents!" Celestia declared.

You went over to the couch and sat down in front of the coffee table, which had gift-wrapped boxes stacked upon it.

"Here, this one is from my sister and I." Luna said as she handed you one of the gifts.

You nodded and looked at the box curiously when you made a sudden realization: you don't know how to open it.

"You have to tear open the wrapping, silly!" Pinkie said, popping up next to you.

You have the expression, "Oh, now I get it," upon your face when she said that. You did as she said and torn open the wrapping paper, seeing what was inside.

Pinkie gasped loudly, "You got him the new ePhone 6!?"

Celestia smiled, "Yes, if anything happens, Naxon will be able to call us with his new cellphone."

With the way she described it, you believe it's some kind of communication device. You make a mental note to not lose this.

"We even inputted all of our contact information just in case."

ePhone 6
A popular brand of cellphones, this appears to be the latest model, baring multiple applications that could be of some use in the future.

Celestia's Number
Principal Celestia's cellphone contact information.

Luna's Number
Vice Principal Luna's cellphone contact information.

House Number
Contact information of the landline from your current place of residence.

"Can I see that for a sec?" Without waiting for an answer, Pinkie swiped the phone from your hand and tapped on the touch screen like crazy. After a few short moments, she handed it back to you and noticed a new addition to your contacts.

Pinkie's Number
Pinkie Pie's cellphone contact information.

"Consider that my gift to you! Oh, and this too!" She hands you a greeting card that says, "Welcome to Canterlot!" It seems she made it herself. You open it and find a slip of green paper with the number "20" marked on all four corners. "I know twenty dollars isn't much, but ya never know when you need to buy something!"

It's some type of currency. Pinkie has a point, you might need this later on.


The rest of the party went pretty smoothly; Applejack gave you a small bag of apples and half a dozen more bottles of fizzy apple cider, Fluttershy gave you a $10 gift card to Sugarcube Corner, Rarity gave you a black trifold wallet to hold your money in, Sunset gave you a small chocolate cupcake, and Rainbow...didn't get you anything. You guess she's still skeptical of you. Flash, Trixie, and four other partygoers each gave you a greeting card with $5 in them. You all had pizza for dinner and cake for dessert. The entire day was spent on the party...

(stop music)

Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna's House - Your Room
Time of Day: Evening
Weather: Clear Skies
Time: 8:59 PM

After changing into a pair of pajamas, a white t-shirt and dark blue pajama pants, that Celestia provided you with, you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling with your hands behind your head. Celestia came in wearing a bathrobe and hair is dripping wet, maybe she took a shower.

"Naxon, may I talk to you?" You nod as you sit up, giving Celestia the okay to come in and sit with you, "First of all, how was the party?"

It was great, and thank you for the gifts

"You're welcome." Celestia smiles, but then dons a stoic face, "Listen...I know tomorrow is Sunday, but a lot the school's social groups will be there in the afternoon, and I want you to get involved in one of them. Also, in the morning, we have to go to the courthouse to get your picture taken for your ID card." You nod. "And..." Celestia suddenly seems nervous. "...I know you won't get used to us overnight, being a part of our family and all, but...I don't want you to refer to me as Principal Celestia, or my sister as Vice Principal Luna when we are off school grounds."

You raise an eyebrow.

Then what shall I refer to you two as?

Celestia took a deep breath and spoke slowly, "...Mama Tia and Auntie Lulu."

Your eyes widen at that response.

"But you don't have to call us that unless you're comfortable with it, okay?"

You have a weird idea when you write your next words:

Okay...Mama Tia

Celestia smiled once again and kissed your forehead, "Thank you. Good night, Naxon."

Good night

Celestia stood up and walked out of your room, the smile never leaving her face.

Z-Link Level Up!
VIII - Principal Celestia (Mama Tia) - Lv. 2/20

You turn your attention to your black coat, hanging limply from your bed post, you dig out your diary, seashell, and popsicle stick and stuff them into your nightstand drawer. Breathing a sigh of relief, you lay back down on your bed and pull the covers over you. Sleep came to you easily as the world around you went black.

Author's Note:



Gift Card: $10.00 (Sugarcube Corner)


Black Coat (Defense +2)
(E) Pajamas (Defense +1)


Apple x 7 (+20 HP)
Fizzy Apple Cider x 7 (+50 HP)
Sm. Chocolate Cupcake x 1 (+30 HP)

Key Items

Popsicle Stick
Paper Stack
Luna's Pen
ePhone 6
Celestia's Number
Luna's Number
House Number
Pinkie's Number


VII - Vice Principal Luna (Auntie Lulu) - Lv. 1/20
VIII - Principal Celestia (Mama Tia) - Lv. 2/20

Stained Glass Template by Akili-Amethyst

I know what you're thinking, and no, this has nothing to do with the Persona series.

Plus, I just referenced the iPhone 6, in case nobody noticed.