• Published 17th Apr 2015
  • 13,799 Views, 2,312 Comments

The Prince - BronyWriter

Prince Antares, formerly the human TD Powell, helps lead the ponies of Equestria through the trials and tribulatons his nation endures.

  • ...

Yet It Can Still Get Worse


In a stunning turn of events, an anonymous source leaked medical documents confirming that Princess Celestia is pregnant with what appears to be a colt. Prince Antares is the sire. How and why the two of them chose to keep their relationship a secret is overshadowed by the fact that this will be the first foal born of an alpha alicorn since recorded history began. Prince Antares gave an official statement regarding the pregnancy.

"Yes, I am here to confirm the rumors circulating our nation over the past few days. Princess Celestia is pregnant, and I am the sire. Yes, Princess Celestia and I have been in a relationship for over a year now. Now I know that all of this is shocking to you, but think about this: our foal was conceived in wartime, but it is our greatest hope that he will be born in peace. We cannot allow the warmongering minotaurs and griffins to endanger him. I do not say this because of who he is or who his parents are, but I say this just as I would say it for any of your sons and daughters. I think that above all this is a reminder that we fight this war not for glory, but to protect our families from those who would seek to hurt them."

When asked about a potential name, Prince Antares merely responded "Titus. We've decided to name him Titus."

To further matters even more, we were able to secure an interview with Marller of clan Banag, the minotaur ambassador to Equestria. He declined any comments about the war but said of the pregnancy: "I think it just shows that your rulers don't trust you. I mean, Celestia and Antares have been in a relationship for a year and don't think that their subjects can handle that knowledge? Then they find out they're having a foal and decide to keep that a secret, too? Who knows what other secrets they're hiding from you? I'll grant that I'm not a head of state like they are, I'm just a simple ambassador who still wishes for some peaceful resolution to the unfortunate conflict between our nations. For me, there's a difference between important state secrets, such as military plans and whatnot, and lying to your subjects because you're embarrassed about something you may view as a mistake. I see their relationship and pregnancy as the latter. I'm not even talking about not trusting you in wartime. Their relationship has been going on for over a year and that was long before this unfortunate war. I'm just not sure why they felt they needed to hide it from you."

With a burst of my horn I incinerated the paper. This Marller fellow was really starting to become a thorn in my side. Oh we had Blade Wings following him at all times. If he committed any act of war whatsoever, we'd have his head on a pike so fast he might as well have woken up that way.

I think he knew that. He's been perfectly behaved while in our country.

But yes, Celestia and I have decided to name our foal Titus. It just seems to fit. That and it's an Earth name that I'm really rather fond of, given the various historical aspects of it.

However, we wouldn't really need to get into that for another eight months or so, unless alicorns had an accelerated birthing process. It was possible. Either way, we'd learn more about alicorn biology through this pregnancy than ponies had in millennium.

"It's okay, Prince Antares, I think he's a jerk, too."

I grimaced and turned my head to see Lieutenant Rapids behind me. I bobbed my head in a slight display of affirmation.

"Well if I can help it, he's not going to survive the war. Or he's going to return to his home with his tail between his legs and spend the rest of his life cowering in fear."

"Minotaur tails don't exactly work like that, Prince Antares."

I glared at Rapids. "You know what I mean. He's put us in a quandary. Either we remove certain parts of freedom of the press and make it so that Marller can't give an interview like that, which we’ll be poorly looked on for, or we let him demoralize our nation with his twisted words. I'm not sure which is the lesser of two evils right now."

"Probably the first one, Prince Antares." Lieutenant Rapids shrugged. "I mean, you tell the newspapers not to print a few things. Big deal in the long run. Marller can do some serious damage to our morale if we let him."


I pushed aside the remains of my breakfast and stand up, letting a servant take my dishes away. I have a full schedule today and I can't waste a moment of my time.

"Lieutenant Rapids, let Princess Celestia know that I'll make it to the Crystal Empire this afternoon to sit in on the talks with Yakyakistan."

Oy, there was another thorn in my side. See, our intelligence indicated that the yaks had started talks with the minotaurs to join on their side. I'm assuming because they want the Crystal Empire out of the deal if they win the war. I had no doubt we could win a war with the yaks, but it would divert precious resources away from the western front. I didn't worry about the griffins. The riots starting in Iselin had severely crippled the morale of their troops, particularly after Cromwell used violence to shut down a rally. Fifteen dead, so I heard.

"Also," I continued, "I'd like reports on how the training camps are coming along. I want as many troops as possible armed and ready to march in two weeks."

Lieutenant Rapids snapped to attention and saluted me. "Yes, Prince Antares. If I may ask, is there any particular reason for that date?"

"I'm not sure if the buffalo and the Saddle Arabians can hold out too much longer without reinforcements from us. It's just been skirmishes now, but that can end at any moment. They're testing us. Seeing what our defenses are like. I want to be at full strength when they march towards our country. Besides, they're trying to invade Equestria. It wouldn't be fair to have Mesud do all of the work."

"Yes, Prince Antares. Understood, Prince Antares. I'll have a report on your desk by this afternoon."

"Very good."

With everything that had been going on, I hadn't been as up-to-date with how the training of the draftees was going. I kept meaning to, especially to keep up with the Ponyville draftees. However between the pregnancy, Marller, the griffins, and just a hundred other little things, I'd never given it the attention I'd have liked. I wasn't told if on the first day of training, the commanding officers did a training montage to "I'll Make a Man out of You", so I'm forced to assume that was the case.

The early half of my day consisted of checking up on various weapons and armor dealers that we had contracts with to make sure that the newly trained troops would be well supplied for when they did eventually make the move to the front. I couldn't have my ponies marching to war with inferior weapons. Plus I had to let Las Pegasus know that I was keeping an eye on them. I don't think they'd stoop so low as to send an army to war with shoddy weapons, but given the mild displays of distaste they'd thrown our way after the execution of Soaring Skies, it didn't hurt to be careful. No open rebellion yet, but they really thought that I'd infringed on their rights.

Yeesh, Las Pegasus seceding in the middle of the war would be just the worst. I didn't think it'd go that direction as the vast majority of the ponies there were completely loyal to the crown, but the one percent of ponies with power who didn't like us could make things difficult.

Still, after checking over everything, things seemed to be going okay. I think that beyond just obeying the crown that was paying for their weapons they realized that if Equestria fell, or was severely crippled during the war, then their bit purses get hit pretty hard. I'll take pragmatist allies. They're better than nothing.

I arrived at the Crystal Empire around lunchtime to meet up with Celestia and Cadance. I noted with some sadness that several groups of crystal ponies were doing military drills around the city, as well as putting up fortifications everywhere. It's as if they expected our negotiations to fail and that this city would start looking like Stalingrad if that ended up being the case.

Not that I could blame them too much. The crystal ponies had always been a twitchy bunch after Sombra.

I entered the throne room of the Crystal Palace where Celestia and Cadance were waiting for me, the latter sitting on her throne with Shining Armor beside her. However, what interested me was the obscenely hairy creature in front of the throne, flanked by two equally shaggy beings.

Mares and gentlecolts, the yaks.

"Good afternoon Prince Antares, it's nice of you to join us," Cadance said, inclining her head in my direction.

"It's nice to be here," I replied, taking a place beside Celestia. "I hope that our two nations can find a peaceful solution to this potential problem."

The lead yak sported one of the most impressive scowls I've ever seen in my entire life, which didn't do much for my hopes that we wouldn't be fighting a three front war. Four if the Diamond Dogs got together and attacked us from the south. He didn't say anything, so Princess Cadance took the lead.

"Uh... Prince Antares, this is Prince Rutherford of Yakyakistan. He's been sent here by his father, King Albert the Second, to talk about our counter-offer to the ones the minotaurs have given them.”

"Yaks want things ponies have," Rutherford growled in a depressingly monosyllabic tone. "Yaks want things perfect. Otherwise yaks go to war with Equestria."

"Okaaayyyy," I said uneasily. "So what exactly does that mean?"

"Yaks want more crops. Secrets of Equestrian farming. Wheat and sugar imports doubled. Embassy in Crystal Empire and Canterlot."

Not too bad so far.

"And yaks want the Crystal Mountains. Want to mine it instead of ponies."

Ah, now the other shoe dropped.

Cadance, Celestia and I exchanged a tired glance before Cadance took a deep breath to counter.

"Prince Rutherford, we can do everything you want up to giving you the Crystal Mountains. I'm sorry, but it isn't happening."

"Ponies don't want war! Yaks want things perfect, so ponies will do everything that yaks want!" Rutherford snarled. "Otherwise yaks will go to war and take everything anyway, including all of Crystal Empire!"

"Prince Rutherford, I was under the impression that you came here to negotiate, not make demands," Cadance said with a frown. "I will not allow you to hold my country hostage." Cadance glared at him and got to her hooves. "The Crystal Mountains have been a part of the Crystal Empire since before Celestia and Luna. We protect and cherish them as we would our foals. I will not allow you to turn them into strip mines, is that clear?"

"Crystal ponies can't protect them once yaks invade!" Rutherford replied snootily. "Yaks promise to take good care of them, but we want them to help our economy!" Rutherford nodded as though he'd made a rather solid argument. "Yaks not unreasonable. Will trade resources from mountains with Crystal Empire."

Cadance narrowed her eyes and flared out her wings. Good going, Rutherford. Piss off the alicorn with the best special ops force in the world.

"Rutherford, I know that you think the Crystal Army is a joke. I know that everybody in the world does, but I think you'll be quite surprised at what happens when you try to fight us."

"Yak army twice the size of Crystal Army!" Rutherford retorted. "What could crystal ponies do to our army?"

A smug smile crossed Cadance's face as she quietly chuckled at Rutherford. "We have weapons hidden all over the city. My ponies have gotten very good at fighting with crossbows as of late. Should you invade with a force twice the size of my army, my ponies will shoot twice, then go home."

I knew she'd use that line after I told her about the Swiss. To be fair, I totally would too.

Rutherford didn't seem as pleased as Cadance by her statement. I could practically see steam pouring out of his ears.

"Ponies can't talk to yaks like that!" he roared. "There will be no peace between our nations! I leave and come back with more yaks! We declare war!"

Cadance tilted her head in thought for a moment before looking back at the two guards flanking the door to the throne room and nodding. The guards saluted her and stepped in front of the door. Oh dear. I exchanged a glance with Celestia as she leans in closer to me..

"I wouldn't interfere if I were you."

"I wouldn't either," I mumble back.

"So..." Cadance began, her voice deadly calm. "Let me try to understand what you just said. Are you saying that our two nations are currently at war as of this moment?" Rutherford grunted angrily and nodded. Cadance returned it.

It suddenly dawned on me that this Rutherford fellow might just be so stupid it bordered on tap-dancing lunacy. Even I felt uneasy at Cadance's demeanor. Heck, Shining Armor had started shifting nervously where he stood.

"Very well, I accept your declaration of war. The Crystal Empire declares war on Yakyakistan. We are now fighting and as such..." Cadance took a few steps forward and ignited her horn. "It would be foolish of me to allow an armed aggressor such as yourself to remain in my capital. As you are the prince of Yakyakistan, you are a valuable prisoner of war should I decide to go that route, which I will."

Before the yaks could respond, crystals shot out of the floor, wrapping themselves around the legs of Rutherford and his guards. They began shouting at Cadance, but a quick burst from her horn silenced them.

"So, Prince Rutherford, you will spend the entire war in my dungeons. Maybe then you'll learn that I can handle a lot of things, but promises of slaughtering my subjects is not something that I'll take lightly. I love and care for my ponies as though they were my own family. You may think that my army is a joke, but I assure you that my special forces are not. All it will take is one word from me and I'll have your entire family's heads surrounding your cell."

"Ponies can't do that!" Rutherford screeched. "Otherwise you would have done it to Purgle!"

"Your army is one fifth the size of his," Cadance responded coolly, "Purgle didn't walk straight into my throne room, armed to the teeth, and declare war right in front of me. Had you come unarmed you would be peaceful ambassadors and I would allow you to leave, but armed as you are, I can tell you that you won't see Yakyakistan for quite a while."

"Ponies are making a mistake!" Rutherford yelled. "Ponies will be destroyed!"

Even though I wished he would just shut up so that he would stop digging himself deeper, I couldn't help but notice the desperation creeping up in his voice.

"That's nice." Cadance ignited her horn again, and the crystals around the legs of Rutherford's guards receded. "So, you two I'm going to let you go. I need you to send a message to King Albert. Tell him that he has three days to get all of his females and children out of the capital of Yakyakistan. On the fourth day at dawn, Prince Antares here will personally lead a detachment of some of our finest troops to your borders. Once they're finished, Yakyakistan will be nothing more than a perfect crater in the ground.

Wait... hold on a moment, I'll what?

"Prince Antares has some new weapons he wants to try out," Cadance continued, using her magic to strip the yaks of their weapons. "He has to make sure they'll be effective against Purgle after all."

I think I missed some important meeting because this is all news to me.

"If he so wishes to end the war before it begins, I'll listen to his pleas for mercy." Cadance nodded to her guards again as they stepped out of the way of the door. "I'm keeping Rutherford, though." She waved her hoof in the direction of the door. "You are free to leave, gentleyaks. My soldiers will escort you to our borders."

Now if I was one of the yaks in this instance, I'd probably do what Cadance said, because she was freaking me out right now and I would have no way to fight her in her own throne room surrounded by a few guards and two alpha alicorns. It would just be the smart move.

No one ever called the yaks smart. I mean, maybe it was just these three that were complete idiots. I don't know.

Anyway, I think that one of the yak guards saw his chance because he pulled a hidden knife out of his coat and charged directly at Cadance. The other yak guard wasn't quite that dumb and began backing away, something I think Rutherford would be doing if he wasn't glued to the floor.

Well, obviously seeing a princess being attacked got everypony in the room in "go" mode. Celestia, Shining Armor and myself all ignited our horns, while the two door guards charged forward, spears at the ready.

Cadance turned out to be a hair faster.

Tapping into the strength that comes with being able to surround an entire city with a forcefield, Cadance caught the yak in her magic before he even got two steps in her direction, lifted him into the air, then hurled him straight through the nearest window like he was the freaking Comedian at the beginning of Watchmen. The remaining yak guard screamed in terror and ran straight for the throne room door. The door guards followed after him. I imagined that he wouldn't stop running until he made it to the border.

So... holy cow, I knew Cadance had a touch of a ruthless streak when the situation called for it, but not like that.

Nopony said a word as another pair of guards came in and took Rutherford out of the throne room. Rutherford tried to get out a few paltry words in his defense, but Cadance merely turned her back on him, completely ignoring his efforts. After a few moments the guards had taken Rutherford out, leaving just the four of us in the room.

All eyes were on Cadance but she didn't say anything for a few moments. We didn't even know what she was thinking until she started sniffling.

Shining Armor rushed up to her and pulled her in for a hug. They both sat down, allowing Cadance to nuzzle into Shining Armor's chest.

"I don't like me when I have to be like that, Shiny," Cadance whimpered, wiping her eyes with her hoof.

"I know, Cadance," Shining Armor said, rubbing his wife's back. "It's gonna be okay. They're not going to beat us."

"Yeah, about that..." I took a few tentative steps forward and lowered my head to Cadance's level. "So you said that I'm going to be leading a charge into Yakyakistan to pretty much kill everything that I see. And that I'd use some of my weapons as a 'testing ground' or something. So... was that decided just now, or...?"

"I was just trying to scare him," Cadance muttered. "After everything I said, I don't think King Albert will want to come anywhere near us. We have his son, too. That should help, I guess."

"I guess," I echoed. "But do you have plans if he still wants to go to war?"

"King Albert is a little more level-headed than his son," Celestia chimed in. "He's much more of a pragmatist when faced with difficult situations."

A wry smile crossed my face as I allowed myself a little chuckle. "I was more level-headed and pragmatic when I ripped a house in half to stop a foal abuser. I'm rather surprised that King Albert allowed his son to have this mission at all."

"Well, Rutherford will be king in the event of Albert's passing," Celestia mused. "I suppose that he wanted his son to have some diplomatic experience so that when he was king, he'd know not to do..." Celestia grimaced and flattened her ears. "Exactly what he just did."

"Can we talk about all of this later, Auntie?" Cadance asked. "I kinda want to stop talking about the war for the day."

"Yes, of course. Antares and I can handle things from here. I would suggest taking the rest of the day off Cadance. Recenter. Come back tomorrow fresh and ready."


Celestia and I walked out of the throne room, leaving Cadance alone with her husband. She didn't look any better. I guess the war was getting to all of us in some ways.

Once the two of us were alone, I cleared my throat to get Celestia's attention.

"So, with that now finished, we need to talk about some things."

"I suppose we do," Celestia agreed.

"The big one is that I think that we have an informant in one of our palaces. The minotaurs didn't just guess that you're pregnant, someone on the inside told them."

"I have been having similar thoughts," Celestia admitted. "It might be more than one. I doubt it's freemind changelings. We have enough wards to expose them if they tried to get within a mile of either of our palaces. No, I believe we have at least one traitor in our midst."

"Which will further complicate moving the Elements anywhere. We can't have them in either palace as an unknown informant can easily turn into an assassin. Moving them somewhere else wouldn't work either because if this informant or informants can leak info about your pregnancy, then they'll tell the minotaurs and griffins where we hid them."

"I fear you are correct," Celestia muttered. "But at the same time, I don't like the idea of just leaving them in Ponyville. It's too exposed and they only need to get one for the Elements to cease working."

"Ponyville is in the heart of Equestria, so it would be difficult to get minotaurs or griffins in there," I reasoned. "We have Blade Wings watching every single move they make. We can ask one of them what Twilight had for dinner and they'd be able to give us that information going back a month. I think they're as safe as anypony right now."


I have to admit, I didn't fully believe it either. But until we found the informants, we couldn't move them to Canterlot or Baltimare either.

“I can’t wait until all of this is over,” I groaned. “Once we win we’ll not have to deal with these kinds of beings for a while, right?”

“Win?” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Oh Antares, if there’s one thing I learned in the many wars that I’ve fought, is that nobody ‘wins’ a war. Do you think that just because one side ends up in a better position than the other, that there aren’t mothers who lie on the ground sobbing for the loss of their dead sons and daughters? That there aren’t widows who will feel forever alone now that a key part of them has been taken away? No, we will have many of those ponies in the coming days. The only side who ‘wins’ is the one that has those grieving families believe that their loved ones died for something. Whichever side ‘loses’ will lose because they see the never ending sea of gravestones and believe that it was all for nothing.”

“Then what can we do, Celestia?” I muttered. “What now?”

Celestia sighed and nuzzled against my side. “We make them believe that there’s a point to all of this bloodshed.”

“But in the end there’s not. Not really.”

“Of course not. In the end this is all because of one madman’s pride. Someday another will arise and we shall go through this again. It is the way of things. But we’ll have to make them believe otherwise.”

Author's Note:

You may think that Rutherford was an idiot this whole chapter, but... if anything I made him smarter from what he was in the show.

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