• Published 12th Mar 2015
  • 13,602 Views, 175 Comments

JonTron Goes to Equestria! - Whateverdudezb

A particular internet celebrity visits a particular magical land for no particular reason.

  • ...

You've officially become THAT chapter. You know the one...


~ Jon Jafari

As the sun began to rise over the small settlement of Ponyville, long shadows were cast from the town's various buildings as a new day began to dawn. With the townsfolk just beginning to wake up from their long night, with the nearby birds starting to sing and chirp in the light of the new day, and with a third noun verbing in some relation to a time-related noun, the town's clear serenity was unfortunately disturbed by the bright burst of white light that briefly flashed out of the town's newly tree-like, crystal palace that was situated in its center.

"What the buck!?" screamed out Ponyville's resident princess.

In Twilight's castle, in the middle of the Hall of Harmony, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her dutiful assistant, Spike, stood side-by-side of each other as they both stared at the being standing before them. In contemplative silence, as they looked upon this subject that was of interest to them with intense scrutiny, neither of them fully realized what coming tribulations were soon to be abound.

Tearing his gaze away from such an interesting subject, Spike turned to the Princess of Friendship next to him with an inquisitive look about him, "So let me get this straight," he began skeptically, "you were experimenting with some new trans-dimensional teleportation spell that was going to revolutionize the way ponies traveled when suddenly an unforeseen complication arose and caused this strange, bipedal creature that we've never seen before to inexplicably appear out of thin air. Did I get that right?"

Princess Twilight Sparkle did not immediately answer her dragon assistant, she only stared straight ahead in mute silence. After awhile of such silence, she blinked once, then twice, and then finally she slowly turned her head to face Spike with the most taken-aback, befuddled expression she could muster.

"What?" she asked, pure confusion in her voice, "What are you talking about? No, that's... that's not at all what happened. Everything that you just said is completely wrong to the current situation," raising up a lavender hoof, she pointed toward the no doubt interesting subject that has wrapped their attention so, "First off, that's not some strange creature that we've never seen before. That's a human. We've seen plenty of them before. Heck, I was one for a few times. And second off," Twilight switched her pointing hoof behind the said human that was of particular interest to them to the magical mirror that was both magical and a mirror, "he didn't just appear out of thin air, he walked through the magical mirror," she scrunched her eyebrows downward in confusion as she stared at Spike, "How... how do you not know this? It literally just happened not three minutes ago, while we were both in the room."

Spike shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, "Yeah, I know. I just thought that we weren't supposed to acknowledge the mirror's existence or our past experiences with humans unless stated otherwise."

Still retaining the same facial expression of confusion that was described previously, Twilight tilted her head at an angle, "Stated otherwise?" she repeated questioningly, "Spike, what are you talking about?"

His draconic eyes glancing off to the side, Spike rubbed a claw under his chin in contemplation, "I'm not too sure..." he admitted quietly, deep in thought before shrugging again and casually pointing a sharp thumb over to the human, "but hey, since the guy's not stuck here due to some crazy spell, should we shove him back into the mirror before he starts getting some character development and save ourselves from whatever crazy adventure that he's undoubtedly going to drag us into?"

Twilight was quiet for a moment as she pursed her lips in thought, "Tempting..." she said, before quickly shaking her head in the negative, "but no, I'm pretty sure doing that would go against the whole 'friendship' aspect of my title as Princess of Friendship."

Spike slumped his posture, sighing resentfully as he did so, "Of course," he muttered under his breath, before focusing back onto Twilight, "well, if we're not kicking him out then we should probably introduce ourselves, 'cause he's kind of just been standing there quietly while we've been talking to each other."

Eyes widening as she placed a hoof over her mouth in shock, Twilight gasped, "Oh my gosh! You're right!" flapping her wings, Twilight quickly approached the human at a relatively safe distance with an apologetic look on her face, "I'm sorry, that was really rude of us; talking to each other in front of you while you haven't even been greeted yet. I'm Twilight Sparkle," she introduced herself before gesturing back toward Spike with a nod of her head, "and that's Spike."

"Sup," greeted Spike monotonously with a casual wave of his claw.

Turning her attention back to the human before her, Twilight showed off a genuine smile, "and you are?"

Twilight blinked once blankly at the human's rather... visual display, before putting on an awkward smile, "Um... Okay. Uh... it's very nice to meet you Mr. JonTron. You know, you're actually the very first human to come to Equestria—gasp!" Gasped Twilight suddenly, placing her hooves over her cheeks as she stared at JonTron with amazement in her eyes, "That's right, you're a human!" she proclaimed loudly, her tone disbelieving, "But you can't be a human, because you walked through the magical mirror. Humans turn into ponies, and ponies turn into humans when they walk through the mirror," she flew around JonTron, examining him up and down, "yet here you are, all human-y!" Suddenly, stars lit up in her eyes and she squeed in delight, "Ooh, this could be a breakthrough in modern magical physics! Just wait here for a moment," with that, Twilight zipped down a hallway at a speed that would have impressed a certain rainbow mare, leaving Spike and Jontron alone together in awkward silence.

Spike stared at JonTron.

JonTron stared at Spike.

Spike coughed into his fist.

Just as the philosophical debate between JonTron and Spike was about to commence, Twilight returned carrying a square mechanical machine in her magical aura, graphs of paper trailing out of its main port. This was the same machine that she had hooked up to Pinkie Pie so long ago when she had been trying to study her Pinkie Sense. Laying the machine down on the floor, Twilight faced JonTron and levitated up a helmet that was covered in colorful light bulbs and was attached to the machine with electrical wire.

With a sunny smile, she offered the helmet to JonTron.

"Could you put this on, please?" she asked cheerfully.

Ignoring JonTron's legitimate concerns, Twilight continued talking in a pleasant disposition as she turned away and began flipping some of the machine's switches, "You see, because you remained unaffected from the mirror's transmogrifying powers, you're an anomaly to what ponies know about the established rules of magic. With this instrument, and a few testing procedures involving physical exercise, probing, and some blood sampling, I think I'll be able to quickly deduce the reason why you're still human here."

Twilight turned back to JonTron, her bright and sunny smile still on her face, "So are you ready to start some testing?" she asked enthusiastically.

Behind her, as the machine whirred into activity, a few bolts of electricity burst out of its casing.

Twilight stared at the castle doors left ajar, her mouth hanging in disbelief, "What the...? Why... why did he just leave like that?" she asked, turning back to Spike with a questioning look.

Behind her, Spike took a few wary steps back away from the machine as another violent bolt of electricity shot out of it.

"I believe I can think of a few reasons," he deadpanned.

Twilight rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, "Right, well, since JonTron left, I suppose I should put that thing back where I found... it..." she paused, her pupils shrinking into tiny pinpricks as she stared the thousand mile stare of horrifying realization as she gazed upon the mechanical instrument, "Oh Celestia..." she swore under her breath, "Spike! We have to find JonTron and send him back through the mirror immediately!"

Spike raised a curious eyebrow, "Uh... why?"

She snapped her gaze directly at the purple dragon, her face an expression of horror, "Because his very presence here is warping the very fabric of our reality!" she screamed out.


"This machine!" Twilight shouted, pointing toward the unused instrument, "Don't you know what this is!?"

"Uh..." spoke out Spike intelligently, "the machine that you used to test Pinkie Pie?"

"Exactly!" she shouted, startling Spike as he suddenly found Twilight's face mere inches from his own, the panicky sweat trailing down her coat and her fearful pinprick pupils now clearly evident to him from the close proximity that they now shared, "The same machine that was destroyed when Tirek blew up our old home!"

For a moment, the entire chamber was silent nay for the impossible machine that still whirred and whizzed from the going on's of its internal mechanisms.

Slowly, Spike raised his claw, it shaking terribly all the way up as he did so, and removed his sunglasses to reveal horrified irises, "Holy Salamander Cuttlefish," he whispered hollowly.

Twilight began to pace back and forth in a worried fashion, "By being here as a human instead of a pony and going against the natural laws of our reality, JonTron must be causing the metaphysical pillars of our plane of existence to be torn apart by his sheer presence. He's only been here for a few minutes now and already he's caused objects of the past to inexplicably appear in the present," she ceased her pacing and looked back at Spike, pointing her hoof at him as she did so, "Look! You now have sunglasses when you didn't just a minute ago! Another inconsistency!"

Doing a quick double-take at the glasses he was holding, Spike quickly tossed them away with a shocked expression.

"This also explains why I was so adamant about wanting to test him," proclaimed Twilight, a hoof under her chin, "his reality warping presence must cause inconsistencies in a pony's behavior and personality, causing them to act out of character," she slammed her hoof down on the floor, a stern and indignant look about her as she rolled her eyes, "I mean, I would never be so quick as to force somepony I just met to be experimented on. I may be a mare of science, but I'm also a princess now; I have responsibilities to uphold, and I've grown as a pony!"

"I think you may be right, Twilight," said Spike, "we have to find him. Who knows just what kind of damage he's doing out there?"

JonTron was just casually strolling down the streets of Ponyville, when suddenly a pink pony jumped up mere inches from his face.

"Hi there! I'm Pinkie Pie!" she greeted herself loudly.

"Oops," she said, before obliging and taking a step back, "Sorry about that," she apologized, her tone and expression incredibly cheerful as she began speedily shooting out words as fast as one would shoot out bullets, "I was just so excited. Because you're new here. But not just new. Like, new new. Because I've never seen somepony like you. You're not even a pony. Which means that you're not a somepony. You're a somebody. Which is kind of like a somepony, but with a body instead of a pony. But that doesn't matter. Because you're new! And like ponies, bodies new to Ponyville get a 'Welcome to Ponyvile' party. Isn't that awesome!? Ooh ooh, but before we do that, can you act as a judge? Me and Rainbow Dash are having a werstling match!"

Commercial Break! Because, like, you know, a literary medium totally needs advertisements forced down the gullet of readers as a restorative recess from the exhausting effort of reading ...or something. The fuck am I doing with my life?

"Wait, hold up," said Twilight, her expression befuddled as she held up a hoof to better prevent any more content from being explicitly shared until she got a better read on the situation, "are you telling me that you made him a judge ...of your wrestling match?"

After Twilight and Spike concluded the necessary need to remove JonTron from their plane of existence, they quickly exited her castle and split up in search for the rest of their friends so that they could quickly use their rainbow powers and Deus ex Machina his ass back through the magical mirror, which was both magical and a mirror. By a stroke of luck, Twilight was able to stumble upon two of her friends at the same time in the middle of some public fundraiser.

Why they were both covered in mud stains, Twilight wasn't quite sure.

Pinkie Pie nodded enthusiastically. Next to her, Rainbow Dash raised up a wing to prevent the mud that was flying off of the overexcited mare from hitting her in the face.

"Yeah," answered Rainbow Dash casually with a nod, "although I gotta say he wasn't very good at it though; guy just kept giving us ten out of ten's, which I'm pretty sure is not even what wrestling judges do, but whatever," she wing-shrugged indifferently, before allowing a smirk to appear on her features, "either way, we've been making a killing from all these ponies who came to see us duke it out." She leaned forward closer to Twilight and whispered, "Which, by the way, you're kind of interrupting."

Raising an eyebrow, Twilight arched her head to the side to see past her two friends and look at their 'wrestling arena,' which consisted little more than a muddy field, a couple of bleachers for their audience, and a banner, where, consistent with Ponyville's past handling of banners, had wrestling misspelled.

"Uh... Dash, why are you and Pinkie wrestling in a mud field?" inquired Twilight.

"Because it's a mud werstling fundraiser, silly," spoke up Pinkie Pie with a cheerful hop.

Twilight blinked once, still blankly staring past her two friends at their wrestling arena, taking particular note of the ponies sitting in the bleachers.

"There, um..." began Twilight, her tone cautious, "...there sure are a lot of stallions in the audience—"

"Okay, look," interrupted Rainbow Dash sourly, looking off to the side so as to not meet anypony's eyes, "you have your way of raising money, and we have our way of raising money; don't judge."

"...What is this fundraiser for again?"

"It's for..." Rainbow Dash quieted, her face contemplative before she quickly turned back to Pinkie Pie, "hey, Pink's, what's this fundraiser for again?"

Pinkie Pie shrugged, "I dunno; does it matter? It's not like it affects the overarching plot in anyway. The author's just using this entire scene to provide more examples of the dangers of JonTron's reality warping presence and emphasize the damage he's doing to ponies so as to give readers further justification for Twilight's decision to send him back through the magical mirror—which is both magical and a mirror, by the way."

Rainbow Dash just stared at her pink friend, her face blank as she struggled on what to say to that, "I... I don't... I... what?"

"Oh dear Celestia! Not you too, Pinkie!" bemoaned out Twilight loudly as she wrapped her hooves around the party pony in a comforting hug, "your exposure to JonTron has already caused you to become nothing more than a dispensary of fourth wall jokes one after another despite the fact that you have so many other character traits that make you you!"

As Pinkie Pie was comforted by her dear friend, her sky blue eyes zigzagged fearfully across the empty space surrounding them, "...I can see past the edges of our reality, Twilight," she whispered hollowly, her body trembling from that which she saw with her Sight, "all of the universes... they just go on forever, in infinity... it's... it's maddening, Twilight."

"It's alright, Pinkie," assured Twilight, "you can get through this. I believe in you." Letting go of her friend who was currently seeing things only ever experienced by Yog-Sothoth, the Opener of the Way, Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash with imperative swiftness, "Dash, this is important," she stated in an urgent tone, "do you know where JonTron is?"

"Uh... y-yeah! I last saw him heading to Fluttershy's," stuttered out Rainbow Dash, the urgency of the situation getting to her, "he said that he came to Equestria looking for his pet birds."

"Alright, if he's at Fluttershy's then we have to—wait," Twilight stopped herself, her eyebrow raised disbelievingly as she focused back on Rainbow Dash, "that's what he said?"

"Yeah," replied Rainbow Dash with a nod, before returning Twilight's raised eyebrow with one of her own, "why? Is something wrong?"

Twilight shook her head in the negative, "No, nothing's wrong. It's just..." she placed a hoof under her chin in thought, her face scrunching in concentration, "it's just that... for some reason I'm having a hard time visually imagining him saying those exact words."

"The author couldn't find a suitable video clip to adequately explain JonTron's reason for being in Equestria," mumbled out Pinkie Pie monotonously as she rocked herself back and forth on the ground behind them, her eyes twitching fearfully by that which she Saw.

"I... I don't know what that means," admitted Twilight, before quickly shaking her head and dramatically pointing a hoof off into the distance, "either way, we have to get to Fluttershy's as fast as possible!"

"If we had phones we could just call Fluttershy and warn her about JonTron," continued Pinkie Pie emptily, "but Equestria doesn't have phones."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "Oh, come on, seriously? Phones in Equestria? Didn't we already make that joke in Five Minutes at Freddy's*cough! hack! cough! cough!*" interrupted by her sudden bout of coughing, Rainbow Dash bent over in pain as she let out more distraughting hacks.

"Rainbow!" yelled out Twilight worryingly, "are you okay?"

As a few more coughs escaped her, Rainbow Dash nodded her head assuredly, "Yeah, yeah—*cough!*—I'm fine," she replied as she raised her head back up, "I think I just coughed out a hyperlink is all," she smacked her lips together a couple of times, before letting out a tongue in disgust, "blegh! Tastes like shameless self-promotion."

"Celestia's white ass!" cursed out Twilight, "The damage to our universe has now affected you too, Rainbow! You're now sick with hyperlinks! Every time you release a hyperlink you'll cough uncontrollably along with just generally interrupting our immersion in this adventure of ours!"

"...Wow," snarked Rainbow with a smirk, "real subtle of ya, Twilight—*cough!* Tell me, do you always follow everything the writing guide says—*cough!*—or do you actually have an opinion of your own?"

"IF IT WAS REQUIRED READING THERE'D BE A WHOLE LOT LESS CRAP AROUND HERE!" yelled out Twilight defensively, her cheeks burning furiously into a shade of crimson as she glared at her rainbow friend, "and stop talking! Your hyperlink sickness is getting worse!"

"Please do," muttered out Pinkie Pie miserably from her place on the ground, "it's dragging out this story longer than it needs to be."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "Fine," she said resentfully, before shutting her mouth tightly.

With the Bearer of Loyalty finally being compliant, Twilight breathed out a deep sigh in an effort to calm herself from her current exertions, "Let's just head to Fluttershy's already," she spoke out in strained calmness, "hopefully Spike's already found Applejack and Rarity by now and is on his way there. Then we can use our friendship-rainbow powers on JonTron together and finish this. I have firm hopes that we'll be able to do this."

"I just hope the moderators are still pretty lax on the whole 'no posting meta stories' rule," muttered Pinkie Pie.

"*Cough!*" coughed out Rainbow Dash, despite her struggles to keep her mouth closed.

"Oh, just buck me now," Twilight cursed irritably under her breath as she stared up into the sky.

Meanwhile, outside of Fluttershy's cottage where all of her animal friends gathered, JonTron and Fluttershy were discussing over the requisition of his two pet birds, Jacque and Spaghetti*cough!*—what the? Who's coughing right now?

Flapping her wings, Fluttershy hovered over to a tree where two colorful parrots were roosted. Turning back to JonTron, her face expressed concern, "So, um... these are the two birds that you'd like to adopt, right?"

Fluttershy watched as the oil dripped to the ground, grimacing at how she knew for a fact that she was going to have to clean that up before any of her animal friends got sick from it.

"Okay, well, I talked to the both of them and Spaghetti is completely alright going with you, but Jacque is acting a little grumpy right now and says that you can't make him budge from that tree."

"...Well, I suppose that's one way to handle him. Anyways, I'm glad that I was able to help you locate your lost birds. By the way, before you leave, I recently found this ferret that keeps talking about ...peanut butter, I think? Do you know anything about that or—"

"Fluttershy!" called out a familiar voice.

Turning around, Fluttershy was surprised to see Twilight galloping toward her at an urgent speed. Following closely behind Twilight was Pinkie Pie, whose body kept twitching spasmodically from her fearful glances, and Rainbow Dash, who seemed to have come down with a cold if her rampant coughing was of any indication.

Also, Rarity and Applejack were there too.

...Because reasons.

"Oh my goodness," exclaimed Fluttershy as she flew over to her friends worryingly, "is something the matter?" she asked them.

But before she could get her answer, Pinkie Pie suddenly jumped up and shouted, "Exposition cut!"

"*Cough!*" coughed Rainbow Dash.

"I now completely understand the situation and am one-hundred percent behind you, Twilight, and don't need any further convincing," stated Fluttershy with a blissful smile, "thank you for providing such an in-depth and detailed explanation."

Twilight stared at Fluttershy with eyebrows scrunched downward in confusion, "What? But I... I didn't say anything—actually, you know what? Fine. Whatever. Just... just get behind me so we can dramatically stand against JonTron as a unified whole and stuff," replied an annoyed Twilight as her hoof rubbed against the bridge of her snout tiredly. All this eyebrow scrunching she'd been doing today had been making her face sore.

"Of course, Twilight, I'd be happy to," said Fluttershy as she placed herself in the middle of her group of friends with a bright and sunny smile.

Still holding the same position with her hoof against the bridge of her snout, Twilight let out a deep sigh from between her lips.

Then, with a dramatic flare of her wings, she slammed her hooves down on the ground and glared fiercely at the source of all of her day's stresses.

"JonTron!" she shouted, "We're here to send you home! Forcefully if we have to!"

"Well, to be perfectly frank, it's because your presence here is causing an untold amount of damage to our reality!" shouted Twilight, pointing a dramatic hoof at JonTron for added emphasis, "And to fix it, we're going to blast you with our rainbow powers, which will probably cause an unprecedented amount of damage to your body due to high levels of magic radiation!"

Behind her, Twilight's friends face-hooved themselves at her uncharacteristically compromising explanation, no doubt as a result of her behavior being warped by JonTron's presence.

JonTron, meanwhile, having no wish to have his body covered in magical radiation, responded appropriately.

Twilight snorted out air from her nostrils aggressively, "Fine," she said tersely, before turning back to her friends, "Girls, it's time to activate our Rainbow Powers!"

At their nods, all six ponies were suddenly wrapped up in violet orbs of powerful magic; their shadowy silhouettes barely perceivable from outside eyes as magical energy flowed into their encased forms.

Then, with a sudden, bright flash of blinding light, the violet orbs of magic shattered and revealed the six ponies in their Rainbow Power forms; colorful super manes and all.

Using their magical powers, the six ponies rocketed up into the sky in a beam of rainbows that quickly arched back down and headed straight for JonTron.

Twilight's eyes widened as a volley of laser beams were shot toward her and her friends.

"MOVE!" she shouted as she quickly diverted her direction toward the nearby trees of the Everfree forest, her friends following close behind her as the beams of lasers shot past them.

Taking cover behind the thick trunks of the trees, the six ponies pressed against them tightly for safety as the storm of lasers assaulted their position.

"A laser gun!" shouted Twilight disbelievingly so over the roar of laserfire, "Where the buck did he get a laser gun!?"

"What do we—*cough!*—do now, Twilight!?" yelled out Rainbow Dash, before pausing for a moment and then glaring up at the sky, "Oh, come on, that's not even remotely relevant to what's happening right now!"

Twilight peaked out of her cover, wary of the volley of lasers flying past her head, and eyed JonTron's position; taking special notice of how he stood right out in the open as he fired at them. With a devious smile, she pulled her head back behind the cover of the tree and shouted, "I have a plan! I just need you all to be ready to blast him with rainbows the moment I say so, okay!?"

After her friends' multiple "okays" and nods of confirmation, Twilight's horn soon glowed bright from her magic, where then, in a blink of an eye, all six of the ponies disappeared from sight.

Only to soon reappear again in a flash of light not three feet away in front of JonTron.

"Gotcha," smirked Twilight smugly, before shouting, "NOW!" Where by then she and all of her friends simultaneously released an enormous rainbow beam of magic that engulfed JonTron entirely.

From the beam's powerful force that came with the use of their Rainbow Powers, surmountable quantities of dust were kicked up into the air as the rainbow beam blasted JonTron and the surrounding terrain, causing vision to be obscured by the dirt clouds of mist that enveloped the area. So thick with dust was the area now, that when the rainbow beam finally dissipated, Twilight and her friends found it difficult to see anything past a couple feet away from them, along with what happened to JonTron.

"Did... did we do it?" asked Fluttershy apprehensively, "Did we fix everything?"

"And where's JonTron?" piqued up Pinkie Pie with a bounce, "What happened to him? Did the rainbow beam send him all the way back through the magical mirror?"

"I... I don't know," said Twilight, her eyes narrowing as she tried to peer through the thick clouds of dust, "I can't see anything yet."

It was at this moment, as Twilight scanned the dusty mist surrounding her, attempting to pierce through the veil of dirt, that the unimaginable happened.

JonTron walked out from behind the clouds of dust, completely unharmed.

"AUUGH!" screamed out Twilight and her friends as powerful lasers rained down around them with each beam causing horrendous explosions when struck upon the ground. These devastating explosions, each one releasing a powerful shock wave that tossed away the nearby ponies as easily as rag dolls, temporarily blinded any who looked upon them by the burst of bright light that signaled each explosion.

And this time, when the dust settled, Twilight and her friends laid beaten on the ground, bruised and battered.

The Bearers of Harmony had been defeated.

JonTron had done it.

He had done something that neither a corrupted goddess of the moon, a powerful spirit of chaos, nor a tyrant consumed by darkness had succeeded in doing.

JonTron had beaten six little ponies.

But just as JonTron was about to finish NOT celebrating over his beating of little ponies, did a voice catch his attention.

"Excuse me!" it called out, prompting JonTron to turn around to find the little purple dragon named Spike standing before him.

"Hi there," Spike said casually, "I don't mean to be intrusive or anything, but since you've got your birds now could you please go back through the mirror? I mean, you are kind of inadvertently destroying our reality and whatnot."

And then JonTron left Equestria without any further complications whatsoever, but not before making a biiiiiillion dollars.

The End

Author's Note:

While I was writing this I kept recalling myself back to this famous scene in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein when Dr. Victor Frankenstein gave his creation life. As anyone who has read the original novel can attest, it was not elated joy that Dr. Frankenstein felt when he brought his creation to life like he did in the movie, instead what he experienced was an intense feeling of abhor horror and instinctive fear at the monster that he had created. An unholy abomination of reanimated dead flesh and farmed animal parts crudely stitched together in the name of knowledge and human pursuits that ended up killing his loved ones and ruining his life.

...I'm still not quite sure why I kept reminding myself of this novel about man-made horrors while I was writing this literary-video hybrid.

But anyways,:trollestia: this was just a fun and stupid little something that I wanted to do as a bit of relaxation after spending months writing and concentrating on a twenty-thousand worded epic for my Tutelary Spirit universe.

I hope you guys enjoyed it. If not, well I'm alright with that too. After all, this was just for fun and I didn't put that much thought into it.


Comments ( 174 )

Fucking amazing. Can I shake you hand, sir/madame?

That was definitely an interesting read. Using videos for JonTron's responses was definitely different and creative. Nice job.

Usually I don't like including music, pictures or video in stories.

But holy hell was that awesome.

What does comedy genius taste like? The answer is this.

JonTron is one of my favorite YouTubers, and the fact you used his clips made me die laughing! XD nice work, Deadpool Approved!

*Slowly claps* God damn it, it was good waste of my time.:ajbemused:

i agree with jontron at the end there, still laft my ass off though

Dunno if good or horrid.

have a cookie.


Did...did you say a ferret talking about peanut butter?

Achievement Unlocked: Reference Gotten

Doing a quick double-take at the glasses he was holding, Spike quickly tossed them away with a shocked expression.

Dude, if I were you, I'd be wearing those everywhere. Who knows what reality-warped glasses could do...

"There, um..." began Twilight, her tone cautious, "...there sure are a lot of stallions in the audience—"

So I brought my friends, what's your point?

"Excuse me!" it called out, prompting JonTron to turn around to find the little purple dragon named Spike standing before him.

YEAH! Come on Spike, teach a funny YouTuber who the best dragon is! DinoCity style!

Wait a second, that's it? That's the ending?...But where's this video?!

You can stop it at the 10 second mark.
Sorry it keeps replaying at the end, this was the best video of the scene I could find.

Still, I was looking forward to that scene! That's my favorite JonTron scene!

...Because reasons.

Amazing, but what will JonTron do when he figures out the billion dollars of coins where all chocolate bits?

Darn it, you best me to it! :fluttershysad:

Not really into it. I'd rather a story told with Jontron instead of clips of him reacting to all this.

(I mean this in a good way.)

...That was stupid.

I-I can't believe I really enjoyed that, but...

Well, I did.

Oh, that was hilarious.

But now we need a sequel with PBG getting Pixel back.


Pretty much. Not the best writing, but I laughed my rear off.


"IF IT WAS REQUIRED READING THERE'D BE A WHOLE LOT LESS CRAP AROUND HERE!" yelled out Twilight defensively, her cheeks burning furiously into a shade of crimson as she glared at her rainbow friend, "and stop talking! Your hyperlink sickness is getting worse!"


"Hi there," Spike said casually, "I don't mean to be intrusive or anything, but since you've got your birds now could you please go back through the mirror? I mean, you are kind of inadvertently destroying our reality and whatnot."




A sequel with PBG would be the best thing ever.

Ah yes, My daily dose of complete normality, I was missing that thank you

Now back to mindfucking people and making them aware of the fact the laws of physics don't exist if you have the right mindset

In all seriousness, This was perfect, JonTron and Ponies go well together like Chocolate and more Chocolate

That was the most stupidly and randomly hilarious thing I have ever read.

Ten outta ten!

You are a genius... an evil, twisted, demented genius! :pinkiecrazy:

Best story.
Best story

werstling match

Is this a new thing? Cuz i never heard of it.


He had done something that neither a corrupted goddess of the moon, a powerful spirit of chaos, nor a tyrant consumed by darkness had succeeded in doing.

Chrysalis-Welcome to the club JohnTron.

This was nice. Real nice. I loved it. Except that irrelevant link tho :P



Have a :facehoof: and a :moustache:

Eh. Points for trying, points for originality.

Given that it's Random and Comedy, I'll stow the normal criticism and give it a 6/10. Worth looking at for the novelty, but not much else.

PeanutButterGamer. He hosts another Normal Boots channel, like Jon.

5729547 So what's a "Nomal Boots" thing you speak of? I've seen it in JohnTron but not anywhere else. Is it like a Comedy Lab or something? Like a channel that hosts more channels?

Posted this story, went to sleep, woke up, went to class, came back, checked this story, and now I'm all like...


Well, Rainbow Dash coughed out a link to it, but if you want, you can just scroll up to the top of this website and scroll your mouse over the FAQ button... I'm pretty certain that you'll find it from there.


Here's a link to the webpage*cough!*


Certain videos I didn't end up using were either because they were too long and interrupted the flow of the story (I mean, more so than the story already currently was), were too short that it caused the audio to cut out at the end (Damn you, Heugh! I really wanted to use that one), or only contained JonTron's voice and not JonTron himself.

5729666 Want to have a conversation? PM me!

5729666 I was linked to it but thanks.

Can we send this to JonTron? Like, Tweet it to him, or something? It would be magical.

Either way, great story. It's funny.


Go ahead. Someone else besides me will have to do it though, 'cause I don't have a twitter account.

One-hundred likes in a day! There's only one way to properly celebrate this achievement:

Isn't it amazing how far you can go if you piggyback on someone else's success?

Now make one with Egoraptor (if there are enough useable quotes that is).

My mind was blown so speedily and thoroughly by the magnitude of this opus that I barely even noticed it was missing. 13/10 would read again.

Oh, and try not to cry if you are using: a phone, bad Internet or thirteen other Chrome tabs.

Lets do this.

10/10 IGN

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