• Published 12th Apr 2015
  • 8,272 Views, 355 Comments

In the Absence of Sunset Shimmer - MyHobby

A murder in the mirror world brings Sunset Shimmer back to Equestria, with her world's Twilight Sparkle in tow. While they track the killer, they struggle to reconcile the differences between them and their mirror counterparts.

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Messages for the Absentee

Twilight Sparkle dragged her hooves along as Sunset Shimmer practically flew up the mountain path. Her forelegs ached from trying to keep up with her friend, but she didn’t dare voice a complaint. Not with what was at stake. The thoom of Big Spike’s footsteps came from behind her, nervous energy guiding his path.

Princess Twilight winged by overhead. She had left her scarf somewhere along the two-hour hike from Fillydelphia to the pool, once the high sun got to her. A few royal guards had come with them. Twilight wasn’t sure what they were there for, but she got a hint when they started to set up a perimeter around the cave mouth.

Sunset stumbled over a rock, but she didn’t let it halt her forward momentum.

“Easy, Sunset,” Twilight huffed. Her skinny legs wobbled inside her too-warm sleeves. “Face-planting won’t do anybody any good.”

Big Spike scooped her up from behind and set her on his back. He did the same with Sunset a moment later, never breaking his stride. “It’ll be easier for me to climb the mountain, guys. Just sit tight.”

“Hurry,” Sunset whispered. “Hurry, please.”

Twilight grabbed Sunset in a one-foreleg hug. “It’ll be okay, Sunset. We’ll get back and be able to warn everybody. I’ll contact my buds on the force. They’ll know where to find Sonata.”

“What if we’re too late?” Sunset said. “What if she’s already hurt somebody?”

“Don’t speculate,” Little Spike said. He shuffled his was across Big Spike’s scales, his bag of writing utensils tight against his side. He looked up at the mountain to spy the cave mouth halfway up. “Speculating won’t help. Plan instead. Answer the question: What are you gonna do when you get there?”

“G-get back into town.” Sunset took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. “Track down my friends and warn them while Twilight calls the cops. If—if they’re prepared, Sonata won’t be able to do anything. I hope.”

Big Spike craned his neck around. He felt his way up the craggy, tree-covered mountainside. “I’ll help protect you, Sunset. Don’t worry. No way is anybody getting past me—”

“No, Spike,” Twilight said. She turned aside so that he couldn’t meet her eyes. She bit her lip hard before she could force out her next words. “You have to stay.”

Big Spike’s eyes glowed green. “What?”

“You’re staying.” Twilight shut her eyes. Every muscle in her body tensed. “You have to stay in Equestria, Spike. You have to stay here or you’ll die.”

“Twilight.” Big Spike clenched a fist. He held it steady before driving it into the ground, shattering a boulder. “No! We’ve gone over this. I won’t leave you behind—”

“I won’t leave you behind either!” Twilight stood up and threw her coat off. She wiped the sweat from her forehead before it could mingle with her tears. “I’ll visit. I’ll take my vacations in Equestria. I’ll stop by on the weekends. I’ll freaking spend Hearth’s Warming here if that’s what it takes! You’ve always been my best friend, Spike…” She slumped to her rump. Her glasses slipped down her snout. “I’m not ready to lose you.”

“Don’t you understand?” Big Spike rubbed his face, shaking a few dead, gray scales loose. “I love you, Twilight. I love all of you! Sunset, Rarity, Sunny, Pinkie, Rainbow, Applejack, Fluttershy, Big Mac, everybody! I don’t want to live my life away from you. That wouldn’t be living.”

“You can have a life here, too.” Twilight sniffled. She rubbed one of Big Spike’s large, green spines. “A good life. A darn good life. And we’ll all still be part of it.”

Big Spike wrinkled his snout. He turned back to his nearly-vertical climb. “We’re not discussing it. I’ve made my decision.”

“Even though you could lose the ability to make that decision?” Twilight made her unsteady way across his back. She slipped her forelegs around his neck to get a firmer stance. “You’d give up your newfound intelligence? Your sapience?

“I told you,” he growled. “I love you, Twilight. I’d do anything for you!”

Twilight shook her forelegs, which didn’t so much as budge him. “Then stay!”

Big Spike paused a few meters from the ledge. His ears drooped alongside his head. He turned to the passengers riding on his back.

Twilight slid down his scales until she rested against his spines. Sunset Shimmer, her own eyes full of tears, nuzzled her back to her feet. Little Spike caught Big Spike’s eye and nodded, gesturing towards the valley below.

“If you won’t stay for yourself then stay for me.” Twilight spoke quietly through her hiccups. “St-stay so that I have someone I know will be there for me, no matter what. Stay and let me make more memories with you. Don’t make me watch you fade away a minute at a time.”

He crested the edge of the ledge and set them down. He sat with his back against the mountain as Royal Guardsponies moved to accommodate his bulk. Twilight looked up, feeling her heart melt at the frown on his face.

“You can do whatever you want here, Spike.” Twilight rubbed his claw. “Even spend time with me.”

“So I get to watch you fade away instead?” he muttered. “I get to sit here and stay the same while you get older and older?”

Twilight Sparkle flicked an ear downward. “W—we’ll still have more time.”

“How much more?” He lifted his pinkie finger and brushed it gently against her face. “Fifty years? Sixty? Will it be enough then, or will we be scrambling to save your life?”

Twilight shook her head. “At least then it’ll have been a whole lifetime.”

“Not for a dragon.” Big Spike’s snout twitched. He gestured towards where Sunset and the princess were discussing their next move. “You should join them.”

“Spike…” Twilight propped herself against his knuckle with her forelegs. “Please stay. Please stay for me. I’ll come back as soon as Sonata is taken care of, I promise.”

Big Spike blinked sizzling tears away. He stared solemnly at the ground far below. “I’ll stay.”

“Promise?” Twilight leaped a little, using his hand as a base. A tiny light of hope touched her heart. “You promise you’ll stay?”

A tooth poked its way between his lips as he gave her a small smile. “Promise,” he said, his voice cracking.

She hurried off, leaving the giant dragon heaving an enormous sigh.


“You’re sure you can’t come with us?” Sunset asked.

Princess Twilight mouthed a swear word and shook her head. Sorry, no. I’ve got a few things that need to be settled here. I want to know exactly what Adagio wanted those portal fragments for, and I want to know what she was thinking when she became friends with your counterpart. I’ll join you no later than tomorrow morning, but for now I’m tied to my duties.

The room shimmered with turquoise light as the pool rippled, beckoning them forth. Sunset Shimmer pulled her clothes on as quickly as she could, her magic flashing in the shadows. “I suppose you have to tell the judge what happened with the investigation.”

Princess Twilight kicked a rock into the drink. There’s that, yeah. Not to mention spending a little time improving public relations with the other Sunset’s family. They’ve got to be pretty broken up about all this.

“Less than you might think.” Sunset stepped out from behind the rock, once again clad in her full outfit. She sniffed. “Everything’s gonna be alright. Right?”

“Of course it will.” The voice came from the mouth of the cavern, where Twilight Sparkle entered with a few stifled hiccups. “Everything ’ll turn out right. The CCPD isn’t a force you wanna mess with.”

Princess Twilight groaned. I wish I could send a few guards with you, if I didn’t think they’d need to be led by the hand. It’s not easy getting used to a new body.

Sunset Shimmer joined forelegs with Twilight. “Did you convince Spike to stay?”

Twilight nodded, her lips trembling.

“Come here,” Sunset said, pulling her into a hug. “He’ll be fine.”

“Will I?” Twilight cracked an unconvincing smirk. “We don’t really have time for this.”

“I know.” Sunset looked to Princess Twilight and squared her hooves. “See you tomorrow, my friend.”

Princess Twilight bowed at the knee and flashed a wink.

Sunset looked to Twilight, and Twilight looked to Sunset.




They jumped into the pool and shouted as their bodies were remade by magicks unknown.


Big Spike scratched deep furrows into the rocky outcropping. The soldiers paid him no mine except when he was in their way. He hunched over, a gargoyle on the side of the mountain.

Little Spike scurried up beside him. He tapped his clawtips together, mulling over his words. “So, it sounds like you’re a permanent fixture in Equestria now, huh?”

Big Spike hunched lower.

Little Spike snapped his fingers. “You know what? I think the first thing we need to do is introduce you to the utter deliciousness that is gemstones! Quartz is kinda bitter, but once you get past the low-grade stuff, it’s taste bud heaven for yah.”

Big Spike flicked a rock into the ether.

A shrug accompanied Little Spike as he peered over the edge. “Most dragons we know are real jerks, but I think you’d like Shardscale. She’s a chronicler. She travels the world and records everything she can about history and stuff. You’d like her.”

He glanced back at the full-grown dragon. “You know, if you really work at it, you’re gonna love life here. Your Twilight will, too. They aren’t kidding when they say it’s a land of enchantment. Not just referring to magic, either. There’s friendships waiting everywhere if you’re just willing to step out and take ’em—”

“Spike,” Big Spike said.

The small counterpart looked up. He swallowed hard. “Yeah?”

“You don’t have to be afraid, Spike.” Big Spike lifted a claw and touched it to Little Spike’s chest. “You should be careful of your strength, yeah, but being careful isn’t the same as being afraid.”

Little Spike looked down. He pushed the claw away. “Yeah, I get that. I’m not—”

“Be brave, Spike,” Big Spike whispered. “You don’t have to live your life in fear. Take a stand for what’s right—go with your gut. Don’t be scared of hurting people, just take a healthy amount of caution. Be prepared and be smart about it.”

Little Spike stopped pushing. He held the claw and stared into the large, green eyes that so closely mirrored his own. “I thought… you were supposed to be a dog…”

Big Spike smiled. “I was yesterday. Today, I’m not so sure.”

He prodded Little Spike again. “And don’t be afraid to get close to that certain little filly. You know who.”

Little Spike chuckled, his cheeks heating up. “Don’t tell me what to do. I’m a year older than you, you know.”

“And a day.” Big Spike sighed, leaning his head against the rock face. “Spike, would you do me a favor?”

“Yeah, sure.” Little Spike rocked on his heels. “Name it.”

“Would you take a note, please?” Big Spike’s mouth split in a half-hearted grin. “I have something I need to say.”

“Sure.” A scroll and pen were in Little Spike’s hands faster than a blink. “Who’s it to?”

“Twilight,” Big Spike said. “My Twilight.”

Little Spike scratched out the introduction. He gazed up with expectation written on his face as clear as any message.

“Dear Twilight,” Big Spike said. After a moment’s hesitation, he continued, “I’m sorry I lied.”


Twilight Sparkle cursed as she crossed her legs and fell to her knees, splashing in the wet forest floor. She reached her hand towards the one Sunset offered.

“On your feet,” Sunset said. “We gotta move.”

“Easier said than done.” Twilight threw a foot out and shuffled along the ground. “I feel like I took a five-year voyage on a rowboat.”

Sunset gripped her tight and practically dragged her along. Rainwater snaked through her hair and down her back. “So what you’re saying is that you aren’t driving.”

“Not right away.” Twilight held her arms tight against her chest, flexing her hands. Her glasses fogged up in the cold air. “Gimme an hour to regain control over my fingers.”

Sunset held the keychain outward and clicked the panic button. The piercing wheep, wheep, wheep of the car alarm called out to them through the murky trees. “Crap, we almost got off course.”

“It’s close, though.” Twilight Sparkle wiggled her thumb and index finger. She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out her cell. No bars. “I don’t have any reception out here. How about you?”

Sunset stuck her hand in one jacket pocket, then the other. She slid her hands into her jeans next, her face rapidly growing even more strained. “It’s not here.”

“You didn’t leave it back in Equestria, did you?”

“N—no.” Sunset hissed through her teeth. “Crap it. I must have left my phone back home.”

“In your other mom jeans?” Twilight frowned at Sunset’s flashing eyes. “What?”

“Not the time for jokes, Twi.” Sunset pushed her way out of the tree line and made her way to the driver’s door. “Really not the time.”

“Sorry.” Twilight stumbled up to the passenger’s side and tugged at the handle. When the door didn’t budge, she waved at Sunset. “Little help?”

Sunset thumbed the unlock button and slid the keys into the ignition at the same moment. “Hop in and hope we don’t run into any of your cop buddies on the road.”

“Huh?” Twilight wrinkled her brow. “Why not?”

“Because that speed-limit thing?” Sunset pulled the car out of park and pressed the gas pedal to the floor. “Not happening.”

The tires dug into the loose soil for a long moment, before the entire car kicked backwards. Twilight pressed her hands against the dashboard in an effort to not have her teeth knocked out. “Easy! Lemme put on my belt!”

Sunset swung the car around, careful to slip between the trees. “I’m not stopping you.”

“Get a grip, Sunset.” Twilight held tight to the seat belt. “We just need to get in range of the satellite towers, then we can call our friends.”

The engine revved loud in their ears as they shot out of the woods and onto the road. The windshield wipers worked overtime to keep their view clear. Twilight felt the car swerve to the side, the tires sliding on the slick pavement. “Sunset. Listen to me. Get. A. Grip.”

Sunset’s fingers turned white as she gripped the steering wheel. “I’m not letting our friends down.”

“No one’s gonna be there for them if we’re stuck in a ditch!” Twilight slapped the dashboard. Her glove compartment fell open, spilling maps and insurance forms onto her lap. “Aw—gugh. Sunset, don’t panic. Don’t fall into that trap of being afraid. Just do what you know is right.”

“That’s what got us into this mess.” Sunset scanned the road ahead. It was wide open. The ten miles-per-hour of excess she’d put on wouldn’t shave the time by much. “I sang with the Rainbooms and started us all down this path. I listened to Sonata and took her at her word. I shipped us off to Equestria because I thought it was the right thing to do.”

“And you wanna throw it all away by sending us careening to our deaths?” Twilight gripped her shoulder tight. “Think, Sunset. Think.

Lightning struck a tree a few miles to the rear. Thunder struck them soon after.

Sunset sunk into her seat and flicked on the cruise control. “I’m scared, Twilight.”

“I am, too.” Twilight pressed her hand to the armrest built into her door. “We’ll stop by your house first and grab your phone. Then we can call everybody up. What time is it?”

Sunset pressed a button on the radio. Numbers glowed in the gloom. “Six in the evening. Happy Saturday.”

“M’kay.” Twilight drummed her fingers on her knees. “Gone overnight and most of the day. No problem. No problem at all.”

Sunset gritted her teeth. “Not. Helping.”

“Shutting up.”

The gray clouds overhead still churned with wind and rain, and the wind swept by even stronger than before. The storm had gone through a lull and was reaching another crescendo. The sky was so dark that even the street lamps had continued to shine. Sunset slowed to a more sedate pace as they entered the city. Traffic lights glared against the windows, other cars honked in irritation, and all around people hunched over on a miserable walk.

It took longer than usual to make their way through the city, but they entered the suburban area soon enough. Sunset Shimmer pulled into her driveway and jumped out the door, keeping Twilight’s car running. She was in and out quicker than a flash.

Twilight tested her fingers by wrapping them around a pen and writing out a simple message on some junk mail she’d left between the seats. It came out legible, but hardly praiseworthy. “Looks like my penmanship needs work in both worlds.”

Sunset pulled her mouth to the side. “Keep on practicing and you’ll get…” She flipped her phone up and stared wide-eyed at the glowing screen. “Huh.”

Twilight leaned across the median. “What’s up?”

“It says… I have fourteen messages.” Sunset flipped through the list. “Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Rainbow Dash again, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash…”

She pressed a button and Rainbow’s scratchy voice came through the tinny speakers. “Sunset! Oh gosh, pick up! Whatever. You need to get to Pinkie’s place right now, you hear me! There’s… You need to get here. Police are on their way. Something really bad ’s happened to Pinkie and… Crap! Hold—”

Sunset Shimmer’s hands shook. “Oh God.”

The phone chimed, “Message from ‘Rarity, darling!’”

“Sunset, it is Rarity. Don’t worry, dear. I’m on my way as fast as the roads will allow. I’ve called up Fluttershy and Applejack, and they should be on their way as well. We’re here for you.”

“Message from ‘Rainbow Danger Dash!’”

“Where in the heck are you, Sunset? Look, Pinkie’s been hurt really bad! And… and oh gosh. I think they took Sunny! You need to get over here because I really don’t know what to do. Come on, Sunset. Pick up. Pick up! Pick up the freaking phone! Gah!”

“Message from ‘Um… Fluttershy?’”

“Sunset, I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. The police say they’re searching as hard as they can for Sunny, but we’re not sure where Sonata might have taken him! Where did you go? Oh, please come back.”

Sunset’s breath came short and shallow. The phone fell to her lap, playing messages automatically.

“Message from ‘Howdy, it’s Applejack!’”

“Don’t you worry about a thing, you hear? That sucker’s dealin’ with the Apple Family, and we ain’t gonna take this lyin’ down! Ain’t nothin’ we won’t do to see Sunny safe and sound back home. You can count on us, Sunset. You’re family, and Sunny is, too. Just… Get back to Pinkie’s quick as you can, okay, sugarcube? Quick as you can.”

“Message from ‘Rainbow Danger Dash!’”

“Sunset, get your butt over here! Pick up the phone! Gragh! Pinkie’s got a concussion. They say they might have to take her to the hospital. We need you here, Sunset! We need you here right now!”

“Rainbow Dash, enough!”

“Gimme my phone back, Rar—”

“I believe she knows well enough to come back and will do so at… Oh, bother—”

“Message from ‘Rainbow Danger—’”

Twilight pressed her hand over the phone, silencing it. She closed it and cut off the remainder of the messages. She looked to Sunset Shimmer, whose cheeks were turning purple. She grabbed her friend’s shoulders and shook her lightly. “Sunset! Sunset, breath. In and out. Slowly. In and out.”

Sunset shuddered as tears poured out of her eyes. “It’s all because of me…

“Snap out of it!” Twilight shouted. “This isn’t the Sunset I know. The Sunset Shimmer I know is a planner. She makes things up on the fly so fast you’d think she could plan for anything. She’s strong, maybe stronger than anybody else I know. She’s smart; quick as a whip and sharper, too. She finds herself in tight spots but she fights through it. That’s the Sunset Shimmer I know. Show me you can be her!”

Sunset shook her head, wiping her nose. “I—I don’t…”

“Sunny.” Twilight gripped harder. “Sunny needs you to be that Sunset. Do you understand me? Sunny needs you to be strong right now. Press on.”

Sunset took in a phlegmy breath. She nodded her head, her eyes closed tight.

“Good.” Twilight backed out of the car and walked around. “Now get out. It’s my turn to drive.”

Once they had taken their seats, Twilight pulled the car into reverse. “Which way is Pinkie’s house?”

Sunset pointed. “Sh—she lives two miles that way. Take a right on Curd’s Way.”


Spike pattered through the rain on four paws. He sniffed the ground. Their scent was faint, but it was there. Stronger was the smell of burnt gasoline from the car. He had to remember what he was here for. He had to find Twilight and… and…

Find Twilight. Protect Twilight.

They had tried to stop him. The… soldiers? Ponies. They didn’t want him to go through the portal. They weren’t mean, they just wanted to protect something. Him? Or the princess?

He just knew he had to protect Twilight. Twilight, Sunset, Sunny, and everybody else he loved.

Thunder crashed. It hurt his ears. He whimpered and tucked his tail between his legs.

His eyelids blinked away the raindrops. He wasn’t allowed to be scared. He had a job to do. He had to protect Twilight.

He set out at a quicker pace, through the loam and the ferns. Before long, the acrid scent of gasoline led him to the road. The smell was everywhere. He couldn’t follow it anymore, not without getting lost. He squinted into the storm. He couldn’t see very far. Everything turned blurry. He couldn’t see any sign of Twilight or Sunset.

He sat down in the middle of the smooth ground and tried to think. Twilight wanted to go to the city, right? Which way was the city? The smell of cars led both ways. The storm muddled everything else. Was he just stuck? Lost before he even started?

A sound like thunder, though muted, hailed from down the highway. Lights flashed at Spike, blinding him, stunning him. He tried to bolt, but he wasn’t sure which way to turn. The big thing appeared in front of him on an unstoppable collision course.

The pickup truck stopped. The lights dimmed somewhat. Spike peered past the wheels.

The door opened, emitting a tall, skinny man with absolutely insane curly brown hair. He knelt down before Spike and held out his hand. “C’mere, boy! You know me, right? What are you doing way out here?”

Spike approached with caution, a growl held at the ready should it turn out to be a trap. He brought his nose close to the person’s hand. He sniffed deep. He smelled… cheese? No, not cheese, it was Cheese! Cheese Sandwich, Pinkie’s husband!

He leapt up to slather the familiar face with kisses. Cheese giggled and held onto Spike.

“There we go!” Cheese said. “That’s more like it, old timer! But what the heck are you doing out here? You aren’t running away from home, are yah?”

Spike wanted desperately to tell this friend exactly what was going on. Everybody was in danger, and only Spike could help them. He wanted to say how much he needed to get home.

All that came out was a bark.

“What’s that? Danny fell down the old well again?” Cheese cackled at his own joke. “Never mind. We need to get the both of us home. Pinkie isn’t gonna be happy to find out the car broke down. I spent all day trying to get a rental and then she didn’t even answer her darn phone.” He tapped his chin. “I wonder if they’d install a payphone on our front lawn. It’d be a nice conversation piece, at least!”

Spike hopped into the truck with a little help from Cheese Sandwich. Maybe things would work out alright after all. Maybe they could get home in time to help. Maybe Twilight could finally be happy.

As Cheese’s ride rumble down the road, Spike’s tail wagged.


Two other cars were parked in Pinkie’s driveway, not counting the police cruiser at the roadside. Twilight recognized them as Rarity’s cute little bug and the Apple Family’s hard-working, mildly-rusted pickup. She heard Sunset’s breath catch in her throat, followed by a rustle of movement as she tried to clear her nose and eyes.

Twilight reached into the back seat to retrieve her wide-brimmed hat. “Must be they’re waiting for you.”

“Yeah.” Sunset ran her fingers through her hair. “I’m almost afraid to hear what they’ll say.”

They were halfway to the house when Rarity cracked the door open. “Sunset! Sunset, hurry! Come inside, please!”

Twilight followed Sunset at a quick jog, stepping through right behind her. She shook the rain from her coat and shuffled to the side. Rarity had already gathered Sunset up in a tear-filled hug.

Rarity pulled back long enough to wipe her cheeks dry. “Oh, I can’t… I’m sorry. I wish there was more I could do.

Sunset bobbed her head, her trembling lip threatening to spill forth sobs. “What happened?”

“Sonata stopped by Pinkie’s askin’ for a place to stay.” Applejack heaved herself off the couch, her face all but chiseled from stone. “She attacked her an’ took Sunny someplace. Ain’t heard a word since. Rainbow an’ Flutters took her an’ the kids to the hospital, an’ we waited here for you.”

Twilight rubbed her forehead beneath her hat. She looked to the far side of the room, where an officer was speaking into a radio. He clicked it off and nodded. “Miss Sparkle.”

“Hi, Caution.” She tilted her head towards the window. “Care’s in the cruiser?”

“Yeah. She’s monitorin’ the airwaves. Oi’m keepin’ an eye out for the victims’ family.” He pointed his radio’s antenna at Sunset. “Both victims. Seems Missus Pie’s husband ain’t been heard from since late last night. He’ll need somebody tah fill him in once he gets here.”

Twilight Sparkle hissed. “When things go belly-up, they go belly-up bad. Any leads at all?”

“Not a wit. The contact information the suspect left us was bogus. Number’s been disconnected for a long time.”

Twilight raised her eyebrows. “Did you investigate the number’s point of origin?”

“Tried that right away.” Caution scratched the back of his thick neck. “Led us right to the Rich mansion, and you can imagine Diamond Tiara wasn’t happy tah see us.”

“Yeah…” Twilight crossed her arms. She met Sunset’s eyes and shook her head slightly.

Sunset Shimmer pulled herself away from Rarity and sunk into the couch. She planted her elbows on her knees and cradled her head in her hands.

Caution’s radio squawked. “Hold up. Oi’ll be outside.”

Twilight peeked out the window to see him and Care discussing something fervently in the rain. Their muffled voices couldn’t rise above the rumble of the storm.

“Where’d you two go off to?” Applejack said.

Twilight jerked her head around. “What?”

“Where were you two while all this was goin’ down?” Applejack rested her arm against the wall. “You left in quite a hurry last night.”

“Equestria,” Sunset said.

Applejack pushed her hat higher. “Ponyland? What were you doin’—”

“Trying to track down a murderer.” Twilight Sparkle flipped her hat off and hung it on the coat rack. “Turns out we had the wrong person all along. Sonata’s the real culprit.”

“A murderer?” Rarity covered her mouth. “There can be little doubt of her being a vicious malcontent, but murderer?” She waivered on her feet. “Oh, Sunny.”

Sunset gripped her phone tight. She glared at it. “There’s got to be something I can do.”

Applejack touched her hand to Sunset’s shoulder. “Sorry, sugarcube. ’Bout the only thing available is tah just pray for everythin’ to work out.”

Sunset leaned back into the plush cushion. “How is Pinkie doing?”

“The poor dear took quite a spill.” Rarity clasped her hands behind her back. “Pinkie called and told us that Sonata needed a place to stay. Rainbow hopped right over, just as you might expect. She was in hysterics when she found Pinkie hurt. She couldn’t help but try to get your attention…”

Applejack kicked out a foot. “We were all upset, but Rainbow took it real hard.”

“I could have guessed that.” Sunset Shimmer held her phone up and thumbed through the messages. “She left me more voicemails than I can…”

Her eyes scanned the list. She went over it once more, just to be sure. “Pinkie?”

Twilight moved to stand behind the couch. “What?”

“Who called me with Pinkie’s phone?” Sunset held her cell out. “Anybody?”

“Certainly not Pinkie,” Rarity said. “She could barely talk, let alone stand or dial.”

Applejack, Rarity, Sunset, and Twilight all exchanged glances. “If ah was you,” Applejack said, “ah’d take a listen.”

Sunset Shimmer clicked her teeth. She lowered her eyebrows and thumbed the button.

“Message from ‘Pinkie Pie with a smile!’”

“Hiyah, Sunset. This is Sonata. Just stopped by Pinkie’s place and asked to borrow her phone. She’s such a sweet lady, you know?”

Twilight spoke a very colorful and intricate curse.

“Impressive,” Applejack muttered, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“I’ll just get right to the point,” Sonata continued. “If you’re back from Equestria, that means you’ve probably figured out what’s going on. If not, then as Pinkie would say, ‘Surprise!’”

Twilight Sparkle gripped the couch back. “C’mon. Make a mistake, make a mistake, make a mistake.”

The electronic sound coming from the phone crackled. “So, hey, I’ve got somebody here who wants to talk with you. Say hello, Sunny!”

“Mommy!” Sunny’s sobs came through the speakers, muffled by wind. “Mommy!”

“That’s a good boy.” Sonata’s voice took on a lower timbre. “Now don’t you worry about a thing, Sunset. I’m not going to hurt him. Not yet, anyway. I want you and me to have a little get-together. Sunny’s really excited about it. No cops, though.”

Applejack gritted her teeth. “Low-down, slimy—”

“If I so much as hear a police siren coming near me…” Sonata cleared her throat. “Aria’s gonna get some company.

Twilight watched the phone with rapt attention, her heart racing and her chest heaving. “Make a mistake…”

“Meet me at the pier. You know, the old carnival? I’ll be waiting for you down by the docks. Careful, it gets slippery. And hurry it up, before I change my mind.”

The phone beeped. “Message from ‘Rainbow Danger Dash!’”

Sunset flipped the phone closed. She stared into space.

“Sunset,” Rarity said. “Darling. I know what you must be thinking right now, but—”

Sunset stood up in a rush and stampeded for the doorway.

Applejack reached out to stop her. “Hold your horses before they get—!”

Sunset tossed the cell phone to her. “Give this to the cops. Tell them I’m already on my way. Tell them to be sneaky about it.”

Twilight Sparkle vaulted over the couch. She almost made it, but ended up flopping onto the seat. “Sunset, we need a plan.”

“I have a plan.” Sunset pulled on her coat. “Kinda. Part of one.”

“A potentially stupid and suicidal plan!” Rarity frowned at the looks she got from Applejack and Twilight. “What? It’s the honest truth! You could get both yourself and Sunny killed!”

“And if I don’t go?” Sunset Shimmer sucked in a deep breath to steady herself. “He will be killed.”

Twilight Sparkle dusted herself off. She strode forward. “I’m coming with you.”

Applejack held out an arm, catching Twilight in the chest. “Not you, too! Hate to say it, Sparkle, but you ain’t exactly a super-powered pony princess—”

“No, I’m not!” Twilight gripped Applejack’s wrist and pushed it down. “I’m my own person. With my own set of skills and abilities. More importantly, I’m her friend. I promised to stick with her.”

Applejack closed her eyes and shook her head. “I know,” she said quietly. “We all did, Sparkle… Twilight. Part of bein’ a friend is lettin’ them know when they’re makin’ a mistake.”

Sunset Shimmer stood tall. She gave Applejack a grateful nod.

She gripped Twilight Sparkle by the forearm and pushed the door open.

Applejack charged after them. “Hold it, you two! It’s too dangerous!”

Sunset said nothing. Twilight couldn’t say anything. She found herself shoved into the passenger seat while Sunset hopped behind the wheel.

Care and Caution stared at the car, dumbstruck. Applejack pushed past them, waving Sunset’s cell phone. “Stop right there! You’re actin’ like a crazy woman!”

The tires squealed, and Sunset drove Twilight’s car into the street.

Twilight gaped at Sunset, completely out of breath. “What the—what are you doing?

“I have a plan,” Sunset said. She shot Twilight a look out of the corner of her eye and shifted into drive. “I think I have a plan. I hope so.”


Spike yelped as Pinkie’s house came into view. He could see Rarity on the front lawn, covered from head to toe in a long, flowing coat. She was speaking with a police officer. Spike couldn’t quite recognize him from this far away, but he was pretty sure Twilight worked with him.

“Uh oh,” Cheese whispered. “I don’t like the looks of that.”

The truck rolled to a stop. Spike was out the door the moment that Cheese opened the door. He ran up to Rarity and leaned against her.

“Spike! Whatever are—” Rarity looked up, eyes wide. “Mister Sandwich, it is about time!”

“Had a breakdown. Not a whole lot of luck on the road this time.” Cheese Sandwich ambled up to them, his hands in his pockets. “What’s wrong? Is Pinkie okay?”

Spike whined.

“She’s received a concussion,” Rarity said. “She should be fine eventually, but they are treating her at the hospital. Fluttershy and Rainbow have the children there.”

“W—I’ve got to get there right now!” Cheese turned on his heel and prepared to jump for the rental truck.

Rarity snatched the hem of his coat. “Please speak with the officer first, Mister Sandwich. He has a few questions, and he’ll be able to answer a few, too.”

Spike sniffed her hand. He still found the familiar scent of Rarity, with just a hint of perfume, but there were other things, too. Blood; somebody had been injured. Tea; a regular staple with Rarity. A hint of Sunset. Just a hint.

That meant she’d seen Sunset today. Maybe even just a few minute ago.

“We’ve found a probable location for the suspect,” Officer Caution told Cheese. “We should have her caught tonight, so your family can rest safe.”

“Oh yes, they have a veritable dragnet in place.” Rarity patted Spike’s head. “I just hope it’ll be enough. I feel so dreadful that this had to happen to Sunset.”

Spike twitched an ear. Sunset was in trouble?

“I’d advise you take the long way to the hospital.” Caution pulled a map out of his car’s window. He traced a path through the damp paper. “We’re gonna have all routes into and out of the pier blocked off. Ain’t no way she gets away.”

The pier? Spike growled. He paced around, putting a little distance between himself and the people talking. The pier. He could remember the pier. It smelled nice. Twilight had so much fun there when she was a little girl and he was a puppy. It smelled like fried food, and hot dogs, and sweaty people.

It also smelled like water. Like a lot of water.

He raised his nose into the air. It was strange water. Not like rain or a pool. It was salty. Salty and fishy. He remembered it all too well. He ran off in search of the salty water. Sea water.

Cheese Sandwich called out to him, but he was too far gone.