• Published 12th Apr 2015
  • 27,441 Views, 1,826 Comments

Principal of Equestria - MareDoVVell

Why is Celestia laying on the floor in Twilight's library? Why does she seem so confused? Why does she look different? WHY IS THE PORTAL MIRROR STILL ON?

  • ...

13: Dresses and Saddles

Princess Celestia frowned as she read through the letter for the fourth time that morning. She sighed as she finished and let the letter fall back onto her desk. She leaned back in her chair and sighed again, though with a bit more emphasis, casting her eyes to the ceiling of her office. "I can't believe they want me to sign off on a law like that, that's just idiotic..." she mumbled to herself.

Just as she was about to check her mental clock to see what time it was, she was interrupted by somepony violently kicking in her office door. "Ohhhhhhh sisterrrrrr!" Luna called as she trotted into the office, immediately putting her older sister on edge with how cheery she sounded. "I heard some rather interesting news last night that I thought you might want to hear!" She explained in a sing-songy voice.

Princess Celestia gave Luna an annoyed look, but deep down found herself rather curious. It was obvious Luna was up to something, but what could it possibly be that she felt like bringing her sister in on the joke? "Luna, if this is one of your pranks..."

"Oh would you relax!" Luna shot back with a giggle as she crossed the room and slumped into one of the chairs across from Princess Celestia. "This should be something both of us will find quite amusing."

Princess Celestia gave her a brief suspicious look before giving up and leaning back in her chair. "Fine, fine, please go on."

"So, rumor has it your little student has a date tonight, here in Canterlot." Luna elaborated conspiratorially.

"Soooo?" Princess Celestia asked with a raised brow. "I mean, good for Twilight, but I don't really see how that's any of my business, or yours for that matter."

"Now hold on," Luna held up a hoof, her eyes glinting with amusement, "I never said which of your little students I was talking about."

"So Sunset then? While certainly interesting, I still don't see..."


"They both have dates tonight? What a strange coinciden..,"


That was enough to stop Princess Celestia short, a mischievous grin spreading across her muzzle that nearly mirrored Luna's. While she had always had a much better sense of restraint than her sister, sometimes the call for some harmless fun could not be ignored. "Alright you've piqued my interest, am I right in assuming you've booked us a table to discreetly watch this potentially adorable mess unfold?"

"But of course! Who do you think you're talking to?" Luna replied in mock offense, before adopting an even larger grin than before. "But you haven't even heard the best part yet!"

"There's more?"

"You'll never guess who's booked the table right next to them."

"A pair of Twilight's friends? That'd be rather amusing."

"Nope, way off. None other than the infamous Queen Chrysalis."

"If that bitch dares to try anything underhoofed..."

"Whoah, whoah, calm down! She's also there for a date."

"What poor fool agreed to an evening with that sniveling little cockroach?"

Luna gave her sister a curious look. She knew Princess Celestia still had a lot of pent up anger from the wedding, but she had assumed most of it had been directed inward over betraying her trust in Twilight, rather than towards hating the changeling Queen. "Well um, in a way, you did..."

Princess Celestia's face froze in shock, but only momentarily as her mind rapidly put the pieces together. "Really? The human one? How strange...you'd think she wouldn't be attracted to equine forms. Then again I do remember Twilight mentioned experiencing something along those lines with some boy when she went through the mirror, which was only surprising because I had had her pegged as a filly-fooler since she was 11. As if I wouldn't notice when she checked out every female anatomy book at once from the library..." She mused with a chuckle before shaking her head to break free from her tangent and return to the topic at hoof.

"Anyways, now we have even more reason to be in attendance. We have to protect me from any of that bug's potential schemes..." She proclaimed, her eyes narrowing, before her expression changed to a rather strange smile that was somewhere between a proud mother and a meddling sibling"...and I just have to know how Sunset and Twilight's little date goes."

Luna just rolled her eyes before muttering to herself. "Somehow I forget I'm not the only crazy one in this family."


The morning dress fitting was going pretty well so far Sunset thought. Meeting the pony Rarity had been a bit bizarre, yet comforting at the same time, and it seemed as though just like that they were friends, same as she was with the white unicorn's human counterpart. After that, she and Celestia had been shooed off to enjoy some tea in the waiting room of the boutique while Twilight was being fitted for her new dress.

"So, ponies in dresses, what's the deal with that?"

"Hmm?" Sunset looked up, the question breaking her from her thoughts.

"Ponies, dresses, I don't get it." Celestia repeated, gesturing to the various clothing racks around the boutique. "I mean, from what I've seen so far, everyone is naked pretty much all the time. I already learned that bathing is one thing, but besides that, why the sudden need to cover up?"

Sunset considered the question for a moment before thinking on how best to describe it. "Well over here clothes aren't really about covering up, but about accentuating your various qualities, and looking nice. Think of it this way, back home you'd put on sparkly earrings or something before a date right? Well we think of clothes the same way. They are nice accessories for special occasions."

"Hmmm, yeah okay, I guess that sorta makes sense." Celestia mused as she thought about it, still casting her gaze around the boutique. "So if that's the case with the coats and dresses, what's the deal with the saddles? I mean I get that they are sorta analogous to clothes for horses but it's not like anyone's gonna be riding anyone else..." Celestia tapered off as she noticed how red Sunset's face had gotten.

Sunset resisted the urge to just ignore the question, knowing it was asked out of genuine curiosity, and tried to gather herself enough to answer. "So um, saddles are sort of...um...heh..." She trailed off, trying to get a hold of herself and banish the weird mixture of embarrassment and urges to giggle she was feeling. "Just...think Victoria's Secret...and there may in fact be some riding involved..."

Celestia stared for a moment, before a half smile, half grimace spread across her muzzle. "Ewwwwwww, why would you tell me that!" she chuckled.

Sunset was about to imply she may need one for later, but never got a chance to make the joke as Rarity returned from behind a curtain. "Alright girls, let me know what you think, and please be honest, as much as I love compliments, criticism is far more useful. Also I apologize for the theme being so on the nose, unfortunately I didn't know much about you Sunset, besides your coat and mane color, until this morning. Alright Twilight, come on out dear."

Twilight stepped somewhat awkwardly from behind the curtain, the end of the dress trailing just behind her. It was a fairly simple design, but what it lacked in form it made up for in vibrant color. The dress was patterned with intertwining swathes of crimson and gold, with delicate yellow accents in subtle locations. After a prod from Rarity, Twilight shuffled up onto a nearby pedestal, trying her hardest not to freak out that Sunset was staring at her.

Meanwhile Sunset was doing her very best to not gape and stare at her.

Celestia just gave the dress a once over before turning to Rarity and giving her a friendly nod and a smile. "Looks good, I like it."

Rarity nodded absently. "Thank you dear." She mumbled, too busy watching both Twilight and Sunset carefully to fully enjoy the mild compliment. "Alright Sunset, you're up next." She called, motioning back through the curtain.

Giving Twilight one final glance that lasted longer than she intended, Sunset stood and followed Rarity into the backroom. "I, uh, I really like the dress Rarity." Sunset mumbled, still trying to banish the image from her head and focus on the task at hoof.

"I'm pretty sure you like the mare inside a bit more, but thank you." Rarity said with a sly grin as she levitated an elegant lavender and magenta dress from a closet and onto Sunset.

"WHAT! I mean...I don't know what you're talking about..." Sunset said, before groaning at how pathetic she sounded.

"Darling please, you're about as subtle with it as Spike is with me, it's adorable. Besides you have nothing to worry about, Twilight is completely oblivious, stuck in her own head I suspect." Rarity explained, a secretive grin on her face as she began adjusting the dress to better fit Sunset's frame.

"Ugh, I must look like such a complete idiot, lusting after a princess, and one of my closest friends at that." Sunset admitted with a long sigh.

"Oh nonsense dear, you two would be so cute together." Rarity assured her. "I think you should go for it, when the time is right of course."

"Y'know, I seem to remember the human Rarity also being all for this idea." Sunset sighed, before giving a small smile despite herself. "Thanks, I appreciate the support."

"Of course!" Rarity grinned, giving Sunset a small hug and internally cheering. She was extremely glad she had booked a table at the restaurant for herself and a few others, for how could they miss this? "Alright all done, go on out and see what they think!"

The debut of Sunset's dress went rather similarly to Twilight's. A polite compliment from Celestia, awkward staring from both Twilight and Sunset, and fox-like grins from Rarity. After helping Sunset disrobe and pack up her dress, Rarity led Celestia into the back, leaving Twilight and Sunset to their happy if somewhat awkward tea together.

"So those two are super super into each other right? It's not just me?" Celestia asked as soon as they passed out of earshot.

Upon hearing this, Rarity immediately burst into a laughing fit, struggling not to start coughing. "Yes, hah! yes they are." Rarity choked out, wiping a tear of mirth from her eyes. "And yet neither of them has figured it out yet, it's adorable."

"I actually hadn't noticed until this whole date thing happened." Celestia admitted with a chuckle. "As soon as I realized they were both more excited for my date than I was, it became kinda obvious."

"Oh, are you not excited dear?" Rarity asked with a small frown.

"I think I am..." Celestia mused. "It's a weird situation to say the least, but I figure if I just focus on having fun then it will all be just fine right?" She explained confidently. Despite the odd situation of it all, this was far from Celestia's first date, and she had long since figured out how to get the best from them, regardless of what happened, or didn't happen.

Rarity nodded with a supportive smile. "I think that's a great way to look at it, now let's get this dress fitted, it took me most of the night after all. You may not be the Princess herself but I figured you were just as deserving of my best work." she said with a proud smirk.


It was a few minutes later that both Twilight and Sunset looked up as Celestia trotted excitedly from the back room and up onto the pedestal the previous two had used. Something about getting to try on a fancy dress for a date once again gave Celestia a brief feeling of normalcy and she was reveling in it.

The dress itself was easily the most elaborate out of the three of them. It was made of a shimmering grey-black silk hung with acid green sashes and it accented her figure perfectly, making her look even taller and more regal then her already alicorn-esque proportions.

Yet again Twilight and Sunset found themselves staring, with deep blushes on their faces, yet this time not at each other, but at Celestia. "Wow...this is digging up some very strange emotions from my foalhood..." Twilight mumbled, not realizing she was speaking aloud. "Yeah no kidding..." Sunset muttered back, not even processing what she or Twilight had said.

Meanwhile, Celestia had spun around in place a few times before settling in a position that allowed her to look into a nearby mirror, a confident grin on her face.

"Man, I may be a horse but..."


Author's Note:

Oh hey look, a new chapter, how'd that happen?

Been awhile since I've had both Celestia's in one chapter, always referring to the pony version with her title leads to some really weirdly phrased sentences :facehoof: