• Published 11th May 2015
  • 14,094 Views, 3,289 Comments

Secrets of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Life has never been better for Silent Knight, but he finds himself shackled to the past by guilt, anger, and regret. Even though he tries to hide his true feelings from those he loves, he knows that the secrets he keeps will come at a cost.

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14. Favors

Following the death of my father and my long trip to Haven, the Royal Guard insisted that I take a week of leave to relax. That was the last thing I ended up doing, as having nothing official to do led to me being stir crazy.

They didn’t understand that idleness was not right for me. What were Crimson Dawn and Tranquil Dusk doing? How about my guards? Was the princess okay in Sunny Day’s hooves? Even with a trip to the Phial and Filly that resulted in more clandestine information, I couldn’t keep my mind focused on anything for too long.

Instead of relaxing, I had just sat and worried and obsessed. Mercifully, that was all over now, as I’d be able to return to duty after lunch. The idea of spending even one more hour in my quarters was too much to bear, so I went out to fly through the city.

That resulted in a very positive discovery: Canterlot had finally gotten a proper game store, the Crystal Delicacy. It lacked the nerdy charm of the Ponyville store, since it had to present itself as higher class to match the aesthetic expectations of a Canterlot clientele.

The Crystal Delicacy was a combination game and figurine shop. The proprietor had a thriving business in carving likenesses of famous ponies out of crystal. He’d then branched out into other miniatures. That, in turn, had led to board and war games.

I wasn’t big on the crystal figurine side of things, but I was glad that I no longer had to brave toy stores or go to Ponyville to find a suitable selection of games. The former had earned me too many uncomfortable glances and the latter just took too much time.

As I wandered along the shelves, I wasn’t sure what I was looking for. Nothing in particular stood out to me. This was just something to do. A distraction before I could get back to my regular life and out of a sour mood.

“May I help you, sir?” came a voice from behind me.

I turned and found a ruby-colored earth pony mare looking at me. She flicked her tail when our eyes met and smiled, inclining her head slightly to the side.

My head shook. “No, thank you. I’m just browsing.”

She pursed her lips, then nodded in response. “If you change your mind, my name is Ruby. Anything you need at all, just let me know. I’ll be up at the counter.”

“Alright,” I replied before going back to the rows of games.

I looked over the various titles. Most of the war games depicted ponies in resplendent armor, charging off into glorious battles. I guess the ponies that made the covers didn’t imagine a situation where you would come home alive from a war and die in an accident by stubbornly flying off without a guide.

“Stupid,” I spat, stomping my hoof.

“Sir? Are you okay?” Ruby called from up front.

I hadn’t realized it but my jaw was clenched. It took a moment to relax it. “Yes.”

“Okay…” she responded with uncertainty.

I put some distance between myself and the war games. The family game shelf had far happier covers. One in particular caught my eye. The cover showed several different colored wires hanging from a tower. The goal was to get rid of all of your pieces before the tower fell. It was more about hoof skills than mental ones, but a change of pace wasn’t bad.

With my selection made, I took it to the counter. “This one please.”

Ruby nodded, her short green mane bobbing. “Anything else today?” She leaned in across the counter towards me.

“Not today, but I’m sure I’ll be back.”

She rang me up and replied, “I look forwards to seeing you again, then. We always appreciate the business.”

My purchase went into my saddlebag and I flew off towards the palace. Flying was something I’d occasionally taken for granted before talking with my mother. Most of my time was spent in my office or in the palace.

A quick shift in course took me away from the city and up into the clouds. The air was cool as it rushed through my feathers and coat. For some reason, it was always easier to think in the clouds. The world and its problems just seemed so much smaller.

Smaller was better. It helped me get a handle on what needed to be done. There were a lot of balls in the air right then, and it was time to put some of them to rest.

I loitered in the clouds for a while before finally swooping down and into one of the towers at the top of the castle. That wasn’t an official entrance, but the guards didn’t mind when they knew who was coming in.

From there, it was a winding trip down staircases and through long hallways to reach my office. There was a pile of paperwork waiting on my desk. Just because I was on leave didn’t mean my position stopped.

That wasn’t a problem, though. Throwing myself back into the work would keep my mind occupied and my hooves busy. That is exactly what I needed. Something to dis—

“Knock knock!” Velvet Step chimed as she and Crystal wandered into my office.

A pleasant distraction it would be, then.

“Hello there. How are you today?” Crystal asked. She’d stopped specifically prodding about my feelings, but she still checked how I was very consistently.

I stood from my chair and came around the desk. “Fit and happy to see Canterlot’s finest fillies. What is the occasion?”

Velvet was practically shaking with excited energy. She looked at Crystal with pleading eyes.

The mare sighed but couldn’t help but brighten up. “I know this is poorly timed and I didn’t want to… horn in, but…” She looked at Velvet and said, “Okay.”

With a squeal of delight, Velvet tossed confetti everywhere and cheered, “Crystal is graduating from the Academy next week and you’re invited!”

“Oh, that’s right! Congratulations!” I replied.

Crystal beamed. “Thank you! I’m so happy to finally be finished. So… if you don’t mind, I would really appreciate it if you came.”

My head bobbed. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

“Great!” Velvet cheered.

“Alright, well, here is an invitation,” Crystal said, handing me a crisp white envelope. “I invited Luna, too, but for the sake of not turning the whole thing into a circus, she isn’t going to attend. She did, however, offer to host a little reception-slash-game night here. So that all sounds like fun to me!”

That would be entertaining. Another pleasant distraction. “That sounds great. Count me in.”

Crystal leaned in, pushed my helmet up, and kissed my cheek. “Good. Have a great day, dear!”

The pair left my office and me alone. With confetti everywhere.

There was a light knock on my door before Lieutenant Sunny Day came in. She stopped to look around at the mess, then grinned. “Had a party in here?”

I shook my head no. “Clown exploded.”

“Ah… spontaneous clownbustion. See it all the time. Would you like some help cleaning up this mess?”

My brow arched. “I would… but are you doing it because we’re friends, or because you need something?”

“Can’t it be both?”

Lightly, I rubbed my temples. “I’ll get the brooms. Stay here.”

Sunny Day had been a good friend to me in general. She was an excitable pony with an overly positive attitude. In some cases, she was quite lax as a royal guard, but her job always got done and her ponies were safe.

When it came to cleaning confetti out of a carpet, she turned out to be the right pony for me. While I swept, she used her magic to pick up the pieces and dump them into the dust pan. I couldn’t be too appreciative, though, because I knew she wanted something.

After the last sparkle went into the dustpan, Sunny turned to me and grinned. “So, Silent Knight…”

Here we go. I emptied the pan into the trash. “Yes?”

“I know you’ve got a lot going on, but I need a favor.”

I gave her a blank look. “What can Princess Luna’s House Guard do for you?”

She shook her head. “Not the Guard, just you.”

Great. “Alright, what can I do for you?”

Sunny grinned brightly. It was unnerving. “Before you got this job, did you ever imagine yourself in Princess Celestia’s House Guard?”

My ears flicked and I groaned, “I’m going to say yes, but I’m also going to regret it.”

The golden-coated mare lifted her forehooves and wiggled them. “Ta-dah! You’re the new commander!”

My brow raised. “You’re resigning?”

Sunny kept doing ‘jazz hooves’ and shook her head. “Ta-dah! You’re the new temporary commander!”

“What about Lieutenant Rook?”

She shrugged. “He’s there if you need him but when it comes to the direct command of the unit, I want it to be you.”


Sunny’s head tilted. “You’re the pony I trust the most.”

“Well sold, Lieutenant. Where are you going?”

The forehooves came up again to wiggle. “Vacation!”

My ears cocked forwards. “Vacation? Seriously?”

“Yes, seriously! I haven’t had a vacation since I took command. Plus Azurite is getting cranky, so I’m going to take her to the beach and get her wet.”

I held up a hoof. “Please stop talking. I’ll do it if you stop.” I sighed. “When do you leave?”

“Next week! I’ll send Storm Rider over to make sure the transition is smooth.” She turned to leave.

“Wait! When are you coming back?”

Sunny winked over her shoulder. “Who says I am?”

“Sunny…” I held a firm tone and stared at her.

“I might not!”

“I might change my mind,” I growled.

She pouted. “Oh, you’re no fun. We’ll be gone for two wonderful weeks. Then you can go back to doing whatever it is you do.”

“We do the same job,” I said, pointing out the obvious.

“Says you!”

“We do!”

The mare shook her head. “No, we don’t! I’ve got my eye on you,” she chimed melodiously.

“Lieutenant, I’m going to find so much paperwork for Azurite to do that you won’t be able to go.”

She gasped. “You wouldn’t!”

“Go before I change my mind.”

Sunny winked and said, “Thank you, Silent Knight; you’re a peach. Oh, and… I’m sorry about your father.”

“Thanks,” I replied flatly. That was a reminder I didn’t need.

“You know if you want to talk ab…” She trailed, evidently catching whatever expression I had on my face. “Anyway, you know where my office is.”

“Have a nice vacation. Be sure you bring Azurite back, though. She is far better than the last pony resources warrant officer.”

“We’ll see!” she chirped before ducking out of the office in a hurry.

I waited for her to be gone before I got up and left my office. What was she keeping an eye on me for, anyway? Sure, the missions for Princess Luna had been a little off the beaten path for a house guard. And sure, I was on my way to an intelligence briefing that house guards didn’t normally attend. But it wasn’t like I was doing anything wrong.

With any luck, this next meeting would provide some insight, although I doubted it. With my new source of information, most of what I received at these was old news.

Old news or not, I still needed to attend. If I’d suddenly lost interest, that would strike Officer Guise as odd. He might start asking questions. That would upset Maya, and the whole thing would fall apart.

As usual, I arrived on time and as usual I was admitted and given a heavily redacted report. A report that had been waiting for me from Maya when I returned from Haven. Hers was far more informative.

“We should pass this information on to King Ranald immediately,” Guise said to the few ponies in the room. Most of them I didn’t know, nor had they been introduced. Old information passed immediately? What an odd idea.

“I’m not certain of that, sir,” Sergeant Major Granite replied. “Yes, we know that his real name isn’t Alastair. Yes, we know he is related to someone important. There is no evidence here that he acted on orders, however.”

Guise asked, “What do you suggest then?”

“Extricate,” I put in, turning every head in the room.

“You’re crazy!” Guise exclaimed.

My head shook. “Not in this case. His alias is wanted in the Northern Kingdom. If we don’t share the information about his identity, King Ranald has complete deniability. We capture Alastair and work him for the connection. Then we take that to the king.”

Granite said, “He has a good point, sir.”

“I see. I’ll consider it. For now, I think we’ve shared enough. You’re dismissed, Lieutenant.”

“Yes, sir,” I replied before heading out.

Garrard Kronson, grandson of King Victor Kronson of the Southern Kingdom. That was who Captain Alastair really was. There was almost no possibility he’d acted without orders. The grandson of a king has little need for money.

This was far deeper than I imagined and I wanted more answers. When I got home in the evening, I would leave the signal for Maya. It was time that she and I had another chat.

That would have to wait, however, as I had yet another matter to take care of. With my week of leave, I’d neglected my responsibility to our guests. To make up for that, I’d promised them a full tour of the palace.

When I returned from my intelligence briefing, I found the pair waiting outside of my door. “Forgive me for being late. My duties rarely respect my schedule,” I said as I approached.

Crimson Dawn shook his head. “That is alright. We understand.”

Tranquil idly rubbed a forehoof against my door. “We still have time for the tour, though, right?”

“Of course. I’ve blocked out the rest of my day just for that. If you two would follow me, we’ll start at the courtyard and work our way through the various areas of the palace,” I explained as I led them back out.

Over the next few hours, I showed them every nook and cranny of the palace complex. I shared all of the trivia I knew, which seemed to delight them both. We were almost done, but there was one more thing left for them to see.

“I’ve saved the best for last,” I explained as I walked backwards towards two massive doors. Palace guards were stationed on each side and, as I approached, they encircled the handles with their magic and tugged the doors open.

“The throne room and seat of Equestrian power. It is also famous for its stained-glass windows,” I said as I led the pair in.

I had barely finished speaking when Crimson pointedly asked, “Why is there only one throne?”

Seriously? That was the first thing he noticed? These two were far more observant than most ponies. Many were so awestruck that details like a single throne never crossed their minds.

“There is a remodel being planned to fix that situation. There was also some discussion that Princess Luna would have her own palace, but that was scrapped.”

Tranquil Dusk’s head tilted as she asked, “Why?”

“The princesses don’t want to be divided again. They’ve agreed that there shall be one castle, one throne room, and two thrones.”

“I see. It is a lovely castle.” Tranquil Dusk paused, and her wings started to tremble with excitement. “May we see the city now?”

“And I would like to see the Royal Guard Academy,” Crimson Dawn put in.

So much for the splendor of the throne room. I turned back to the door. “Yes, of course. I suppose it is about time you went beyond these walls. I think there is a place you’ll like.”

“I’m certain we’ll like anywhere you take us,” Tranquil said.

“I hope so. Let’s go, it won’t take long if we fly,” I said, leading them back out to the courtyard and leaping into the air. It would be faster, but it would also draw less attention. Ponies rarely paid attention to pegasi when they looked up.

The Royal Guard Academy was as busy as ever with ponies galloping about and training hard. Nostalgia filled me with a strange, bittersweet longing for the simpler days.

“If you are set on becoming a royal guard, this is where you’ll process through,” I explained as we landed. “Most ponies in central Equestria come here. It is the toughest program, but it also yields the best results.”

Many of the recruits were looking our way, and that earned a lot of angry yelling from their instructors.
Crimson looked around and said with absent wonder, “There are so many soldiers.”

“Guards, not soldiers. But, yes, there are a lot of them. For now. A lot of ponies try, but less than half make it. The Royal Guard is highly selective at all levels. There are more ponies that want to be a guard than there are positions.”

His expression turned serious. “Then that means I may try and fail.”

“Yes, I’m afraid so. There is no shame in failing, though. I’d rather have a pony at my side that gave it their all and came up short than one that was too afraid to even start.”

He turned to me. “Some ponies have an advantage, though, don’t they?”

I wasn’t sure exactly how he’d meant that but I nodded. My own narrative would work. “Yes. My father was in the Equestrian Army and then the Royal Guard. He trained me my entire life for this career. That was certainly an advantage and I had little difficulty when I was here.”

“Then you owe him much,” Crimson said.

Despite Stratus Knight’s methods, he had prepared Winterspear and me for the rigors of the Guard. It was hard to deny that we’d both excelled in our careers.

“Yes.” It was all I could say before shifting away from the grounds. “Come along. I want to show you someplace fun.”

We left the academy and flew above the city. Ponies are nosy by nature and we’d attracted enough attention at the RGA. Now it was time for something else, so we crossed town together and landed outside the happiest place I knew: Sunridge Sweets. I pushed the door open, jingling the little bells, and motioned the siblings inside.

“Welcome to Sunridge Sweets! I’ll be right with you,” Pepper Ridge called, his head in the front display as he gathered cookies.

The place got quiet as all the patrons stopped what they were doing to stare at Crimson. Tranquil got her share of looks, too, but he was far more out of place.

Pepper Ridge looked up in confusion until he saw me. “Oh, hi, Silent Knight, long ti—” His eyes found the nox ponies and he just stopped talking.

“Yes, sir,” I responded loudly and clearly. “I was off visiting some distant relatives of mine. They decided to come home with me. This is Crimson Dawn and Tranquil Dusk.”

He blinked several times before stammering, “H-How do you do? Any friend of Silent Knight’s is a friend of mine. What can I get you?”

Tranquil Dusk looked at all of the sweets, wide-eyed. She turned back to me, seemingly oblivious to the awkward scene. “What may I get?”

Crimson was busy eyeing everypony else, a bit of challenge in his gaze. I set a hoof onto his shoulder and angled him towards the displays before responding, “Anything you want. Both of you. My treat.”

The stallion took my hint and stepped up closer to the counter to start looking over all of the confections. “We don’t have anything like this back home,” he said plainly.

“They all look so pretty! What’s good?” Tranquil asked.

Pepper Ridge grinned brightly. “Well, I don’t want to toot my own horn, but I think everything is good, little miss. They taste as wonderful as they look.”

“Oh, I see!” Tranquil replied excitedly. Her hoof pointed in three different places. “I’ll have one of those, one of those, and one of those.”

“Coming right up! And for the stallion?”

Crimson looked around and then pointed at one of the tables where three fillies were sitting and drinking milkshakes. “I don’t see those behind the counter. May I get one of those?”

“Yes, you may. One milkshake coming up. Wait right here while I get it all together,” Pepper Ridge said cheerfully.

The patrons were still staring, but most had started to get back to their sweets. It helped to have a royal guard present.

Behind me the door opened, jingling the little bells once more. “Dad, I’m here! I’ll get started on the—” Velvet squealed in surprise. “Sweet Celestia! Vampony!”

“What?” Crimson asked, turning around to face her.

I stepped forwards and set a hoof on his shoulder again. “Crimson, this is my dear, sweet, understanding, and polite friend, Velvet Step. She would never be rude. She just has a wacky sense of humor. Velvet, this is Crimson Dawn and his sister, Tranquil Dusk. They’re visiting Canterlot. I thought they’d like to check out the local treats.”

Velvet stared at me in horror while she slowly side-stepped her way around us to get behind the counter. “Oh, how lovely. Welcome, both of you. Try the pink cupcakes, they’re delicious. If you’ll excuse me, I just need to go into the back and get some stakes—I mean plates!” She then disappeared into the back.

I softly groaned and motioned to an empty table. “You two go have a seat. I’m going to pay and then I’ll join you.”

Tranquil and Crimson nodded, headed over to the table, and settled down. I set bits on the counter and whispered to Pepper Ridge, “She knows there is no such thing as vamponies, right?”

The stallion simply shrugged and rang up the order. “Silent Knight, giant chickens attacked this town recently. Are you positive she is wrong?”

“Point taken. In either event, he isn’t a vampony. We flew here during the day.”

“I’ll be sure to tell Velvet that. By the sounds of it, she might be trying to sharpen one of the rolling pins, so if you could just keep a general eye on the front of the store, I’ll go make certain she doesn’t weaponize the bakery.”

“Deal,” I replied before picking the order up and carrying it over to the table. “Here we are: treats. Enjoy.”

The pair peered at the different items before tentatively tasting each of them. Tentative lasted about half a minute. They devoured the rest in a matter of seconds.

Crimson looked over at me and asked, “What is a vampony?”

“Oh, it’s make-believe, there is no such thing. Velvet was just being silly. What would you like to do next?”

Tranquil thought for a moment as she licked frosting off an empty wrapper. “What do you do when you’re not being a guard?”

“Mostly I spend time with my friends. Usually we play board games,” I explained.

“You play games? Like foals?” Crimson asked.

I chuckled and shook my head. “No, foals wouldn’t be able to play the games we play. They all require skill, strategy, and critical thinking.”

“Hmm, I see,” he mused.

Tranquil shifted in her chair. “May I visit the archives?”

“I don’t see why not. I should be able to get you a pass for that.”

She smiled cheerfully. “Thank you, Silent Knight.”

Crimson looked up from his milkshake and asked rather suddenly, “Your father, he is a great warrior?”

My body went rigid at the question. “He is… Well, he was.” I looked out the window to try to find a sense of calm before I returned my attention to them. “When I had to take leave, I told you it was for family matters.” I took a measured breath. Stay calm, Silent. You’re a grown stallion. “My father died while I was in Haven.”

The stallion blinked. “Oh.”

Tranquil’s ears folded back. “Forgive my brother’s lack of tact, he means no disrespect.”

“It’s alright. He didn’t know,” I said, burying my frustration deep down where it belonged. “I’m sure nopony thought to tell the two of you.”

Crimson nodded in agreement with his sister. “Truly, I did not. I only ask because you mentioned he prepared you for this role.”

I shook my head. “Not for this role, no. My career as a royal guard and a soldier for sure, but not an officer. That has been a learning experience on my own.”

“Would you be willing to teach me?” Crimson asked. “I don’t want to go to the academy unprepared, and if you show me what it is like, I will be able to make a better decision about it.”

Would I be willing to? Of course. Should I be, though? I was his guardian. It was difficult trying to weigh his rights against Moonlit Star’s wishes.

Finally, I replied, “I can’t help but worry the matriarch wouldn’t approve.”

Crimson did his best to keep his expression even, but a twinge of annoyance was clear. “Agreed, but you said yourself that it would be my choice. I am an adult here.”

It seemed like I was already doing a poor job of being a guardian. At the same time, the matriarch sent these two with me for a reason. Even if I said no, he might go about it on his own. Perhaps under my guidance, he could make better choices.

I nodded. “Alright, I’ll do it.”

“You will?” he asked, seeming surprised.

“Yes, but there will be rules and I won’t tolerate disobedience. If you can’t agree to that, you’ll never make it in the academy. I’m not sure what you imagine it will be like, but I need to warn you that your expectations will likely not be met. Do you understand?”

Crimson nodded. “I understand. It will make it clear whether or not the academy is right for me.”

“Yes, it will,” I said plainly before looking to Tranquil. She was sitting silently looking down at the table. “Is something wrong?”

She shook her head. “No, it will just be odd if he goes. We’ve never been apart for long.”

“We won’t be,” he replied.

“Silent Knight left his family to go with Luna the Student. Think how long he was gone and what happened while he was. We may be apart for a long time.”

The stallion scowled and crossed his hooves.

I glanced between them as the mood soured so much I could practically see it in the air around us. “Alright, for now, let’s just assume he isn’t going yet. He wants to make an informed decision is all. Why don’t we go back to the palace and relax? You two can discuss this when and if the time comes.”

“Very well,” Tranquil replied.

Crimson Dawn nodded. “That seems fair. I would also like to know more about these vamponies. Your friend was quite frightened of them. Perhaps we should learn to defend ourselves.”

As the three of us stood and made our way out, I explained, “Alright, well, first of all, they’re not real. But if they were, the first thing you have to know is to never invite them into your house…”

And thanks to Velvet Step, I now had to explain vamponies to the two ponies in Canterlot that looked the most like them.

I could feel my eyes glazing over as I sat behind my desk listening to another speech about paperwork. Azurite was wedged next to me pointing out several things and explaining others. None of it interested me in the slightest.

“Sign here. And here. Initial there. Sign here. Not there, sir, here!” Azurite prattled on.

“What am I signing?” I asked.

The pixie-like unicorn replied, “The first three are vacation approval forms. The next group is just the annual benefits packages. Your ponies do them with us and you just sign them. Complete formality. You can’t not approve them.”

“What do you mean annual packages? We’re not even halfway through the year,” I foolishly pointed out.

Azurite shook her head in exasperation. “These are the ones everypony filled out at the beginning of the year to set up everything for the current calendar year.”

“Didn’t I sign these before?”

The little unicorn tilted her head and stared at me. “Sir, do you want me to be here longer and understand this completely, or do you want me to be shorter and accept that this is what I do for a living?”

Could she be any shorter? I started signing where she indicated and stopped asking questions. “Yes, Warrant Officer.”

There was a knock on my office door. I looked up to spot Miley Hooves, who was supposed to be off duty. She wasn’t wearing her armor, so perhaps she was.

A somewhat familiar grey unicorn mare was lingering behind her. She also didn’t have armor, but I knew her from somewhere. I waved them in with one hoof while signing with the other.

“Sorry to interrupt, sir…” Miley trailed, eyeing Azurite with interest. The little mare just stared for a moment. Miley had always been small, but Azurite took the prize for the littlest adult I knew. Finally, Miley shook her head and pressed on, “Val and I were going to take a few days off. If that’s alright?”

“Val?” I asked curiously, my focus shifting. Azurite grabbed my hoof and started moving it on pages to sign. How did I know Val? Was I giving her a few days off, too? No, she wasn’t one of mine. Was she one of Sunny’s?

That didn’t make sense. Azurite was currently in my office, so Sunny hadn’t left for her vacation yet. It was going to drive me nuts until—it finally clicked. “Oh, right, Val! You’re the friend of Miley’s that I met at Runic’s party.”

Val nodded and smiled. “Exactly. If it is okay with you, I want to steal Miley for a few days. We’re going to be heading to Las Pegasus for a long mares’ weekend.”

“That sounds dangerous. Am I going to get her back?” I asked as my hoof continued to move under the control of a crazed little mare.

Miley squeaked, “Of course! I’d never give up my position.”

“I believe that,” I said as Azurite’s small hooves moved my big one wildly around. “I’ll approve it, but you need to be sure to talk to Sergeants Orchid and Iridescence for coverage. You probably have plenty of leave days.” I looked over at Azurite. “Does she have plenty of leave?”

“Sergeant Hooves, tons of days, sign here!” Azurite exclaimed, exasperated.

“That means yes. Approved, Sergeant,” I said.

Miley cheered, “Thank you, boss!”

I signed the last form and tried to hide a grin. Over time, I had come to find Azurite immensely entertaining most days. I also had a huge amount of respect for her, too. She was the best at what she did. Plus, she was easy to tease. Which I didn’t do often; I mostly just watched Sunny Day do that.

“Thank you, Lieutenant,” Azurite said, closing all of the files and taking them up in her lavender magic.

“Alright, everypony is dismissed. Give me my office back. It was nice to see you again, Val. Keep an eye on Miley for me.”

“Of course! She’s my friend, and I want to keep her in one piece,” she replied.

All of the mares turned and started out the door. Once they were out in the hall, Miley looked down at Azurite and said, “I’m bigger than you.”

Azurite just sputtered and said something about being a warrant officer. I cracked a smile and couldn’t help but laugh.

I looked up at the clock; it was about time to go, and I was hoping to have a meeting after hours. I stood up, walked around the desk, and towards the door. Before I could get out, however, Russet Rook stopped me.


“Silent Knight, I’m glad I caught you,” he said. I took a few steps back to let him come in. He shut the door. “I wanted to give you a head’s up on something.”

“Yes, sir?”

“I’m going to be leaving soon for captain’s training. I’m sure that is no surprise. At the same time, though, I’m going to push straight on to advanced leadership school. You and Sunny don’t need me, and Major Measure can more than handle keeping an eye on you two. I think the timing would be good.”

Captain’s training. I hadn’t even thought about that for a minute. There wasn’t much to it: two weeks or so of classes to prepare lieutenants for larger units. ALS, however, was serious business. Without completing it, an officer’s career ended at the rank of major. Russet was trying to get a huge leg up.

“That is some major forwards thinking, Russet. Pardon the pun. The boss is on board?”

He nodded. “She is. I think she’s already shopping vice colonel. You know as well as I do that this whole Unified House Guard didn’t really work out how leadership planned. It looks great on the resume, but Major Measure and I don’t do anything. The princesses always bypass us and go directly to you.

“Plus, I think I might want a company of my own. You know, one that I’d command. Once I get that, finding time for ALS is going to be hard.”

I shook my head. “No, you’re right. You got railroaded once. If you have the chance to move up fast, you should go for it.”

“I figured you’d understand. I just didn’t want it to be a surprise.”

“When do you leave?” I asked.

“Next week.”

I blinked. “Come again?”

Russet’s head tilted. “Next week, why?”

“Sunny’s on vacation for two weeks.”

He rolled his eyes and snorted. “She beat me here?”

“The early bird gets the worm, sir.”

Russet smiled at me. “Well, in this case, both birds get the worm. Besides, Silent Knight, I’m sure running the whole UHG for a while will look great on your resume, too. Have a good evening.” He turned and opened my door.

“Thank you for breaking it to me easy, Russet,” I said, not hiding my sour feelings from my voice one bit.

“Kindness is just one of my traits!” he replied before escaping out into the hall.

Great. Just great. I sighed and shook my head as I locked up my office to head home.

So, I was going to be left in charge of the UHG and two overly curious nox ponies who could no longer be contained by the castle walls. I gave silent thanks to whoever was looking out for me that, normally, not much happened to either house guard.

The trot up one of the tower’s spiral staircase was a great warm-up for when I arrived at the topmost balcony. Leaping off and taking flight was a breeze. The air felt great as it brushed underneath my armor to cool my coat.

Home wasn’t far when flying. In no time at all, I spiraled down to land just outside the building, stopping to check the lamppost.

There was a chalk X on it. At least somepony was cooperating with me today.

“Lieutenant! Lieutenant!” a voice called from behind me, growing closer.

I quickly wiped the X off and turned, putting on a grumpy face. Somepony had followed me home from the palace and I was in no mood for it… until I saw who it was. Coming down the street in a hurry was Ley Lines from the Canterlot University Research Library.

When she got to me, she was huffing and puffing. “Tried to catch you at palace—” She panted more. “Saw you fly.” With a wheeze, she offered me a folder. “Found it.”

“You chased me all the way here to give me research?” I asked as I accepted the packet.

She nodded, finally catching her breath. “It was fascinating research. I just returned from the Crystal Empire and had to get it to you. There is a wealth of information up until that meeting and then it flat out disappears.”

I opened the folder to start skimming. “That doesn’t surprise me. Any high-level points I should know?”

“Yes, sir.” She beamed with excitement. “The rulers of Equestria all went to meet there, but there is no information on what the meeting was about and what the outcome was. It was arranged by the Unicorn Temple and held on their grounds there. Only one ruler declined to attend: the old unicorn king, Sombra. The rest, apparently, were there.”

My ears shot up. “I’m sorry, did you say the Unicorn Temple arranged and hosted the meeting?”

Ley Lines nodded. “Yes, sir, is that important?”

I closed the folder and tried not to frown. “Oh, yes. That is very, very important.”

Author's Note:

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