• Published 17th Jun 2015
  • 3,187 Views, 147 Comments

You, Me, Ponies, and Pokémon - DJSkywalker

Ash and Serena are two lovers that have been separated between the two Equestrias. Will they be reunited or will they forever be apart?

  • ...

I - Equestria

Chapter One: Reawakening

Canterlot Castle. A place synonymous with beauty, power, and magic. The castle has been home to Princess Celestia for nearly one thousand years, and the more recent home to Princess Luna as well. It is here that the princess sisters raise and lower their celestial bodies, the sun and moon respectively, every day and night. The two princesses both rule over the land of Equestria from this fortress, keeping their citizens safe from any evil that may come their way.

It was also at this site, most recently, that Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s personal student, had been crowned as Equestria’s newest princess. Her coronation had only been three short weeks ago, and already the new princess was feeling the stress of her new position. Mostly from a strange experience in the Crystal Empire for a special summit. Involving a theft, an old rival she didn’t know of, and even a parallel world.

And it was because of this parallel world, Princess Twilight was in Canterlot at this very moment.

“...certain you wouldn’t mind me taking the mirror for further study, Princess?” Twilight asked as she and her mentor walked the halls of Canterlot Castle.

Celestia let out light giggle. “Twilight, we are equals now. There is no reason to continue calling me ‘princess’.”

The younger alicorn blushed in a mix of embarrassment and shyness. “Sorry, Princess.”

“Oh, Twilight,” Celestia laughed, nuzzling her former student. “Never change. You’re still as adorkable as you were when you were a filly.”

Twilight blushed even more, whining a little like a child being purposefully embarrassed by their mother. “Princess~!”

Celestia still smiled as the two continued walking. “Anyways, you’re more than welcome to take the mirror for awhile. I’d be very interested to see what you find.”

Especially after what happened with your other mirror, Twilight thought to herself, remembering the other parallel world they dealt with only a week earlier. The two walked through a set of doors, entering into a small storage room where a large, decorative mirror sat in its magnificent jeweled, violet frame.

“The world of the humans,” Twilight said, still in awe of the mirror’s unique magic. A land where all of her friends and everypony she’d ever known were bipedal beings known as humans. A rare gem of knowledge and mystery, blocked off to the budding scientist for another few years, due to the mirror only being accessible every thirty moons.

“You made quite the commendable friends in our alternative dimension, Twilight,” Celestia said, trotting over to the mirror. “And I truly hope your change to Sunset Shimmer will also continue to hold. She deserves the light of friendship in her life.”

“I hope so too, Prin...err... Celestia.” Twilight smiled a little when her mentor beamed from the informal speech. “But before we try to move it, there’s a spell I want to try on it.”

Celestia backed away from the mirror. “Go ahead, Twilight.” She watched the young mare power up her horn, a little sweat trickling from her brow. “What does this spell do, exactly?”

“If my calculations are correct, it should be able to force the portal open before the thirty moons are up.”

Celestia blinked a little, watching her student. “That… that would be incredible. Even Star Swirl had trouble altering these mirrors, and he created them.”

“Then let’s see if I can surpass my hero,” Twilight grunted. Her horn built up with her magenta magic, burning bright in the low-lit room. When it reached its peak brightness, she fired it right at the mirror.

On contact, the magic encompassed the reflective surface entirely, drawing on the inner magical energy. The magenta aura started to swirl inwardly, almost hypnotically. But just as the swirl started to fill the mirror, the entire artifact glowed brightly with energy and dispersed it outward in the form of a magic shockwave. It blew right over Twilight and Celestia, making them push their hooves into the ground to prevent themselves from being blown away.

The energy flew right through the walls of the castle, making many of the unicorn staff drop and hold their horns in pain as the magic overpowered them. It continued out into the surrounding areas of the castle as well, including the statue garden. As it connected with a certain statue, the purple energy covered it in full. The glow soon faded away along with the energy wave, leaving the figure untouched… save for the fracturing lines along its torso.

Back with Twilight and Celestia, the two alicorns were rubbing their horns gently, keeping their growing headaches under control. “So much for that,” Twilight grumbled.

Celestia smiled apologetically. “Don’t be upset, Twilight. It was a very well prepared spell. The mirror’s magic just happened to be greater. Now then,” she said, draping her wing across Twilight’s back as they exited the room. “I shall have some guards move the mirror to the train station and have it ready to be shipped to Ponyville in the morning. In the meantime, why don’t we join Luna for some nice tea and crackers? Night court is agonizingly slow on Sundays.”

“Alright Celestia.” The two made their way towards the throne room. “So, has Luna’s court been picking up in popularity?”

Celestia tilted her head left and right for a moment. “It’s still slow going, but more and more have been showing up as the months continue on. But Luna always looks so happy when lines of ponies show up to meet with her. Some even drop by just to talk with her. They’re drawn to her friendly nature, I suppose.”

Twilight smiled at that. “She’s always such a delight to have around Ponyville. The colts and fillies absolutely adore her. The school is always buzzing anytime she visits.”

The solar princess giggled at the thought of seeing her younger sister playing with the younger generation. Twilight got caught up in the delight as they entered the throne room, Princess Luna, sipping some tea as she saw her visitors.

“Ah, sister, Twilight! Have you come to join me for snack time?” Luna asked.

“We have indeed,” Celestia nodded to her sister. “May we?”

Luna nodded happily. “Yes, yes, come in, come in! Tibbles and I were just about to begin ourselves!” She looked over to her happy Pokémon with a bright smile. “Isn’t that right, Tibbles?”

“Helio!” Tiberius cheered, spinning his ears as he hovered in the air. The Helioptile certainly was ready for his nightly snack. Luna giggled at her pet’s happiness, quickly setting out the cracker plate and tea kettle. Celestia and Twilight joined her as they all trotted over to the princesses’ hidden break room. No petitioner could see it as it was hidden behind an illusion that made the doorway look like another part of the wall.

The break room was quite ordinary compared to most of the castle. It appeared to be like any other employee break room; even Twilight compared it to the employee lounge at her father’s observatory. It had simple carpeting that was replaced about every ten years or so to a new color, which was currently a dark blue in celebration of Luna’s return, as well as a full, tile floor kitchen on the far side. Luna made her way to the electric stove as Celestia and Twilight made themselves comfortable at the round, white-marble table in the center of the room, with Tiberius making himself comfortable in his floor bed as he waited for his snack.

“So Twilight,” Luna said, making conversation as she prepared the tea. “How are things in Ponyville? Did the clean up go successfully?”

Twilight nodded as she munched on a cracker. “Oh yes, all the Everfree vines were cleared up before the day was through. Even though he caused the mess, Discord did quite well in removing the intruding plants.”

“And what of your friends?” Celestia added. “Are there still any hard feelings to giving up the Elements of Harmony?”

Twilight shook her head ‘no’. “No, they’ve taken it quite well. A couple were afraid that we’d lose our ‘spark’ of friendship without the Elements, but that’s proven false as we’re still the best of friends.”

“I am happy to hear that,” Celestia complimented with a bright smile.

“They’re not still worrying about your new position, are they? Luna asked as the tea kettle began to whistle.

“I’m still working on that,” Twilight admitted sheepishly. “They’re not as used to the whole royal thing as I am from being around Celestia all these years.”

“And yet you still refer to me as ‘Princess’ and think I would banish you for not sending in a friendship report on time.” the solar diarch thought ruefully with a smirk.

“Tea is done!” Luna declared, trotting over with the freshly brewed beverage and a tray of tea cups.

And so their conversation continued nicely, laughing and chatting over recent events and whatnot. Unaware of what was heading their way.

A figure was moving through Canterlot Castle, never letting any of the awestruck staff bother its course. Its two legs carried it at a fast pace, like a being on a mission, which it was. It approached the guarded door to the throne room, barely even noticing the two standing, navy blue armored guards.

“Stop right there!” one of them declared. Both raised their spears in defence, baring the creature entrance.

But still the creature never stopped.

“It’s not stopping!” the younger guard told his senior.

“Just hold steady, rookie. Nothing can get through the Night Guard!” the experienced officer declared. The figure soon came into the light of the moon, causing both ponies to gasp in shock. What stood before them was no pony, nor was it a hostile creature. Only a being who had stood the test of time through myth and legend.

“Goddess above,” they said in awe. As the being approached closer, they stood at attention in a snap on either side of the throne room entrance. “Welcome back, sir!” they saluted, allowing the creature entrance in.

The being put both of its hands against the large double door and shoved it open. The sound the wooden door made echoed its way into the break room, allowing all the princesses to hear the new entry.

Luna groaned lightly. “I thought I told the guards I wanted no more visitors until after my tea. Excuse me for a moment.” The lunar princess disappeared in a flash of blue magic, reappearing in front of her throne. “I don’t know why the guard’s let you in, but… but…” Luna’s voice disappeared as soon as her eyes saw the being standing in front of the open doors. She could only stare for several silent moments before, “CELESTIA!”

Celestia and Twilight immediately ran into the room, worried of what was happening. “Luna! What’s wrong‽” Her sister shakily lifted a hoof, pointing at the visitor. As soon as Celestia’s eyes settled on the being they went wide as the pupils shrank to the size of pinpricks. “It can’t be…”

“Who, or what, is that?” Twilight asked, unfamiliar with the being before her. She was faintly reminded of the humans she had met in the other dimension, but this one was of a lighter tan color than the multicolored ones she had met. On his head was a red hat with a white bill and the top pokéball symbol in white emblazoned on the front. His torso was covered with a blue vest-t-shirt with a few white lines on the front and sides. She could tell underneath was a plain black shirt that only just peeked out beneath the vest. His legs were concealed beneath a pair of blueish black pants that were tucked at the end into his short, red boots. On his hands were a pair of black, fingerless gloves with red cuffs. Certainly an odd look if Twilight had any say.

“Twilight,” Luna said slowly. “Allow us to introduce the first champion of Equestria, Ash Ketchum.” The younger alicorn’s eyes bugged as her jaw dropped, rendering her speechless.

Ash started to chuckle lightly under his breath. He looked up, allowing the shadow of the hat on his head to disappear from his face. His brown eyes radiated friendliness and his smirk gave an air of cockiness. He gave the three mares a two-fingered salute. “Hey there, Celly and Luny. Ya miss me?”

“More than you would believe, old friend,” Luna said, smiling happily at the human. “It is very good to see you moving again.”

“But how are you moving?” Celestia asked. “Your spell should not have been deactivated.”

It was at that moment that Twilight recovered. “Spell? What spell? Who is this?!”

“Twilight,” Celestia said in a motherly tone, putting her wing over her former student to calm the younger mare down. “This is our good friend, Ash Ketchum, as Luna said. But you, and most other ponies, know him as the great champion, Red.” Again, Twilight’s eyes bugged out. “He was that statue we had out in the gardens, so we could keep him close for the day he would return. But why now?”

“You tell me,” Ash shrugged, putting his hands behind his spiky, black hair. “I was supposed to be freed when Starswirl had that portal ready.”

Celestia looked away from her old friend, shame filling her. “Ah yes… the portal. About that…”

Ash chuckled a little, adjusting the brim of his hat. “You forgot, didn’t you?”

The solar princess blinked a little surprised. “You’re… you’re not mad at me?”

“Well, only a little,” he let out a brief laugh again. “You know I can’t be too mad at one of my best friends, not with everything we’ve been through. Besides, I wasn’t completely unaware of what happened while I was in stasis.” Ash looked to Luna, bowing his head lightly. “Welcome back home, Luna.”

With a smile, Luna nodded back. “Thank you, Ash. And welcome back to the land of the living.”

“It’s nice to be back.” He looked back to Celestia, his eyes slowly falling on Twilight. “Oh, didn’t see the other pony there. Finally settle down, Tia? ‘Bout time, if ya ask me.”

Celestia blushed, stuttering a little as she tried to reply coherently. She coughed into her hoof, calming herself down despite her red cheeks. “No, I haven’t. This is my former student, former because she has recently graduated and ascended.”

Strutting forward a bit and clearing her throat, Twilight spoke, “Greetings, champion. I am--”

“Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Ash interrupted. “Newly crowned princess of Equestria and wielder of the Element of Magic.” Celestia, Luna, and Twilight stared dumbfoundedly at the human who smiled cockily. “Whassa matter? Persian got your tongue?”

“You… how did you know who I was?” Twilight finally asked.

He chuckled a little. “Simple: I cheated. It’s nice to meet you in the flesh, Miss Sparkle. Big fan.”

Celestia was the first to come back to her senses. “Ah, more of your foreknowledge, I assume?” Seeing her student looking to her for answers, the elder princess clarified. “Ash possesses certain prior knowledge of Equestria despite not hailing from its lands. He knew of my sister and I, as well as Discord and Starswirl the Bearded. Many times he mentioned of events in the far future, but always refused to enlighten us.” She eyed him toyingly. “Perhaps he’d care to explain himself finally.”

“Alright, ya caught me. Truth is… I’m psychic.” Nopony was amused. “Wow, tough crowd. Let me ask this first: does the word ‘television’ mean anything?”

Twilight nodded. “Of course. Television has been around for many years now, though I’ve never been a big fan of it myself.”

“Oh no?” Celestia asked with a teasing grin. “Then why has Spike several times told me stories of your soap opera addiction?”

Twilight gaped at her former mentor, blushing deeply at being caught red hoofed. “That’s… that’s… that’s my own business!” She straightened immediately, refusing to look her giggling mentor in the eye.

Ash burst out laughing. “Aaah, Celly, it’s heartwarming to see you’re still a troll. But, as I was saying, where I come from, the idea of Equestria was portrayed as a TV show.” The three ponies stared at him again, only this time as if he had gone mad. “Hear me out. They didn’t exactly know of you, but more like the idea of you. There was a show based around the adventures of Twilight Sparkle and her friends as they learned the magic of friendship under the watchful eyes of her mentors Princess Celestia and, upon her return, Princess Luna.”

“That’s-that’s just amazing!” Twilight beamed. “Sure there’s a bit of creepiness about it, but it’s unbelievable that some other place knew about us… wait, other place? So the legends are true?! You are an alien?!”

“Guilty as charged. Kinda hard to hide it; I stick out like a big, blue thumb with a red cap.”

“Wow, are all aliens human?” she asked, causing Ash’s eyes to widen slightly.

“What? Other humans? What other humans‽” he demanded.

Luna quickly stepped over to her old friend, consoling him from freaking out. “Twilight has been to the other side of the mirror. It was not too long ago that the portal had reopened.”

Ash looked at her in shock, his attention switching to Celestia as she sighed. “I had originally planned on that to be the point where we would finally release you, but other events prevented such a reunion. An old student of mine used the mirror for darker purposes, unfortunately causing us to get so caught up in the situation we forgot to undo the stasis spell. I am so sorry, Ash.”

There was silence for a few moments in the throne room to allow Ash to digest those words. He took a deep breath, letting it out very slowly. “I’m… I’m not mad at you, either of you. Just… disappointed, I suppose. I was really looking forward to being able to get through that mirror, but if what you say is true, it won’t open for a few years.”

“It’s true, my friend,” Luna said sadly. “I wish it were not so, but it is.”

“I figured as much.” Ash sighed, straightening his back and doing a couple small stretches. “Guess that just means I’ll have to wait.”

“What?” Celestia asked, a little surprised at the sudden turn.

A smile appeared on the human’s face. “No point in wallowing in self-pity, Serena’d have my head if I did that. Nah, just gotta roll with the punches, as they say, and make the best of what I got. I mean, I’ve still got my health, few good friends,” he gestured to Luna and Celestia, “What more could I need to restart life?”

Luna giggled a little. “I had forgotten how much of a disposition you had for being cheery.”

“Bah!” Ash waved off. “Why get bogged down with depressing stuff when there’s plenty to be grateful for, eh?”

“Right,” Celestia agreed with a smile. “How about you take a walk with us? There’s something we need to show you.”

“No problem Celly. I could use a good walk, my legs still feel stiff.”

She snorted at the bad joke, leading Ash, Twilight, and Luna out of the throne room and down one of the many halls of Canterlot Castle. As they four strode around, the always-inquisitive Twilight decided to ask some questions of the long lost champion.

“Mr. Ketchum, if it’s not too much ask, why were you sealed in stone?”

“Firstly, just call me ‘Ash’. I’m not big on formalities. Secondly, Celly and Luny put me in stone for my own benefit. See, a long time ago, I lost someone very special to me, someone I care about more than life itself. But the place she was lost to was not reachable by Equestrian magic. Starswirl swore to me he would find a way for me to get her back, but he had no idea how long it would take.”

“Starswirl told us it could take years, maybe even decades, to create the spell,” Luna interjected. “We couldn’t put Ash through such torment, so we offered him a chance to wait without feeling it: a stasis spell, one designed after Discord’s prison itself.”

“Obviously, I took it because I felt it would be easier than simply waiting around with a broken heart.” Ash sighed forlornly. “They said the spell would break as soon as the proper gateway had been designed, but with other events eclipsing the project, it probably got lost in their memories.”

Luna and Celestia both winced at that. “We are truly sorry, Ash. Really we are.”

“I know, I know. Things happened, I get that. Waiting’s just hard sometimes, but I’m sure you know that feeling, Celly.”

Celestia nodded, nuzzling her little sister who blushed from the affection. “But waiting can make the prize much sweeter. And speaking of prizes…”

Ash wondered why she had trialed off, only to notice that he was standing in a museum exhibit. But not just any exhibit, it was an exhibit to him… well, Red that is. There were many of the old paintings that he had been told were created after his more famous matches. One image was of his pal, Charizard, blazing down on Articuno in the Frozen North. He smiled as he remembered that ancient battle against the Crystal Emperor, before Sombra rose to power. Another painting depicted his Grovyle striking a Leaf Blade attack against the Griffon King’s mighty Scizor. A match that had lasted long with neither side willing to give up; Ash remembered it fondly.

Eventually, his eyes wandered to the center of the exhibit where a strange stone creature sat on a podium and encased in glass. The statue was of a short, chubby little rodent-like Pokémon. It had long, pointed ears and a strange circle on each cheek. Its short forearms were tipped with five fingers on each paw while its feet had three toes. On the back was a clear indication of a lightning bolt-shaped tail. Ash stood speechless as he looked over the statue, reading the bronze plaque in front of the glass that read:

Blue (Pikachu)

The number one Pokémon of Red and his greatest friend

Celestia walked up to the stunned human, smiling sadly. “You were always remembered, Ash. Especially by him.”

Ash put his hand gently on the glass, shaking slightly. “I left him behind,” he said quietly after a moment. “In my rush to stop the pain, I left my best friend behind. He must have hated me for that.”

“What was he like?” Twilight asked, suddenly at Ash’s other side. “The legends say that Blue was an actual blue Pikachu, but that’s not possible. Right?”

He let out a small, somber laugh. “Believe it or not, the legends are true. A blue Pikachu, the only one of his kind. He was a special friend, unlike any I had ever had. We were inseparable, almost always together. And when we hit the battlefield, there wasn’t a trainer around that could hold up. The best of friends… and I just left him…”

“But he didn’t leave you.” Ash looked at Celestia, trying to keep himself from crying. She smiled lightly at him. “Did you really think that Blue, of all Pokémon, would ever let you go so easily?”

He stared at her for a good long moment before realization sunk in. “No…”

Celestia nodded with a smile. “That is no statue. Blue asked for us to put him into the same stasis state as you. Due to his size, however, we did not trust leaving him to the statue garden. As such, we placed him within our newly built castle so that we may always have eyes on him. Only one theft was ever attempted, yet the thief was oddly found electrocuted just outside.”

Ash couldn’t help, but laugh uproariously. “Even as a statue, that lil’ monster is causing trouble.” He sighed as he calmed down, looking at the statue with a smile. “Can’t let me do anything on my own, eh? Thanks bud.”

“Wouldn’t you rather say that to him directly?” Luna asked, stepping next to Celestia.

“Nah, he’d never let me live it down if I got all sappy on him.” He chuckled. “So… can I get my best bud back?”

“All you needed to do was ask.”

Celestia and Luna both powered up their horns, igniting with golden and navy-blue energy respectively. The two energies swirled around Blue’s statue, spinning into a small twister that completely covered it from sight. The magic swirled greater and greater, tiny lightning bolts shooting out from its core. In a blinding flash, the tornado erupted into a blast of magic. As their eyesight returned, Ash smiled at seeing a deep blue Pikachu sitting behind the glass looking as if he was just waking up. Little yellow sparks shot out from his red cheeks and his blue tail wagged back and forth to return feeling to it. Blue’s eyes slowly blinked opened, yawning widely as he stretched his arms, one going to scratch the even-darker-blue stripes on his back.

Ash tapped the glass, getting the Pikachu’s attention. Upon seeing his trainer, Blue’s eyes lit up and he smiled widely. “Pika pi!” he cheered.

“Blue! It is you!!”

Celestia cast another spell, causing the glass between the trainer and Pokémon to disappear. Blue jumped forward and Ash caught him in a hug, the two laughing together.

“I missed you too, buddy! ...Blue?” Ash asked, not hearing him say anything back. He looked down at his pikachu that was giving a devilish smirk as his cheeks sparked. “...aw cr--”

“PIKACHU!” A massive electric shock blasted Ash from Blue, electrocuting him.

“Dear Celestia!” Twilight gasped in shock, no pun intended.

With the Thunderbolt complete, Blue smiled smugly as his trainer lay in a smoking heap on the ground. Slowly, Ash forced himself into a sitting position, laughing just a bit. “Yep, that’s Blue alright. Zapping me anytime I do something stupid.”

“Pika pipichu pika,” Blue replied in pokéspeak.

“Yeah, I really outdid my stupid level on that one, buddy. Sorry about that.” He laughed again, rubbing the back of his head.

“You understand the Pokémon language?” Twilight asked, amazed that a human would have such a rare ability.

“Me? Nah, only Blue. It’s just another part of our close bond. I can always understand what he’s saying, not sure how, just do.” Ash got up from the floor, brushing the burt dust particles off his clothes as Blue jumped onto his shoulder. The pikachu looked at the ponies, immediately eyeing Luna.

“Pika~, pikachu pika pikachu.”

Luna blushed deeply, coughing to keep her voice straight. “Ever as playful, little Blue.”

“Pikachu pipichu,” Blue replied with bedroom eyes.

“Dude! Even after all this time and you still talk like that? You kiss your mother with that mouth?” Ash scolded him. Blue deadpanned at him. “It was a figure of speech, man.”


“Well,” Celestia interrupted, hoping the vulgar Pikachu wasn’t scaring her pupil… or her sister for that matter. “With you two reunited, we should make preparations for your return to the public domain. A ceremony perhaps would be the best way, a signal that the former champion has returned home.”

Ash’s ear twitched at a the use of a certain word Celestia had said. “Hold up, Tia. Did you say ‘former’ champion?”

“Why yes. Your title was forfeited after your disappearance after all. A new champion had to be crowned and--”

“Who is it?” he interrupted.


“Who is the new champion of Equestria?”

“Well, I am of course--”

“Not for long,” Ash smirked.

Celestia blinked, attempting to understand what he was saying. “You’re… you’re challenging me? For the title of champion?”

“That is correct.”

Celestia and Luna shared a look of concern. “Are you certain about this? You’ve only just been freed, you should take this time to rest and--”

“Eh tut tut tut, no time to rest!” Ash declared. “I need to show the world that the original Pokémon trainer has returned! And I’ll start by claiming my title as champion back!”

The solar princess sighed, knowing it would be futile to change her friend’s mind. “Alright, but I cannot simply accept your challenge. You must defeat the Equestrian Elite Four before you are allowed to challenge me. No getting around it and they must all be in succession.”


“You will have a day to prepare yourself,” Luna informed him. “This will give us enough time to get the members together and inform them of the situation. You are welcome to this castle as an honored guest of course, but please don’t cause any trouble.”

“Oh come on, Luny. When do I ever get into trouble? ...don’t answer that,” he added quickly to prevent Luna from speaking up. She smiled victoriously at him.

“Then I wish you good luck, Ash,” Celestia spoke with seriousness. “We Equestrians have learned much in the way of battle since your time. These Elite Four will be no pushover to defeat.”

“I was hoping that would be the case. Ooh, I can’t wait to get back in the battle! But first!” Ash’s stomach let out a loud growl. “I could really use something to eat.”

Celestia, Luna, and Twilight all fell over from the suddenness of his words, the two former groaning. “He never changes.” Everyone started laughing and smiling, knowing that it wouldn’t be too long before Equestria’s greatest battles were going to take place.

Who are the Equestrian Elite Four and what challenges will they present for our hero? Stay tuned to find out.

Author's Note:

Certain Pokémon names are not capitalized, this is purposeful. When a name is capitalized, it is referring to a specific Pokémon. When lowercase, it is referring to the species.