• Published 12th Jul 2015
  • 2,522 Views, 48 Comments

Sisters in All but Blood - scifipony

At Moon Dancer's Party, Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, Minuette, Lyra, and I realized that only we stood between a cursed Celestia, a conspiracy in Canterlot, and the coming of Nightmare Moon. Could we, with Shining's help, save Equestria?

  • ...

Chapter 7 - Plan into Action

As we exited city hall onto the circular ramada, our hooves made a hollow sound. Confused birds trilled pre-dawn songs and I could hear crickets, despite a murmuring crowd. Shining limped beside me with my five friends trailing us. Spike had fallen asleep on my back, prone, claws pressing into my skin but not so hard it hurt. When Mayor Mare followed, she sped up to pass me, but I blocked her with my body. "Celestia would to do this."

A stallion asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm Twilight Sparkle—"

"Where's the sun—" came voice in the crowd, but a green-haired orange mare shouted, "Where's our princess?" That triggered a growing rumble of agreement, many ears going akimbo, and a few sobs.

At the edge of the ramada, I reared and banged the planks hard with my hooves. That restored quiet, though Spike began snoring. I very slowly descended to the grass, thinking furiously even as I halted a few feet from the crowd harshly illuminated by the moon and the bright twilight. A cool breeze tossed my mane and brought the scent of jasmine. It would get colder without the sun.

"I want to tell you the truth, but it would scare you."

And it did, for a few paled and shrank back, giving me more room.

"Princess Celestia worried that something bad might happen today. She trained me to find and rescue her if it did, and gave me the tools to do so. I have already called for the royal guard. I will do my duty and find Celestia and rescue her. In the meantime, I suggest you remain indoors, or talk with Mayor Mare if you want to volunteer to help us. Mayor Mare will tell you anything she feels is important."

As I continued walking toward the library, somebody asked, "Who is she?"

Shining Armor stopped and said loudly, "The Crown Regent, appointed by Celestia."

Mayor Mare spoke loudly and grabbed the shocked attention of the crowd. Most looked toward her, so I sped up. Everypony from the circle accompanied me, including the townsfolk that had gathered and heard my declarations. Fluttershy flew overhead and the Apples and Rarity followed behind. Even the party pony followed, bouncing enigmatically as if she had springs for hooves. Her inability to sense the seriousness of the situation was making me suspicious of her, though perhaps she simply wasn't mentally stable.

A half block away, I said, "If the elements are the key to controlling Nightmare Moon, she probably knows it, too. It's even more likely if it's Celestia corrupted by dark magic."

Lunettes said, "Nighmare Moon is roughly half Celestia's mass."

"There is that. Not impossible, though."

Rainbow Dash, and only four of her weather team, glided in to land before us, kicking up a cloud of dust. The rainbow-maned powder-blue pony fluffed her wings with annoyance, but noticed my distress because she started with, "I'm pretty sure that Muffin just lost her bearings. Nopony got more than singed. That alicorn is not only awesome-fast, but wily. She flew into the Everfree and we lost her in the trees and darkness." Her magenta eyes studied runty little me as she paced along at my side, until she nodded as if satisfied with what she saw. "Nerves of steel."

"Numb. I assure you. It's taking everything I got to hold it together."

"Ha! That's the secret we're not supposed to tell. I like you, Twilight Sparkle." She nudged my shoulder with her right wing. "Nightmare Moon disappeared a half mile south of Fluttershy's cottage."

"Oh, dear, no," Fluttershy said.

As we stopped out front the Golden Oaks Library tree, I watched Fluttershy descend daintily and alight beside me. I said, "I'm sure she's nowhere near your home."

"No, I was thinking, um, there's an old road entering the forest there. The trees grow darker and gloomier each year, but never quite covers it up. I really would not want to follow her in there."

I magicked the door open and everypony swiftly filed in. I ushered a brown-maned mustard unicorn doctor to Shining's side, then climbed four stairs and faced the crowd because I was simply too short otherwise. "Is there anything special about the Everfree?"

"You ain't from these parts, are ya?" the sister Apple asked. "Beggin' your pardon, Your Highness—my name is Applejack, by the way—but everything is special about that there forest as in especially bad."

Rainbow Dash said in a low voice. "Nopony who has ever gone in has ever come out…"

"Rainbow! At least one pony lives there just fine, a black-striped white pony named Zecora. It is a might dangerous, though."

The townfolk nodded. I looked at Shining. The doctor dabbed a wet bandage on his burn and I smelled an herbal concoction of lavender, strong tea, and the cheesy scent of mold. Though he winced, he managed to keep a neutral expression that said, dangerous or not, we had no choice.

"Has anypony heard of a Castle in the Everfree?" I spoke over the murmurs, "We must find it. The one thing that reputedly can control Nightmare Moon is supposed to be there. We must find it before she does. This zebra—"

"Is a mighty shady character."

"How dangerous is this forest?"

"The plants grow—" Applejack began.

Fluttershy piped up from the back, "—the animals, all manner of magical beasts, care for themselves—"

"—and the clouds move all by themselves," Rainbow finished. "Seriously, there's always storms or mist. Sometimes it snows in summer or rains in winter. Its seasons tick by its own clock. It's totally messed up."

Something Rainbow said made me remember seeing a mare from about a 100 feet above that I later learned was the event florist Roseluck. That was how we could find the castle! "Rainbow Dash, if you looked down on the forest do you think you might see a castle?"

"I suppose we could, weather permitting. If it isn't completely overgrown with vegetation, I'm sure we could find it."

"The books imply it has high towers, arched ramparts, and may have been built on a rocky hill.

"Might have to kick some Everfree cloud butt to find the place, but we'll do it."

Shining called the four carriage guards to join Rainbow. "Work with the weather team. Arrange how to search and stay within sight of each other at all times. When you find it, leave a scout and return quickly. We can then fly in the chariots and some pegasi wagons. Go now."

"Wait! Try following Fluttershy's road. I doubt if her disappearance in that direction is a coincidence. Don't be seen, if you find it."

Rainbow Dash and the four guards saluted, flew over the herd without touching the ceiling, immediately followed by the weather team. I heard the beat of wings as they launched skyward.

That worked well, I thought, looking at the worried but eager faces of the unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony volunteers that packed the library. So unlike Canterlot, which consisted mostly of unicorns. These folk seemed so much less affected and competitive than I was used to, living in a harmony that did not even require a full time constabulary. My friends were talking amongst the group, finding out what they could do. Everypony looked ready to do what I asked.

Celestia didn't run Equestria. Her ministers did. I would follow her example. I cleared my throat, quieting the crowd, and said, "It may take 15 minutes, it may take an hour, but either way I need to be able to travel to the castle. Girls?"

Lunettes, Hearts, Harps, Minuette, and Twinkie stepped up to the stairs.

"We need chariots and Pegasus wagons, food and water, lanterns, and other stuff you think we might need. We also need to assure the townsfolk are reassured. Find volunteers and get it done."

They saluted, almost in unison, and got about it. I descended the steps to Shining's side, marveling what it was like not to have to be organizing everything, especially things I had no business organizing because I wouldn't have an idea where to start. My big brother, swaying and dirty from skidding across a floor and the blood, looked suddenly very old. "I think you need to stay here."

The doctor nodded as he finished putting a gauze square on the lightning strike using a magical tape that held without looking gummy. He knelt to examine Shining's burnt hoof.

Shining said, "I don't want to agree."

"But you will, I'm sure, especially since I want you to send Crystalline, Twin Forks, and Archer. You tell them what you want them to do, but I need them to let us deal with the Elements of Harmony."

He nodded tiredly, "Celestia loosed that arrow. I'll tell them to let it seek it's target unhindered. But consider their advice."

"I'd be stupid not to."

"And you are anything but that."

I chuckled, then gasped when I noticed Bon Bon standing beside me when I hadn't noticed her approach. She performed a practised curtsey and said, "Your Highness, Lieutenant. May I speak with you were we won't be overheard?"

Shining seemed to understand a code I didn't catch and led us to the kitchen. I levitated Spike onto a small green sofa and waited a moment for the doctor to finish brushing out a gel on his hoof. The noise filtered through the door, but much reduced.

Bon Bon looked over her shoulder and said, "My name real name is Sweetie Drops—Special Agent Sweetie Drops. I work undercover for MEL, the Monster Elimination League. It's a secret organization set up by Princess Celestia to deal with the increasing influx of magical creatures that have gotten into their head that Equestria might be a new land to conquer. I do wish the princess had put us on this job."

"As I said last night, she was cursed and barely outwitted the geas enough to get me and my friends here." I looked beyond pink and blue-maned agent to see Lyra standing in the doorway, agape.

Bon Bon continued, "I was here on assignment, assessing Fluttershy who has quite a menagerie of creatures, some very magical, that she controls. I'm convinced she is entirely harmless at this point."

Thinking of Lyra, I asked, "And us? At the university? You were a teacher's assistant."

She smiled. "Astute of you. Not 'us', you. When you took your entrance exam, the magic anomaly you generated had ramifications across Equestria as far as Tartarus, where it compromised security measures. Celestia directed us to monitor you. Rainbow Dash apparently triggered your anomaly, and that trigger affected you and four others that day, all of which you've met since you arrived. I don't think it's related to Nightmare Moon, however."

"That explains you having a grappling hook and being able to knock over Nightmare Moon when we failed?"

"I am trained in infiltration techniques, and I have my talent which I call 'sour drops.' I can make ponies not want to see me; served me well as a shy foal, now even more. I thought I should offer my services, since you are in fact my superior, now."

"I'm going to need someone to scout the castle."

"Understood, your Highness. May I go prepare?"

"Please do."

She bowed and turned to the door, where she saw Lyra waiting. Minty green did not look happy. Bon Bon ne Sweetie Drops stopped, took a deep breath, and trotted business like toward her.

As she passed, Harps rotated to watch her, and said, "Are you saying our whole friendship was based on a lie…"

"Uggh!" I shook my head, and started to follow.

Shining said, "This is probably one these times when it would be kinder to let others handle their own problems, and be there afterward if necessary."

"You didn't appreciate Mom meddling when you had problems with Cadance, did you?"


"I'm going to see if anypony actually needs my assistance," I said. Outside, I sent Shining's friends to him, and then proceeded to say yes to all manner of things about which I hoped my friends knew what they were doing.

Rainbow Dash zoomed in the doorway, causing ponies to dodge right and left. She skidded to a halt in front of me. "Found it!" she declared. "It's covered in jungle and in ruins, as if somebody took a huge hammer to it. It's in one of the perpetually clouded over misty areas, so I can see why nobody reported it, either. Gotta map?"

An hour after Nightmare Moon's appearance, two chariots and three wagons carried twelve passengers: the girls, agent Sweetie Drops (who seemed a cheerful terms with Lyra, again), Shining's friends, the two Apples, and the doctor. We also carried spears, food, torches, and plenty of rope and digging tools. We had eight pegasus, including Fluttershy who followed in the far rear wearing a dark "dangerous mission outfit," though the bunny ears ruined the effect. The vehicles smelled of drying paint, and we were all smudged at least somewhere. Rarity had organized magically spray painting the gold chariots, and anything else volunteered, with splotches of dark blue, purple, brown, and gray. She'd even gotten dark suits for the carriage guards, and soot to darken their feathers since they were all a bright white color.

We were all about as incognito as might be hoped for. I watched over the railing as a misty mote swam into partially veiled view ahead. Around it and us, a dark sea of trees and mist spread out toward the horizon. The canyon river that became the Ghastly Gorge to the south, traveled within a much less grand canyon, forming a crack visible in the moonlit landscape that curved around higher ground. Rainbow had veered us south from Fluttershy's road. We dropped lower into the geologically forced cut between the trees. Far below, the water glittered in the light of the full moon at the zenith. But ahead... Further clouds slid aside and unveiled more shadows of something that could not have grown naturally. Suddenly, I could see silhouettes of conical roofs above towers, then a flying arch that had been smashed in the middle. Instants later, swirling mists hid it from view. In comparison to the white masonry of Canterlot, this Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters looked sullen and moody. Had it ever had a cheery facade, that had long ago deteriorated.

The trees thinned as we neared the rock outcropping upon which the castle had been built. A lone white carriage guard waved nervously at the very edge of the gorge, insanely visible under the moon but hidden from view from the castle by trees. We set down on a wide flat weedy meadow amongst lightning struck burnt trees on the east side of the canyon, a few minute trot from a bridge a weather team member had reported.

We had not more than disembarked, when shadows started moving in the forest and the occasional snap of stepped upon wood sounded. A sour vomitous smell wafted on the breeze.

Author's Note:

New chapter posted on Sunday as promised.

I spun out my car onto an embankment last night in the rain. I'm unhurt, and there was no damage, but as you might expect, I'm a bit rattled. There may be typos in this installment, and I apologize. I'll fix anything you notice.

Since I could not write as I wanted to last night, I would not expect chapter 8 until midweek. However, I realized a very nice twist as we approach the end.