• Published 14th Aug 2015
  • 3,833 Views, 38 Comments

Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

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The CMC were huddled close together as the roars of the T-Rex echoed out in the jungle. The elder ponies in charge were trying to get a plan going, but that was turning out to be next to impossible in their current situation.

“Are you hearing this?” Sweetie Belle whispered to her friends. The older mares paid close attention to the roars of the T-Rex. The Crusaders’ stayed close to each other. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash were as equally terrified, but they didn’t want to let that show in front of the fillies.

“Girls what are we gonna do?” Rainbow whispered to her friends. “We’re stuck out here and nopony has a single clue on where we are!”

“Not to mention there are creatures running around that shouldn’t be!” Rarity said as another T-Rex roar rang out. Applejack was trying to piece any plan together.

“We gotta get back to the Visitor Center.” She concluded. “If the others are alive, that’s where they be.”

“Applejack then center has to be a few miles from here.”

“What choice do we have?!”

“Alright, alright.” Rainbow interrupted. “We can’t go hiking there in the middle of the night. That would be suicide.”

"And I for one don't want to be unicorn made rare with sides of earth pony and pegasus, plus three mini appetizers." Rarity said, trying to lighten up the situation. It wasn’t working.

“We’ll have to spend the night out here somewhere, but it aint gonna be on the ground.”

“What if we lit a fire?” Rarity suggested.

“And tell every dinosaur where we are?”

“Then you tell me where we’re gonna sleep?” The unicorn hissed. Rainbow surveyed the area, then her eyes wandered upwards.

“There.” She pointed to a cluster of branches a good distance off the ground. “We’ll sleep there.” Rarity scowled at the idea of sleeping in a tree.

“A tree? You want us to sleep in a tree?”

“Got any better ideas?” Rainbow asked as another T-Rex roar rang out.

“We don’t got much of a choice Rarity, but how are we gonna climb? We don’t know how.” Applejack pointed out.

“I’ll show you, it’s not that hard.” At this the three mares rounded up the little fillies. “Come on squirts, we’re camping out in a tree.”

“I hate trees….” Scootaloo moaned.

“They’re not that bad.” Applebloom said.

“You weren’t in the last one!” Rainbow lead the group to the base of the tree in question.

“Everypony follow me. Put your hooves where I put mine and keep one hoof in front of the other.” She instructed. One by one the ponies began climbing their way up the tree. While the pegasi of the group have had a little practice with this, the others were struggling a bit.

“Phew, this climbing stuff aint easy.” Applejack groaned. Her sister was making progress until she slipped. Thankfully Rarity was there to keep nudging her forward.

“Careful there darling.” Rainbow was the first to reach the outcrop where they would take shelter for the night. She began to reach down and help pull her friends up one by one. Sweetie Belle was growing tired by this point, but before she could slip Rarity used her magic to levitate her little sister up. “I gotta admit….it’s quite the view.” The viewpoint from the outcrop allowed the group to see over the treetops and beyond. As they settled in, they had a little surprise waiting for them.

“Hey! Those are brontosaurus!” Scootaloo said.

“You mean brachiosaurus.” Applebloom corrected. Sure enough the long necks and heads of the gentle giants poked out from the tree tops. The noises they were making were actually quite soothing. “What are they doing?” Rainbow tilted her head.

“They’re singing.” The ponies sat in silence for several moments, entranced by the beauty of the sauropods singing.

“Wow.” Applejack said. “I knew birds and whales could sing, but never a dinosaur.”

“It’s beautiful.” Rarity noted, her eyes sparkling. Rainbow had an idea. Reaching up, she pulled herself to a high branch. “What are you doing?”

“I’m gonna try something. Watch this.” Rainbow cupped her hooves and made moans and groans like the dinosaur. The dinosaurs looked over at the tree, curious about the calls of a newcomer. Two more brachs raised their long necks above the trees to investigate.

“Shh! We don’t want those monsters coming over here do we?”

“They aint monsters Sweetie Belle, they’re just animals. Besides, they’re vegetarians, gentle dinos.” Applejack noted.

"Or maybe their having a light salad before the main course." Rainbow joked.

"Perhaps a salad is the main course." Applejack laughed. The cyan pegasus lowered herself down to the others. The group then huddled close together for the night. Rarity could only sigh.

“Never imagine I would be sleeping in a tree.”

“What about under the stars?” Applejack asked. By now the skies have cleared, showing the moon in its entirety, the stars twinkling along with them. The unicorn smiled.

“Well, then it’s not so bad.”

“Hey Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo asked. “What do you call a blind dinosaur?”


“A do-you-think-he-saur-us” The cyan mare chuckled. She had one of her own.

“What do you call a blind dinosaurs dog?” She asked the little pegasus filly.


“Do-you-think-he-saur-us Rex” The whole grouped laughed along with this one.

“Rainbow?” Sweetie Belle asked quietly. “What are we gonna do if the dinosaurs come back and we’re sleeping?” The cyan mare ruffled the filly’s mane.

“Don’t worry squirt. I’m gonna be awake.”

“All night?”

“All night.” The sound of the brachiosaur’s singing sent to ponies off to sleep for the night. Rainbow only sighed comfortably, and looked out into the night sky. She could only wonder if the others were all right.

The Visitor Center cafeteria was quiet and dark. Low lights lit the room up in a soft glow, the ceiling fans twirling slowly above. Off to the side on the shelves were the countless amount of Jurassic Park merchandise, waiting to be sold to ponies who would now never visit. Fluttershy sat all alone at one of the tables, eating a dish of ice cream Scorch said they would eat. Twilight clopped glumly out of the darkness and over to her friend.

“It was melting…..Scorch didn’t want it to go to waste.” The shy pegasus said quietly.

“Pinkie’s gonna be alright. We casted up her leg, now she’s just sleeping in one of the guestrooms.” This was good news, but it didn’t help ease the ponies minds. “Do you think the others are ok?” Fluttershy would be the one to comfort Twilight.

“I’m sure they are….we’ve been through tougher situations and we’ve always pulled through.”

“I know we have.” Twilight sighed quietly. She turned her attention to the ghostly lit dinosaur display at the entrance. "I was just thinking of the first time I saw dinosaur bones when I was a filly. My parents took Shining Armor and me to the natural history museum in Fillydelphia.” The alicorn smiled at the memory. “It was the first time I had ever seen dinosaur bones. They were so big…..it was just mind boggling to think creatures that size could ever have existed.”

“Then we saw the Tyrannosaurus skeleton. I was so scared that I covered my eyes and hid behind my mother. When I finally opened my eyes and looked at the bones, I wasn't scared anymore. After that I couldn't get enough of dinosaurs. The best part of looking at those bones was bringing them to life in my imagination. Imagining how they lived, sounded, hunted, and ate. And to think how amazing would it be to see one alive."

“That’s exactly what I did.” The mares turned to see Scorch standing in the doorway. The stallion looked like a living wreck. Slowly her trotted over and joined the mares at the table. “I had that same feeling when I was a colt. I'd look at the bones and think, what would it be like to really see them, and to touch them. I wanted to show everypony in Equestria that imagination could become reality." He smiled fondly at the memory. Twilight could only stare at the stallion with glossy eyes.

“But there’s one thing about making a dream reality Scorch…..it loses what made it magical.”

“True….”Scorch sighed quietly, then he perked up like anything never happened. “But there’s still the chance to make it magical again right? Everypony learns from their mistakes. Hiring Lightning was mine, but that’s water under the bridge.” The mares couldn’t believe what they were hearing.

“Scorch you’re not getting it. Lightning wasn’t the problem….she was just the prick that popped the balloon.”

“Yes but she showed where the problems were. Next time everything will be correctable.”

“There’s nothing correctable about this.”

“When we regain control….”

You never had control!!!” Twilight snapped, frightening both Scorch and Fluttershy. Tears were beginning to form in the mare’s eyes. "And you never will!! I tried to point that out to you and everypony else, you can't control something of which you know nothing about. But we all made a mistake here. We were so taken in by what had been done with this place that we ignored how fundamentally wrong it was! I made that mistake too, and now my friends…the ponies I love, are paying for it!” Twilight’s lips quivered as she tried to speak. Fluttershy could only do so much to comfort her. Scorch was rendered speechless.

“……I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” The stallion said both quietly and sincerely.

“I need some of that.” The alicorn used her magic to float a spoon over to her, taking a big bite of the ice cream in front of her. “….this is good.” Scorch could only smile sadly at her.

“Spared no expense.”