• Published 10th Sep 2015
  • 4,223 Views, 83 Comments

(Short Story Chronicles 3) Cracked Armor - SaiyanUltima

There are lies amongst friends and families, and they always hit the one who is lied to the hardest. Shining Armor is that victim, and now he wants nothing to do with them. He, especially, wants nothing to do with the mare he married.

  • ...

Ch. 2

Author's Note:

First and most important to this story, because he made me into the writer I am today. A big thanks goes out to Zamairiac for the inspiration to this story and giving me so many pointers to proper writing, in the past.

Thank you, again. And for every reader who has stuck with me so faithfully, thank you for being the fuel to my writing. If it wasn't for everyone's support, criticism, whether good or bad, I doubt I would continue writing.

I mean let's face fact. If I hardly get feedback I would probably give up. But that is not happening because I have so many comments and followers reading and commenting on my work and it helps so much.

Love you Bronies and Pegasisters out there. Love you like family.

Now I know it will be strange to you when you finish chapter two, but unique and strange is the way I like to write. Don't worry though, there is a reason to the flow I am using for this story.

As for those asking about the ending being good or bad, I cannot tell you. You will just have to wait for every chapter.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Leave a comment of positive or negative feedback when you finish; even if it is something coming directly from your mind, let me know. All criticism is welcome.

Now onto the next story before my medication tires me out.

Stay Pony :raritywink:

What I Want . . .

It's your fault. . .

It's your fault. .

It's your fault.

I still cannot veer from those words, not in the slightest. I've been in this room for days now, and she has already been given shelter with her egg. I want to lose my sanity over this, yet I cannot slip from reality like I want. I am spurred by those words Chrysalis said in the cart. I am clinging to them as though my life depends on it.

But why? Why do I hold onto those words when the entire situation should be the focus point of my life?

I stared desperately towards my freedom and sighed at the edge of the crystal window, bright magic washing over for another day. My mind wandered aimlessly for the answer that I am starting to believe will never come.

What did I do to deserve all of this?

I tapped the barrier for my own amusement, causing the slightest disruption to spark against my hoof. It was all I could do for entertainment, she took away my magic and all forms of communication to the outside world. Mom and Dad probably don't know of the current situation and probably never will. The last thing anyone in this bucked up family wants is for the news to spread across Equestria; at least that is what they do not desire.

If it was me, I'd be throwing everyone under the carriage right now. I'd throw them under it, jam the wheels, and then leave without batting an eye. I have every right to ruin the princesses, because they ruined me.

I suddenly heard the door open and close very quietly, though as I ignored whoever entered my dungeon and tapped the barrier again, I shrugged the smooth hoof trailing my back.

A short whisper drew my hearing, but it did not grasp my attention.

"You haven't eaten in two days, my love."

I pushed away the plate to my right and continued to look outside the Crystal Ponies, hoping she would understand I do not want to see or speak to her. And 'my love'. . .Peh! I doubt I am that anymore; if I was her love I would not be a prisoner in my own home. I would not be enduring the torture of never having a foal of my own. I would NOT be watching Chrysalis walk through the streets every morning with Celestia and Luna at her sides as protection.

Bucking cowardly crystal ponies. This is your empire, your home, so do us all a favor and destroy that monster!

. . .

Who am I kidding? I can barely bring out the courage in some guards. I have a better chance getting struck by lighting than getting Cadance to rid this world of Changelings.

"You cannot ignore this forever Shining," the bane of my life groaned in annoyance. "You know you'll have to accept sooner or later."

"Buck off, princess." I growled angrily. . .or as angry as I could knowing the ring would shock me at the slightest hint of magic; and with my emotions connected to my magic so strongly, well. . . I'm bucked.

She tried to soften me with a kiss and hug before I stood up to gain my distance.

I was already on the verge of losing my own mind after being dragged back to the Crystal Empire; why is it so hard for to realize that our marriage is destroyed? Why does she keep trying when I am done!?

"I can't fix it if you don't open up to me," she whispered sadly. "So please let me help. I love you and I want us to resume our life together as happy as possible."

I cringed in disgust at her gentle breath against my ear but remained stern and pushed her away. Nothing felt more satisfying than to hear that horse gasp when I denied her my kiss.

I saw in the reflection of the next window Cadance tensing up with intense emotional pain, before clenching her teeth to fight it with everything she has. She then breathed deeply and stared at me hurtfully.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered pathetically.

I could feel the neutral expression I just regained twist into many emotions at those words. A part of me should have been bracing for the emotional, sobbing alicorn begging at my hooves for me to give her a second chance, but any kindness and understanding I had for Cadance flew out the window when I found out Chrysalis and her had an egg.

Tears should be falling—No, pouring down my muzzle as I stood with my back turned to the princess. I should feel something equivalent to a broken heart, something other than anger. This betrayal, however, has taken so much out of me and destroyed so many good things I had about Cadance. I can't look at her the same way. I can't even look at her long enough to flood her with insults and the demand for a divorce. Looking at her brings nothing but more pain and misery.

I am truly disgusted with my own wife, and I want to hurt her. Yes, I want to make her feel helpless and terrible for cheating on me with that stupid bug. I want to find a fertile mare and impregnate her in front of Cadance, just so she knows the foal will be mine and never hers.

I want to make her suffer.

Every memory of us seemed to die slowly inside me. Every moment of us kissing, every time we snuck into eachothers rooms and slept together, even the night of our honeymoon, it felt like Tartarus collapsing over my heart before crushing it.

In the middle of these unbearable memories I could see in reflection my wife approaching me for another attempt.

Her weak smile. . . Buck, it pisses me off so much. I despise that she has the audacity to smile after sacrificing our one chance of having a family to a bug that needs to die. It's only a matter of time before the Changelings invade again! And when they do, when they succeed the second time, I'll be far away while she and those traitors embrace their new lives as love slaves.

Hah. . .If Celestia thinks I will save the day a second time with my shield, then she has another thing coming. After all of this, the only pony I will be protecting my shield is myself. No one deserves my protection, not even my sister.

I became aware of these thoughts and wondered if maybe dark magic has affected me in some way. Even when our fights were at their worst I would never dream of pulling a single hair off Cadance. The very idea of hurting my mare when she infuriates me would sicken my stomach. But now. . .I feel nothing.

That's not all. I incapacitated Flash Sentry and shattered his wing when he pursued me. He'll never fly the same because of me, and Twilight is so heartbroken that she hasn't come by to give me a simple 'hello'. I haven't seen hoof or tail of that filly since she helped her fellow monarchs drag me back here.

Did I really hurt her that much with my words?

Have I really become corrupted to the point of hurting my own sibling?

. . .

No. No, I'm not twisted or corrupted. If I was I would be like Sombra already, but I'm not. I'm just furious with everyone. I'm so hurt and angry my only desire is to never see them again.

It is not my fault Cadance had Chrysalis' egg. I may be in the wrong of poisoning that monster's children with my hatred, but she had it coming. She tried to kill Cadance and Twilight, hypnotize me as a food source until I wither away, and overthrow Celestia for supremacy, so she got she deserved in the long run.

I did what any good captain would do for the sake of his friends and family. I destroyed an enemy that will not stop fighting. I weighed my back with the bloodshed of hundreds if not thousands of changelings. I committed genocide on the day of my wedding, and I will do it again if I must.

They just don't realize it and, probably, never will, because the desperation of one Changeling will soften the weak of their judgment, just like it did with the princesses.

I was so sick of hearing Cadance speak to me. Her voice should be a calming balm, a numbing agent to the agony I feel in my chest, but every word right now is a venom my heart cannot withstand. I just want her to leave me alone.

I cannot stop her talking though. I can only ignore her as much as I can.

Heh. . . Maybe all of this ignoring will give me some sort mental ability to tune her out. That would be the best gift fate can give me. I can picture myself in a world of silence as everyone around me tries to get my attention.

I laughed quietly at such a thought, ignoring the brief glow of dark magic in my bloodshot eyes.

Oh yeah, that's right. . . I haven't slept in days. I've been staying awake to keep the pink manipulator from sleeping with me.

After what had to have been a good ten minutes of silence she would attempt getting close in any way possible. This is where I am stuck between shoving the horse across the room or giving her the better of the doubt with a simple hug and kiss, but that is what a good husband does.

Me on the other hoof though. . .

"Don't touch me," I growled lowly to her, slapping the wing that almost locked around my chest as her lips came into brief contact with the back of my head. I could hear the short gasp become a whimper at this moment. "You do not get to touch me, Cadenza."

Yes, let that strike you home, although you deserve more than just a few harsh words.

"Shining. . ." she whimpered and swiftly wiped her tears with the tip of her wings, sobs escaping her shaky breath while I glared out to the world. A part of me did feel a little bad for that one, but she had it coming. "Baby, please let me—"

"Let you what!?" I hissed venomously, curving my glare to her through the corner of my eye. She flinched at the sight of my eyes being their new demonic look—that being known by said reflection in the window. "What exactly is there for you to do, Cadenza? What can you possibly do to fix this clusterbuck you started with that filthy maggot!?"

The Princess of Love herself was greatly shocked by response as it echoed beautifully in the room, something both of us found to be a little frightening before my pupils returned to normal. I have to say this is by far the boldest thing I have done to her. Speaking so ill about her and that bug is surprising of myself, because I do not tell, imply, or insinuate to anypony what it is I have on my mind. Not even my own father knew of the problems I had as I kid. I've always. . .bottled it up.

Cadance came close getting me to open up when we were teenagers, but that was during the loss of my grandfather.

Yeah. . . a long time ago.

I've yet to take my eye off the alicorn as she stands from a distance with her wings covering her eyes. She was barely restraining herself from tackling me to force the matter of her apology—that much I am certain of from past experience. If Cadance is known for one thing, it's her inability to accept someone being mad or hurt by her. She cannot stand the idea of being at fault for something.

Geez, come to think of it. Fluttershy is tougher than her. At least she stays strong when there are problems.

Maybe I should have married her instead?

"Why are you being such a mule?" she asks in pity, about to receive the worst of me. She started glaring, but those big, beautiful eyes cannot intimidate anything. "I've done everything but have you make love with me every night. Why do you force us to keep you locked in this room."

"You know why I am like this!" I yelled hatefully, stomping a hoof to the crystal ground so hard it cratered. This made Cadance yelp and alarm the other princesses. I could see her horn. "Celestia-dammit, you cheated on me, Cadance! You cheated on me with that bug and destroyed our chance to have a family!"

"I did what must be done to save an entire species!" she yelled, anger finally showing through the sorrow as braved a step forward. "I made a sacrifice that I knew would devastate us both, but I am the only one that could do it!"

"Celestia or Luna could have done it," I argued, thrusting my hooves to the very door those two locked with their divine power. "And you're telling me that the only pony in this family that could save the Changeling race is you!?"

"Yes, only me," she nodded furiously. "Because my egg was fertile and ripe for use. Celestia and Luna lost are too old and Twilight is too young to carry a foal—let alone an egg. It would die with either of them, or it would kill Twilight!"

I was already shaking from hearing her aunts' names come into the conversation. No matter how hard I try to be still, I don't think a freeze spell could stop my body. I feel so angry and betrayed by her, but it would seem that in her eyes I am the bad guy.

Pfft. . .yeah, right. I haven't done a bucking thing wrong here.

"Th-then you should not have done it!" I stammered slowly. "You should have come to me first. I would have understood if we had a foal first and waited next year for her to implant your body with her last egg!"

Cadance took another step forward, yet quickly as though she depended on having me back.

"Why?" she uttered in panic. "Why can't you just let this go and accept that we will never have a foal?"

"Because you went against everything to our marriage. You lied to me. You went behind my back and gave yourself to Chrysalis. I have been trying to convince you about having a foal for months; and here you decide to have a bug with that witch."

"Well maybe I didn't want a foal with you!"

. . .

My mind went to work at an incredible pace to comprehend what she just screamed at the top of her lungs. I'd understood that we needed time and patience to have ourselves a colt or filly, but this was too much to handle.

I watched as the anger inside her eyes died completely and the scowl on her face shrunk to a frightening expression of calmness. She looked at me as though we never knew one another and sighed deeply. And what did I do? I backed into the wall and fell to my haunches from the shock of her words and the fear of what she is about to say.

I could not believe her.

Was this the same Cadance that married me years ago?

Is the same Cadance at all?

If it is not, then please, somepony wake me up from this nightmare!

"I never wanted us to have a foal in the first place," Cadance said in a low tone, her gaze never leaving mine as she took one careful step at a time. "I never wanted to have a foal because of the pain that comes with giving birth. Celestia said it is ten times more painful than a normal mare giving birth, and I did not want that."

I stopped trying to speak or make out what the buck is happening. . . It became so painful and heavy to hear these words where I had no choice but to shove my hooves against my ears, my life shattering into a billion pieces from the suffering she just put me through.

I looked down and realized I was lying in the corner with a puddle in front of me, something I actually found to be as shocking as her words. I sobbed. . . No, I was whimpering to myself and shaking my head in denial without knowing it. I was rocked to the point of tears trickling down my snout, near the edge of what has to be breakdown.

And like always. . .Cadance came to the rescue.

She always knew when tears are escaping me so quickly there was the fact of a mental breakdown about to happen. It did the first time we broke up, because she used my rank as a guard to make a fool out of me in front of everypony. I can still hear that horrible day, how my so-called best friend made a bunch of lies to get to Cadance. I don't think I ever felt so destroyed when she made me lose my position and had me dishonorably discharged for untrue reasons.

Heh. . . There is no good description to the amount Cadance went to after she found out the truth. How many months did it take for her to convince me to take her back and accept being reinstated to the Royal Guard as a First Class Sergeant?

Six Month? Eight? Nine?

Yeah, nine was the total of months. I had a nice friend at the time, a nice farm girl in Sweet Apple Acres. But that stallion came by and snatched her up before I could ask her out.

Who am I kidding though? Those two made a happy life together and had three awesome foals. I just wish that it was me instead of that stallion.

Come to think of it, I wonder if Applejack still believes her parents are in heaven. Dang, if she knew they were alive, and that it was me who forced Granny Smith to keep it a secret, she would hang me by my tail and beat my face in with a stick.

Ah, it doesn't matter. They'll be back in two years to make good with their kids. I just hope whatever trouble they made doesn't follow them to—

"Shining, talk to me please."

I woke up from remembering the past to Cadance having her hooves wrapped tightly around my chest, pulling me to her lips. I felt her tongue slither its way into my mouth softly, softly hums echoing from hers and into my head.

She then began to slide one hoof down my side, slowly, gently. . . desperately.

It was poisoning. . . yet relaxing to my aching muscles. Maybe this was the real Cadance I married seven years ago, and I am just letting myself be eaten by my hatred for Chrysalis.

Why do I feel so calm all of a sudden?

I. . . I should be furious and disgusted of my wife.

Strangely I pushed to her mouth and fell over with me being on top and rubbed where no other mare has rubbed been privileged before, Cadance' beautiful voice echoing in my mind, lulling every negative emotion to sleep as her hoof directed me elsewhere.

I suppose I should kick my own flank for being such a weak stallion.

Buck. . . Can I even call myself a stallion after this?

"I'm sorry for hurting you so much, my love." she whispered erotically, her teeth sinking onto my ear as the folds of her nethers winked over my head. "I promise I'll let you do anything to me. I'll even let you put it in my plothole."

"Cadance. . ." I broke off at her body scooting under me where the first inch sunk into her winking flower.

I wanted to. . .I . . .Oh Tartarus!

"We can adopt a colt or a filly," she moaned while thrusting her lower half to engulf more of my arousal. I had yet to move a single inch towards her. I feel so. . . stuck. "Or we can adopt as many babies as you want. We can still be parents."

Cadance left to moaning in my ear, leaving me to think between forgiving her now or after I fill her lifeless womb with my seed, although I highly doubt that she would stay like this for much longer. Eventually she bucked so hard from the floor her hind legs wrapped around my back and our stomachs touched, but my length was not entirely inside her. There was still quite a bit to go.

"Shiny, stop thinking about it and make love to your wife." she begged quietly, guards talking on the other side of the doors.

I remained in place with shaky hooves and my conscience fading away quickly to the wonderful sensation of sex. I was so close to ravaging Cadance I snorted.

There must have been seconds of terrible thinking when I came so close to ramming her marehood with all of my weakened might. I could feel her insides vice onto me and twitch with anticipation, but not for as long as I had expected. There were voices screaming in my head to just let go and make her pay with endless love making, and I was so close to listening without hesitation.

But something stopped me from making this mistake. . . It cried to me. Spoke to me. Screamed at me and . .


I remembered imagining a son or daughter calling me that and watched in the back of my mind as it burned aflame in green and pink. The imagery of the foal I will never have wailed in its own voice, scratching and clawing at my brain with everything it has. I could hear that newborn crying in the background of Chrysalis' laughter.

To my surprise the girth Cadance longed for went soft in an instant, but remained inside as she waited for me. I opened my eyes and gasped at her. At the audacity to seduce me. To . . . manipulate me again with her body and her words of promise.

Cadance merely looked up to me and realized my soft member retreating from her, albeit begrudgingly from the look in her eyes, released her hind legs from back. She looked afraid as the lust and love in my eyes were dragged back into the darkness and replaced with fury and rage.

"Shining. . ." she reached up to kiss me, but found herself pushed firmly to floor by my hoof.

"You tried to make me forget about it." I hissed dangerously, forcing her hooves off my chest with my own. "How dare you try and seduce me into forgetting what you have done. How dare you, Mi Amore Cadenza."

The massive shock in her eyes hardened to terror when I stepped over her without regret. She rolled onto her stomach and stood up, fluids still dripping rapidly from her legs while I jumped onto the bed. Somehow I found a new emotion flowing through me as the alicorn smiled weakly.

"Shining, baby, I was perfectly fine with making love on the floor." she began kindly. I cannot believe what I just heard. Is there no sense of wrong in her mind!? "But if you want to do it on the bed—"

"Get out." I pointed towards the door and threw the food tray at it. "Get the buck out right now, princess."

Those words almost made Cadance break into tears, but she did have some dignity to her, I think. But she did not listen to me, she just stood there with a confused gaze as I pointed at the door repeatedly.

Seriously, take a hint!

"Shiny . . . please don't do this again." she whispered before picking up the tray. I did not make eye contact with her, but the sound of whimpering was enough. "Please baby, we can work this out. We can adopt a foal. We can make love every day if you want. But for buck sake, let me—"

"Did you not hear me!?" I spat bitterly, causing her to cry. "I said get out! Why is that so hard for you to comprehend!? It shouldn't be difficult since you comprehended having an egg rammed up you filthy marehood."

"Shiny. . . please. . ."

"Get out of here, you disgusting horse!"

I distinctly feel the ring surge my body with pain, but my fury with her and everyone else proved stronger. I should be limp from head to hoof and gasping for breath. The pain of never having a son or daughter, however, is worse than having my own magic leeched from body; and that is the most painful thing a unicorn can ever feel.

My mind starts to go blank with rage and hatred as Twilight and her fellow traitors rush into the room to protect her sister-in-law for no bucking reason. It's not like I would physically harm my cheating wife. The last thing I need is to make myself the bad guy. She wraps a comforting wing around Cadance and shushes her as Celestia and Luna march towards me with neutral expressions. I snorted into their faces, before taking the wise decision of stepping back to avoid the disadvantage they have on me.

Still, my mind was hazy from my emotions. The electricity jolting every muscle in my body went numb and my horn steamed my magic wanting freedom. The ring kept my magic at bay, which infuriated me even more.

"Shining Armor, stand down immediately!" Celestia demanded loudly, her eyes gazing into mine angrily for but a small second before I snorted a second time.

"I do not take orders from you, horse!" I said proudly. She never got the chance to reply to that. "And I especially do not listen to you or that useless monster you call a sister!"

"Excuse me!?" Luna snapped, flaring her wings at me as a sign of intimidation. I glared at her this time, and I did so to show her how unafraid I am.

"You heard me, Nightmare Moon. But if you did not hear me, then let me say something else to you, your idiotic excuse of a sibling, and that horse you two call a niece," I cleared my throat, took a deep breath, and then screamed at the top of my lungs, "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FOOL ME INTO BELIEVING THAT I AM IN THE WRONG OF THIS ENTIRE BUCK-UP. I KNOW I KILLED HER CHILDREN, BUT I AM NOT AT FAULT FOR THAT PINK PIECE OF GARBAGE CHEATING ON ME!"

I suddenly felt my body being lifted in the air by a combination of blue, yellow, and purple aura. I was locked in place.

"What is it going to take to make you accept, Shining Armor?" Celestia asked in a stern tone, not that it does any good.

"Buck you!" I struggled to break free, but I am not going anywhere while this witch has me in her grasp.

"What will it take to make you happy?" Luna asked next, which is surprising since I struck her where it hurts. Nightmare Moon is a fragile subject, after all.

That question had to have been the easiest thing for me to understand the entire time. Hearing how sorry everyone is and how bad they feel has grown very annoying.

Cadance stared at me desperately as I went back and forth between her, Twilight, and these two useless goddesses I hate so much. I was not unsure what I want from them, and they knew it.

"I want a foal of my own blood. I want a son or daughter that is mine. " I demanded. Celestia just shook her head and sighed.

"Cadance is unable to have a foal, so that cannot be done. The best thing to do is adopt a foal."

"Then I want a surrogate mother to carry my foal until birth." I countered, shocking her and Luna for whatever reason. Maybe they did not think of me as an intelligent stallion.

"Buck no!" Cadance barked angrily. "You're not going to have a bastard foal with some other pony."

"Well I'm not going to adopt a foal. I will not co-sign with you!"

"Adoption is the only way, Shining Armor. We will not allow a surrogate mother carry your foal." Luna said authoritatively.

"Shining Armor, we must come to an agreement with you in some other way." Celestia pleaded in a low tone, rubbing her forehead of what I think is a migraine. "For all our sake, especially your wife's sake, tell us what else there is we can do to make this go away or to make you happy."

I snapped out of my rage and turned to face my sobbing wife. The alicorn had a rather pathetic display of dread and regret when our eyes locked. The whimpering itself was enough to make my little sister worry. Her horn glowing at the ready in case something happens.

I want to say there is nothing they can do to make me happy, but that would not be enough to tear this family apart. I know what I want, but it cannot be done. Celestia and Luna will not allow it, because Cadance is like a daughter to them and she needs to be happy all the time. Well not today. Not ever again; at least not with me. I'm not going to manipulated into submission. I was robbed of a wonderful thing. I was robbed of having a foal and it is all their fault.

They stole my happiness from me!

"So you won't do any those?" I asked.

"You can still adopt a foal with Cadance, a little colt or filly. It will not be any different." Celestia said with a growing smile, magic releasing my body as I fell to the floor.

"I am not adopting!" I growled.

"Then what else do you want!?" Luna yelled a little too loudly, possibly alerting the citizens of our fight. "Is it power, because we can offer it. Are you wanting to be the king of this empire, because all you have to do is earn the approval of your subjects and the High Council.

"It's none of those!"

"Well what!? Is it more magic!? Do you want to become an alicorn!?"

"I want none of those, because they cannot amount to your monsters betraying me!"

"Then what do you want!?"

"It's very simple, you stupid horse!" I turned to Celestia and Luna, scowling as hard as I possibly can. "Since I cannot have a foal of my own blood, there is only one thing left that will make me happy!"

"What is it that you want?" Cadance asked, although I don't know why.


. . .

Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadance. . .

They hesitated. . .

Without warning or a sign, Cadance began to hyperventilate. She started panicking in Twilight's hooves while the Goddesses of the Sun and the Moon gawked at me. No one said a word, not even I. Still, it felt so bucking good to say those words and watch the four princesses of Equestria lose their cool.

But. . . why do I feel pain all of a sudden?

After a few seconds of staring at the ground, I look up to my wife and see her eyes dilating all of a sudden. She stops hyperventilating and stares at me emotionlessly, as if her soul was no longer there.

As she stood there with all of us wondering what she is doing, horn sparks and touches mine without a single shred of pain travelling my body. I should be in terrible agony, but the only thing I feel is warmth and. . . Cadance.

The connection grew as the heart we made to defeat Chrysalis before became real, shaped in aura and completely intertwined with blue and pink. Her eyes are now glowing, but she does not—

"Shining, what's wrong!?" Twilight screams, startling me back to the reality I do not want to be in.

I look at her, but before she can approach me, the connection brings Cadance and I so close our horns are touching. She willingly allows this while I scrape my hooves against the floor out of fear. Her eyes I finally see as dark pink while the flow of my magic turns into pain.

"I will not allow this to happen." Cadance says, but it isn't her voice I hear. No, it's much more masculine and powerful, as though a god is amongst us.

I went for the heart above us, but we fall to the floor and my muscles contract without control. Everything hurts, even my eyes, like somepony electrocuting every nerve with thousands of volts of discharged magic.

I was barely aware of Cadance closing her eyes and hugging my curled up form, soothing whatever she could as the others darted towards us. Twilight, Celestia, and Luna were right there, but I could not hear what they were saying.

Did I go deaf from pain or this strange connection?

"I hate you with every fiber of my being, but my daughter is happy with you."


"I will see you soon. . . son-in-law."

"Cadance. . . what are you—"


I vaguely see something in the darkness of my eyes, but. . . who could. . . be. . .

. . .

To Be Continued

Comments ( 57 )

I might be wrong but... Isn't this the second installation of the 'Short Story Chronicles', not the third :rainbowhuh:
Correct me if I'm wrong I'm just a curious little filly :scootangel:

what the fuck is going on?

i still dont see how how shinning is in the wrong about any of this

edit: this this marriage was Doomed from the start wasint it?

Dang, I'm feeling even worse for Shining now, and despise Cadenza and crew even more. Heck, this chapter only makes me feel that he was even more justified in his actions (despite the Word of God saying that he was just as much in the wrong). When Chrysalis decided that armed conflict was the only way to help her people, she received the consequences that action caused and I can't empathize with someone who tried to harm others but only brought that destruction onto herself. That's the cost of trying to wage a war. She started it, and then she got burned by the very fire she started. Shining only did his job, and cannot be held responsible for actions he was forced to resort to in order to defend his nation. Until I'm shown otherwise, I don't see him as intentionally going out and murdering noncombatants, only engaging hostile combatants and winning by using the very source of their power against them.

Still, while I do feel that genocide is never acceptable, that's a whole separate issue from what Cadenza did, and there is no way Shining is in the wrong on this.. Getting a divorce is the kindest thing Shining could do Cadenza.

Also, when did Shining get dragged back to the Empire? Wasn't he on the train that was leaving Equestria, where Chrysalis stated that she wasn't going to take him back, only make him realize that he was a fool? Or is this just a "dream" sequence/backstory-filling sequence? There is a major error if the latter is true, since Shining wouldn't know the status of Flash Sentry from being outside of Equestria.

:pinkiegasp:I'm shocked that they didn't let him have a mare carry his child! He would have the foal he always wanted and they would have there Shining Armor back.:facehoof: Also since Shining's mother in law coming I wonder who she will agree with.:duck:


the take out of enemies and making sure the threat is gone is a soldiers job.

Yeap, and I should know. I was (though arguably, once your in, you're always in) one :rainbowdetermined2:

I think the bug knocked him out and the princesses them got him while he was out. they knew were the train was going so wait at the end Shining is out easy capture.

I could see that play out (save for being at the other end, as that would be outside their borders and they have no authority there), but whatever happened should have been explained clearer.

EDIT: I hate my tablet's autocorrect system. It doesn't recognize actual words a lot of the time and changes them to other words...

6531458 both would make sense... i just assumed mother because of cadences gender... maybe we will find out next chapter.

Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out where Shining is supposed to be at fault for any of this shit, cause at this point, it seems to be an informed attribute rather than an actual one. He's the VICTIM here in every sense of the word, and nothing they're doing is logical or sensible. They want him to be happy. He provides a way for that to happen. They whine and bitch about it and say they won't do it. So he asks for a divorce. Makes perfect sense to me. If they don't give a damn about keeping that marriage happy or trying to make things right by his standards, they have no reason to be shocked if he wants out of the marriage. Let alone be upset about it.

6531866 you have my support.I also think he is the real affected..Like cmon they could at least tell him about the whole egg thing and maybe he would have said yes

Shining Armor very dangerous to all this royal gang. If population will know that Princess of Love feared made sacrifices for her family, that she prefer have children from enemy (and don't give me s:flutterrage:t about genocide) and not from her lawful husband, that she do ALL to save illusion of "happy" family...
After all, her magic the most dirty and decay of all Princesses...
Tell me Cadenza, tell me truthfully - are you Princess of Love or of shameful sex? Because that love, that you control is the most primal and primitive.

Okay okay okay
Lets stop right here.

Alright candance cheated on him okay, it was bad and she should have defiently talked to him rather than wait for the truth to be revealed
He has all the right to be angry and dont wanting to be with her.
But now...
Marriage has the objective of procreation and education of the sons or daugthers
But they can marry if this objective cannot be achieved as long as both parties KNOWS aboit each other condition, i mean that thay must be aware that theothr cannot or doesnt want kinds.
So candance based her marriage in a lie, shiny has all the right to ask for invalidation of said marriage.
Anther thing there is a difference between love and possesion.

The final voice... I wonder if there's some other manipulator behind the scenes for this.

Also jeeze, they'll let her buck a bug but they won't let him have a child under any condition...? I'm starting to massively wonder if there's something going on in the background we don't know at this point, what started simple has grown more complex! And I love it!

The princesses can certainly go fuck off at this point though, there's just something really, really creepy how Cadence constantly goes through all this despite Shining constantly saying no, considering she's practically trying to rape him and force him to love her.

Oh god this is killing me! Those four alicorns think that Shining is in the wrong when what he was right, and they get all butthurt when he wants nothing to do with them and when he wants a divorce with his lying cheating wife shit hits the fan and turns on him. Wow man, if Shining cant get what he wants he could always just find a way to off himself to spite them.

can't we all stop for a second and thank this amazing writer for writing such a story ? :pinkiehappy:


That's sweet of you, but gratitude is not at all necessary. Writing on Fimfiction is a recreation and learning experience for when I become a serious writer for my novel.

Still, it is nice to know many readers enjoy my work, although it is mediocre compared to the real writers of Fimfiction.

Strange. In my opinion, the best thing princesses could do with Shining is to let him go. First of all, he is fucking hurt. Maybe there are reasons in this he can understand, but now he cannot even think straight, and they coming everyday is like salt for his wounds. He definitely needs some time alone and as far from them as possible. Yes, they want to explain and to apologize. But right now Armor won't listen to any explanation and there is a lot of Cadence's fault in all of this, so suck up without forgiveness for now. From their side, it is selfish.
Even better, Chrysalis is working on it with princesses. So why the hell not to let him vent the steam abroad, while keeping an eye on him? Shining is hurt and enraged, but he is clever. He wouldn't stay angry forever, and would soon want to find out why did Cadence did so? And this is exactly the time for her to appear, beg for forgiveness and explain it all. Of course this is not possible now, as the conflict was deepened even more from both sides. At least, nopony died..yet.
Also, strange to hear from Chrysalis about Shining's fault in all of this. Yes, from her perspective he is the one to blame along with Cadence, but she sympathizes and does her best to help. But from his - what he could do differently? When he was mind controlled, his bride - kidnapped and left to die in caverns of Canter mountain(did changelings feed her?) along with his loved sister, when enemy attacks people he vowed to defend as Royal Guard, when the only thing that can help is a miracle - what he could do differently? If they were humans(or at least more cynical), there would be an offensive operation to drive changelings from Equestria, or decimating them completely. Again, for Chrysalis he is guilty. But from his perspective, he had done the rigth thing. And when she's not an enemy anymore - that also confuses..and hurts.


Also, strange to hear from Chrysalis about Shining's fault in all of this. Yes, from her perspective he is the one to blame along with Cadence, but she sympathizes and does her best to help. But from his - what he could do differently? When he was mind controlled, his bride - kidnapped and left to die in caverns of Canter mountain(did changelings feed her?) along with his loved sister, when enemy attacks people he vowed to defend as Royal Guard, when the only thing that can help is a miracle - what he could do differently? If they were humans(or at least more cynical), there would be an offensive operation to drive changelings from Equestria, or decimating them completely. Again, for Chrysalis he is guilty. But from his perspective, he had done the rigth thing. And when she's not an enemy anymore - that also confuses..and hurts.

You have to bear in mind that this is an AU story, and that the author has outright said that Shining encountered the Changelings prior to the wedding incident and was at least partly responsible for that desperate attack on Equestria (which itself may have played out differently). That shifts the moral calculus, albeit in an unknown way until we learn more about what happened*. Further, for all we know, it may be the case that all surviving changelings are being held in internment or reeducation camps and only allowed outside under strict monitoring spells.
We may assume that Cadenza does not believe that he intentionally caused the near-extinction, for the obvious reason that she would have sued for divorce or worse (from the story, about an incident earlier in their relationship,

I can still hear that horrible day, how my so-called best friend made a bunch of lies to get to Cadance. I don't think I ever felt so destroyed when she made me lose my position and had me dishonorably discharged for untrue reasons.

); of course, judging by Shining's inner monologue throughout the story so far, she is in love with someone who no longer exists or never did exist.
Conversely, Chrysalis definitely does blame him. At best she accused him of negligence at the end of Ch1; more likely she believes he acted with malice under the impression that changelings were more numerous and less vulnerable than they actually were. However, her motives for confronting him are enigmatic. She is unlikely to desire reconciliation between Shining and Cadenza in the same way most people do not want their friends to hook up with, eg, racists (and, conversely, racists do not want their friends to get together with someone of the wrong race); however, she may feel obligated to help Cadenza in her attempts at reconciliation, though she is not stupid enough to try to overtly help her.

As for the issue of "let[ting] him go" and adoption and forbidding a "bastard foal", Cadenza and her fellow princesses are probably in a bind, given the author's statement about prince-consorts who try to run away (unless it implies coverture laws that make married stallions property of their wives, but that would be very cynical). This implies that there are special laws about royal breeding practices as one would expect of a hereditary monarchy: The monarch has an obligation to produce an heir (hence the term hereditary) and, more generally, the line of succession needs to be unambiguous to minimise the risk of civil war.
However, that is no excuse, since the law can be changed.
Ultimately, there are four possible resolutions:
First, divorce or annulment or permanent estrangement;
Second, laws (and certan princesses' minds) are changed so that the royal family can expand to Princess + Prince-Consort + Princess-Surrogate;
Third, Cadenza somehow regains her fertility; or
Fourth, the young changelings transpire to be genetically Shining's children with Chrysalis.

* If you assume that Shining is sympathetic no matter what will be revealed about what happened, I suggest you read Reversing Hearts by FlimFlamBros.. It also has a Shining who "from his perspective[,] had done the rigth[sic] thing", but that story's Shining deserves less than no sympathy.

More MORE MORE!!!! The blood God demand a noter chapter

Please sir.......we would like some more!!!!!

Sooooo, she didn't want to have a Child with him because it hurts ten times as much as a usual childbirth, but she's taking it like a champ when it comes to popping out a frikking changeling egg? Wow Cadance, you are such a silly little cheating wife.

Okay, I'm calling it right now. The mother of Cadence is Nightmare Moon. She just used a voice changing spell to sound masculine. If I'm wrong, then I give the author the right to point and laugh at me until the next chapter comes out, the story goes on hiatus, or it gets cancelled. I don't want to be laughed at for years to come.

Well, just to add my two cents: What's Cadence's problem with Shining having a foal with a surrogate mother? She essentially did the exact same thing with Chrysalis and adopted foal would still likely be considered a bastard foal since neither Shining or Cadence were the birth parents. Shining's request was totally reasonable as was his anger at the situation because - regardless of what his feelings on the matter would've been - Cadence was his wife and he had a right to know that she was going to sacrifice their chance of having a foal together, but she went behind his back and did it anyway just because she didn't want to go through childbirth. She should've talked to him about it and the fact that this happened shows that their relationship needs a LOT of work. Add to that the fact that Shining was a soldier and they're trained to protect their nation from threats and I think I'm right in saying that Shining did what any good soldier would've done: he stopped an enemy of Equestria from threatening it again and, yeah, Shining looks to be the one in the right in this situation.
Well, I'm enjoying it so far and I'm hoping to see more

7179846 I agree with what your saying. also I'm not sure if you noticed but hypocrisy seems to be a large thing when it comes to leaders of any type in mlp. or just doing stupid shit when we can instantly think of another, or that the route tken is just plain fucked up.

7268296 Eh, point taken; pitting Twilight and the Elements against Discord who's known to be a trickster as well as as powerful as the Alicorns? Not your smartest move Celestia :facehoof:

Still, I think we can both agree they don't really have a leg to stand on here in regards to Shining's demands

never wanted us to have a foal in the first place," Cadance said in a low tone, her gaze never leaving mine as she took one careful step at a time. "I never wanted to have a foal because of the pain that comes with giving birth. Celestia said it is ten times more painful than a normal mare giving birth, and I did not want that."

I don't want to take a side in this story, but can someone imagine how painful that has to be? If what Celestia says is indeed true, and not an exaggeration, then the pain Cadence will experience will make a kidney stone pale in comparison. Sadly I can't say how much a kidney stone hurts, but I've seen people who've been shot and still be standing, fall and collapse because of the excruciating pain they feel when they have a kidney stone.

To put it in a nutshell, the pain Cadence would experience will be a whole lot more painful that a kidney stone, and unlike us humans, horses and ponies can die by suffering too much pain.

The main reason why Cacence would die is quite simple: for this I'll use the dimensions of an ostrich egg and duplify its dimensions and weight.

The volume of the egg Cadence gave birth too should be around 1,892.9 cubic inches (11.18 X 10.2 X 16.6) and weight around 10 pounds (I admit that I am adding 3.8 pounds to the real weight)

However, all born foals weigh about 1/10 of the weight of the mother, let's say that Cadence weighs around 330-360 pounds, the infant she would have to give birth to will weigh between 33-36 pounds.

Imagine going through that pain and magnify that pain times ten, to make it even worse, since equines can die from pain, then there's no way in hell Cadence will be able to survive the birth of the foal/filly that Shining Armor wants, the best solution for this problem is that the four princesses allow Shining Armor to have a surrogate mother that meets certain and very specific qualifications and wait 335-345 days until the foal/filly is born.

However, thanks to the changeling attack on Canterlot (and the fact that as far as we know regarding this story, that Chrysalis can't bear children of her own because of the blast that defeated her) has made her infertile doesn't explain why Cadence is infertile after giving birth to Chrysalis' egg.

The superficial tissue of a vagina "peels off" every now and then, hence the reason why it hurts/bleeds, but the tissue is repaired immediately after the damage has been done, doing everything within its fisiological capabilities to regenerate the tissue back to normal in order to restore its functionality. Unless the egg that she gave birth to has destroyed then Cadence would've suffered a haemorrhage so intense after the birth that she would've died anyways.

What I theorise is that Cadence's uncertainty and fear of what giving birth truly feels like is making her know that, after giving birth to something 1/3 of the weight of a foal, she will die if she actually gives birth to a foal/filly.

To give my two bits on this topic. Why the Buck are the rulers so incompetent? If Shining is, as they all call him, not in his right mind, then what makes them think that locking him in a room with them will make him "better"? You would think that given his "disturbed" actions, they would put him in a room with a therapist to help him. Likely, the princesses are wrong, know they are wrong, but they do not want to deal with the political repercussions this will have if word gets out. They probably feel that if they can break Shining into compliance, without him doing any more "scandalous" actions (like getting a surrogate mother or divorce), then their image of perfection will be maintained.

On another note, does Shining's parents know about all of this, considering they wanted grandfoals, or were they also kept (and possibly still being kept) in the dark about everything. I seriously feel like they weren't told either, because they would have told him, like a good parent should.

update this damn you!


The logic in this story is asinine.
Give Shining what he wants to make him feel better. He wants a foal of his own. Any father would want that.
Cadence can't give him one because she chose to have Chrysalis's egg instead. BULLSHIT! IF YOU CAN SPREAD YOUR LEGS FOR THE BUG, YOU CAN CERTAINLY DO IT FOR YOUR HUSBAND!
But Shining wants out of this toxic relationship. Can't say I blame him. He's hurt and needs time heal. This is the best thing the royal family can do for him. And I bet you anything that if Velvet and Night found out that he would never be able to give them the grandfoals they would want, they would be furious too. They would also be furious at Twilight. No amount of apologies would make up for literally killing a chance to continue a bloodline.
This betrayal has gone on long enough. The Royal Family should be exiled for lying to their subjects and for helping an enemy that was trying to kill them. THEY HAVE NO HONOR ANYMORE!

I like this fic so far its pretty interesting to see this POV about shining

is this still alive?

If I have to guess, then king Sombra is the unknown voice given a few things:
1) Sombra is a master of dark magic so he may have ways of escaping death.
2) Sombra got to Shining armor before dying (or being blown up) to the Crystal heart.
3) Shining is currently under the use/negative emotions of dark magic.

I wouldn't be shocked if Sombra is/was a corrupted alicorn/spirit of hatred to balance the Crystal heart in this AU.

"I never wanted us to have a foal in the first place," Cadance said in a low tone, her gaze never leaving mine as she took one careful step at a time. "I never wanted to have a foal because of the pain that comes with giving birth. Celestia said it is ten times more painful than a normal mare giving birth, and I did not want that."

"Buck no!" Cadance barked angrily. "You're not going to have a bastard foal with some other pony."

I hope the author knows this puts Cadance completely in the wrong here.

This story is golden. Tracked. I need more.

Just remember that there is a difference between engaging enemy combatants and murdering civilians. The leader of a nation is a valid military target, the people of a nation just trying to survive are not.

As someone who was a soldier, just be careful with that line of reasoning. Bad things come when people think there is any truly acceptable justification for genocide. Even if they are willing to keep fighting, it may be better to reduce the force used to show that the war is over and you intend them no harm. To the enemy, you are the bad guy because they think you mean to murder them all. A friend of mine came across such an individual when he was deployed to Afghanistan. The person that attacked his unit thought that they were "evil creatures" that came from the "great Satan" to slaughter his village's men and rape their women.

PS: Be extremely careful when quoting Scripture like that. Those verses don't mean what you intended them to mean, and are taken massively out of context as a result. As one Commentary puts it:

"The scope of these verses [Ecclesiastes 3:1-10] is to show, 1. That we live in a world of changes, that the several events of time, and conditions of human life, are vastly different from one another, and yet occur promiscuously, and we are continually passing and repassing between them, as in the revolutions of every day and every year." [link to commentary]

These verses are meant to describe times in peoples' lives in a "big picture" sense, and are not a call to action in response to any event beyond acceptance of that event (as in, "yeah, this event happened").

Is this story dead?

No. It is not dead.

Is there a chance we gonna get a continuation of this? :twilightsmile:

Their no justice for any male in stories like this. I don't see how ex-captain is in the wrong, for doing what is right, and leaving to keep the peace without lashing out his hate on those he trusted. So if you do keep writing this great drama you got going, i won't continue for the simple fact that i want to try to avoid being overly emotional over a story. U got my thumbs up on this though.

That what surgery is for.

As a son that was born via a c section, let me tell you that the chances of both son/daughter and the mother surviving the process isn’t written in stone, especially in such a delicate surgery.

All types of invasive surgeries (as in, they actually cut you open in order to perform said surgery) there will always be a big chance/percentage of something going wrong.

And taking into consideration that the total amount of alicorns that are still alive, mind you, can be counted in one hand.

Anyone here could argue that “they have magic, nothing can possibly go wrong if they use magic”, that’s not the point I’m trying to make here.

Even if they have magic (which they obviously do) that doesn’t mean that the percentage/chances of something going wrong decreases, the chances are the same, if not higher.

All mind related spells (all kinesis spells, mind reading etc) require an insane amount of focus, precision and concentration to pull off at the level required to make such a surgery. The moment, the split second that any instrument manages to even nick a vein or an artery, then Cadence is going to bleed to death in a matter of minutes.

All in all, the best thing Cadence could’ve done in this situation would be

A) allowing another mare to carry a foal/filly and adopt it the moment he/she is born.

B) adopt a foal or filly and change the name, so that there’s no room for argument regarding the title and family that child now has, though illegitimate in nature.

C) be truthful to her husband, state that she doesn’t want a son/daughter of her own.

Then again, I understand the need for such secrecy when Chrysalis stated (demanded really) what she needed.

Because of the rather pacifistic behavior of the Equestrian Monarchs (Luna and Celestia) and how much they’re against bloodshed, it would go against their very morals if they allowed Shining Armor to have his way and kill Chrysalis.

And since, though indirectly, they are responsible for almost bringing to the brink of extinction her race, regardless of the fact that she attacked them, she (Chrysalis) managed to twist their own morals and ethics against then, forcing Cadence to bear a child for Chrysalis.

"Buck no!" Cadance barked angrily. "You're not going to have a bastard foal with some other pony."

:flutterrage::twilightangry2:Hypocrite! I HATE hypocrites! There are very few things I hate more! As much as Shining is losing himself to darkness, I'm completely on his side here.

The Legend Returns! :D

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