• Published 31st Jan 2016
  • 926 Views, 143 Comments

Tales of a Dragon Clan - Rammy

A book about Spike and his rag tag dragon clan... this should be interesting...

Comments ( 24 )

Spike's mate could be called "Truth Finder"

7565157 Except that doesn't fit 'head-cannon' for hoard names of mates.... though the meaning of 'Crystal Heart' is close to 'truth finder'

Crystal truth or truthful heart , lol maybe that might work xD

Is there going to be an update soon?

8021522 Spike is Firstclaw, Dragon FireWyrm(Soul Fire) is secondclaw and Soaring Skies is Thirdclaw,

I hope the next chapter is out soon.

any info on when the next chapter will be out?

any idea when a new chapter will be out?

None depending on my schedule the upcoming week I might reconstruct what I was planning.... Lost most of my work on this fic... Plus it's been long enough that some of my headcanon is fuzzy. not enough to need a cancel but... Ask me in a week or so....


Okay. I can help if needed I've read the story at least 20 times!!!!!

20 times?! wow! thanks. i might need to reread the trilogy and then tales but im sure i can get most of my headcanon un-fuzzied. It helps that all my stories use similar headcanon. but its the specific details for this... lets say book universe that will be the most difficult to remember as I constantly "world-build" in my stories as I go. i do at least remember the direction i was heading so that should help.


NP. Ive helped with other stories as well. I've Role Played a blacksmith and fighter in chatrooms for years, the knowledge is still in my head from that


Have you ever thought of using a knowledge tree to map things out?

11061178 I have... but I don't see the need for yet another program/site to deal with something I dont have to time to use. I really only here when im at work and thus that limits what i can and am willing to do. I am still working on stories just at a very slow speed...

Roger. I meant on paper. it helps when you are wondering what is goign where if you can visually see it. I call it a knowledge tree, but I think alot of people call it a flowchart

oh I see... No, not with my chicken scratch

*Chuckling* trust me, Ive been told my writing is worse than a doctor's!

Happy Thanksgiving to you.

same to you

Just thought I would check in and see how things are going? and I have a suggestion for you to help keep things straight and safe for your stories. have you ever thought of putting a synopsis on your cloud storage for each story?


My stuff was on cloud storage so...

Generally I only have a vague idea for an overall story with an ending goal and then I only really get a better idea of the actual plot as I go... Usually for the current arc and at least part of the next... but this story never got that idea of an ending goal so I never really had a good idea where to plot...(for that matter this happened with a bridge between brothers though that story also had lots of other issues that led to its cancelation)

Sadly I am beginning to wear out with writing fanfiction... I might not return to this story after I finish Üā Sūt Cktüis (How to be Dragon) which is about to enter into its final "arc" (and no I don't count the 'wrap-up' and epilogue)... If I decide to cancel I'll post a synopsis of what I had planned... I do have a good chuck of the next chapter... hmmm...we shall see...

I hope you don't cancel it. you've gone so far with it already, would be a shame to see it remain unfinished!

And I bet I'm not the only one that thinks that as well.

11829685 Given how long ago I updated you might be the only one...

On a simi-related side note I have noticed that you have Üā Sūt Cktüis (How to be Dragon) in a library I'm surprised you have made no comment on that given it is a gen 4 to Keeperverse's Gen 1

I've read part of it. I g o in cycles of reading things. it'll probably be the next story I go back too.

11830112 Yeah, I do the same thing... Don't feel rushed to read it on the account of my curiosity. I only asked to see if or what your knowledge of the Keeperverse had on your reading on How to be Dragon as you're the only one I know that has maybe read both and so have experience in the way I hide Chekhov's guns in my writing... And given that Keeperverse and How to Be Dragon have similar world building(as well as A Bridge Between Brothers) that is analogous to MLP's Gen 1 to Gen 4...

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