• Published 6th Oct 2015
  • 22,876 Views, 282 Comments

Aftermath of the Games - Darth Link 22

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Doppelganger Part 1

Twilight knew, at that moment, that the word “impossible” had officially left her vocabulary. Hearing that she had a doppelganger in an alternate dimension was one thing, but actually having her stumble out of a statue, babbling about time loops was another thing altogether.

There was a long moment where the two just looked at each other, and all Twilight could do was give herself a simple wave, feeling like a complete dork while doing so. The others present, which included her friends, their little sisters, and Spike, were watching with amusement.

“Quick, make out with yourself!”

All eyes turned to Pinkie.

“What? Don’t act like you’re not thinking it.”

Princess Twilight blushed. “Yes, well... look, it’s very nice to meet you, Other Me, but before we can exchange pleasantries, I need an explanation.”

“An explanation?” Sunset asked, her confusion mirrored by the others.

“Yeah, I have to go to the outskirts of Equestria, and when I get back, Princess Celestia tells me that holes in reality appeared all over the country, and they all peaked in here. Care to explain?”

Twilight felt a pit of ice in her stomach. This new her was a princess, and she had endangered her kingdom. Would this other her put her in shackles and drag her back to her kingdom to face trial? Still, she knew she had to tell her the truth.

“It was my fault,” she said, trying to sound steady.

Princess Twilight looked at her with surprise. “Your fault?”

Sunset cut in. “No it wasn’t... well, not entirely. It’s a long story. Everything’s better now, really. Sit down and we’ll tell you everything.”

Princess Twilight looked confused, but nodded. She began to sit down, but another figure stumbled out of the portal.

The group jumped. They had been expecting Spike to follow, but instead it was another boy, one who was clad in gold plated armor.

“What the... Flash!”

Everyone blinked at the Princess’s words. Then they gasped when the boy, still on all fours, lifted his head up. It was indeed Flash Sentry, though clearly not the same one from their world.

“Your Highness, you shouldn’t be here alone!”

Princess Twilight actually placed her hand on her face. “Flash, as I told you: as far as anyone is concerned, I’m an ordinary high school student here,” she said as the new Flash worked to raise himself onto his legs. “The only thing you’re accomplishing is making me a target. Look, are you wearing regular clothes underneath that armor?”

Captain Flash brought a hand up to his collar and, with some difficulty, peered down. He nodded, though Twilight could already see he was wearing jeans and tennis shoes.

“Good. Take it off. I brought a storage bag, you can put it in.”

As Captain Flash began to obey, Apple Bloom spoke. “Our Flash ain’t going to like this.”

“Is he around?” Princess Twilight asked, suddenly interested. Then, seeing the smug looks, she blushed. “Not that it’s important.”

Applejack stepped forward. “So yer the pony’s world’s Flash?”

Having peeled off his armor, he nodded. “Captain Flash Sentry of the newly appointed Twilight Guard, assigned to be a personal bodyguard to Princess Twilight Sparkle.” He placed his chest plate in a bag that looked much too small for it, but seemed to slip in anyway.

“Wow... you look almost like our Flash,” the cowgirl said. “Yer eyes wanderin’, Twi?”

Princess Twilight blushed. So did Twilight. The ‘almost’ part of Applejack’s assessment came from the fact that this Flash had considerable more muscle on him. He was still wobbling a bit, standing on two legs was a new experience for him, but his military discipline was serving him well.

“Um... well... nevermind. Tell me what happened... huh?”

No one had noticed, but Spike had gone up to the new Twilight. “Cool! There are two Twilights? Are you as cool as my Twilight? Is there another Spike? Is there another Fluttershy?”

The baffled Princess Twilight look at the dog, eventually bending down to scratch his ears. “So there’s another Spike... and he can talk. Why can he talk?”

Twilight smiled. “Well... that’s part of the story...”

Sunset smiled. “Like I said, long story. Come on, sit down. I brought extra sandwiches... all vegetarian, I assure you.”

Princess Twilight sat, taking an offered sandwich. Captain Flash, however, stood at attention, combing the area for potential threats. Though... Twilight could swear that he was looking at her specifically. Probably stunned by a copy

So, for the next half hour, the girls took turns telling their new visitor what had happened. Twilight spent most of it in silence, refusing to look at her doppelganger for fear of scorn at her recklessness. When they finished, Princess Twilight spoke.

“When I was in magic kindergarten, I had to get glasses. When I went in, all the other made fun of me. I went home in tears, yelled that I didn’t want to wear them anymore, and stormed into my room. The next morning, I suddenly had 20/20 vision.”

Twilight blinked. “Really?”

Princess Twilight nodded. “When I told Princess Celestia years later, she concluded all my magic must have been subconsciously worked into fixing my eyes. It makes sense that a large dose of magic fixed yours.”

Twilight blinked. She didn’t even seem mad.

“Sunset, do you have your journal with you?” The girl in question held it up. “Good. Send a message to Spike that it’s all clear and he can come through.”

Spike, who had gone back to his master after it was clear how scared she was, perked up. “There is another Spike?”

Princess Twilight nodded. “He’s actually a baby dragon who turns into a dog when he comes here like I turn into a human.”

Twilight blinked. “A dragon.” The disbelief was evident.

Princess Twilight nodded, a proud look on her face. “I hatched him myself when I was a filly.”

“You’re gonna have to get used to weird stuff when the Princess is around,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Rainbow, I don’t like my friends calling me Princess...”

“Yeah, well, I can’t just call you Twilight anymore, so it looks like you’re Princess from now on.”

She opened her mouth to protest, but she gave it up. “Fine... just don’t start bowing and scraping, please.”

“Um... am I in trouble?” Twilight asked. Princess just looked at her. “Well, I did cause trouble for your kingdom...”

“Oh no, I’m not mad,” she assured. “I probably would have done something just as reckless before Princess Celestia trained me. If there was anyone I’d want to drag back to Equestria for punishment, it would be this Cinch... speaking of which, I think I’ll check the Equestria census to track down her pony self. Best not take chances.”

Twilight felt relieved.

“See? Nothing to worry about,” Sunset said.

Twilight blushed, feeling a little foolish.

“So, are there human versions of Shining Armor and Cadance too?” the Princess asked.

Twilight smiled. “Oh yes. They’re the best brother and sister-in-law I could ask for. They’ve been taking good care of me ever since Mom and Dad died...”

What?” Princess suddenly shouted, much to everyone’s surprise. “Mom and Dad... they’re.... dead here?”

Twilight was shocked silent for a few moments. “Yes. Wait... are they... still alive where you’re from?” Her emotions were wheeling. Her parents alive in some form? Was that... would they be the same...

Princess Twilight was silent for a moment. “Applejack... your mom and dad... are they alive?”

Applejack looked confused. “Of course, Prin... wait... are you sayin’...” The cowgirl couldn’t finish. She looked sick. Apple Bloom looked equally disturbed, and ran to hug her big sister.

Suddenly Scootaloo was in front of the Princess. “What about me and Rainbow’s parents? Are they still around?”

This was a day for confused expressions. “What do you... are you and Rainbow sisters?”

Rainbow Dash stepped forward. “Of course she’s my sister. Isn’t she where you’re from?”

Princess shook her head. “I’ve never met any of your parents, but I know you’re not sisters. Well... not biologically. The other Scootaloo practically worships the other Rainbow, but they’re not related.” She took a deep breath. “I’ve never met Rainbow Dash’s parents, but I know they’re still alive. Scootaloo... I don’t know. I never asked, I just assumed.”

There was a silence before Princess continued. “I know everypony else’s parents are still around, even if I’ve never met Pinkie’s or Fluttershy’s. Sweetie is still Rarity’s little sister, and Apple Bloom and Big Mac are Applejack’s siblings.”

She took another deep breath. “This is all so new... I need to put some research into everything back in Equestria. If we find out the link...”

And then the portal shimmered again. This time, it was the Equestrian Spike who came through.

“Hey everyone, I...”

And then, much to everyone’s surprise, someone else followed him.

It was a girl, one no one recognized. With light purple skin and dark purple hair with light blue streaks, all tied up in two pigtails. Her clothes were childishly simple, a white sundress with purple trim, and simple tennis shoes and stockings. She was young, younger than Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. In fact, she looked like she belonged in primary school rather than a high school.

“Starlight!” Princess said. She sounded upset as the girl got on all fours. “I told you to wait in the castle.” She looked at her Spike with a disapproving look.

“Hey, I didn’t let her follow me!” he protested.

“Um... I’m sorry, Princess. I just wanted to see the humans.” Starlight looked at her hands, wiggling her fingers experimentally.

Princess sighed, then grabbed one of the girl’s arms. “Get on your hind legs, sweetie. I told you, humans only walk on two.”

The young girl struggled, leaning on the Princess for support as she tried to stand it what must have been an unnatural position for her.

“Um, Twilight?” Sunset asked, sounding very confused. “Would you mind telling us why there’s a little girl following you?”

Twilight looked at the confused group of humans, then sighed. “This is Starlight Glimmer. She’s my new student... who was supposed to wait at the castle like I asked.”


Fluttershy practically shoved the Princess out of the way so she could get a better look at the newcomer. “You are so cute.”

Starlight blushed. “Um, you look a lot like Miss Fluttershy,” she said, half hiding behind her mentor. “She’s really nice.”

“I am Fluttershy. Well, the one from here.”

“The Princess told me there were doubles... of...”

Starlight trailing off was due to her finally catching a sight of Twilight. Her eyes widened in shock as she hid behind her princess even further.

The Princess smiled. “Starlight, I wasn’t expecting this either, but this is my other self. Come on, say hi to her.”

Slowly, Starlight left the safety of her mentor and walked slowly to Twilight.

“Um... hi.”

“Hello there,” Twilight said.

“Are you a Princess too?”

Twilight blushed a little at that. “No, I’m just a high school student.”

Starlight tilted her head. “What’s high school?”

“It’s complicated,” the Princess said. She looked at the three youngest humans present. “Will you three please take her somewhere to have some fun? I need to talk to everyp... er, everyone a bit.”

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle looked annoyed. “Do we have to?”

Sunset stepped forward. “Do it, and I’ll consider it your ‘Anon-a-Miss’ service this week.”

The trio flinched but nodded.

“Anon-a-Miss?” Twilight asked.

“Go on and play, Starlight. You’re going to be grounded when we get back to Equestria for following me here, so I suggest you have fun.”

The young girl flinched, but nodded. “Okay,” she said.

Then, much to Twilight’s surprise, the young one turned back to her and hugged her around the neck. “Bye, Miss Twilight.”

Twilight was stunned for a moment, but hugged her back. “Goodbye.”

As Starlight was escorted away, the Princess spoke. “Anon-a-Miss? Are they still being punished for that?”

Sunset nodded. “They agreed to a full year. Besides, they’re done with everything else. But nevermind, where’d you pick up a student?”

Twilight sighed. “That’s another long story... and it’s why I sent her away. I don’t want her knowing the full story yet.”

“What are you talking about?” Sunset asked.

Princess Twilight took a deep breath. “The answer to that is nearly as complicated as the story you told me. You all better get comfortable.”

Everyone took their seats again. Except Fluttershy who picked up the new Spike. “Oh it’s good to see you again... hold on, I have something for you,” she said, reaching into her backpack. It was at this point that the new Spike noticed the other Spike.

“What th... I really am a dog in this universe?” he asked, sounding offended.

“And what’s wrong with being a dog?”

“Nothing if you’re a dragon first.”

“Well, I bet I’m still a better pet.”

“Yeah, you are, because I’m no pet. I’m an assistant.” As the Equestrian Spike spoke, Fluttershy hooked something around his collar. It was a red dog tag in the shape of a dragon.

“I picked it up a few days ago. I figured you’d come back through the portal eventually and I wanted some way to tell the two of you apart.”

The dragon Spike smiled. “Thanks, Fluttershy.”

Dog Spike huffed. “Doesn’t look that good.”

Dragon Spike huffed, but was mollified with a treat from Fluttershy. He took it and scampered back to his Twilight, munching on his prize.

After Dog Spike got his own treat and returned to his master’s side, the Princess spoke. “Okay... has Sunset told you what cutie marks are?”

Several girls shook their heads. Seeing this, the Princess reached into her bag and pulled out what looked like a thick book. One opened, it revealed itself to be a photo album. She pointed to one of what looked like pony versions of themselves standing together.

“Is that... us?” Rarity asked.

“No, that’s my world’s version of all of you.” She pointed to a yellow Pegasus that they all guessed was Fluttershy. “See those butterflies? That’s a cutie mark. Everypony has a different one, and they get them when they discover their special talent.”

“Wow, look at mine!” Rainbow Dash said, looking at a different picture.

“Aww, look!” Fluttershy said, pointing to a picture of the newly hatched Equestrian Spike, with a filly Twilight smiling at him. Fluttershy scooped up the dragon in question in a hug. “You look so cute!”

Dog Spike fumed. “I bet I looked cuter as a pup.”

The Princess chuckled. “We took that a few days after I hatched him. He liked to play in his old shell... but back on topic, a few months ago, a bit after we took care of the sirens, my friends and I were called up to this weird town where everypony had the same cutie mark that looked like an equal sign.”

Sunset shivered. “That sounds creepy.”

“That wasn’t the half of it. It turns out the town was the result of a pony that was forcibly removing cutie marks...”

What?” Sunset actually looked sick.

“What’s the big deal? It’s just pictures...”

Sunset nearly rounded on Rainbow Dash. “How would you like it if I were to permanently break your legs? Or anything else that guaranteed you’d never play sports again?”

Now Rainbow Dash looked shocked. “That bad?”

“Oh yeah,” the Princess said. “When my cutie mark got removed, it felt horrible. Afterward I could barely use magic. It was like getting a piece of your soul ripped out.”

Sunset patted the Princess’s back. “Who was responsible for that?”

“You just met her. Starlight Glimmer.”

There was a long silence. “Uh... Twi? Not doubtin’ ya, but she seems pretty young...”

“I’m getting to that. We ended up exposing her as a fraud since she kept her cutie mark, but she managed to get away. Just a week ago she broke into my castle and trapped us both in a time loop. She was trying to stop my friends and I from getting our marks.

“Then, she made the mistake of showing me her past. It turns out that once, when she was a filly, her best friend got a cutie mark that let him go off to magic school. She didn’t have a family, no parents, she was all alone in an orphanage, and not a very good one at that. She had nopony left.

“I saw my chance there. I hit the adult Starlight with a spell that trapped her in crystal and ran to find the young one. It took some convincing, but I offered to train her and take her back to the present with me. By the time the adult Starlight could break free and stop me, she was already disappearing into the timestream.”

There was silence for a moment.

“So... you’re telling me you’re now raising what could very well be a future psychopath?” Sunset asked.

“That will be her decision,” the Princess said firmly. “I’m going to give her that second chance... what she does with it is her choice.”

Twilight blinked at that. It sounded a lot like what the others were saying.

“Are you sure it’s okay to leave Starlight alone with our sisters?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Relax. She has no memory of the other timeline, and the others don’t even remember going to her village. She’s just an ordinary filly now.”

“Ooh! I’m so jealous for the other me,” Pinkie said. “Since you’re a mommy, that means she gets to be an auntie! Ooh, I bet she spoils her niece rotten...”

“Pinkie,” the Princess said, blushing. “It’s not like that. I’m not a mother.”

“You seemed pretty motherly to her back there...” Applejack noted, a grin on her face.

“No, I just...”

“And you said you hatched Spike!” Pinkie said. “You must have looked pretty funny sitting on that egg! I tried doing that with a chicken egg, but all I ended up doing was smooshing it and...”

“I didn’t sit on his egg!” the Princess was blushing now. “I just have it a huge surge of magic that hatched him.”

“Hmm... sounds like you magically inseminated the egg,” Twilight noted.

The Princess nodded. “That’s right, I...”

“So, you wouldn’t technically be the mother. You’d be...”

“Don’t say it...” the Princess said.

“I was just saying you’d be...”

“I said don’t say it,” the Princess said.

Then Sunset grabbed the Princess’s shoulder from behind and shook her. “You’re the father!”

You said it!” the Princess growled. Even Captain Flash looked amused. Dragon Spike fell to the ground and laughed.

The Princess glowered at her first charge, but eventually scooped him up in a hug. “You’re lucky you’re cute, Spike.”

After the laughter died down, the Princess spoke. “Well, enough tormenting me. Sunset, you said you were researching magic. How’s that going?”

“Very well, actually. In fact,” she walked over to Twilight, “thanks to her, I think we’re on the verge of a breakthrough.”

The Princess smiled. “Show me.”

Author's Note:

Okay, a few things.

If you're disappointed this is an info dump, don't worry. The next chapter will be up before you know it, and it will have the juicy character interaction you were all waiting for. But I realized there was a lot going on in this single chapter I had planned, so I split things into two. I'll try to get the final chapter out before the end of the year.

Second, I swear I came up with the Starlight idea before doublewbrothers published his comic.

EDIT: Tweaked the conversation to make Starlight's orphan status clear.