• Member Since 17th May, 2013
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Summer Knight

I like to write about ponies going on adventures. And crying. And kissing. Sometimes all at once.


Twilight has been to the human world and met her counterpart there. Something about the encounter is bothering her, though. More specifically, something about the other Twilight.

With the help of her friends, Twilight does a bit of soul-searching and arrives at a conclusion that she may not like.

(Possible Friendship Games spoilers)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 128 )
JFalk #1 · Oct 8th, 2015 · · ·

It is well written - but I think that Twilight would believe Applejack, or at last says that she would considere it instead of snapping at her


Another difference between the Twilight's is that Pony-Twi is pretty fit and athletic. (she placed fifth in the Running Of The Leaves beating several highly active Earth Pony farmers and weather Pegasi. She's also never balked at a physical challenge during her adventures.) Human-Twi is completely nonathletic and a little clumsy.

I figured most of the differences between the two Twilight's can be summed up in two words: "Princess Celestia."

When pony Twi was growing up Celestia was her mentor and made sure she took care of herself, exercised, ate well, and didn't overstrain her eyes. Human-Twi didn't have that growing up and isn't nearly as healthy.

6504297 I always figured Twi had her eyes fixed with magic...

Nice fic! I needed something fun to read.

Beautiful girls with big nerdy glasses are so HAWT!!!:twilightsheepish:

... Why aren't the temples of the glasses resting atop the ears? Seems like those would keep sliding down the bridge of her nose.

6506109 So that she can awkwardly adjust them now and then. It boosts the adorkableness.

Was that whole bit with rainbow dash having dyed hair supposed to be a joke or do you actually believe in a world filled with magic and multi-colored everything that a flying pony can't have rainbow colored hair?

A nice silly tale.

FWIW, I suspect that any tendency towards myopia in Twilight may have been healed by the fact Celestia didn't let her stay cooped up in dark libraries and labs 24/7 the way Cinch did her human counterpart. Any remaining flaws would have been healed by the alicorn ascension. Speaking of which, I wonder if human!Twilight is going to find that her eyesight has mysteriously improved now she's been subjected to the Magic of Harmony?

6507747 Just a joke. It's not like she's the only one with multicolored hair, either.

Unless Celestia somehow dyes her giant ethereal mane too.

Well, I suppose contact lenses won't be an option. With eyes that size, they'd really be more like pumpkins.

Shut up, I don't know that many kinds of legume by memory.

Just a silly little idea I had. It's quite different from what I usually write, so any feedback is appreciated.

And it's quite a pity. This was incredibly fun!

"He's really small!" Twilight protested. "And blurry."

I lost it. :rainbowlaugh:

6504297 I agree with your reasoning.


That was a great line. Short, fun, silly story is short, fun and silly. Good job!

Makes sense. Aaaaaaaaand it's also funny, so, you get an upvote.

Twilight wouldn't be consoled so easily. "I'm not supposed to be adorable," she complained. "I'm supposed to be a co-ruler of the kingdom. Who's going to listen to a judgment passed down by a pony with big, dorky glasses?"


I hope you do a second chapter/sequel where we learn that Twilight's reaction is NOT out of the norm for alicorns... like the reveal Luna needs a hearing aid (hence why she uses the canterlot voice... she's a bit deaf and can't control the volume of her own voice)

6510435 :rainbowlaugh: I hadn't thought of that, but it's a really funny idea.


In fact, if you wanted to get real silly, have Celestia reveal that having a fault like that is the NUMBER 1 requirement to become an alicorn. You have to be half blind or hard of hearing or have no sense of smell... so on.

Rainbow's dad has the same hair.

I always figured Human Twilight needing glasses was cause she had to stare at computer screens AND books all the time, something that obviously wouldn't be good for her eyes.

Equestria doesn't have computers.....As far as I know, so it would make more sense for Human Twilight to need glasses as opposed to pony Twilight who, while she does read a lot probably had other things to do while Human Twilight, whose such a shut in, would spend so much time reading and doing research, well it would damage her eyes.

Again just saying. Also they explained a few of those mistakes that Twilight made, with the poison joke book being the result of Twilight viewing the book about myths as "superstitious hooey."


...can't control the volume of her own voice.

Another possibility could be that, after a thousand years on/in the moon, Luna is still experiencing one of the side effects of cryo-sleep, a la Austin Powers. :pinkiegasp:

I do see what your going for but I am pretty much convinced Twilight's "ascension" to Alicornhood would have fixed any lingering vision problems, and since human Twilight's pony form would be just a unicorn she still needs glasses. I also have the theory that Twilight suffered SEVER mental issues before her transformation stemming from being born with an Alicorn brain structure and magical potential and that her transformation corrected several issues by "making all the parts match".

Next story: Twilight learns the horrifying truth.... ALL alicorns wear contacts.


am i the only one that thinks that human twilight looks hotter that pony twilight just because she wears glasses?

"He's really small!" Twilight protested. "And blurry."

Twilight, you just described a preadolescent Bigfoot.

So, in the final scene, was Twilight in an open window, or did she actually teleport herself into the wall?

"Being different isn't so bad," Fluttershy's soft and gentle voice advised her. The pegasus had entered the room, carefully carrying a dress which she slipped onto one of the many dress forms around the Boutique. "I'm sorry," Fluttershy continued, "I didn't hear any of the context for what you just said."

I love this moment right here
so much

good job

6510754 true but equestria DOES have techno rave lasers that come out of your skull right over your eyes. Also with eyes that big I'm pretty sure it's not that hard to mess them up.

"He's really small!" Twilight protested. "And blurry."
That cracked me.

"Uh, Rainbow Dash? Everypony knows that. No one thinks that you were somehow the only pony in all of Equestria born with a rainbow-colored mane."



Story was pretty funny, though. Good one.

6511088 i totaly agree with you're opinion. well more cute than hot(exept in her demon form that was hot as hell)


Now all that's left to do is direct the entire fimfic community to this story so they can see how 'short' and 'simple' make the highest caliber stories. But let's be honest, if it hasn't happened since 2011, it ain't happenin' now.

Excellent work, dear author. Excellent work.


6510850 derpicdn.net/img/view/2015/6/26/923865__safe_solo_twilight+sparkle_vector_cute_filly_glasses_adorable_scrunchy+face.png I like to think filly twilight was given a vision spell after she nearly destroyed canterlot via Uber cuteness. Her transformation damaged the spell and as she grows into her alicorn body she is slowly going blind.

*Reads the desc*


Lessee if I was right... :twilightsmile:


Nope. I was wrong. Could've gone my way, though. :twilightsmile:

That was cute. :twilightsmile: I think Twilight would look great with glasses though. :twilightblush: Nice one shot, very nicely done. :twilightsmile:

I read a few "Twilight is crazy" fics and thought. Some people are "crazy" because of chemical imbalances in the brain, and Twilight seems more "balanced" as an alicorn (not completely but some of her issues would be from how she was raised). I wonders "well how could that be" and I follow the "Twilight was going to become and alicorn Celestia didn't decide" camp and figured if she had been born a "incomplete" or "proto-alicorn" side effects from wrong brain chemistry and too much magic would make her a bit kooky.

6504111 They've got magical laser beams, so...

"Ah bet you'd look plum adorable in glasses."

And that is exactly why Twi doesnt have any. Equestria isnt ready for that level of cute.


Its a matter of national security at this point.

6511997 I read that fic too.

But Luna can control the volume of her own voice. She just didn't realize she needed to before Luna Eclipsed.

If she needed glasses before, she wouldn't need them anymore after using elements of harmony, because they would regenerate her eyes, like they regenerated Rarity's tail.


And Twilight has never shown any need for glasses before. And yet here we are. It's best not to think about logic too much when it comes to comedy.

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