• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 8,482 Views, 128 Comments

Xelor Legacy - Skyboss

I am Nox, the strongest Xelor, or Time mage alive. Or rather, I became him. Like him, I lost my family, but unlike him THEY weren't taken from me, I was taken from them. I will find my home or I'll make a new one and change this world.

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Tick 2: Rise

Tick 2: Rise

(Airship: Hangar Bay)

[Leon POV]

The Changelings are in awe at seeing the interior of my airship since it’s about half the size of Canterlot and can easily fit their swarm. We were currently in the hangar section of my airship, the inside was massive but currently empty, that is a problem I plan on taking care of in the future. The ceiling was lined with multiple electrical lights, enough to light up the whole area and leave few shadows. It stretched up to twenty meters in height which is enough room to fit even a full grown dragon and the width was nearly 200 meters. I wanted to have space for my ships and other machinery….or a changeling army, either way it still completes its task of supplying an adequate about of room. Near the end of the hanger are two separate stair cases leading up to the higher levels and behind those stair is a lift for transporting the heavier/larger objects.

I mean sure are was enjoying their looks of awe on their muzzles but I need to keep my plans rolling “So I take it you’re all impressed” I asked in a deadpan tone. They simply nodded their heads in unison to signify their agreement, that unison thing can get seriously creepy.

I decided to gain their attention in a reasonable manner. “V, please activate play the wake up call

And with that done I had their undivided attention “even I think that was a little mean” Victoria trying to scold me for scaring them.

“Ok, I’ll admit that was probably...” a glare from Chrissy told me of my mistake “that was definitely overkill but at least I have your attention….well most of you” honestly I think that a good thirty of them fainted from shock. I feel it might have been wrong of me to chuckle but it was pretty damn funny.

I cleared my throat before I spoke“*ahem*So moving on to why we’re here, we’ll be heading off to one of my bases, this one is located near your hive in the badlands” there was some chatter among them, most likely they never discovered it

Chrysalis spoke up about what everyling was thinking “Granddad, I didn’t know you had a base in the badlands, why didn’t you tell me?” she gave me an adorable pout that warmed my old heart a bit, but that was also taken away by some guilt I felt from hearing the sad undertone in her voice.

I’m sorry Chrissy, but I feel like I should always have an ace up my sleeve just in case.” she then looks at me with a puzzled expression “There’s a saying back from my home; ‘never underestimate your enemy, always overestimate.’ Remember back at the castle Chrissy? You got cocky and overconfident thinking you had already won and they couldn’t do anything to stop you.” At this she gave a flinch likely from the embarrassing memory from her gloating or the pointed tone in my voice.

I sigh “Sorry Chrissy, I’m just a bit irritated. Seeing the solar bitch is always a quick way to piss me off.

“Granddad, you harbor so much hate for the pony princess, I can feel it gushing out of you, why not just destroy them all?” Chrysalis’s voiced her thoughts with concern but switching to venom towards the end.

Chrissy, I don’t seek to mindlessly destroy, especially those that are innocent. For the most part” I muttered that last statement under my breath hoping she didn’t hear me. “You see Chrysalis, I do plan on removing Celestia from power, this world has been encumbered by her long enough. For now she has her roles to play in this game before I dispose her.” I can see the burning desire to know more about my plans, but I want to tease her a bit “I’ll tell you about my plans later

The deadpan look of frustration on her muzzle is priceless. I can’t help but laugh.
After my chuckles were had I decided to get back on track “Now who’s hungry” I shouted to the changelings. The roaring sounds of their approval was expected, but seem to be amplified by the acoustics of the hanger. “V, if you would so kind” I directed to my A.I. companion

With that said she opened up some panels in the ceiling and from out of those came floating silver colored metallic cylinders, totaling in all 18. The cylinders landed around the swarm and in various areas in the middle and once they all landed they panels on their sides slid open and in their place out came blue orbs that could be mistaken for crystal balls. Confusion was on the face of every changeling as they wondered what these strange devices would do.

Well it’s time to dig in everyone!” With my exclamation the orbs attached to the cylinders began to glow a pink color that was beginning to cover the whole hanger. They were once again confused by what was happening until once random changeling decided to be take charge

“IT’S LOVE!” Sometimes all it takes is for one voice to be heard. After that one statement they didn’t show any hesitation to start eating the love energy I had synthesized.

Hundreds of horns were lit and they all had a smile on their face and that wasn’t even the best part. The holes that were caused by their starvation were closing up at a rapid pace and after around 2 minutes they no longer kept their swiss cheese like appearance, now they were whole and they were pretty damn ecstatic about it if they tears of joy and hug each other was anything to go by.

“Granddad...” I heard Chrysalis call me with her voice breaking at times and all I could see when I saw her were tears of joy and solid legs. She walked up to me and gave me a hug filled with such passion even I could feel the love coming from it. “Thank you” her voice was barely a whisper but as soon as she said those words the whole hanger went silent.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you so much…..” her body wouldn’t stop quivering and the dams broke as her tears came flooding. I only remember one other time she was like this, when her mother, Silk Moth died. So by instinct I did the only thing I could, I held her close and stroked her mane gently.

It’s alright Chrissy, I’m here, you don’t have to worry.” I do my best to soothe her while the swarm looks on in awed silence; they’ve probably never since their strong-willed and unbreaking queen cry let alone break down like this. So we just stayed in that position for a few minutes. Once her tears stopped dimmed down to a trickle, I had to ask her a question that’s been on my mind for a while now since my release.

Chrysalis, I know this may be difficult but I need you to tell me what happened after I was imprisoned.” She looked me straight in the eyes for a moment and then released a sad sigh.

“Bad things Granddad, but I’m guessing you want details?” I gave a simple nod, I need to know what happened so I can fix the damage that damn alicorn has done. She seemed to be reserved in telling the story, but it’s better to get it out of the way now.

At my unmoving resolve to hear this story she relented “Ok Granddad, but you won’t like it.”

“After you were trapped and the death of the previous queen, my mother, many changelings went through despair and depression. You were and still are, probably more so now than ever, seen as our savior and hero. If that wasn’t bad enough Celestia decreed us as evil monsters and ordered her guards to hunt us down and remove us from their land. She even said it was with absolute conviction that ‘equestria was meant for ponies and you changelings will destroy our harmony’.”

That really started to get my blood boiling, evil is a perspective but to declare an entire race as vile monsters….I’m going to have to teach her a painful lesson. As my thoughts raged on how I was going to make her pay, Chrysalis continued with her story.

“And since her ponies look up to her as their ‘goddess who is never wrong and can do no wrong’ they obeyed without question.” Chrysalis started shaking from the emotions that were beginning to overwhelm her, and I’m pretty sure these weren’t from my emotions. “So they came after us wherever we went. The guards always made sure when we were found there was blood to be shed. Not even the nymphs were spared.” She started breaking down into tears at that point. “I-I saw...so many of my subjects….speared through their bodies, leaving gaping holes or burned and roasted alive in their own chitin by lightning from thunderclouds or fireballs from the unicorns.”

She was starting to sob uncontrollably so I just held her tight within my arms. We stayed in this position for three minutes till her cries began to die down.
“Thank you for holding me Granddad.” her voice was so quiet and a bit hoarse.

I’m here for you Chrissy, I’m sorry that I made you remember those past horrors.” I could feel the rage inside me growing in intensity, I’m not sure if Chrysalis could sense my growing emotions since she made no indication.

“Granddad, I’m going to finish this story.” She told me with her voice regaining its strength and looked me in the eyes.

Ok Chrissy, you don’t have to strain yourself.” I couldn’t argue against those eyes and I needed this information. And so she continued

“We had to keep running from the ponies, our race was weak, starving, and on the verge of extinction. We escaped to the newly formed badlands thinking they wouldn’t follow us there after what you did there.”

When she mentioned that...incident I felt a twinge of shame or guilt, those two emotions always seemed the same to me, but Jasmine would disagree. One of the few times I lost control, in hindsight that would explain my ‘ruthless’ title, I am the reason why the badlands exist.

“By some miracle we were able to make our hive there but we were still starving. So we sent out scouts and collectors to the other nations to collect love, but then they came back with grave news.” She paused and took a deep breathe and just held it there. I swear this girl can be over dramatic sometimes.

I just deadpanned at her “Really? Are we pausing for intermission now?

She giggled when I finished “I was just pausing for dramatic effect.” And she just gave me a coy smile, I swear I shouldn’t have told her and her mother about trollin.

“Anyways” And the mood is suddenly serious again, “The scouts and collectors came back from the other nations and apparently news of us reached the other nations and they began looking for us. Luckily they didn’t know the equestrian’s method to find us so our changelings that were hiding there were relatively safe.” and then she was scowling.

“When word of us spread we were made out as monsters, heartless, savage, MONSTERS!!” She was screaming at the end of that sentence, I could literally see the steam coming of her.

“But then I remember what you told me about that card game you use to play, yogi-something”

Yu-Gi-Oh” I had to correct her, I loved my cards, my friend Logan raged all the time when he played against my yosenju deck, good times.

“Yeah that. You said every move counts no matter how small or meaningless it seems in the end. So I had my changelings spread out and remove or obscure any information about us. From newspapers to library books even street rumors and bedtime stories. It took almost two centuries, but eventually changelings faded from the history of Equus.” She had a smug look on her muzzle when she finished.

So you manipulated history so changelings would remain unknown?” her smugness was gone after hearing my monotone response and she hesitantly nodded her head

I am so proud of you!” I glomped down on her and began to nuzzle her. She began to blush and adorable shade of green when she her some of the changelings in the swarm snickering.

You erased yourself from history so you would remain unknown and could infiltrate without anyone thinking you’re not what you seem to be and would always have the element of surprise.” I ended our glomp session and stood up.

“Granddad, what happens now?” Chrissy’s timing was perfect.

I do have a plan I would like to accomplish.” so I turned to the swarm and hoped I could give a decent speech.

Changelings, allow me to introduce myself. I am the Xelor Nox. I have finally been freed after been trapped for over a 1000 years, some of you many be wondering what I’m going to do next. Allow me to enlighten you; I intend to make changes to this world, but alas there’s only so much one man can do alone.” That raised some brows a being of my power and legend couldn’t do something by himself, those legends were probably exaggerated, but it definitely had their undivided attention.

From what I’ve learned you all have suffered for a long time, so much that you can’t even go out in your own skins. That’s not fair to you all over the years this world has hardly changed. My plan is to change the perspective of the citizens of this world, open new paths for new ideas unheard of to flow. I want to help the people evolve, to grow and learn, to no longer hate or judge because of what you are. This will not be a simple task, blood, sweat, and tears will most likely be shed. I need your help, would you be willing to help to old man accomplish this goal?” The hanger was deadly silent, then one voice broke through it.

“You always have my support Granddad” Chrysalis tells me with a smile that seems to be contagious since I begin to smile myself. Then the cheering starts.

“I’ll stand with the savoir”
“It’s time for change!”
“Nox, Nox, Nox, Nox, Nox, Nox!”

I wasn’t expecting them to start cheering my name but I’m positive having Chrissy on my side persuaded them...and giving them food, food can persuade a lot of people.

Thank you! We should be arriving in the badlands soon enough so please eat and relax, you’ve earned it.” More cheers were heard.

Chrissy, why don’t you stay here and watch over your subjects while I go to the pilot’s seat.

“Yes Granddad, and thank you. I’ve never seen them so happy before.” Tear were forming in her eyes, unlike the last ones these were tears of joy.

With her confirmation I teleported straight to the command deck and thinking back on my speech I realized that I can’t do it alone.

Hey V.

“Yes Nox?”

I think it’s time to start up project G.E.A.R.

“I’ll start prepping the lab at the base.”

Thanks, I’d also like to start with Adam first.

“Very well.”

Celestia won’t see this coming

Author's Note:

Honestly the reason this has taken so long to get put up is because college and I'm lazy.:moustache:

Happy holidays everyone, this chapter is just a little gift for making you all wait for so long. It's not my best nor has it been proofread and as always leave comments telling my mistakes and/or how I can improve this. I'm open to constructive criticism.
I'm also going to try and post another chapter today