• Member Since 5th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I don't judge. Out loud.


Rarity has gone missing. Her home is in a frightful state. There are signs of a struggle, but no leads to aid friends and family. Yet oddly, her workroom seems just fine. Everything is where it ought to be.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Sealed inside the Ponyquin?

6586420 Correct. Okay so it wasn't hard to figure out. But whodunnit?

so what happen to Rarity?

6586425 i'm guessing the new Ponyquins were alive and did so. Only reason I could think that the door to where they were kept was locked and from the inside. Because they needed a key to open the door.

Inside ponyquin. The culprit might possibly somepony like Siri Polomare. After all, the outside door lock had been broken, meaning that the pony/ thing, must have been outside. P.S: Cool story!!

6586441 Grimdark happened. Pain and suffering and horrible, horrible hubris. This is part of an idea I've had for a long time, and eventually plan to expand upon. *Evil giggle*

6586468 Oh wow, you're the closest! Good job. Although needing a key to open the door is odd, since the other two locks were broken beyond use.

6586625 Thanks! As for your guess, not quite. You got the fate of Rarity correct, but not the culprit.

6592292 True, that was something I missed. Just noticed they needed Sweeties help to find the spare key. I'm guessing Changelings. They tore a older poniquin apart and sealed her inside.

Hold on... Sweetie was the only one with a key... Sweetie wouldn't speak... Oh. My. Gosh. Is it Sweetie Belle???????

Is it Sweetie Belle using the mannequins?

Hm... this is hard. Why was that room left as it was? Just so the 'ponyquin' wouldn't be examined so closely?

If I had to take a guess, my first guess would be a changeling, because the math would add up. If three ponyquins were delivered, and Rarity was stuffed in one, and then the changeling disguised itself as one. The searchers only thought the busted 'ponyquin' was old because it was so scuffed up. Thus the changeling avoided scrutiny until everypony left.

At least, that would make sense, to a point. But while it explains the reason for the pristine room, i.e. so nobody would question the three pristine ponyquins, it doesn't explain how or why they would be locked inside.

The theory that Sweetie Belle did it, since she clearly had opportunity since she had the key to the room, also makes sense to a point, but in that case it DOESN'T explain why the room was cleaned up when the rest weren't. I can buy into the struggle damaging the rest of the house, but it's a question of halfways in either direction. If it was cleaned up after, why not clean the whole house up? If the destruction was staged, why not go all the way? Unless it was pristine because she had to clean up physical evidence...

Hm... I don't know if there is enough there to conclusively prove one or the other, and I have a feeling the author will be keeping mum. Bother.

Overall, I like it as psychological horror, but as a mystery it left a little to be desired. Not because it doesn't give an answer to the mystery, but because I think the premise is a bit shaky due to the fact that she was apparently still alive during the investigating. Still, it was a nice little read.

Was it the filly???

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