• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 7,814 Views, 155 Comments

My Zodiac - xd77

Celestia finds an abandoned pegasus colt baby and adopts him

  • ...

Chapter 21: Neighsay's Trial, Comfort from a friend, and Re-Opening the School of Friendship

It had been a rather miraculous victory for every creature and pony as the young eight had experienced not only their first big adventure by defeating the most hated unicorn of Equestria, but also they completed their very first friendship mission by showing their motivation and perseverance to rescue somepony they greatly loved and cared deeply about and was willing to risk anything to save him from utter danger. Anyway, it was triumphant and they were now on the edge of the only passageway that entered or exited Tartarus, once they were out and back into the good side of life, Luna and Celestia turned around and sealed the passage shut so that no one could get in or out, Cadance and Shining Armor had left to go back to the Crystal Empire to check on Flurry Heart and Skyla since they were put in the care of Night Light and Twilight Velvet, but before they did, they told Nathan to stay with Twilight and the others for safety sake.

"Now listen up, every creature, my sister and I have got to set punishments up for Neighsay in order to pay for his crimes, so we will be back first thing in the morning, in the meantime, Zodi you stay with Twilight and the others and help with whatever damages he caused, understand?" Celestia asked.

"Aw, mom, can't I just go with you and Aunt Luna?" Zodiac whined.

"No, son." answered Celestia and then she and Luna took off.

"I never get to help with royal duties." Zodiac griped.

"Oh don't worry," said Silverstream as she picked him up and held him in her right talon arm, "One day you'll be ruler and when you are, you can help with all the royal duties as you please."

"The same replies with me." said Nathan, suddenly he too was picked up.

"WHOA!!!!!!!!!" he exclaimed, the one that picked him up was Smolder who had a friendly smile on her face.

"Kid, you don't know how proud we are, you had the guts to save a friend from certain death." she said, Nathan now cried tears of joy and just hugged Smolder, but instead of putting him back down, she decided to just keep him in her arms and the same thought came to Silverstream as well to just have Zodiac stay in her arm too.

"Aww, Yak thinks this is sweet." said Prince Rutherford.

"Talk about pure friendship." said General Seaspray.

"Ugh, why here, why now?!" growled Ember.

"We'll see more of this later, why don't we just go up to Canterlot and help Celestia and Luna with Neighsay." said Grandpa Gruff.

"Yeah, it's time we dealt with him once and for all." agreed Thorax and they all left leaving the students in the care of the mane six.

"Listen every creature, it's getting late, we've had a long day of all this, so let's just head back to my castle and spend the night, for tomorrow we all go to Canterlot for Neighsay's trial." Twilight said.

"Good idea, Aunt Twilight." replied Nathan.

"Yeah, besides, we need to get back to the EEA tomorrow so we can gather up all those books for evidence." said Sandbar.

And they all departed out of the thicket that led to Tartarus, and headed for Twilight's castle.

The very next day......

Everyone, including the mane six and the students, along with Nathan and Zodiac sat in the Courthouse of the Royals awaiting the trial of now Ex-Chancellor Neighsay to hear the charges and sentences for his heinous act of crimes upon Equestria. Plus as a bonus for proof of his crimes, Gallus, Smolder, and Nathan managed to gather all the books out of his office and show them the spells that he had rewritten in order to defame magic as a charge, also Merlin the changeling was there as well to back up Nathan with a video of the teleported storm that spawned the tornado and destroyed his old orphanage plus left thousands of people homeless.

The door on the right opened up to reveal two royal guards transporting Neighsay who was now wearing an orange jumpsuit rather than his EEA robe and was heavily shackled so he couldn't pull anymore hurtful or damaging stunts on anypony or any property like he did the past two days. The judge then came in with his black robe and levitated his gavel onto his position and took his place.

"This court is now in session, please take your seats." he said banging the gavel and everypony sat down as the judge gently did some stacked papers then turned his attention towards you know who.

"Neighsay, you have been brought before the order of royalty and have been charged with one count of kidnapping, two counts of aggravated assault on a princess of Equestria, and defamation of magic!"

"You have no proof of that charge." Neighsay said.

"Oh yes we do!" said Nathan as he walked up to the front and showing the books that contained all the spells that he had rewritten.

"Well, then perhaps you can explain this, the poison spell; three blasts of magic, when it is supposed to say the poison curing spell, one blast of magic."

"Neighsay, because of your crimes and your heinous acts upon ponies and creatures, you shall be banned from the EEA ever again." the judge said.

"Not to mention that storm you brought upon mah' home city!" yelled Nathan.

"What storm?" asked the judge.

"Your honor, with your permission, ah'd like to bring up Merlin to the stand."

"Very well, will Merlin please step up?" asked the judge.

Merlin the changeling walked up to the front like the judge said and stood beside Nathan, he then lit up his horn to show a video of the storm that struck Dallas, the first clip he showed was how the storm quickly developed.

"Freeze the frame." said Zodiac, "Zoom it in." it zoomed in to reveal pink sparkled aura that glowed behind the storm clouds."


"Illegal teleportation." replied the judge, Neighsay growled in anger that his storm was being viewed to the entire room.

"Oh, but there is more to that." said Merlin as he fast forwarded the video using his changeling magic to about thee minutes later when the storm built strength and developed a funnel cloud that quickly grew into a strong EF2 tornado making a quick touchdown.

As Nathan saw the whole video of the twister damaging his old orphanage, the sting of sorrow rebuilt itself inside his heart and he started crying. The young six, who were also watching this from the stands, were just as shocked and bewildered over this atrocity that Neighsay had brought upon the human world, as well as Celestia and Luna, who saw the last part in which the orphanage leaders came out with the children behind them all in tears. The one creature of the young six who was not only sorrowful for the humans, but also really saddened for Nathan was Smolder, for she had developed feelings for him and was willing to just pick him up and comfort him right now.

As the video evidence clip came to an end, the judge stared down at Neighsay with blood red fury.

"How could you Neighsay, causing such pain and suffering on innocent children and families?!" asked Celestia.

"You could've killed our son!" yelled Shining Armor.

"Or all those poor children!" said Cadance, suddenly Neighsay spat on her, Shining saw this and was now boiled with rage, so much rage that he picked up Neighsay in his aura and pinned him to the wall.

"NOPONY DOES THAT TO MY WIFE!!!!!!" he yelled.


"ENOUGH, ORDER, ORDER!!!!!!!!!!!" the judge snapped banging the gavel on the booth that he sat in, Shining Armor put Neighsay back on the ground and they both returned to their posts.

"Does the jury have the verdict?"

A pony stood up, "We the jury condemn Neighsay guilty of all charges."

"So it is settled, Neighsay, your are hereby sentenced to your whole life in the dungeons below this city where you will have no form of magic ever again, plus you will be doing community service by helping the citizens of this little boy's hometown clean up the damages that you caused upon not only his former orphanage, but also the pain and suffering of all those children, but before you have your magic drained, you will remove the seal from Princess Twilight's school. Lastly, you will turn every spell that you defamed and turn it back to the way it was and then return the books back to Starswirl, this court is adjourned!" he then slammed the gavel one more time, but as the guards took him out he stared at them angrily as if to say "I'm gonna get you all one day, you're all gonna pay for doing this to me!"

All the students cheered, but quickly took notice that Nathan was gone.

"Hey where's Nate?!" asked Cadance, they quickly took notice of an open window, they looked out to see him already far away in the sky.

"NATHAN WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted Smolder as she flapped her wings and took off after him.

"Wait Smolder!" screamed Silverstream, but she and the others were stopped.

"Not now every creature, right now we need to head back to the school and make sure that Nieghsay removes his magic proof seal, let Smolder handle Nate alone, they'll catch up to us." said Twilight

"But Headmare Sparkle...." Zodiac was about to say something, but was silenced.

"No Zodi, Twilight's right, some things are meant for only one friend to handle." Celestia said picking up her son and holding him and then they all left to head back to Ponyville to make sure Neighsay was about to do his first task letting Smolder take care of Nathan.

Meanwhile, high above the grounds outside Canterlot and close to Ponyville, Nathan sat on top of a cloud with his arms wrapped around his legs and crying while looking at the view of Ponyville afar, he was sitting here crying because of all the pain and suffering Neighsay had put everyone through, plus the fact that Neighsay destroyed not only his orphanage, but also caused so much misery upon his home town.

"Why, Why?!" he asked himself, as he continued to stare at the city horizon.

"Why what?" said a voice from behind him, Nathan turned to see none other than Smolder with her wings flapping and looking at him with great concern, Nathan then turned back to the Ponyville skyline as Smolder landed on the cloud and sat next to him.

Nathan tried his best to just give her the silent treatment, but Smolder was having none of it, he needed a friend beside him right now and she was determined to be that friend, she wrapped her arm around him to relieve him of at least some of his sadness, but he was still too depressed over everything.

"Wanna talk about it kid?" she asked.

"Ah'....ah' don't know what could drive a loser like Neighsay into just driving a calamity to a world that he didn't even know about or even why. And what would drive him into calling me an ape?!" he then buried his face in his hands and cried again, Smolder picked him up and placed him in her lap since she was bigger and far stronger than him, but he really didn't care right now.

As Nathan wiped the tears from his face which were not doing any good because new tears kept forming over and over since he was way too hurt over what Neighsay said to him, Smolder looked at him with a friendly smile like a big sister to a little brother.

"Nathan, you shouldn't ever feel down just because of what some mean pony or creature calls you." she said.

"Really?" Nathan asked still crying.

"Yes, just because ponies or creatures call you a mean name, doesn't mean you are one, you should know that no matter what they say to you or think of you, that you never let it go to your head. And personally, I think the only reason he called you that was out of sheer temper that he is losing his power, besides I told you you're the hero of this piece; look, you may be a human, but to me you've got the heart of a brave dragon, heck, your wings are even identical to one."

Nathan soon took these words that he had been told, and it touched his heart so much that new tears formed. Right now he needed a shoulder to cry on, and Smolder knew it.

"Come here kid." she said, letting Nathan bury his face onto her chest, he then wrapped his arms and legs around her because he did not want her to let go of him and she completely understood, he then cried and cried for who knows how long, but Smolder didn't care.

"Shhh, just let it out kid, let it out." she said in a soothing voice and rubbing Nathan's back gently as he continued to cry with his face staying buried in her chest.

Meanwhile back at the School of Friendship, Neighsay was in shackles being pushed by royal guards and behind him stood a crowd of angry ponies and creatures waiting for their moment to come back once and for all. As he had spears point at his face, Neighsay angrily lit up his horn and fired at the magic proof seal causing it to unlock and the chain that surrounded the lock collapsed and fell into the pond that surrounded the school.

"There, I hope you creatures are happy!" he snarled.

"Now, we shall take you to the MDS where your magic will be permanently drained to prevent any further damages." one guard said as he and the other guard transported Neighsay to the royal prison carriage, as every creature watched Neighsay leave to do his time, they all cheered.

"The School of Friendship is open once and for all!" announced Twilight as she opened the doors and everypony and creature cheered and went inside to celebrate.

As they all were inside celebrating, Ember quickly took notice that Smolder still wasn't back yet.

"Hey, where is Smolder, why isn't she back yet?" she asked.

"Dragon been gone a long time." replied Yona.

"And so has Nathan, he must've been really struck down over what Neighsay did." replied Zodiac.

"Don't worry, we're fine." said Smolder out of nowhere, they all looked to see she was carrying Nathan in her arms again and she landed on the floor to walk up to them.

"NATHAN!!!!!" Zodiac screamed running up to Nathan who managed to free himself from Smolder for a minute and managed to catch Zodiac and they hugged.

"I'm glad you're better." said Zodiac, Nathan then put him down.

"Ah'm just glad that we're all here in one piece, ah' mean who knows what happened if Smolder didn't undo those ropes with her fire breath."

Smolder then picked Nathan up again and held him, the others could see she was developing a bond with him.

"See what did I tell you all, friendship always wins." said Twilight out of nowhere.

"Ya' got that right Aunt Twi." said Nathan as Smolder cradled him like a baby.

"And whatever the case, we stick together!" said Zodiac as he held out his hoof, Nathan put his hand on and soon the others put their hooves and claws in as well.

"GO FRIENDSHIP!!!!!!" They all exclaimed as the camera zoomed out to reveal a beautiful night sky and a shooting star zoomed past.