• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 9,192 Views, 152 Comments

A Koopa's Story - RoyalStar709

A human was transformed into his favorite villain...only he was transformed into a baby version of him. Years later, after being raised by one of the rulers of the land, he finds himself in the future after a miscalculation with his time warp spell.

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Prelude-2: Lost in the Everfree

Kammy and Discord looked at each other nervously, then the two of them gave the royal a nervous smile. Bowser continued to glare at the two, his mouth was curled up to a snarl. “One thousand years…” he muttered, glaring at the draconequus.

Discord looked towards Kammy for support, but the witch simply shook her head, backing away from him. “Y-yes…. you two have been gone for at least a...” he gulped, “thousand years…” he finished weakly,

Fire started to leak from the koopa’s mouth as he slowly began to get up. “Discord… I know how you love making jokes…” He started taking a deep breath. “But… I thought you knew better than to say things that you know will make me angry..” He took a single step towards Discord. “So tell me, Discord… Just how long have we been gone…? And this time make sure I like your answer..” Bowser warned.

Discord gulped nervously, “You... two have been… gone for… about…” He gave Kammy a pleading look, but the witch turned away from the draconequus, suddenly taking an interest at the local wildlife. “One thousand years… your majesty,” he muttered weakly, his fear growing when he saw the Koopa’s face get twisted with rage.

Taking a deep breath, Bowser turned away from Discord and let out a stream of fire. The two backed away from him, not wanting to get burned from the white hot flames. After calming down, Bowser turned to Discord again, this time with a pleading look. “Discord… please… just tell me… this is one of your jokes, right?” He laughed weakly, “This is a prank, right? Right? Well, you got me good…” Discord shook his head, placing a hand on his shoulder. Angrily, Bowser pushed him away. “ENOUGH!” he roared, “You got me! You can stop pretending!” He clenched his fist angrily, gritting his teeth.

Discord flinched from the tone of his voice, his eyes widening when he caught the distraught look on Bowser’s eyes. “Bowser… I’m sorry,” he said, not being able to think of anything else to say.

As the Koopa King looked like he was about to explode from rage, Kammy pulled out her wand as a precaution, but she sighed in relief when she saw Bowser start to calm down. “Your Grouchiness… I know how hard it must be for you to accept this…” She twiddled her thumbs, trying to think of something to say to the prince. “But-“

“BUT WHAT?!” Bowser roared, “We’ve been gone for a thousand years, and it’s all because of me adding too much power to my Time Warp spell!” He growled, stomping his foot onto the ground. Kammy and Discord both flailed their arms, trying to regain their balance as the earth around them shook.

Discord’s eyes widened and he snapped his talons, teleporting himself to the sky. He gulped, “I can’t believe I forgot about his strength! Even as a baby, his strength was enough to cause shockwaves in the ground.” He slowly floated downwards, putting a comforting paw on the Koopa’s shoulders. “Bowser, you need to calm down... why don’t we go find Celestia and Luna, maybe they can help?”

Bowser turned towards the floor, his shoulders sagging. “Discord… I was gone for a thousand years…” he started, “Just imagine what ma must’ve felt, what do you think might happen when she sees me….?” he questioned, “She hasn’t seen me for a thousand years!”

Discord flinched at the volume of his voice. “Bowser… I’m sure nothing bad is going to happen.” he reassured him, “The most she will do is slap you and scold you for disappearing.”

Kammy nodded, gathering the courage to step forward. “Your Worriedness, there’s no need to worry, your mother is a very kind and generous pony, I’m sure it will be just as Discord says it would be,” she said, getting on her broom. “If anything, she’ll be overjoyed to see you again!”

He looked down at the floor, avoiding looking at them. Growling lightly, he sighed. "....Fine...."

Discord leaned towards the Koopa, his ear seeming to get larger. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” He asked with a small grin.

He glared angrily at the draconequus. “Discord…” Bowser growled threateningly at him.

Chuckling nervously, Discord floated away from him. “Alright, alright, no need to get physical.” He put his arms up. “Let’s find your mother before we start messing with each other.” Teleporting, Discord grabbed the two Koopas and pulled them into a tight hug. “So how are we going to appear?” He asked the duo. “Should we teleport, or just walk?”

Bowser sighed, running his claw through his hair. “If it’s fine with you, I’m going to just walk, you two go on ahead.”

Discord frowned. “Well if that’s what you want… we’ll see you back at the castle.”

Kammy approached Bowser, patting his side. “Bowser, trust me, everything will be okay,” she said comfortingly. “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.”

Bowser smiled at the old witch. “Thank you, Kammy.”

Nodding, Kammy walked towards Discord’s side. Discord grabbed Kammy, disappearing in a flash of light, leaving the dragon-like Koopa alone.

Looking around the area, a thought occurred to him. “Oh no…” Bowser growled, glaring up in the sky. In frustration, he fired a stream of fire into the air. “I forgot to ask Discord where we’re supposed to meet up!” Taking a deep breath, he looked around. “Well, staying here isn’t going to solve anything.” With nothing else to do, Bowser headed off along a random direction, hoping it would take him to the right path, punching any boulders and burning any tree that got in his way.


Bowser stopped, looking around for the source of the voice. “Who’s there?!”

The voice chuckled, “Down here!” Looking down, there was a small smiling golden ball of fur. “MEEORRK!!!” The smiling creature examined the confused royal. “You’re pretty big ain’tcha? I don’t think I ever seen one of your kind here before.”

Bowser nodded, narrowing his eyes at the golden ball of fur. “Yeah, name’s Bowser.” He crossed his arms, almost glaring at the creature. “You’re a Fuzzy, aren’t you?”

The golden Fuzzy bounced happily. “Meeoowrk! That’s right!” he yelled. “A Gold Fuzzy, to be more specific.”

Bowser scowled, he eyed the creature with distrust, Fuzzies were known for being troublemakers and bloodsucking parasites. “Great, now there are different types of them,” he muttered quietly to himself. Glaring, he growled at the creature, “What do you want, anyways?!”

The Gold Fuzzy tilted his head, frowning. “I just wanted to help, you looked lost,” he answered.

Bowser snorted, glaring at the Fuzzy. “Thanks but no thanks,” He quickly turned away and started walking, ignoring the Fuzzy.

The Golden Fuzzy jumped towards him, trying to keep up. “So where you going?” he asked between jumps.

Bowser glared at the Fuzzy. “To the nearest village.”

The Fuzzy looked at him, a bit confused. “The nearest village? Are you a traveler or are you just lost and hoping to get directions?”

Growling, Bowser stomped his foot in anger. “I am not lost! I know where I’m going!” He turned to glare at the Fuzzy. “Now leave me alone!”

“You’re going the wrong way!” the Gold Fuzzy yelled, catching the Koopa’s attention. “Nearest village is just outside the Everfree, I can show you if you want!” he offered. His eyes widened as he realized something. “I forgot to introduce myself! Name’s Dizz! Dizz the Gold Fuzzy!” The Gold Fuzzy smiled. “So, want me to show you the way?”

Bowser growled, sighing, his shoulders slumped. He gave Dizz a defeated look. “I’d like that.”

“So then I said, ‘Goomnuts?! Only Goombas eat those!’” Dizz laughed at the joke he told, before noticing how there wasn’t anyone else laughing with him, then he frowned at Bowser. “Geez, you really are a grouchy one, ain’tcha?”

Bowser glared at the Fuzzy. “I am not a grouch!” He growled when he saw the Fuzzy snicker. “How long until we make it to this village, anyways?!”

Dizz hummed in thought. “I don’t know,” he replied honestly, snickering when he saw Bowser’s shocked look. Before the Koopa could explode in rage, Dizz continued to bounce up ahead, “Don’t worry though, I have this one friend who’s been into the village before! She’ll point us in the right direction!” he said, trying to calm Bowser down.

Bowser sighed. “Too late to turn back now… ” He grumbled. “You better be right about this, Dizz!”

The Fuzzy laughed. “Don’t worry! I’m sure Zecora will be able to help!” He continued to bounce around happily.

Bowser raised an eyebrow. “Who’s Zecora?” he asked. “Doesn’t sound like any pony or Fuzzy name I’ve heard before.”

Dizz turned to face him, now bouncing backwards. “Zecora isn’t a Fuzzy or a pony! She’s a zebra!” he answered excitedly. “Well, at least that’s what she told me.”

“A zebra?” he questioned. “Huh, never thought I’d see one of them again.”

Dizz gave Bowser a questioning look. “You met one before?”

“Yeah, I met one before…” Bowser answered, thinking back to when he was still a child. ‘Although Zeb was a manipulative, shadow stealing, tool.’ Bowser sighed, shaking his head. ‘Hey, come on now Bowser, you can’t judge this zebra because the first zebra you met was bad. Who knows, this gal could turn out to be nice.’

“Hey Bowser!” Dizz shouted, snapping the Koopa out of his thoughts. “We’re here!” the Fuzzy shouted, bouncing towards an odd looking tree and somehow knocking on the door. “Hey Miss Zecora, it’s me! Dizz! I brought someone here who needs help!”

Bowser observed the tree a bit more, and as he got closer, he saw that there were several large mask that stood around the tree near the door, and one small one that laid above the door. “Wow, this is a pretty interesting place your friend’s got here.”

Dizz bounced happily, smiling at the Koopa, “Thanks! This home is also where Zecora does all of her work!”

Bowser raised an eyebrow. “And what type of work may that be?”

The Fuzzy hummed, trying to remember what the zebra did. “I think she makes potions…?” Dizz nodded. “Yup, she practices potion making to help others!”

“Potion making, huh?” Bowser chuckled. “I tried that once…” He rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. “It ended up blowing up in my face… not to mention it turned my hair green for a week.”

Dizz laughed, bouncing around the front door. Hearing a click behind him, the Fuzzy bounced away from the door and towards Bowser’s side. The door creaked open, then a female zebra stepped outside, wearing golden rings around her neck and legs and a pair of saddlebags wrapped around her waist.

Dizz gasped happily and bounced towards the zebra. “Zecora!”

Hearing her name, Zecora turned, seeing a golden blur tackle her. Looking down, she saw the golden ball of fur nuzzle her chest. “Hello there Dizz.” She greeted. “It has been awhile since we last spoke.” She frowned, hugging the Fuzzy. “Tell me, how are your folks?”

The Fuzzy smiled, “The Fuzzies are all safe!” he answered, “We managed to hide from the big monster by climbing up in trees, and hiding inside Fuzz Bushes!”

“That is a relief.” Zecora smiled, letting go of Dizz. “I was worried by the end of this I would be in grief.”

“Aw, thanks Zecora!” Dizz blinked when he heard a Bowser clear his throat. “Almost forgot!” Dizz grinned as he bounced towards the Koopa.“This is Grumpy! I found him lost in the forest! He’s trying to find where the nearest village is!”

The Koopa scowled. “I am not grumpy!” he yelled. Bowser turned and smiled at the zebra, trying his best to ignore the mischievous Fuzzy. “I’m Bowser, Bowser Koopa at your service.”

“The nearest village is your destination?” Zecora raised an eyebrow. “Tell me, why do you wish to reach its location?”

“Hey no need to worry, Zecora!” the Fuzzy yelled. “He’s a really nice guy once you get to know him!”

“You’ve only known me for about an hour…” Bowser whispered to himself.

Zecora looked at the Fuzzy’s pleading look then, after glancing at Bowser, she glared at him. “Fine, I will take you to the village.” Seeing Bowser sigh in relief, she continued, “But if I find out your intentions are for greed, I will make sure that this will be your last pillage.”

Bowser nodded, relieved that he finally had someone to show him the way, even if he was threatened. “Don’t worry, I promise not to try anything.”

The zebra continued to glare at him, nodding. She briefly turned back to lock the door and started to walk towards Ponyville. Grabbing a small flask from behind the bushes, she tucked it in her bag. “I suggest you keep up. The trip is not long, but this forest is full of dangerous creatures, some of which are quite strong.”

He nodded, following Zecora deeper into the woods. The small Fuzzy sat on the Koopa’s shoulder, grinning the whole way.

Shining Armor blinked as he looked up at the large crystalline castle, the bright glare from the castle nearly blinding him and his fellow guards. “So did this really all just come out of the ground?”

Luna nodded. “Indeed, it came from the box the Tree of Harmony sprouted.” She glanced at the other guards, “But anyway, on to the reason I called you here.” Luna turned towards the group of guards. “I have gathered you all here today to go into the Everfree Forest and search for anything suspicious.”

Shining Armor raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean by ‘suspicious’?”

“Anything that looks or feels out of place,” Luna answered. “Something in the Everfree scared Discord.” The guards’ eyes widened. “Something in that forest scared him so badly that he has disappeared, and no one has seen him since.” She turned towards the guards, glaring. “I want you to find out what scared him, and if you find Discord, bring him here.” Glancing at the assembled guards, she nodded. “Dismissed.” She turned and walked towards the castle.

Shining Armor walked towards the Everfree. “Come on men, you heard the Princess!” The guards nodded, following their captain to the forest.

Author's Note:

Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if not please tell me why so I can improve. Also quick question, do any of you read the blogs? Cause I put up a blog concerning this story a while ago, but no one commented on it, if no one reads the blogs, I guess I will just post the blogs here in the author's notes...... though I prefer not to do that. It was a bit difficult trying to write for Zecora, I was about to quit the rhyming thing, but luckily a friend of mine showed me a link to a website that helps me with the rhyming. Sorry for making you wait so long for this chapter.... I was busy with a lot of things, promise not to take so long next time. So anyways, please comment on what you guys think on the chapter, if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to comment!
Special thanks to m2tp5 for editing this!

Expect more creatures from the Mario world to appear in the story, Fuzzies aren't the only Mario creatures that will make an appearance.