• Published 22nd Nov 2015
  • 12,348 Views, 859 Comments

Gunsmoke - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer and Desert Mirage... what exactly is the connection?

  • ...

Chapter 13: Temptation


by Wanderer D

Chapter 13: Temptation

Sunset sat, paralyzed by surprise, under Twilight's wings.

"Princess!" She heard Twilight say, and watched her stand up to greet their mentor with a quick nuzzle before stepping to the side, allowing Celestia to focus on Sunset herself. After whispering something to Celestia, Twilight then took Spike and left them alone in her study.

"Sunset?" Celestia asked, slowly approaching. "Am I imagining things or do you have wings now?"

Sunset grinned uncertainly. "Um, surprise?"

"Oh, my little pony, I'm so proud of you!" Celestia said, smiling down at Sunset, but not yet making any attempt to touch her, for which Sunset was grateful. "Did this happen because of your latest magical achievement in the human world where you saved them from corrupted magic?"

"I guess?" Sunset shrugged helplessly. "I had no idea I had grown wings until I came back here... I'm terrified," she confessed, looking at the appendages. "I don't think I deserve them."

Celestia tilted her head. "Why not?"

Sunset's smile turned sad. "Why would I? I betrayed you, stole the Element of Magic, almost invaded Equestria by mind-controlling teenagers, and even after I was 'redeemed' I haven't been able to fully fight my desires to be somepony special. I don't have the real humility needed, nor the achievements, nor the philosophy nor th—"

This time Celestia had embraced her and Sunset's rant stopped with her surprise.

"Hush now, Sunset," Celestia whispered. "Becoming an alicorn is not just decided by those things. You don't have to be perfect in every way to become one: we all are imperfect in our own ways. Being alicorns is about balance... if you became one, it's because you were bringing something that was missing to the world. You don't have to live to any standard but your own, my student, as for being special enough..." Celestia nuzzled her. "You have always been special."

Sunset threw her hooves around Celestia's neck and sobbed into her shoulder. "I'm so sorry!"

Celestia smiled, closing her eyes and leaning into the hug, wrapping her former student with her wings. "I'm sorry too, Sunset, for failing to help you before."

"No, don't apologize," Sunset chuckled between sobs, shaking her head and hoping that she wasn't covering Celestia's wings with snot. "I should have listened, instead of focusing on what I wanted at the cost of everything else."

Celestia giggled, pulling her closer, allowing the closeness to speak for her a little. "Maybe we should just accept each other's apology?" she whispered.

Sunset tightened her hug as well. "Apology accepted," she managed between sniffles.

"Yours too, my little pony."

They held each other for several seconds until Sunset eventually pulled back, although a bit reluctantly. "I have so much to tell you, Princess," she said, raising a hoof to clean her eyes of stray tears.

"And I want to hear all about it," Celestia replied, smiling. "You were about to tell Twilight about her counterpart, I believe?"

Sunset laughed. "Yes... let's go meet her, and I'll give you the highlights as we go."

"That sounds perfect, Sunset."

"Okay, now I need to think of a way to explain..." Sunset grimaced. "Okay, there's this alternate universe where humans can project themselves..."

"Alright." Avalon nodded. "The way you've designed your character doesn't cover the requirements for basic power rifles, but it leaves you free to choose from a variety of handguns. I recommend something efficient with a high damage output for PvP, and... since you're going with me, an optical gun for mob-hunting or a plasma sword if you want to do melee."

Mirage shook her head. "I know that with my high AGI I'll be really hard to hit, but... I'd rather not use a sword, thank you." She glanced at the whole array of handguns on display. "Um, some help?"

"Well, let's get you a .45 chambered Glock for your ammunition gun. They have a good history of service," Avalon said, pulling up the selection on screen. "As for the Optical one... that LV15 laser gun should be fine. Those are better for mobs."

"Hm, I only have one thousand credits," Mirage sighed. "I can't buy either of the guns."

Avalon grinned. "Just wanted to make sure you were okay with those," she said. "As your friend and mentor, I am going to suit you up!"

Mirage's eyes widened. "But—no! I can't, I mean those things are expensive an—"

Avalon was already selecting stuff on her menu. "Don't make a big deal out of it. In these kinds of games equipment like the stuff I'm giving you is rotated out so quickly you'll be laughing in a few days about how worried you were about it. Besides, if you're going to buy some of the good stuff, you'd better start saving. When you make enough money, you should buy a Metamaterial Optical Camouflage Mantle."

A small screen appeared in front of Mirage, listing the items Avalon was giving her. Glock, Laser Gun, 4 plasma grenades, fingerless gloves (Upgraded, DEX +4), a camouflage mantle (Upgraded +9 AGI, +1 armor) and a light ceramic armor (high refraction, +4 bonus defense vs status effects). Two small buttons, one green one red appeared under the list, asking for her to confirm the transfer.

Mirage looked up at the grinning Avalon. "Oh, whatever. But you'll have to let me repay you for these."

Avalon laughed. "Sure. Eventually, but today it's about getting you set up, you'll have plenty of time to play on your own as well to make money and do that." She motioned with her head to a changing room. "Now, come on, you want to change in there, so people can't see you naked."

A few minutes later, Mirage emerged in her getup. "Now what?"

"Now we go shoot a few rounds in the practice area while we wait for a couple of my friends to arrive." Avalon said, leading the way. "Don't worry about ammunition in there, by the way, the system won't take them out of your inventory since it's in practice mode."

Mirage gave her a look. "Look, Tw—Avalon, I appreciate that, but I really want to do this on my own. I want to get up there on my own merits, and having all of these items and help is not doing that."

Avalon nodded, sitting down on a bench and motioning for Mirage to do so as well. "I understand, but there's doing things on your own and then there's discarding advantages that will help you develop your character as you want. The equipment I gave you is something you'd be able to get for the most part in a couple of hours work. It's not a big deal," she said.

Avalon leaned back, shrugging before continuing. "Unless you transfer from another game, everyone here works in squads at some point or another, or needs a tank for those first few levels. Especially since the last expansion, where they introduced the mentoring system."

"I just don't want to depend on you guys to do things for me, T-Avalon," Mirage repeated. "This is a brand new start for me... I want to see how far I can get on my own!"

"We're not going to do the job for you, but we'll make sure you don't die in the process... or we'll try in any case. You might not need us at all, or you might feel stuck and need a little aid. Because this game has a lot of pro-gamers, you really can't trust anyone unless you've known them for a while. The only reason we're meeting with them today is to discuss a bit how to grow your character, maybe give you some pointers and an objective. How you get there, on your own or with our help is up to you. We're offering you assistance, but we won't force it."

Taking a deep breath, Mirage nodded. "Okay... I'm thankful, Twilight, I just want to make sure I have a choice."

"The choice will always be yours," Avalon smiled. "And remember to call me Avalon."


"Now, get shooting."

Mirage spent the next half hour practicing to hold her breath, aim steadily, change ammunition and making the Bullet Circle narrow for better shots. Her instinctive aiming ability from practicing magic spells as well as her build allowed her to get the hang of it quickly enough to be able to at least hit a static target with some consistency.

Soon enough, Avalon came up to her with two other people, a man and a woman, both dressed in similar style armor as her own. "Mirage, these are Butcher and Wallflower, they are my old squadmates."

Mirage tilted her head. "Old squadmates? You guys don't play together anymore?"

"Occasionally," Wallflower said, her voice warm. "But our squad disbanded shortly after we participated in a special event... those happen from time to time. That's where we got these," she pointed at their armors, and weapons. "They were special drops. It took fifteen squadron's to see the mission through, but we were the ones that finished the job."

"After that, a few of our members left the game for real life reasons," Butcher spoke up, shrugging. "They'll log in from time to time, but there's no reason to keep the squad alive when it's just the three of us hanging out sometimes."

Avalon nodded. "But, they're here for your first day!" She grinned.

Mirage chuckled weakly. "Thank you?"

"Oh, don't thank us yet!" Wallflower's grin grew to cheshire-like proportions. "We're taking you on a high-level hunt!"

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Mirage asked. "I'm very new. As in, a couple of hours new, and what I read online suggested I wait until—"

"Ignore the internet," Wallflower interrupted. "GGO is not your regular game. You need an awesome weapon, and for that, we'll need to hunt down a mob boss that has a nice drop! Still, it's not like we're taking you there right now."

"And we've selected an option that is doable in a short term," Butcher spoke up. "Level 40 boss, relatively strong, but nothing we can't take. The level is tough, but most of the mobs have low agro... and they don't change targets. It's a good place for higher leveling with tanks, if you want, too."

"Since none of us can be here every time, we've agreed to share our contacts with you and register as friends." Avalon explained. "You can build your character at your own pace, but when you see one of us online, make sure to contact us, we'll join you and give you pointers, as well as help you with small quests."

"The boss we aim to take down with you is not usually hunted, due to most players tending to wield heavier weapons than handguns, but the drop is worth it if you intend to dual-wield," Butcher explained as they all walked across the lobby, drawing far more attention than Mirage had expected. "When you've leveled up to the minimum requirements to enter the dungeon, we'll set a date for us three to join you and we'll hunt it together. Today, Avalon will teach you how to fight mobs, and maybe a few other players." He stopped, showing a small smile. "But for now, we'll have to go."

"Here," Wallflower said, sending a friend invite to Mirage, followed by Butcher and Avalon. "We'll be seeing you around, Mirage! Remember to have fun!"

"I will," Mirage said shaking their hands. "And thank you for offering to help!"

Wallflower laughed. "When little Avalon asked us to help out a friend we couldn't say no, right?" She patted Avalon's back. "Besides, we all remember what it was like to be a n00b when noone is willing to lend a hand. It sucks."

Mirage nodded. "Thank you."

After the pair walked off, Avalon led Mirage to a nearby monorail. "This city is what would happen if cyberpunk met steampunk met Asimov. There's all kinds of transportation, but I'm very fond of the monorail. It's free and it can take you the city exits for most areas. We're starting with simple mobs, so we'll go shoot a few wolves and I'll give you a tour of some low to medium-low leveling areas."

Sunset nodded, taking in the sight of the city as they boarded the monorail. The neon signs, the metallic walls, the hundreds of different types of vehicles. She leaned to the side and gazed at the city that would be her virtual home whenever she could escape.

"Alright," Avalon said, spying their destination, "Use your laser gun for this, so you don't run out of real ammo."

Mirage nodded, setting off to begin her first real steps into building her new persona.

"I accepted their help only a couple of times before I reached level 40 myself," Sunset said. "And then they helped me defeat the level boss and I got my first rare MVP drop: my off-hand gun, Twilight."

"And you say this all takes place in some dream-like world where you all can join in and participate in... shooting each other with otherwise deadly weapons?" Celestia clarified.

"That's correct," Sunset replied, cringing at Celestia's look. "The human world... is not as pacifist as this one."

"That. Sounds. Awesome!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight gasped, looking up at one of the columns that reached the ceiling, where the pegasus had been listening in. "Why didn't you say you were here?"

"And interrupt the story?!" Rainbow gasped. "I would never do that! That place sounds amazing! I never expected the Sunset Shimmer Twilight told us about to be such a badass!"

Sunset gaped at the pegasus, clearly recognizing her erstwhile friend in her. "Y-you think I'm badass?"

"Fighting monsters? Participating in battles with other players? Using weapons to kick ass? Hay yeah I think you're awesome! If I ever visit your world you've got to let me try that!"

Sunset opened and closed her mouth before simply nodding.

"So," Twilight spoke up, while shuffling through notes. "If this game doesn't let you harm anypony, why is it that if you get hurt you feel the pain? Have you figured it out?"

Sunset sighed at the gasps of the others. "It's... well, it's what Science Twilight and I are trying to find out. I think it's our exposure to so much Equestrian magic. I can feel a certain amount of pain if shot and she—"

"Sunset! If you feel pain why do you go back?" Celestia gasped, eyes wide.

Sunset bit her lip and looked down. "Because I'm great at it. I feel alive and I can do what I want without harming others. What's a little pain in exchange for not feeling like a villain all the time?"

Celestia's sharp intake of breath made Sunset look up at her mentor.

"Sunset Shimmer, you don't need to do that. If you wish, you could remain here, where magic comes to you naturally and nopony will judge you."

"Dude, we could totally hang out!" Rainbow Dash said. "I'll teach you to fly and you'll teach me all you know about that game! Maybe we can get Luna to let us dreamscape it! And if not, I know a bunch of Gryphons that would love to have you and I join their mock-battle team! Especially if you don't mind a little pain!"

Sunset just looked at her. "You'd do that for me?"

"Of course! You seem to like a whole bunch of fun things, why wouldn't I want in?"

Sunset blinked, gulping. "But... the Rainbow Dash in the other world just wants to sing and play her own games."

Rainbow Dash, the pegasus, landed in front of Sunset. "Wait, she does?" she cleared her throat. "Well, I guess that's... cool? But, why doesn't she want to join you?"

"We got into a fight," Sunset said. "She cancelled a dinner we had planned and told everyone to go somewhere else. She didn't tell me."

Rainbow sat down, eyes wide. "What?!"

"And when I confronted her about it, she said that if I didn't care about the music group, it didn't matter whether we sorted things out or not."

"What?!" Rainbow Dash repeated, aghast. "B-but why would she do that? Just because you didn't want to be in her silly band? Do you know how many things Twilight likes to do that I don't want any part of, or would wish upon Tirek himself?"


Rainbow Dash ignored Twilight. "Or how many little quirks Pinkie has that she does on her own or with her sisters? Or all the things Fluttershy does with her animals that she doesn't do with us, like spend Nightmare Night with them?" She shook her head. "Celestia forbid Rarity decides to go on a shopping spree!"

Celestia raised an eyebrow.

"It doesn't make sense!" Rainbow Dash insisted. "If you don't want to do a thing with a friend, it's not the end of Equestria!"

"Well said, Rainbow Dash," Celestia nodded. "But also remember that you have far more experience in friendship than your alter-self. She might not have yet discovered these important tidbits of the magic of friendship that you and your friends here understand so well."

Sunset sniffled. "I wish I could stay."

"Then stay," Twilight said with a small smile. "We won't think less of you, Sunset."

Sunset paused, looking at the ponies and dragon in the room. Her beloved mentor, not only happy to see her, but proud, accepting and advising her to not fear being herself. Twilight, who understood what her life had been like as a student, and had been the first to extend a hand in friendship to her. Rainbow Dash, who was... well, what Sunset wished her Rainbow Dash would be like, and also a sign that the other girls here would be more compatible friends. Spike who had a sense of humor she could share at times, and who seemed as eager as Rainbow Dash here to do things Sunset loved to do.

She looked at the mirror, and the reflective surface showed her the caring eyes and smiles of all around her. But, behind those reflections, a lone, familiar silhouette stood, as if waiting.

Sunset smiled. "I'd love to... but I can't leave my squad waiting, and I promised my best friend, Luna that I would be back tonight."

That got some attention.

Celestia blinked. "Wait, Luna is your best friend?"

"Well," Sunset cleared her throat. "At first I didn't know we'd be such good friends, but it turns out that she also plays GGO, and her character's name is Nightmare Moon..."

"Wait," Celestia said, raising a hoof, her horn glowing. "I've got to get Luna here."

"But how long—"

"Fear not, sister!" Luna roared, materializing in a blast of stars and magic. "I have arrived! Our enemies will fall before mighty—" She blinked and her horn stopped glowing. "Verily, this looks not like a battleground."

"Luna, you're slipping."

Luna snorted. "What do you expect, sister, when you summon us with the emergency spell and I detect a powerful unknown magic in Twilight's castle?" She tilted her head at the stupefied Sunset. "Why, 'tis another alicorn! Truly, the wonders of this age never cease to amaze me! But who is she, and why does she insist on drooling in my presence?"

Celestia chuckled. "This is Sunset Shimmer, my for-my returned student." She smiled warmly. "And she's your best friend in another universe."

Luna approached Sunset. "Well met, Sunset Shimmer, but are you sure we are merely friends in this other world?"

That snapped Sunset out of it. "Yes! Well, no! Best friends!" she cleared her throat, shaking her head, mind spinning. "I think... I mean..." she looked up at Luna. "...she has your eyes?"

"Uh-huh," Luna smirked. "Well, I do approve of my other self's taste." She glanced at Celestia. "Is this why you summoned me, Celestia? To tease your student about her limerence?"

"Oh, no," Celestia chuckled. "She was about to share some experiences with your other self with us, which I thought you would find interesting, although this new development will undoubtedly put things into a new perspective."

"Very well," Luna said, taking a seat. "Bring me up to date quickly, so that we might all partake of Sunset's adventures."

"Oh, I think you'll love the concept of this whole thing..."