• Published 1st Mar 2017
  • 746 Views, 13 Comments

Twilily Saga: Past, Present, Or Damnation - Lighttone GryphonStar

In order to save Starlight from a terrible fate and to prevent a damned future, Twilight must go into the distant past to face the greatest evil.

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Chapter 14: The Great Mindless Army

The top of the pyramid opened up to reveal a new alter. Twilight raced outside toward the altar. Three pedestals stood in the altar around a circle with three colors. Each one was the same color as the charms. She raced over to one of the pedestals to see if the charms had been set. And just as she thought, the two eyes gems were set, but the brain shaped charm was not. She still had time, but where was Redsting. She spun around searching for him, but he was nowhere in sight. She had to find him before the final charm was placed. She ran over to the only pedestal without a charm on it.

“Where are you Redsting?!” she shouted, but to no avail. He refused to show himself. “Where is that damn centipede?” she spun around once more.

Suddenly laughter filled the air as the sky darkened. Twilight looked up in confusion. What was going on? Without warning the pyramid shook as Redsting popped out of nowhere and tackled Twilight to the ground. They landed in the center of the circle as Redsting used his tail to place the final charm in place. The circle shined brightly as the charms lit up. The light shining off the top of the pyramid was so bright, it could be seen for miles on end.

Twilight and Redsting struggled in the center as his jaws continued to get closer and closer. “I think it's time I feast upon that alicorn flesh!”

“Get off me you damn beast!”

As they fought, the ground under them opened. Twilight used her wings to push them into the air at the right time as the circle opened up. Redsting jumped off Twilight as a new pedestal rose out of the hole. On the pedestal was the final charm, the heart of the very first alicorn, the Heart of the King. “No, the final charm,” Twilight shot magic out from her horn as Redsting charged toward it. However, the attack was deflected by an unknown shield that came over the charms. Unfortunately, Redsting managed to get inside before the shield closed.

Redsting smiled as he stood slivering. “Looks like victory is here. Now I shall become the true God.” He placed his long mandibles upon the Heart of King Heavonos and spoke the words, “Megáles dynámeis tis goiteías. Dóse mou dýnami se óli ti mageía. Dóse mou óli ti zoí. Dóse mou dýnami se óli ti gi. Kai parachoríste mou tin exousía páno apó ta alikonoeidí.”

The Eye of Ra, the Eye of Jupiter, and the Mind of Coeus glowed even brighter and levitated into the air and quickly embedded themselves into Redsting. He bit down onto the heart as it glowed just as brightly. A great shockwave went outward as the pyramid shook. And new light flew outward, straight up into the highest part of the atmosphere until it tore through space. It kept going to where the light could even be seen off the planet.

The light slowly faded. From what Twilight could see, Redsting’s form shifted as he rose into the air. Soon the light changed and would only shine from him as he rose higher and higher.

Twilight knew this was getting worse, she had to do something, anything. She closed her eyes and regretted what she was about to do. Black smoke rose from her eyes as they opened. She pulled on all the dark magic she had and shot it right at him.

As his form altered, even more, an arm stretched outward and grabbed her blast. Swinging it like a whip and swung it back as it wrapped around her neck and threw her around, before throwing her from the pyramid completely.

Redsting smiled as he flew higher and higher while Twilight fell downward. It was as if one was rising to Heaven and one was falling to Hell. Soon he got to the very edge of the atmosphere.

Twilight tried her best to stop her rolling through the air. Above her, she could see his light become dimmer. It was strange, the light was almost going in reverse. It turned from the bright white to the bleakest black. A great roar filled the skies in all directions as Redsting descended back down to the planet surface. However, the roar was not coming from him, but of him.

No longer was the small parasite form needed. He had taken a new form. His body was now in the shape of a humanoid with four arms. His body was devoid of all features except the charms as they shined on his body. The Eyes of Jupiter and Ra became his eyes, the Mind of Ceous became his mind and the Heart of the King became his heart.

At the same time, Twilight finally manage to catch enough air to stop her movement. She looked up in annoyance to him as he turned his head slightly at her. It was impossible to tell whether he was smiling or frowning.

However, he spoke despite having no mouth at all. “Redsting is no more. I have become Corruption once again. No, better, I am now…. God of all things.”

“What? How are you talking without a mouth?” Twilight questioned.

“What do you mean? Obviously, God doesn’t need a mouth.” he boasted.

He had heard enough of her words as he stretched out his arms upon the land. “What are you doing?” she questioned.

"You still haven't figured it out. With these charms, I can make all one hundred thousand ponies ascend at once. And they will completely be under my command."

Suddenly the ground shook and shake. Twilight looked below her in horror as what arose from the ground. Liquid tanks rose from everywhere around the pyramid as it opened up. He clenched his fist and the tanks shattered. Bodies flew out of the tanks as they spilled their contents. The bodies flew into the air and glowed brightly as they grew wings and horns. In doing so he created one hundred thousand alicorns in one move.

He walked forward to his new army. “Go forth my alicorns and conquer this world. And once you are done, go out into space. Conquer every planet, every solar system, every galaxy, every universe.”

At that, the alicorns flew into the sky to complete their mission. They all acted like mindless soldiers, bending to his command. Was this the end of everything?

Suddenly a rush of wind pushed against them all. A few hundred meters away the sounds of an explosion filled the air. The mindless alicorns went to go see what it was, only for the closest ones to fall to the ground. Blood splattered everywhere, as slashes could be seen cutting through the army and making it’s way to the center.

Corruption pulled his arms back, making the alicorns separate before more could be killed. In the center was two creatures neither Twilight or Corruption expected to see. In the center was Cult Race and Selena Moondie.

“What are you two doing here?” Corruption questioned.

“Why that's simple.” Cult Race twirled his bone knives.

“We got a new job.” Selena Moondie leaned her back to Cult Race with the happiest face. What had to happen with these two? Why were they here?

“And what is this new job?” Corruption questioned.

Cult Race’s eyes glowed. “To kill God.”

Corruption looked with an obvious confusion on his featureless face. “So you are here to kill God.”

“Yeah, but since we can’t find him. You’ll have to do.” Cult Race stood ready.

“And how do you expect to beat me. I have one hundred thousand alicorns at my will.” Corruption bousted. Indeed how were they going to do this?

“Because they won’t be alone,” Twilight landed from the sky, beside them.

Selena Moondie frowned in annoyance. “Hey, Twilily don’t get involved. This is our job--”

“Do you two always have to fight?” Cult Race interrupted as he fakely smiled and faced to the left side of the center while Selena Moondie, greatly smiled and faced to the right side of the center. Their backs were to each other. All three of them had their guards up and ready for the fight ahead.

“Sorry Twilily, but we won’t be needing your help,” Selena Moondie bousted.

“Why?” Twilight charged her kopises with magic.

“Because he said one hundred thousand.” Cult Race held up his bone knives in one hand and held his other hand behind himself.

“Well, we kill millions of creatures all the time. So what if they are all alicorns, it's still nowhere the amount we kill all the time.” Selena Moondie moved her own hand to her back and grabbed Cult Race’s hand.

On that Cult Race threw Selena Moondie into the crowd of alicorns as she swung her strange-looking chain blades in all directions. As she landed, she took off several heads and continued to fight through the crowd. Meanwhile, Cult Race charged threw the opposite side and went to ripping off limbs and tearing apart bodies. These two were clearly having too much fun. Twilight just simply facepalmed and went in fighting.

Corruption became increasingly angry to this reaction. This made no sense to him. “How dare they? How dare they?!”


As the roars of Corruption filled the sky, down below, the pyramid filled with the echoes of Celestia and Freak Show’s weapons as they continued to clash.

Celestia swung, Freak Show jumped over it and slip his arm blade right through her trident’s hooks. Freak Show flew forward over Celestia, pulling her trident with him thereby forcing her arms backward.

Celestia struggled to pull herself loose without dislocating her arms, yet Freak Show wouldn’t relent as he continued his movement. Having enough she lifted her trident with so many flames that the metal burned her own hand, but it was enough to start melting his arm blade enough the pulled herself free.

The two pushed away from each other and skidded across the ground. Once Celestia stopped her movement she released her grip and check as her hand twitched in pain from the burns.

“Harming yourself to defeat me.” Freak Show tore off the melted arm blade. “Impressive.”

“Enough of your games. Twilight will defeat your god.” Celestia returned her grip to her trident.

“Will she?” Freak Show smirked. “Do you not hear that outside? The alicorns live once more, do you really think one alicorn can beat one hundred thousand.”

“I know she isn’t alone.” Celestia held her trident outward toward him.

“What do you mean?” Freak Show aimed his gladius outward toward her.

“Cult Race and Selena Moondie are with her. Can’t you sense them?”

Freak Show’s eyebrows narrowed. “Looks like we will have to end this quickly.”

On that, they charged at each other.


Outside bodies fell left and right on all sides as the battle continued. Cult Race and Selena Moondie found themselves killing enemies right beside each other. Selena Moondie looked to Twilight as she took down her one hundredth. “Damn it, she is ahead of me.”

“Only by two. You're still ahead of me by twenty.” Cult Race grabbed an enemy and ripped it’s skull open.

“Yeah, I guess you're right.” Selena Moondie saw four coming right at her and smiled as her strange looking chain blades stretched outward. “Nevermind.” she nearly howled with laughter.

As Cult Race finished off the enemies around him, he looked at his ex-lover as she chopped up more enemies than Twilight. “Selena Moondie, you are just as brutal as I remember. Tell me, why did we break up?”

“You know why?”

“What I mean is Realta showed us the truth and yet…” he seemed to drift on his words. Was he actually scared about asking this?

“Culty, I’m alright with us getting back together. You just need to say--” Suddenly she was interrupted as Cult Race pulled her in close to where they were face to face. Time seemed to slow and it wasn’t because of the Glare.

“Selena Moondie, my bloody massacist I don’t want just that.”

Selena Moondie’s eyes widened at his words. “But, we have been on and off again for nearly two thousand years.”

“Then let the offs stop. Let us seal this demonic union. You know I can never truly feel love. But as long as you are by my side, I don’t feel fear.”

Selena Moondie smiled and looked toward Twilight, yelling, “Twilily, be a dear and marry me and Cult Race.”

Twilight sent up several waves of magic outward as she fought off the mindless alicorns. Suddenly she heard the vampiric umburm’s words. She looked to them, “Seriously! NOW!”

“Just do it,” Cult Race swung Selena Moondie around, using her bladed high heels to take down more mindless alicorns.

“Fine then.” Twilight smashed down her kopises and shot out a giant blast of magic. Once she was clear, she flew into the air and summoned up torches. “Since this is sort of my first time, you two are going to have to deal with the abridged version."

Corruption became increasingly annoyed at this. “How dare they treat this like a game? I have had enough. I will not be insulted.” On that, he kneeled over and placed his hands on the ground. The ground shook as two giant 100-meter tall pillars rose in front of the pyramid. The pillars changed shape, taking a humanoid-like form. They were transforming into titans. Afterwards, he rose up and held his arms outward as the titans charged at Cult Race and Selena Moondie.

They both looked to the two titans as they charged at them. The two murderers jumped onto the arms as the titans tried to grab them. They made their way up to the heads while dodging the other titan’s hands as well as the several mindless alicorns that flew around them. Cult Race looked to Twilight and shouted, “Don’t just fly there. Get on with it.”

Twilight was getting annoyed with their increasing attitude but did as she was asked. “Dearly beloved. We are gathered here to unite this mare and the stallion in hol--”

“Demonic!” Selena Moondie interrupted.

“Fine! Demonic matrimony. If there is anypony that is against this union, please speak now or forever hold your peace.” There was no answer.

“Get on with it!” Cult Race yelled as he reached the top of the titan he was on.

“Yes finish it!” Selena Moondie reached the top of her titan.

“You have to be near each other for the next part.,” Twilight explained.

Cult Race looked to Selena Moondie. They were separated by several meters and two titans. Cult Race winked at Selena Moondie and then stabbed his bone knives deep into the skull of the titan he was on. Seeing what he was planning, Selena Moondie shot her strange-looking chain blades toward him. They stabbed through his stomach. With him anchoring himself down, she pulled with all her might.

Corruption and Twilight looked in shock as Selena Moondie pulled something that was easily thousands of times bigger than her, using Cult Race as an anchor to bash one titan’s skull into another. She bashed their heads together again and again until the skulls cracked and blood spilled loose. This turned the skulls into an improvised stage.

It was now done. Selena Moondie used her weapons to pulled her and Cult Race to the center of the stage and then removed her weapons from his stomach. Once at the center, the two grabbed each other’s hands as they waited for Twilight to finish.

Corruption had enough. He held up his hands and commanded hundreds of alicorns to charge at the stage as Twilight spoke the final parts of the ceremony.

“Do you Cult Race take Selena Moondie to hold and to love until death do you part?”

“Yes, but death can’t have her.” Cult Race pulled out his most convincing smile as he looked at Selena Moondie.

“And do you Selena Moondie take Cult Race to hold and to love until death do you part?”

“Yes, but I refuse to let him die.”

“By the honor vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Cult Race grabbed Selena Moondie’s head and pulled it close to his. “How about we do the cake first?” He questioned her as he placed her right arm over his shoulder, aiming it right at the approaching army.

Seeing the army she smiled greatly, “How about a dance instead?”

On that, they span around as Selena Moondie’s strange-looking chain blades wrapped around the throats of the dead titans. Twilight knew instantly what they were planning and teleported far above them. As they span Selena Moondie's weapons acted like chainsaws as they tore the throats open. Soon the head-stage fell as the two continued to dance upon it.

Selena Moondie snickered as the mindless alicorns surrounded them. Her hand glowed with so much dark magic. “Finale Spell, Unholy Hand of The Darkness.” As they span, a giant blast of pure dark magic shot forth from Selena Moondie’s hand. It took mindless alicorns out left and right as she was swung around.

Corruption looked annoyed but not worried. “Does she think that only that move will be enough to wipe out all of those alicor--”

“Are you joking?” Cult Race interrupted Corruption as he held up his own hand outward. “Finale Spell, Holy Hand of The Light.” His hand shot a giant blast of pure light magic outward toward the army.

This shocked them all. Not only for them both to use such powerful spells, but to use them in close proximity to each other. This was insane, this was crazy. For as they spun the two spells twisted and turned as time and space was pulled like taffy.

They ripped apart every mindless alicorn around them and completely shredded the bodies of the titans that surrounded them. Blood rained in all directions as the two fell from the sky, their spells were still firing off. As they reached the ground, they held their blast upward as the remains of the titans and the army of mindless alicorns fell upon them. It tore through many of them like they were going through a shredder.

Soon the blast stopped, followed shortly by blood rain that fell over all the remaining mindless alicorns as they stopped in fear. Absolute silence fell upon all as to what was seen as the remaining mindless alicorns pulled back, despite their number still being so big. On the ground, bodies laid ripped apart and blood puddles littered the muddy ground. Soon though the absolute silence was broke as Cult Race laughed aloud with true insanity and madness. Selena Moondie silenced him with an immaculate long kiss. It was quite beautiful, despite them both being covered in blood. With they finally separated they looked at each other as if for the first time.

“Oh that was incredible,” Selena Moondie hummed as she leaned over and licked blood that covered Cult Race’s face.

“Yes, indeed it was.” He took the attention well.

Eventually, she stopped. “But, oh you forgot the ring.”

Cult Race looked at her confused. “No, I didn’t. I just need to carve a hole in it.” He held his hand up and aimed it at Corruption. Selena Moondie seeing what he was doing, placed her hand right beside his as they both unleashed another finale spell. This time it was heading straight for Corruption.

Corruption pulled his arms over himself as the mindless alicorns followed his movement and stepped in front of the blast. The blast, however, tore through them and hit Corruption head on.

Twilight saw the attack and jump for slight joy only to stop halfway when she saw more mindless alicorns flying toward her. They may have finally gotten a hit on the god but this battle was far from over.


Author's Note:

Sorry, this took so long to post. I had homework to do, and few other stuff. Hopefully, things go well with this one and you all enjoyed it. By far this is the chapter I'm most worried about.

The chapter in the marathon is Chapter 15: Endless Battle For Them All, which is set to be posted on Wednesday, September 20 at around 1:00 pm. I hope to see you all there.