• Member Since 30th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen May 16th


Some of my earlier work was deleted off of this account due to me realizing it was really bad.


Twilight's battle against Starlight seems endless. No matter how hard she tries, she can't get the edge on her foe unless she ramps up her power output. But that could seriously hurt Starlight. And Twilight won't hurt Starlight, there must be good in her somewhere that can be redeemed! A look into a certain future changes that opinion.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 50 )

Woah. Twilight just pulled a "Man of Steel" there by killing Starlight. :derpyderp2:

Also yay I'm not the only one that hated the ending to the finale and sees Starlight's reasons for turning evil as completely irrational.

6678487 Nah, Man of Steel was intentional. Here, it's accidental. Think of it like Of Mice and Men instead.

Her reasons were pitifully irrational, but I'm pretty sure that was the idea in-universe. After all, Luna went evil for similarly petty reasons(albeit she's got a bit more going for her)

6678526 True. There was just a LOT about the ending to that episode that made a lot of people very mad, myself included. If it weren't for that terrible ending, the episode might've been decent, maybe. :applejackconfused:

I think my only critique is Spike calling Twilight a murder at the end, he saw what Starlight was doing, her saw what her messing with time would lead to. I highly doubt Spike would call the pony who basically raised him a murderer after what starlight did to him, what she threatened to do to civilians and what she would have caused if not stopped. I just feel like he'd be more horrified FOR Twilight than by Twilight.

6678565 It wasn't Spike saying that, sorry if it was unclear. It was one of the Mane 6. They also didn't call Twilight a murderer, they just said murder in order to call attention to it.

6678538 i have heard more positives than negatives dude. besides the idea is of course petty and if it was something from like a year ago it would be an issue....... but its something that's been inside of her for all her life.

also what made her vengeful and do all of this was not that event in her past. that event is what drove her ot believe cutie marks were somethign destructive, and drove her to create that village.
what made her vengeful was twilight and co coming in and destroying everything she built in only a few days.

6678628 Believe me, if Starlight's really petty reasoning was the only thing people really didn't like about the ending, I wouldn't even bother bringing it up. There was also:

-Starlight suffering no consequences for her inexcusable actions. She seriously committed high treason and didn't even get a slap on the wrist. She even said she'd take any punishment as if to just seem to make it obvious that the mane six aren't going to punish her for nearly destroying Equestria. I don't know if the writer of this finale is aware, but addressing that your problem exists does not make it go away. (I've seen a lot of people compare a much better example of reformation being with Sunset Shimmer because yes while she did learn her lesson, her actions had consequences for her. Being that the school hated her in the following movie and she had to repair the front of the school)

-Her reformation taking hold almost immediately. You don't just rid of an entire ideology and way of life that quick. She was even willing to go forward with it even after seeing what her actions do to the future, it took Twilight to talk her out of it. (Discord had the same problem to be honest when it came to his reformation, what with it being too quick. :applejackunsure:)

-The mane six are way too quick to accept her into their group. They don't even seem skeptical about letting her in at all. That is not normal behavior in the slightest, especially given what she did to them in the Season 5 opener. In the ending song, she even goes back to the town she ruled over and is again forgiven in a whopping ONE SECOND. (Again bringing up Discord's reformation. Discord was eventually accepted by all of them, but it took a hell of a lot to get them to eventually trust him, especially after he betrayed them on more than one occasion. )

Starlight was way too overpowered. There is no feasible, logical way she would be able to hold her own against an alicorn this well. It looks like it was done purely for plot convenience so that Twilight could only beat her with one of her friendship speeches


And besides, plenty of people have had their friends go separate ways for whatever reason over the years. You don't see them trying to screw time over. This isn't just petty. This makes near-zero sense. This made Starlight not look like a competent villain anymore, but more like a whiny child, which is REALLY disappointing.

I don't really care that she was redeemed or is joining the main cast, that's fine. I care that it was done badly. Everything else up until that point was mostly fine. (Except one minor nitpick. Chrysalis made an appearance which was amazing, but her voice was missing her threatening echo...why?:derpyderp2:)

I don't see this as a mean spirited argument or anything, but more of a debate I'm getting invested in so if you have anything to say about this I'd actually like to hear it. :twilightsmile:

After the future Twilight saw came to pass, I say Glimmer deserved what she got.

Well deserved. :twilightsmile:

6678575 understandable however I don't think that the main six would automatically treat it like a murder. I think it would have happened along the lines of, Twilight's friends would be busy trying to evaluate the situation that has just occurred before them. Not to mention Twilight would be a jabbering mess leaving Spike to try and explain why she's holding Starlight's corpse as best he can. Applejack and Rainbow Dash try to pull Twilight away only for her to put up a fight. Fluttershy crying, Pinkie's hair going down. Applejack getting Spike to send a letter to Celestia.

6678669 I tried saying in my opinion just how stupid "Cutie Re-Mark, Part 2" was, but then everyone came down on me like a ton of bricks.

While Starlight's reasons do not justify what she did and her response is disportionate to how she was wronged, I do think that it is rather callous to disregard them as petty. Yes, Starlight is irrational, arguably to the point of insanity, but it doesn't matter to Starlight if others do not her reasons are important because they are important to HER. She THOUGHT she had friends (though she was just forcing her view of friendship on others), until Twilight and her friends came. In her view Twilight took away her friends and so Starlight, in her own words is repaying her "Cutie marks for cutie marks."

Anyway, this is a great story. I wonder what Twilight's reaction would be if she had to kill someone, particularly someone like Starlight Glimmer.

6687655 You are right, but in context of the story, Twilight has no clue. She never got to see Starlight vulnerable, all she saw was Starlight giving what seem to be crocodile tears while adrenaline races through her body. Twilight isn't in the right in the story, she screws up and lets anger cloud her judgement. She doesn't even know if the Equality Holocaust future was caused by Starlight or by some nutjob who followed her teachings, she's just angry and this overrides her judgement

6685049 And what of Rarity? She was the one I could imagine saying something like "Murder!". It's not even assuming that Twilight killed Starlight, just that there is a dead pony right in front of them.

Those reactions are spot-on, btw, but this was a oneshot, so yeah. I'm not good nor consistent with long stories, lol

6688145 Maybe Rarity would say murder but I see her fainting a few seconds later.

ok starlight is just plane crazy but whats insaine that people are trying to defend her god sake people she could end the time space continuum for a friend diching her

Dat ending... Bleagh!

I was perfectly happy with this story. My only real gripe was that Starlight died quickly and almost painlessly, rather than suffering. But that's my personal desire to see her punished, rather than any story driven reason, because I'm an evil minded beggar. Twilight is a good person, and therefore if she had to kill, even a monster like Starlight, she would do it quickly and without a word. Which she did. She killed a mad mare to save dozens of other ponies, and should feel no regret. When the moment came, she made the hard call.

But having Rarity immediately scream murder? That just sucks. Rarity would shriek, ask what's going on, but to immediately accuse one of her closest friends of murder? Nope, that just kicked me right out of the story.

6945902 She didn't accuse Twilight of murder though. Just said "murder" in the sense that "hey, a murder happened".

The line has confused lots of people definitely, and my intention was not to have her friends judging her, rather to just say that a murder happened. For all they know, Twilight stumbled onto a murder scene, and that would still warrant that kind of reaction.

Thanks for the compliment


I strongly disagree. Twilight is very much in the right in this story. The death was obviously accidental, but completely understandable considering Starlight was trying to murder random innocent bystanders out of spite.

6688140 I'll just point out that if I were in Twilight's situation, fuck honor and friendship, I'd teleport behind her, grab her head, wrench it sideways hard, breaking her neck and throwing her body off Cloudsdale

7021240 Instead of fucking around like she did in the episode, Twilight should have just teleported up behind Starlight, grabbed her head, wrenched it hard, badly breaking her neck, throwing her body off Cloudsdale, going back to the present, roll credits


No argument

7031240 I second that, except that Starlight should have snapped Twis neck (or at least not pussy out liek the pathetic pony she is).

6946888 Write an epilogue, WRITE AN EPILOGUE, DUDE!

7232509 What would be in it though?

7232890 Well, the Mane Six's reaction, Twilight breaking down, in tears over the ordeal, and either have her go insane from the action of having killed someone, and the go on from there, like I dunno, she unlocks her own Alicorn magic, but with her sanity utterly destroyed, all she could do would be to destroy, laughing and crying all the way

Wouldn't it be cool to find out that the Wasteland, the worst timeline she was trying so desperately to prevent, turned out to be by her own hands, or hooves, whatevs floats ya boat

Or you can have her explain everything to her friends, cry, and ultimately resolving to go into exile as a way to cope with having murdered someone, because she feels like she "doesn't deserve her title as The Princess of Friendship"

I agree that Twilight was holding back because she knows she could kill her with her magic.:pinkiehappy:

7232890 Twilight's friends' reactions to her crime? Twilight getting over her guilt and finally accepting what she did?

6678526 I know this post was old, but WHY do you see Superman snapping Zodd's neck as irrational? He was left in a desperate situation, where there was no other alternative and so he had to kill Zodd least he continue his mad genocide of the human race. What WAS irrational was Zach Schnyder glossing over the emotional toll such an act did to Superman by... well... just cutting to weeks later with Superman smashing drones trying to spy on him... yeah, THAT was irrational lol. Eh, I guess The Nostalgia Critic/Angry Joe review of Man of Steel says it better about the movie and that scene than I could.

Also, why does everyone get upset that Superman killed Zodd in Man of Steel? For God's sake, the late Christopher Reeve's Superman killed HIS Zodd in Superman 2!!!

7375897 I never said Superman snapping Zod's neck was irrational though? The irrational comment referred to Starlight's motivations

And Queen Chrysalis now rules Equestria.

7680937 Not really. So long as Thorax is there, Chrysalis can be taken down. She'll stuff her face on Thorax's love and end up finding it's too much for her.

And the Crystal Empire is buried in snow. And Sunburst dies sad and alone.

8025802 Not necessarily. The future is already changed from the rainboom occurring in panic rather than a competition. It's a small change, but enough to delay Flurry so she doesn't scream next to the Heart.

The unicorn had, by comparison, only fought once, but it was against an already tired alicorn.

“Oops, failed again, didn’t you?” Starlight laughed triumphantly, clearly unaware of just how many times Twilight had tried this.

So Starlight gets reset to default state each time loop and doesn’t remember anything about previous ones?

This was written a couple of minutes after I saw the finale. I may not have paid the details as much mind as I should have, as Starlight does remember in canon. That being said, Twilight has also been forced to survive nasty places in time, including NMM's apparently magic draining wood, so she'd come out more tired anyway.


I haven’t meant that such alternative interpretation it is a bad thing by itself in any way (and S5 final actually is not very good in specifying all the small time-travelling details). It just immediately implies at least two interesting questions that are not answered in the story:
1. Why Twilight and Spike, being only ones who retain their experience, haven’t converged to perfect solution really quick?
2. Will Twilight reset timeloop again trying to further decrease dead body count by 1?

Twilight and Spike could probably have come up with a solution given enough loops, but desperation and pressure along with the fact that even the slightest bit of interference can ruin the Rainboom makes it difficult. If they’d have not been so repulsed by the evil futures they’d been sent to, they probably would have planned it out better. This criticism applies to the canon version too though, it must be said. There’s no reason why Twilight couldn’t have stayed in some of the safer verses(the Flim Flam one comes to mind) for a while in order to think things out instead of just trying to pummel Starlight every time.

As to the second question, no, Twilight doesn’t dare reset time once more. Turning into a killer has a way of shorting out one’s confidence.


Thank you for clarification!
Also I’ve discovered the sequel, and I must say that it started pretty nicely.

I mean, she didn’t have much of a choice.

As someone who literally doesn't know what sort of broken keyboard I was writing with or language I was trying to communicate in, if I binge write for an hour without planning, this is quite concise and ergonomic with the pacing.

Not bad for something written in so little time, but there are a few issues with the language.

The most obvious problem is the narrator. In a story, it’s important to stick to one narrator. There are four directions you can take:

  • The third person told from someone deeply involved in the story.

    Twilight groaned in pain as Starlight’s speak hit her. She could feel the blood seeping out of her body, draining her of even more energy, but Twilight couldn’t so much as slow down. Starlight was raving mad and needed to be stopped.

    Here, you can go deep into the character’s thoughts. But you have to stick to one character and one character only.

  • The first person told from the perspective of the narrator.

    I scream in pain as Starlight’s spell hits me. I’m definitely losing blood, but I don’t have time to care. I have to stop her.

  • The third person, told from an outisder’s perspective.

    Twilight screamed as Starlight’s spell hit her. She wobbled on her legs for a few seconds before getting back up, a cold glare on her face.

    The limitation with this one is that you can’t delve deep into the thoughts of any character because our narrator is an outsider. You can only describe what is happening, but not what the characters think or feel.

  • The third person, but switching back and forth between characters, making it clear who’s narrating the story.

    Twilight groaned in pain as Starlight’s speak hit her. She could feel the blood seeping out of her body, draining her of even more energy, but Twilight couldn’t so much as slow down. Starlight was raving mad and needed to be stopped.

    Starlight screamed as she let out a powerful magical blast. She didn’t understand why Twilight looked so murderous all of a sudden. Surely it can’t be that bad?

    The first second section is Twilight’s train of thoughts; the second is Starlight’s. But you have to let your audience who’s telling the story. Otherwise, it’ll just be a confusing mess.

What you ended up doing was switching back and forth in the same paragraph. Case in point:

“D-do you see why I have to do this? You think that because you’re the Element of Magic, you’re better than everypony else?” Starlight managed to spit out, her confident tone considerably less confident now that she had seen Twilight’s anger. What was going on? Twilight couldn’t have gotten so mad, right? “This is why I do this, because ponies like you will always turn their back on ponies, because they think they are just the best!” Starlight cried, expecting Twilight to give a speech on friendship. Instead, Twilight laughed. In any other situation, Twilight would have given her speech. But this…animal in front of her, deserved none of it. She didn’t need reformation, she needed a cold, isolated cell in a dungeon. “My own friend left me because of that!” Starlight sputtered, her eyes watering now. She was practically crying for help now, the help she really needed. Twilight didn’t care.

See what I mean?
(For clarity, Twilight’s thoughts were in her signature magenta while Starlight’s are in her signature teal.)

You should’ve actually split the paragraph (it would make it less lengthy, too) or just stick to one character, in this case, preferably Twilight.

Now, I’m saying all of this, yes. But bear in mind that this is the only story of yours I’ve read. And it’s 7 years. You might’ve improved, so my apologies if you’ve fixed those particular issues in your later stories.

Yeah, this is a very, very dated and rushed work. If I were to do it again, I'd certainly spend more time on it and make it very different. In all honesty, I think even the idea in and of itself isn't that great anymore. As you might see from the date, I wrote this in pure hype immediately after I saw the episode. That was because I had been RPing with a friend who had a Starlight Glimmer plot astonishingly similar to how canon ended up, and I was so excited that I set about writing this out to basically serve as kind of a nightmare what-if scenario that we had been discussing ourselves.

I appreciate the constructive criticism, I'm sure there's far more to poke at that than that as well.

Well, constructive criticism never hurts. :raritywink:

And like I said, it’s pretty good for something supposedly half-baked. I could never whip up something like in 30 minutes.

See ya around!


That was totally pinkie, ain't no way anyone else said that.

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