• Member Since 9th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 5th, 2019




Sunset Shimmer spends a quiet, ordinary afternoon and evening at home.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 132 )

Short sweet and amazing. I love sunset. She ain't your waifu, she's MINE!!!

SO many people are gonna want to see how her camping trip goes.


good job and all, but...

It's very heartwarming and relaxing reading about Sunset's casual, alone time. I could go through ten of these and never get tired of them. I was genuinely disappointed when the story came to an end; it was that enjoyable :derpytongue2:

Great work, Moth :twilightsmile:

6689733 Glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

6689686 There might be a sequel or two to this. Not committing to it, but it's possible.

Nice simple happy story, nice to get a look at Sunset being content with ordinary life. Good job, thanks for the story.

Okonomiyaki, huh? I've never tried it, only heard about it in Ranma stuff.

A cute little vignette with Best Pony/Human in which nothing happens? You're speaking my language.

This was a peaceful, enjoyable read. Thank you.

Nicely done! At first I felt like this wasn't even quite a fanfiction - just a stream of consciousness description of an evening - but I liked the very-slightly self-aware analysis that Sunset had going on at times. The idea of not just enjoying a casual day, but being cognizant of how strange said day is compared to her origins, kept it feeling distinct. Overall, I liked it! It was... relaxing, I guess. Very much inspired the feelings that she seemed to be having in-scene. Kudos!


Nice, calm story. My gf and I were reading it together, and she kept on giggling to herself for seemingly no reason. As it turns out, in her past she shared pretty much the same revelations that Sunset had. She also found it strange that shaving made her 'more attractive' on a societal scale, but as she kept doing it, she actually found it enjoyable once she would finish. Like putting effort into how she looks makes her happy. So good on you for putting this together in such a detailed fashion!

I really like stories like this for some reason. Just plain slice of life with very little of consequence happening.

I suspect that's where most people on the internet know okonomiyaki from. I actually recognized what she was making when she reached for the batter.

Damnit, now I want to cuddle Sunset again!

How did you do it?
Sunset is eating meat and I'm not wondering when and why she started. That's usually the first thing I ask when that happens. So, again, I ask, how did you do it?

Nice! This was well thought out and thoroughly engaging. Keep up the good work!:scootangel:

The movie turned out to be a comedic fantasy about a farmboy turned pirate trying to save his true love from being murdered by the prince she was engaged to.

The fact that you chose to keep this in is....


Just kidding I love that movie

Slice of Life is right. Very enjoyable.

I made okonomiyaki once. Fun times.

As I read this, I kept expecting some kind of "gotcha" at the end -- like Sunset's got a body in her freezer, or she's actually living in an alternate dimension where all that exists is her and her apartment, or something like that. I'm glad it was a true slice-of-life. It does appear to be how a single girl would spend a quiet day to herself. Kudos, good sir.

BTW, how do you know so well what ladies do when us guys aren't around?

6691097 A magician never reveals his secrets. :raritywink:

nothing like a nice story about a character just enjoying the world they live in and going through a daily routine. I know from experience that when something stressful such as fighting monsters or washing a ridiculous amount of dishes(my job) that nothing more than a nice normal quiet evening or a day of doing the usual things you do eases much of the stress/anger and calms the mind. It gives you a chance to be yourself.
So thanks for writing it; it was a pleasure to read

That not so subtle LPS reference. I applaud you.

Princess Bride, huh? Nice. Also, great story! I liked it.

Heh. Not what I expected to happen with the whole Sunset-eating-meat and stuff, but still a pretty good story!

This song came to mind when I read it, it felt appropriate.

I'll be honest....this was nice. A nice distracting tale, along with a lovely little look into an often unseen (and to a degree with good reason) aspect of life for a fictional character. While not a strict demand...I wouldn't mind seeing the girls night out at the new club mentioned in the story....or if possible perhaps glimpses into the other girls' afternoon routines.

Also....you might have turned me on to a new way of cooking.

Not long ago, I was asking myself how I could write a story where nothing happens and still keep it enjoyable. I ended up gravitating toward conflict anyway, because it's the only driving force I know. But now, having read this, I see that a chapter about nothing can be possible, and can be very enjoyable indeed.

"Stream on consciousness", eh? That's a very accurate way to put it. I like it.

I'm not sure how you pulled it off, but this story about no conflict was very good. I'll likely refer to it when I want an example of the right way to do things. Well done.

Nice story! It flowed nicely without needing any kind of bigger "happening"

But why does this have the sex tag? Nothing really happens that even hints at it, does it?
I don't really know if there's any guidelines for when to apply that tag, though.

Supperware? That's actually a very nice, and fitting, trademark dodge there. I also liked Quickipedia.

A Princess Bride reference!?

I'm not sure how you did it, but you managed to make an engaging, smooth, lovely little story ---without using a traditional story arc. So, props to ya for that. Thanks for a fun read :)
I must admit: I wasn't prepared for all the girly anatomy sections, but they were tasteful, and not excessive so it didn't faze me too much :twilightsheepish:

I'll have to try this 'okonomiyaki' thing, sounds cool, looks like some kind of Japanese pizza XD

6693881 I added that just to be safe since it does mention female anatomy quite a bit.

6693996 Thanks. I try. :twilightsmile:

I liked this. Nice solid SoL, and a good view into Sunset's mind.

Also, recipe! I wonder if I could cook that without burning down the kitchen?

A nice little relaxing slice of life fic. It does the mind good to relax from all the action and adventure and drama and comedy and whatnot :twilightsmile:

6694334 I wouldn't try cooking it exactly like that, to be honest. Rule of Hollywood Chemistry is fully in effect with my description of making okonomiyaki to simplify it. Rather, I'd look up an actual recipe for it on the web (there are billions, and some of them actually use stuff you have in your kitchen!)

The most important thing is, unless your hands are REALLY fast, you would NOT want to put any toppings on the uncooked side before flipping. Instead, you'd wait to add them after the fact, or put them in the batter to begin with. Do it the way Sunset did it, you're liable to wind up with bits of steak and green onion all over the kitchen.

Disclaimer: While I know, generally speaking, how to make okonomiyaki, I've never successfully attempted it. I tried it once and failed miserably, before I really knew what I was doing in the kitchen, and now that I can cook fairly well, I'm just too lazy to make the effort.

I don't think I have ever actually enjoyed reading a stream of consciousness before, but I liked this.

Very relaxing.

A story that delivers exactly what the title and description promise. No less, no more. And it's a good read.

Because of your success with this SOC piece, I'm going to dump a bunch of my thoughts for my own writings down on paper later tonight. Thanks for giving me inspiration! Great, relaxing story. c:

"To this day, she wasn't entirely sure she hadn't actually killed someone that week."

Oh man, I had a summer like that. To this day I swear my body had declared war on itself.

6695227 I'm considering writing two sequels, covering the girls going clubbing and camping. I don't know when it'll be though.

6695466 No, I mean I would be writing both if I write a sequel at all. I'm just not sure when I'll be doing it. There'll be one sequel for the clubbing and one for the camping.

There are so many things I want to say, most of which might make me sound offensive or look like a little whiny bitch but I'll try regardless.

This fic is what the title says... Ordinary, not special, mediocre? Yea it doesn't have any writing mistakes but it's the equivalent of describing the daily afternoon of a random person.

Again without wanting to insult or offend anyone I feel like this story wasn't worth noting, nevermind the feature but sequel? How about instead of a sequel just continue this?

Then this fic would actually be the beggining to something.

Again no offense that's just how I feel. This story desrves to be tagged as "incomplete".

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