• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

David Silver

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A human called Noah finds a dark cave for shelter during one of his hikes after a nasty fall. This turns out to just be the start of his adventure. Perhaps some non-pony viewpoints would help, or should he turn to his new family?

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 225 )

hum this is different a first person view I will be watching to see ware this goes.

Typos? You called for typos?

sliding ride into a ravine


The thing was flowing over me, encasing me in a bug suit uncomfortable quickly.


I could see those hoove taunting me,


She'd know what I was, and what to do about it."

stray quotation mark at end

Edit: I really like this story so far and I'd be willing to edit for it, if you like. (If not I'll probably still just post them in the comments.)

6792412 Thanks for the typo spotting! I plan to post every day, and with you there to spot typos, I'll be much less nervous about it.

Every other fic I see is by you, jeez.

hmmm this is interesting a new work from you?
*faves* :derpytongue2:

6792727 New indeed! Expect an update tomorrow.

This reminds me of this one picture I was whilst browsing derpibooru.

6792896 Changeling corpse eating/morphing around a human.

Huh. It's... all the ideas. And probably some more?


Still a little early to tell how much I like it, though. There's a lot to come.


...How exactly is this [Slice of Life]?

6793672 Because we'll be dealing with his reactions, as opposed to him going off on a grand adventure to fix the world. It's about him.

I... don't know what to say.
I.. don't hate it, yet, but...

I'm so very confused.:applejackconfused:

6794013 Did you have a question? I'm here to help!

6794026 Okay, first WHO IS THIS GUY!?:flutterrage:
two, WHO IS THIS HUMAN!?:derpyderp2: (in other words, how is he in Equestria, or are humans regular here?)
3, It's kind of hard to see it in my mind, but if I'm right then a dead Changeling turned a human into a Changeling, I know you'll explain it some time in the story; I just need to say that it is very strange. :twilightoops:
and finally, (I don't mean to if I sound offensive) What is going on in your crazy head this time. :pinkiecrazy:


OHHH it's you.

yay another story from the wonderful author.

seeing ur name brings me joy mk.


i came here to chew bubblegum and say no more than thirty-six words, and i'm all out of

weren't the same - wasn't the same

and run out with my arms

I'm not sure what this means. Is is supposed to be 'run up my arms' ?

She know lots - She knew lots
And we're off at a gallop from the very start!

Eagerly anticipating the next chapters. Perhaps we will learn a little more of our protagonist and the situation in which he, probably now she, finds herself.

The new year is looking up already!

Interesting method, kinda like the cybermen in that one Dr. Who episode where the shell tries to acquire a new biological host.

Like it so far. Curious how X got to ponyland as he puts it.

This might fit better under the drama tag since it isn't 'normal' life.

6794207 Typos left behind in the cave to ambush the next pony that comes wandering by. Thanks for the finds!

The typos are like millipedes, running around on a million little legs.... crawling up the page.

Oh.... have a follow. :-D

uncomfortable far - uncomfortably far
I'm good with the chapter length so far. You're packing a lot of information and story into it regardless.

I'm curious to see if Rarity will accept Spike's word that all is well after hearing a call for help followed by a desperate plea to Spike. I'm also curious to discover if this fits into an existing continuity or is something all its own.

Spike's dragon honour isn't necessarily the most capable force at times...

Liked it so far, until Spike suddenly seemed to believe him for no real good reason.
I know he's not the sharpest tool of the shed, but when you know a species is known for deceiving, you don't trust one of them just because he ask you to do so.
Unless he's setting a trap to Noah (or he at least talks about him to others and don't try to hide him (that wouldn't break the promise he made to come back)), I would be disappointed if it goes so well so easily for our changeling friend.

6795394 I pitched the typo over the edge, to dash at the bottom of the hole like Noah almost did.

6795446 What are you talking about? Everything always goes perfectly for my protagonists in my stories!

Heh, true, I should give you a bit more credit.

You magnificent fiend. I now have yet another story I need to track. Thanks, thanks a lot.

... Not telling anyone is not a good plan. I mean... I get not telling most of the town but...

Seems like a fun fic, usually the human turned changeling stories are more interesting and start out great. But they also seem harder to write, as in my opionen the majority of these stories goes complete bonkers at one point or another.

6795674 Well we had a few choices to start. The changeling could have started in the middle of nowhere, or in a hive, which would make a very different story in either case.


whops! Only ment to say that human turned changeling stories are more interesting in general then other stories. Didn't mean to say that this one started poorly or anything.

6795750 Nah, don't worry about me. I'm usually hard to annoy. Glad you're liking it!

what did exactly happened? Did a Changeling bit him to transform him or something like that?

6795912 Well, he seemed to be more engulfed by a dead changeling, as opposed to a lovebite.

ok I am really starting to dig this story.
I just do not want to end up in a hole.

Good work. I see no errors.

Also, :pinkiegasp::rainbowwild:.

bugs have genders,

sexes, since he's referring specifically to his anatomical particulars.

The only reason I dislike this short chapter length is that it means that I have already run out of story to read.

6798544 Typo thrown back in the hole.

At least the dirt and grass was softer than rocks.

Watch at 3:50

Spije's assurances or no.


Amusing way of pronouncing a typo aside, I think that needs a quick fix.

Chapter itself was... interesting, though.

You'd think... well, Generosity would be a bit less prickly towards somebody politely asking for help, maligned species or not...

Still, she is a huge romantic, so I guess love eating could be the thing rubbing Rarity the wrong way.

Either way, I'm quite curious how the town as a whole will react to this. Seems like it could go either way right now. :unsuresweetie:

Spije's - Spike's

Part of me wants to be a little down on Rarity for being somewhat less than generous, but given the recent history of changelings in Equestria, she gets a mulligan on that.

Depending on Spike to be, well, dependable, seems like a risky proposition, but he came back at least. Right? Totally not someone or something else that will prevent our protagonist from finding an easy(ish) solution to his dilemma, right?

6799148 She didn't immediately flee in a tizzy or, possibly worse, rush at Noah and knock him right back into the ravine. She could have reacted far worse than 'ew, leave that thing alone!'. Spike's here though! He'll have all the answers.

How long are people betting on before Spike fire and Changeling fire get confused and company gets a little toasty? :twilightoops:

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