• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 29: The plan is in motion!

[Chrysalis Hive - The day after the tournament - Third Person POV.]

Chrysalis sat impatiently at her conference table as she waited for the arrival of her new 'colleagues.' After last night's mission, she began wondering what their objective is? Capturing the filly seemed like a spur of the moment action by Sombra. One that may very well spell doom for her and her changelings should Goku finally catch wind of her disappearance. The longer she had to wait, the more agitated she grew. Chrysalis was about to have one of her drones report in when a loud pop and burst of magic sounded off. Six silhouettes stood before her as they survey their new location.

"Alright, Blue, where the hay are we?" Lightning asked. She was still wearing her Ultra Bolt uniform.

"Iron Will doesn't understand how ponies like teleporting..." The minotaur said as his eyes balls spun in their sockets.

"Flim. This setting seems rather shady..." Flam whispered in his brother's ear.

"Let's hear them out at least, Remember; not all business ventures succeed through legitimate means..." Flim said.

"If you're all done gawking like a gaggle of morons, I would like to do something productive today!" An irritated Chrysalis said thus gaining everyone's attention.

"IT'S QUEEN CHRYSALIS?!!!" They all shouted save for Hope and Sombra, much to Chrysalis further disdain.

Before anyone could utter another word, Sombra steps forward and drops his disguise. A series gasps rang out as the dethrone crystal tyrant stood in his full glory with Hope standing to his right. "What's the matter, my queen? That tiny filly gave you a hard time? Would you like for me to make all your boo-boos go away?" Sombra taunted. Hope's eyes widen at what she just heard.

"A-A filly...?" She pondered.

"IT'S KING SOMBRA?!?!?" The ponies and minotaur shouted again.

Chrysalis face morphs into a vicious sneer. "Stay your tongue and proceed with your announcement!" She said before she turns to the still awestruck group. "And if any of you yells in my chambers again, I shall personally drain you of every ounce of love you possess!" This threat had the desired effect as the ponies and minotaur slapped their hands to their muzzles. "For a year now you had my drones infiltrate the ranks of Canterlot. We have replaced numerous guards, staff attendants, and political figures we could ensnare. We are currently poised to strike right at the heart of those insipid ponies. Despite a year of covert maneuvering, Equestria remains out of reach. My patience has worn thin with you and your male friend. Either produce some result or face my WRAITH!"

The rest of the occupants visibly recoiled at Chrysalis fury. Save for Sombra who regarded her threats with little interest. "Before you went on your little tantrum, I was going to inform you that we are indeed making our move. First, we move to the Crystal Empire during the Crystal Festival coming up to secure Crystal Heart. We need to do this while the Crystal princess is residing in the empire,"

"Why would you attempt to steal the heart with the princess of love in the vicinity? Won't she complicate matters? And how do you intend to steal the heart? Surely you realize that those blasted elements will be attending the festival," Chrysalis asked.

Sombra chuckles as he went on. "The princess is vital to my plans and before you say anything about the guards or the elements know that I have the perfect solution,"

Chrysalis eyed him skeptically. "Which is?"

"Why our new colleagues of course," Sombra said as he gestured the group behind him.

"N-Now wait for a bucking second here. Why would any of us want to work with two of Equestria's hated enemies?!" Lightning Dust hesitantly said.

"She's right. This kind of notoriety would be career suicide!" Flam urgently said.

"Iron Will's mother always told Iron Will to steer clear of the forces of evil,"

Rather than becoming upset from this new reluctance, Sombra remained unnervingly claim. "By all means, leave if you feel uncomfortable, although, I will not be able to guarantee any of you safe passage out of here. The changelings are very protective of their hive, and it's location, and I doubt that they'll let anypony comprise that," He said deviously as the group went pale.

"Lightning Dust," Hope spoke up. "Didn't you say that you wanted to prove to Rainbow Dash that you're her better. This alliance could be the chance you have been looking for," She reminded, and Lightning Dust paused for thought. "How about you Iron Will? If you added in the accusation of the crystal heart and subsequent defeat of the elements, won't that prove that your new seminar idea has some merit?" Hope turned to the minotaur who had a big grin at the idea. "Flim and Flam; the crystal empire is home to the most valuable jewels and gemstones in all of Equestria. And as I told you both before our partnership would be very lucrative," The unicorn twins both smiled and dollar signs appeared in their eyes.

After some thought, Lightning Dust had a cocky grin adorn here muzzle. "Alright, you twisted my hooves. I'm in!"

"So is Iron Will!" Iron said as he flexed his pecs.

"Us as well!" The unicorn brothers said in unison. Hope nodded to Sombra, who smirks at her excellent persuasion skills.

"Perfect. It will be your job to occupy the elements long enough for me to reach the princess. I will also need to borrow some of your changelings," Sombra said. Chrysalis snarls at this.

"My drones are not your pawns. They are mine!" Chrysalis said firmly.

"Apologies. I request to loan some drones," Sombra rephrased.

"What would you need them for in the first place?" Chrysalis asked.

"They will severe as a distraction under the guise of an invading force with one of your drones posing as you," Sombra elaborated.

A look of intrigued replaced chrysalis snarl. "And what shall I be doing during your little raid?"

Sombra had a wicked grin form on his face. "The elements would no doubt call upon the sisters once they are overwhelmed. It will be your and Hope's job to handle the princess in any way you see fit. After all, you did best Celestia in singles combat. So who better to send? Plus, with your drones already planted, the task shall be easy."

Chrysalis smiled with glee at the thought of defeating the solar alicorn again. Hope, however, did not share the enthusiasm. "Sombra. How do you expect me to contend with one of the alicorn sisters?"

Sombra's horn lit up, and a small case materialized on the conference table. He grasped it in his aura and gave to Hope who went to open it. She looked at the object with a curious expression. "The Alicorn Amulet. As the name suggests, this will boost your already substantial magical prowess to the level of an alicorn. With it, you can engage the lunar alicorn while Chrysalis deals with Celestia. Try to finish her quickly as the wearer of the amulet goes through certain changes," Hope stared at the amulet for a time before she put it away. Sombra was pleased that everything was falling into place, but there was still one thing to address. "However, before we make any movements against Equestria, we need to remove Son Goku from the picture entirely. Since he's allied with the equestrians, there can be no doubt that he will thwart any we will do,"

"HA! And how do you propose we deal with that freak of nature? Were you even watching the tournament? I couldn't lay a feather on him!!" Lightning Dust butted in.

"He's a monster..." Flam said in a weak voice as he hugged his brother tightly.

"Iron Will fought his student. He does not want to fight the master!"

Sombra scoffs at this cowardice. "Don't worry. You're little sniveling little heads. As it stands, I have the perfect way to deal with him," Everyone, save for Chrysalis, eyes went at this claim. "Chrysalis, would you be so kind as to lead us to our new 'acquaintance'" Chrysalis smiled and stood up as everyone followed her. She led them through the ever-shifting hive corridors to the pod chamber. Many pods decorated the room, but one stood out the most. Sombra smile grew wide as the group let out several gasps at the little orange filly contained inside the pod while currently staring daggers at them.

"No. Bucking. Way!" Lightning exclaimed.

[Scootaloo's POV - A few moments eariler]

"OWWwww..." I woke up with a flutter of my eyelids and a sharp piercing headache. I feel like I had a big wipeout from one of my scooter stunts. "Wait...! Why can't I move?" Pushing past the pain, I tried to move my body, but I wasn't getting anywhere. My hands and hooves had some icky, slimy goop covering them. No matter how hard I pulled, they would stretch before snapping back. There was a lot of green everywhere I looked. If I was back at full strength, then I could get out. But then again, I feel like I just went through a meat grinder. "What happen last night?" But then it all came back to me. I was fighting Chrysalis and her bug ponies, and I lost. "I hope Goku and Spike don't find out about this. Talk about embarrassing," I started to build up my Ki, hoping to bust out of here, when the wall opened up. I was shocked by who came in. Most of them were the competitors from the tournament. Ms bug queen was there and a blue pony I never saw before. But then there was this funny looking stallion here as well. I didn't the look of him, and his Ki felt so dark.

"No. Bucking. Way...!" I heard one of them said. I put on my best war face I've seen Rainbow Dash do all the time.

"...Sombra...! What is she doing here?" I heard the blue say. She sounded nervous like they did something REALLY bad. Sombra. I know Rainbow mentioned that name before.

"She is the key to Son Goku's downfall. He is too strong to fight head-on, so we shall use her as a bargaining chip. However, that is not her only purpose," Something told me that I didn't like what he was hinting too.

"Involving fillies with ties to a being that can fight the princess was not a part of our goal. Look at her! Did you have her beaten?! It's too excessive!!!" The blue mare said. She seemed worried about Goku finding out what happened. I can't say I blame her.

"It is necessary, Hope. She is how we can cull Son Goku to our whims. And she is the key to solving my other issues. You know the one," This stallion is nuts if he thinks I'm gonna help him. First chance I get, Ima deck him in the snout! "As for her current condition, you can blame that on our resident queen," I saw the blue mare glare at the bug queen who scoffs at her.

"She was a bother, so I had to disciple her. Honestly, If you ponies raised your offspring right then they would be so disobedient," I gritted my teeth at that lousy bug cheater. I started to focus my Ki throughout my body. Hopefully, I can burst out of here.

"Regardless of how she got here is no longer a concern. She's here, and she is going to aid us," I saw that stallion walk up to me with a sinister grin. "Isn't that right, my little pony~," Yeah, that was it. I smirked back at the stallion, which seemed to confuse everyone, but that was all I needed.

"HA!!!" I forced out as much Ki as I could, and sure enough, it was enough to break my bonds and destroy the pod holding me. I saw everypony cover themselves as the debris. I fell to my knees before I got up and found that jerk of stallion. I reared my right arm back and launched my fist just in time as he dropped his guard. I received a satisfying thud as my fist made contact with his muzzle. I saw him get blown back into the wall and watch as he slumped down and clutched his face. Of course, now I was spent and fell back to my hands and knees. I tried to catch my breath as everypony else recovered. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to use the little Ki I had to get a shot in on that creep. But then again, that's something Rainbow would do and that felt right so, yay me.

"Hahahaha, what's wrong, Sombra? Did the widdle filly hurt you~" Wow, that bug queen is a meanie? I didn't have time to defend myself as a dark aura caught me. The stallion got up, and he was hopping mad. A small trickle of blood came from his nose and muzzle. He glared at me, and I sent one back until he lifted his hand and slammed me into the ground. He picked me again up slowly while I grunted. Why do villains never fight fair? He got closer, and I spat in his face. Everypony gasp at that while the bug queen laughs her head off. "Oooooh~ I like her. So feisty!"

"I'll show you just how feisty I can be when I get out of--" The stallion cut me off by slamming to the ground again. Only this time, the jerk didn't stop. I was able to make out the glowing red eyes and a vicious sneer on the stallions' muzzle after each slam. I grunted in pain as I started to feel very sleepy until everything went black.

[Third Person POV]

The group watched the scene with growing unease as Sombra slammed the filly to the ground over and over. Hope finally had enough of this apparent madness and teleported Scootaloo out of Sombra's aura and into her hands. Sombra had a look of confusion before he turns and sees Hope with the pony of his ire. Her palms glowed green as she healed the fresh batch of new injuries Sombra dealt out. The unicorn king did not like this one bit, and he matched up to the two mares while everyone else wisely gave him a wide berth. Sombra's face seemed to be etched in a permanent state of rage as he glowered down at Hope.

"What do you think you're doing?" Sombra sneered but was taken aback by the cold glare Hope was sending him.

"...Stopping you from being a fool and making the worst mistake of your life!" Hope spat back. Every word carried a venomous edge.

"Leave us now!" Sombra ordered the rest of the group.

"Come on now, kiddies. Mommy and Daddy are about to have a little spat. Nothing to see here," Chrysalis snide as the group hastily followed her out the chamber. Hope and Sombra continued to glare at each other as she healed Scootaloo.

"If you heal her anymore, then she will have the strength to escape us," Sombra snarled out.

"I wouldn't have to if you kept yourself under control. Anymore injury and you would have killed this filly!!!" Hope shot back as she deactivated her spell. Most of Scootaloo's injuries vanished, but she remained unconscious. "You shouldn't have involved a filly!!!"

"Please, from what Chrysalis has told me, this amount of damage was just foal's play for her,"

"Why do you even believe she can rid you of the crystal hearts magical effects?"

"Because she holds a power I believe will counteract it and if not her then Son Goku will!"

Hope was quiet for a moment as she gazed at her foal hood friend. "Do you seek the power to heal yourself or simply to make yourself stronger?"

Sombra sighed as he let go of his rage. "Hope. This power is necessary. Not because I wish to grow stronger but because I can't succeed without it. I apologize for my outburst, but I must not allow any form of disrespect no matter the practitioner's age. Please understand that,"

"You will not injure her again, or else I'll free her myself!"

" Very well, you have my word. Take the pupil to my chambers and then meet me back in the conference room. Ensure that she is 'properly' secured this time," Hope slowly nodded as she scoops Scootaloo up and teleports to Sombra's quarters. She places the filly on his bed and lit her horn up. Magical constructs in the form of chains clamp down on Scootaloo's limbs and her waist. To Hope's surprise, Scootaloo began to wake just as she finished her spell. The two locked eyes as Scootaloo started to thrash about trying to free herself but to no avail.

"I am sorry for this, but those bindings work by using your strength against you. If you keep still and remain quiet then you may yet leave this place," Hope explained, but Scootaloo was having none of it and continued to struggle.

"Oh, you're not sorry, but you will be soon!!!" Scootaloo snapped out. Hope let out a tired sigh and exited the room.

[Canterlot, noon - Guard training barracks]

Goku and the other's decided to visit the guard barracks for an impromptu training session. Shining Armor believed it would do the royal guard some good to gain more experience against an extraterrestrial like Goku. Goku, of course, had no objects and the guards were eager to have another shot at the E.A.T champion. It went about as well as the crystal prince expected to go as Goku had just beaten his 30th opponent and has yet to show any signs of wearing down. The elements, along with Starlight, the crusaders, and the sugar lumps all cheered the Saiyan warrior as he bested another solar guard.

"Come on you fillies and colts. Regain some honor for your stations and take this alien down a peg!" Shining ordered, trying to rouse his troops.

"I feel like this is cruel and unusual punishment," Starlight said.

"Oh, none sense, darling. It's good that the prince is setting them against an obstacle like this. It's for their betterment after all," Rarity said. The girls couldn't help but laugh at this.

"That's right Starlight. The guards' overall morale increased at the thought of beating an adversary like Goku. Giving them a goal has made them more focused," Twilight said.

"Ah think these fellas could use the workout," Applejack said.

"Oh, as long as their not roughed up too badly," Fluttershy said.

"Maybe we should just replace all the guards with Goku," Diamond Tiara said.

"He is a lot more effective, isn't he?" Silver Spoon stated.

As the group watched on, a particular purple and green scaled dragon made his way to Rarity. "H-Hey, uh, Rarity. Can I talk to you in private for a sec?" Spike asked nervously.

"Hm? Why, of course, darling. You can always talk to me. Let's step outside then," Rarity said with a smile. The two made their way outside the barracks only for Spike to receive quite the surprise. Ember had made her way toward the barracks. She briefly spares them a glance before heading inside without a word. Spike didn't need the bond they shared to tell what she was thinking.

"Oh drake, I better get this over with," Spike mutters.

"What was that, darling?"

"O-oh n-nothing. Anyway, let's move behind the barracks," Spike said as he pulls Rarity along to the back of the building. Once they were there, Spike summoned all the courage he could muster. "Rarity. There's something I need to know, and I want the truth!" he said firmly.

Spike's tone of voice told the fashionista this was going to be a serious conversation. "Sure Spike, go right ahead,"

Spike took a deep breath and exhaled. "Rarity, do you love me the same way that I have always loved you the moment that we met?"

Rarity's eyes widen in surprise. The fashion-forward mare wasn't expecting this, let alone with how direct the question came. "Of course I love you the same way Spikey-Wikey,"

If it weren't for the pet name she used all the time, then Spike would have flown around with uncontainable glee. But no this was just a ploy to dodge his question. Spike then placed both his claws on her shoulders and stared her straight in the eyes. "Rarity, please, the truth. You know what I'm referring too and I need this answered right now. If you ever cared about me even in a plutonic way, then please answer the question,"

Rarity got the message loud and clear. The fashionista had no idea what brought this on, but Spike was not going to drop this. So with a heavy sigh, she told him her true feelings. "Please don't take this the wrong way, Spike but I have never felt more towards you than that of a little sibling. The brother I never had. It was rather obvious of this crush you had on me, and I thought it was oh so cute. But when I saw that you held onto that crush for years now, I tried to find subtle ways to dislodge you. I couldn't find the right words to express that without hurting you," Finally it was all out there. Laid down and spread out before the both of them. Rarity waited with bated breath to see Spike's reaction. She was expecting to see him break down or throw her some well-earned insults, but it never happened. Spike justs close his eyes, take another deep breath, and oddly enough, smile down at her.

"Thanks a lot, Rarity. This talk helped clear things up," Spike chirped much to Rarity's bewilderment.

"Are you sure, darling?"


"O-ok then I'm glad we finally cleared the air,"

"It's about time. Anyway, let's head back inside," Spike hurried and ran back to the barracks, leaving a stupified Rarity standing by her lonesome.

[Spike's POV]

Alright, that went better than expected. Honestly, I'm surprised I took that so well. I guess it's great that I finally have closure. Now I can move on and speak with to Ember. Now that I think about I could feel that something was different as I entered the barracks again. I was getting an overwhelming feeling of uncertainty and doubt mixed in with sorrow, But that's weird because I wasn't bummed out about Rarity at all. Unless these aren't my feelings, they're... "Ember's!!!" That was it. I could finally feel her soul communicating with mine, and she needs the reassurance. I push open the doors to the barracks, and I saw Ember sitting on the side just a little bit away from everypony. I casually stroll by the carnage the Goku was serving out to the guards and sat next to her. Despite the emotions I'm picking up, she still has that same stoic demeanor. How do royals do that all the time?

"Hello Spike, you are looking well..." She said without facing me.

"Yeah, I am feeling pretty good. I'm surprised you can't tell since you're feeling pretty down right," I said with a coy smile as Ember turned to face me. I saw her eyes snap open, which only made my smile grow. I'm pretty sure I saw a faint blush on her cheeks.

"...I was feeling down for a moment. But now..." She trailed off as she moved closer. I felt her tail hook to mine and coil around it. "I could not be happier," I think this is the first time I've seen Ember smile so openly.

"Yeah. I can tell," I said. My little snark earned me an elbow to the gut before we both chuckled a bit.

Rarity came in a few moments later. Ember and Rarity locked eyes with each other for a while before she rejoined the others. I'd doubt she was going to tell them about the discussion we had but whatever. Although, I did pick up a smug satisfaction coming from Ember. I didn't peg her for the flaunting type. As we continued to watch Goku use the guards as training dummies, I suddenly felt Scootaloo's power spike up. Goku stops for a second as he thought the same thing. We both glanced toward Scootaloo, who was watching his fight with trepidation? What was even weirder was that her Ki felt far away. But that can't be right....

"Honestly I have half a mind to let Goku put you on his training regiment. But perhaps I'm too hard on you. So let's switch opponents and work our way up," Shining said. I thought he was picking me, but he chose Scootaloo instead. Perhaps Goku's pupil will be more to your standards. Scootaloo, Golden Mace! Please enter the ring!" A bulky solar guard walks in. He wielded a mighty mace that sparkled in the sunlight from its gold plating. I think he might be overcompensating.

"Oh, um, I'd love to, but I'm kinda still tired from last night," Scootaloo said. Now that was strange. Scootaloo would have jumped at the chance, and she looks beautiful to me.

"Aw come on Scoots. Don't be a chicken! Show those guards how we crusaders do things!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Yea, teach em' who's boss!" Applebloom added.

"Go get em' Scoots!" Rainbow said as she pushes Scootaloo to the ring. Goku watches her and gives her some encouragement.

"You're eat lightning and crap thunder!" Pinkies said in a gruff voice while a beanie. Everypony looked at her like she was crazy(She probably is.) "What?"

"Hey, why you look so nervous. You can take these guys easily," Goku said as he ruffles her mane.

"Yea, no problem..." She said although she didn't sound too confident. She walked up to the mace-wielding stallion and took her stance.

"Alright, first one to score three hits wins. Start!" Shining said, and Golden rushes her. He swung the mighty mace of his overhead and brought it down on Scootaloo. She did a dodge roll to his left and tried to punch his face, but the stallion backhands her, which was pretty weird. Scootaloo threw that punch way too slow.

"Oh, you can do it, Scootaloo!" Silver Spoon said.

Golden charge her again, and Scootaloo shot a beam out of her hands, but it wasn't Ki, it was magic. The guard took a direct hit to the chest, and the scores were tied. Undeterred, Golden rushes her once again and swings his mace wildly at her. Scootaloo barely avoids the swings before the guard went for a punch. Scootaloo blocks it, but she's thrown off balance and falls to the floor? Golden got another point as Scootaloo got back up. Wait that isn't right. I look over to Goku who seeks back at me with a frown. He realizes something's up too. However, before we could say anything, Golden throws the mace at her and Scootaloo responded by flapping her wings to gain altitude. She goes to dive bomb him, but the guard sidesteps her and chops her in the back. She fell to the fall groaning, and Shing walks up to the ring.

"Well, that's more like it. Congratulations Golden Mace," Shing said, and the solar guard steps out the ring. Rainbow flies down to check her while I slowly got up.

"Spike, what's wrong? You've been silent this whole time, and I'm sensing a lot of tension," Ember said.

"There's something wrong, alright!" I said flatly.

"Don't be too upset about her lost. She did her best,"

"That's the problem. It wasn't Scootaloo's best. It was hardly even close to it!" I walked down with a purpose and met up with Goku who was walking to the ring.

"Did you notice it too?" Goku asked.

"Sure did," I replied.

"You ok Scoots?" Rainbow asked as we made to the ring. The other fillies were close behind.

"Yeah - *groan* - I'm ok. I guess I was more wiped than I thought..." Scootaloo said. Why am I having trouble believing that?

"Why's that Scootaloo?" Goku asked, gain her attention. "You seem pretty fine on the way over,"

"Well, you know, after what happen last night, I guess I'm just having an off day,"

"That's funny because you were fine last night. You said so yourself," I chimed in, but that's when a sudden realization hit us. "Wait, you were fine last night!"

"Um, what happen last night?" Diamond asked as every pony started to grow concerned.

"N-nothing really--"

"Changelings attacked Scootaloo last night!" Goku said, cutting her off. The reveal earned several gasps from the others.

"CHANGELINGS?!?!" Everypony yelled out.

"Why wasn't any of us informed of this? What did they want with Scootaloo?" Shining demanded. Many of the guards were on full alert now.

"Scootaloo was able to drive them away. I can only guess that they wanted to kidnap her--" Goku said with a neutral expression before it shifted to a nervous one. "--Plus, I wanted to finish my match up before we said anything, haha," Shining Armor groaned at this.

"Well, at least you taught those bug-eyed freaks a lesson. Right Scoots?" Rainbow praised, but Scootaloo took slight offense to that remark.

"That's just it. Scootaloo was completely unscathed in that encounter," Goku said.

"Isn't that a good thing, darling? That means you trained her exquisitely well," Rarity praised.

"I know I did except I sensed Chrysalis was there as well, and even with her training, she would've had a hard time," Goku elaborated. Scootaloo started to sweat when everyone murmured in agreement.

"That's not all that was weird. When Goku and Princess Celestia was fighting, Scootaloo had trouble following their movements," I added as I narrowed my eyes at her. "You even became nervous at some of the things that happen in the fight. I would've blamed on a rough night but as you said 'These crazy bug ponies tried to pick a fight they couldn't win, and I sent the off running' so there should be no reason for the sloppiness in your fight just now!"

"Sloppiness? Whadda ya mean Spike?" Applebloom asked.

"Yes, Golden Mace performed well," Shining Armor said.

"No offense to any of the guards here but Scootaloo shouldn't have been hit once!" I said loud enough to make Scootaloo flinch.

"Hey, we do not slouch!!!!"

"Again, no offense but that not what's bugging us..." I said.

"So, what is?" Scootaloo said. Her tone shifted tone panicky to alert real quick. I turned to Goku, and we both nodded.

"Sometime before the fight, We both felt Scootaloo Ki flare up from a point far away from the barracks. You were sitting just a few feet from us," Goku said as I went after him.

"During the fight, you fire a beam of magic, not Ki! You also used your wings to evade the mace hurled at you,"

"That's crazy talk. Pegasi can't shoot magic remember!. And so what if I used my wings?!" Scootaloo said curtly. Rainbow Dash gasped as she caught on.

"But you shouldn't have been able to fly with the disease in your wings..." Rainbow said, her face contorted into anger.

"H-Hey that's right!" Starlight said. Ember had joined my side once she picked up on trouble brewing.

"W-well I just used my Ki to strengthing them that's all," Scootaloo said cautiously.

Goku looked like he was done playing games and walked up to her. His harden glare bore down on 'Scootaloo.' "I find that hard to believe when throughout this entire conversation, I haven't picked up a small trace of Ki energy coming from you!" He finished. "Unless of course, you are willing to fly right now without using your wings!!!" That one got her. Her eyes slammed open and the back up a little. "Where is Scootaloo!?" Goku demanded sternly. There were a few tense moments of silence as everypony surrounded the imposter. 'Scootaloo' lowers her head before she started chuckling.

"My queen was right. Your powers are a nuisance!" We all watched as the orange filly in front of us morphed into a changeling drone. It hissed at us before lighting up its horn.

"IT'S USING A TELEPORT SPELL!! STOP IT!!!" Shining Armor ordered but Goku beat them to the punch. He flickers over to the drone and grabs its horn tightly, thus canceling the spell.

"I won't ask again. Where. Is. Scootaloo!?" Goku's tone was low and dangerous. I could hear the edge in his voice, but the drone remained silent before it smiled.

"What's wrong, can't you sense her?" It mocked. Goku ignored it and put his palm on its head. I think he might be trying to read its mind. I hope he can find something useful.

Sombra and Hope stood over the thrashing filly with mixed emotions. For Hope, some part of her doubted the actions they have taken. It was her idea to enlist the changelings to spy on the princesses operations covertly. This way, they could keep attention off themselves as well as avoid involving innocent ponies. Here they were holding this filly against her will, watching as she struggles against her bonds. For Sombra, the scene was mildly amusing. He had complete and utter faith in Hope's magical bindings. She always was gifted. That might be why the royal sisters took her for advanced studies. He was impressed; however, those bindings are supposed to become stronger the more you fight against them. Thus, weakening the captive yet the filly pressed on. It was a testament to the power he will soon possess. Sombra brought out the necklace he used for the draining process to test a theory.

"Sombra..." Hope said in a warning tone. "You gave me your word!"

"Hope, when was it that you began to think so little of me? I merely want to test a theory nothing more," Sombra said. He levitated the necklace over Scootaloo's neck and lit his horn up. As he had come to expect, the gem in the pendant didn't react at all.

"You can take this two-bit necklace back to the thrift store! It's not my style!" Scootaloo taunted. Sombra rolled his eyes in annoyance while Hope giggled.

"And here I thought the way to a mare's heart was with jewelry. No matter, it would be within your best interest to tell me what your power is and how do I access it?" Sombra demanded.

"That depends on if you want to spend six months in the Everfree forest? I'm sure you can pick up on it, and the weather is great," Scootaloo snarks as Sombra growls. 'As much as I hate to admit it, I need help. Maybe if I raise my power level enough then, Goku and Spike can sense it.'

"I grow weary of the jokes. Hope, we are going to be using a scrying spell to gain the knowledge that way," Sombra commanded as he lit his horn.

"Do we even know what to look for?" Hope skeptically said as she followed his example. Scootaloo began to panic as she felt the two unicorns start to probe her mind. Since she was busy gathering her Ki, Scootaloo could offer little to no resistance. "Hmm, meditation, multiple fighting disciplines, clarity of mind. It seems like Ki is garnered to ponies physical attributes,"

Sombra scoffs at this. "Bah! Like the Neighponese ponies of old. I want you to graft this knowledge into my mind. I already fit some of these requirements. However, I don't have six months to wait!"

"Then how will you access your Ki?" Hope inquiries while her aura surrounds Sombra's head. He let out a sigh as the new knowledge filled his brain. "Also, how will this rid you of the crystal hearts effects? This information only shows us how to gain control of your Ki. As you said yourself time is a luxury we do not have at the moment,"

"The rest falls into the hands of Son Goku. I might be able to flush out my Ki as well as rid the crystal hearts effects on my body in one fell swoop. Then I will see that the Ambassador dealt with at last. Three birds with one stone as they say," Sombra darkly smiled as he turned to Scootaloo who has been very quiet. "You have my thanks, little filly. Now it's just a matter of luring your mentor here,"

Scootaloo frowns at Sombra before she replies. "Don't worry, Goku will see you real soon and then you'll be sorry!" Sombra arched a brow at this before one of the changeling drones bursts through his door.

"Queen Chrysalis demands your presence in the throne room. It is urgent-ACK?!!" The drone was cut off as Sombra's aura took hold of its neck.

"Do not presume to give me orders bug! Inform your queen I shall be there at my own pace!" Sombra stated as he let the drone go. "It seems the queen wishes to converse. Let us see what her royal pain wants this time," He said dryly before turning to Scootaloo. "Now you behave yourself while we're away. In fact, why don't you take a nap~" Sombra's horn lit up and cast a spell upon Scootaloo? Her eyes went wide as she tried to struggle anew, but the period was quickly taking effect. Scootaloo soon fell into a slumber, and with that, they both teleported back to the throne room.

[Chrysalis Throne room]

Sombra and Hope appeared in a flash and was welcomed by a very disgruntled Chrysalis along with everyone they recruited. "Somepony is trying to break into the hive connection! Any guess as to who that might be?" She asked rhetorically.

"Son Goku? That's perfect!" Sombra said.

"I knew I never should've agreed to this plan of yours. The information Goku shall find will blow this entire operation out of the water!"

"Aw, but don't you see? The fish has taken the bait, and now it's time to reel him in. Besides, I'm sure you have a way to stop somepony from intruding on the hive link,"

"Of course I do. I merely wanted to express the new grievance you have caused me,"

"I'll be sure to write you a formal letter of apology. When you confront, Son Goku tells him to head to the frozen North at 3:30 pm tomorrow; just a little way east of the Crystal Empire. He will find his pupil and myself waiting for him,"

Everyone along with Chrysalis quirked a brow at this. Sombra intended to face Goku alone? "Sombra, that's just plain insanity!" Hope cried out. But Sombra waved her off dismissively.

"Are you ready to begin?" Sombra asks. Chrysalis gave him a coy smile and closed her eyes in concentration.

[The Hive Mind]

Goku found his myself floating in a black void as he peered into the changeling's mind. He began to see what appeared to bubbles floating around him. "Hmm, these bubbles are new. Maybe one of them knows where Scootaloo is?" Just as he went to reach for one, a voice called out to him.

"Aw, aw, aw, no peaking," Suddenly, all the bubbles popped out of existence and in their place Queen Chrysalis materialized. "Honestly, don't they know the meaning of privacy where you're from?"

"Chrysalis..." Goku said as he frowned at her. "Where's Scootaloo?!"

"Straight to business? I like that in a man~," Chrysalis said in a sultry tone, but Goku's frowned deepens. "Oh, you're no fun. Your precious little pupil is fine for the moment. She's in the care of a colleague of mine that would like to meet you,"

"What does he want with me?"

"You can ask him yourself. Head to the Crystal Empire 3:30 pm tomorrow and then go eastward near the Frozen North. You will find him and your student. However, come alone!"

"Sorry but I'm not in the mood for wild goose chases," He said as he got closer to her. Chrysalis merely smirked at this and raised her hand toward him. What happened next was that thousands of voices bombarded Goku all at once. He clutched his head in pain and screamed out. "AAAGH!!! W-What's-what's - *grunt* - going on?!"

"You big oaf! Where do you think you are? Welcome to the hive mind. I hold sovereignty here! And, unfortunately for you, this is a private connection, so no interlopers ALLOWED!!!" Chrysalis sadistically laughed as Goku continued to scream in pain. The strain on his mind grew to tremendous, and he vanished from the mental mindscape.

[Back at Canterlot Guard Barracks]

Goku broke away from the drone while holding his head tightly. He fell to one knee and screamed bloody murder. Everyone saw this and instantly rushed to his side. "GOKU!!!" They called out as Spike tried to help him up.

"What happens? Did you get anything from it?" Shining asked.

"Aargh...! No. Chrysalis showed up and pushed me out..." Goku said as the throbbing in his head slowly subsided. "Spike, did you sense Scootaloo's Ki a moment ago?"

"It was just for a few seconds before it just vanished. It felt like it was somewhere in the direction of the Everfree Forest, but that's all I got," Spike said. "If I can't sense her Ki anymore. I mean, you don't think..."

"No, Scootaloo's ok. Chrysalis said that much," Goku replies.

"Fools! You will never find the filly unless my queen permits it! We shall--" A blue-furred fist collided compliments of Rainbow Dash silenced the drone from talking further. The blow struck its lower jaw and knocked it out cold.

"No one asked your opinion!" Rainbow said with a snort.

"Maybe the Scouter can pick up the changelings power levels?" Twilight offered.

"Maybe but it wouldn't matter. Chrysalis told me that a friend of hers wants to meet me at the Frozen North; just east of the Crystal Empire. She said to go alone around 3:30 pm tomorrow," Goku informs.

"That doesn't make sense. There isn't anything out there near the east for the Empire. What's her angle?" Shining asked.

"This must be some trap of some kind, darling. You must let us come with you!" Rarity stated, but Goku shook his head.

"Doing that might endanger Scootaloo. I got to go alone," Goku said.

"No worries cause Sonny is too tough to let those mean old changelings beat him!" Pinkie said while wearing a Gi just like Goku and taking his stance.

"Ah still don't like it," Applejack said in displeasure.

"Me either but there's not much we can do," Goku said.

"We'll all be waiting at the Empire. If you need help, then send some signal," Shining armor stated.

"I'll go inform the princesses of this as well. We may be looking at another invasion," Twilight said. The guards collected the drone, and everyone adjourned for the day to prepare for tomorrow.

[Crystal Empire, Frozen North, 3:25 pm]

Goku was soaring high into the air as tried to locate the meeting area. Although the sun was still out, one couldn't tell with the darkening skies of the tundra. Throughout the entire way, Goku's teeth wouldn't stop chattering. He sniffled hard to draw up the snot trail falling from his nose. He decided to land and get his bearings of the landscape. No matter how far he looked, all he saw was a vast blanket of snow. He hugged both of his arms to rid himself of the shivers as the cold winds blew past his body.

*ACHOO* "Oh man, this is nuts! Why'd I agreed to come way out here? Why couldn't he pick a warm sunny beach to meet up? Next time I head out to the Arctic, I'm bringing a sweater..."

"I see your right on time..." A new voice called out, and Goku was instantly on alert. He looked around for a bit before trying to locate any Ki signatures. His eyes widened as he found a power level emanating from the ground.

"What is this Ki I'm sensing?" Goku focuses his sight on a whirling circle of blackness imprinted on the ground. "Alright, I'm here! Show yourself!!! As if on request, the pool of darkness started to rise until it matched Goku in height. The shadows began to take form, and the image of a charcoal black stallion stood in front of the Saiyan warrior.

(This is what King Sombra looks like along with his weapon)

Goku couldn't help feel a certain familiarity he was picking up. Sombra devilishly smiled as he went to address Goku. "Aw Ambassador. It's so great to meet this time formally ~."

Goku quirked a brow at this. "This time? We've met before?"

"Indeed we have. Back at the Grand Galloping Gala. Although I find such events to be a colossal bore,"

"Where is Scootaloo!?"

"Aw yes, such straightforwardness," Sombra ignited his aura, and another pool of darkness appeared. Scootaloo emerged from the blackness and fell onto the snow. Goku immediately searched for her Ki signature to ensure this was indeed the real deal. Thankfully he was able to sense it. Goku quickly flickers to her and back again before Sombra could try anything. He gave her a senzu bean, and she began to stir.

"W-what...? Where am I?" Scootaloo cleared her eyes and spotted her mentor. "GOKU!" She exclaimed as she wraps her arm around his neck.

"Haha, hey there, Scootaloo. I'm glad you're ok" Goku said with relief. Sombra clears his throat to gain their attention.

"Now then Son Goku. I require your assistance," He said.

"Fat chance you jerk! We're gonna beat the stuffing out of you!" Scootaloo went to charge the stallion, but Goku stops her. "Hey!"

"Scootaloo, I need you to head back to the Empire. The others are waiting there. I'll handle this guy!" Goku said in a tone that left no room for argument. Scootaloo nods hesitantly before taking off toward the Empire, leaving Goku and Sombra alone. "Hurting innocent beings is something I don't tolerate!" He said as he flexed his power. The snow around the area blew away from the sudden force.

"Excellent! It has been far too long since I engage in combat. I hope you don't mind if I indulge in my bloodlust!" Sombra maliciously grinned as he twirls his halberd before taking an aggressive stance. His legs were split apart and slightly bent while the spear tip was pointed straight at Goku. The purple haze from his eyes shimmered violently.

Sombra starts by firing a blast of magic from the spear tip at Goku. The Saiyan warrior stood firm as effortlessly swatted the blast away. However, Sombra instantly charged him and started thrusting his halberd at him. Goku swiftly dodges Sombra's attempts to impale him. Goku dips in after an avoid another thrust and connected with a body blow. Sombra grunted in pain as he stumbles back. Despite this, Sombra twirls his weapon again so that the blade at the end would cleave Goku's head off. Goku saw this gathered Ki in his palm. He then thrust into the weapon, which resulted in it flying back. Sombra found himself off balance and Goku took advantage by sending a roundhouse kick to his muzzle. The unicorn king flew back before skidding across the snowy field. Although, even as he was getting pushback, Sombra smile grew wider.

"Marvelous! I can see why only the princess provided you with any challenge. But you should not underestimate me as well!" Sombra eyes glowed with power as a pool of darkness spread from his hooves. A gray crystal pillar sprouted up, and Sombra's aura took hold of it. He shapes into his form, and soon, a crystal Sombra stood next to him. The doppelganger twirls its halberd before they both rushed Goku. The Real Sombra teleported behind Goku while the glass stayed the course. Sombra brought the blade os the halberd down for an overhead strike while the fake went for another thrust with the spear tip. Goku ignited his aura and blocked the sword with his forearm while grabbing the spear tip.

"HA!" Goku bellows as he slams his knee into the crystal, cracking it slightly. He takes the same leg launches a kick into the real Sombra's midsection. The unicorn falls to his back as Goku went on the offensive. However, Sombra horn lit up again, and a pool of darkness appears under Goku. Moments later, the blackness morphs into shadowy tendrils that constricted Goku's movements. Sombra took advantage and began assaulting Goku with several blows while his doppelganger recovered. Fortunately, Goku broke free by expelling his Ki outward. The shockwave blows back both of his opponents while Goku counterattacks. "I've had about enough of you!" He said as Goku charges the crystal construct. He slams his left fist into its abdomen, thus impaling it, and focuses his Ki to his hand and blast the fake Sombra into oblivion. Goku turns back to Sombra, who was giving him a round of applause.

"An impressive showing I must admit. My crystal copy isn't easy to contend against yet you handled it with ease. Not to mention that those blows I dealt out to you earlier didn't seem effective at all. You truly are a fascinating creature,"

"If I were you I wouldn't be so confident. That little stunt of yours drained you of a lot of your energy. So how about you surrender now and tell where I can find Chrysalis?"

Sombra broke out in laughter at this. "Typical hero fashion; 'I must rid the world of all evil.' You shouldn't be so cliche. But you're right. It's time to wrap this up and get what I wanted..." Sombra's horn glowed once again while Goku stood on guard. Unbeknownst to Goku, Sombra was levitating a crystal shard from the destroyed copy. He then hurled his halberd at Goku who in turn blocks it. This maneuver was a distraction, however, as almost instantaneously Sombra launched the shard fragments at Goku. The pieces passed by Goku and flew to Sombra, leaving a gash in his arm.

"AAAAH!?" Goku yelled out. Sombra triumphantly smiled as he held the shard coated in the Saiyan's blood. The gray shards turn red as it absorbed the liquid into itself.

Sombra chuckles as Goku glares at him. "I'll be sure to thank you on top of my new throne. Farewell, Son Goku!" At first, Goku thought Sombra was going to teleport away. Instead, his aura highlighted his body, and he broke into a sprint. His speed seemed to have gotten a massive boost as he attempted to flee on foot.

"No, you don't!" Goku took to the skies and gave a chance. Goku was quickly gaining on the dark unicorn; unaware of the large, red pulsating crystals protruding from the ground. Just as Goku was about to grab Sombra, the unicorn turns into a black mist, allowing Goku to pass right through him. Goku eyes widened in shock as his entire body phases into the red crystals. There was a bright flash of light that covered the area before it died down. Once it subsides, Sombra stood in front of the glass with a wicked grin on his muzzle.

"Enjoy your stay with your new friends. Don't worry, though; they're very accommodating. Muhahahahaaaaa...!"

[Unkown Location]

"Hey, mister wake up" A voice called out. Goku stirred from his sleep and sat up with a yawn. He found himself in a grassy field as he looks around in befuddlement. "You're the strangest stallion I've ever seen!"

Goku turns to the source of the voice to discover some unique pony/fairy hybrid.

(This is what Hope looks like in the comics. I had her color scheme wrong)

"Huh?" Goku's replied.

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