• Member Since 13th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Super Trampoline

"Of all the terrible batponies in the world, you're the least terrible."~PresentPerfect🐴Ponk & GlimGlam are best ponies🐴Text 714-496-3119 with the name of an MLP character to get a cute picture!


A human, a pony, and 576 cabbages shipwreck on a deserted island. The human wants to eat the pony. The pony wants to eat the cabbages. The cabbages aren't sapient creatures and thus have no thoughts on the matter. Reeking of untapped potential, this is a very dumb, disappointing, and unfunny--yet somehow authorized--parody of The Savage Way.

My apologies, Horse Voice. You didn't deserve this.

Speaking of undeserved, praise for the story from Cynewulf:
”Better than Waiting for Godot, more Tragic than King Lear, more filled with cabbages than a smallish box of cabbages

9/10 cabbages would lettuce this salad of destiny”

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 35 )


I blame the characters. They obviously don't know how to spell. Definitely not the author's fault. Nope! :applejackconfused:

the author hasn't read the original The Savage Way story

Are you sure? Until this point, it was pretty spot-on. The original even used the expression "gift horse."

7227196 I read the interview about it and the comments but that's it.

:rainbowhuh: Huh. Well. That happened. I get the sense that the characters got off a soundstage when they were through and started badmouthing you over donuts until Caramel threw his latte in an intern's face for using the wrong creamer.
Did I mention that I sometimes reflect the tone of what I just read?

Also, where did you find that cover art? You wrote your short description where the image source should be.

7227445 oops. Should go to proper place now.


:rainbowderp::rainbowlaugh: I may need to reread this with that fact in mind.

Author Interviewer

We're weak and flip floppy and all sorts of sappy rubbish.

Somehow, this was the funniest part. :) And I absolutely do need to read Mother of Invention, thank you for the reminder!

Fish and chips! :V

well, I don't regret i have read that.

I feel like now I shouldn't have to read the original.

7231064 horse voice has a lot of of other unsettling stories i haven't managed to ruin yet.

Better than Waiting for Godot, more Tragic than King Lear, more filled with cabbages than a smallish box of cabbages

9/10 cabbages would lettuce this salad of destiny

7231780 up next: When the Levis break: daring do rips her jeans and has to go home to fix them.

Okay, I legit laughed. It's good to see that this story follows Cole's Law. [1]

I'm sure you had to really resist the temptation to make more bad salad puns.

After all, when in Rome, do as the Romaines do.

When they left the sound stage? You mean, when they went to their dressing room?


[1] thinly sliced cabbage

7231132 What you said plus your profile picture makes what you said so much better. The face...

7233207 was a three dollar commission. If you want a three dollar commission in that style i'll hook you up

Anyway, look, the author hasn't read the original The Savage Way story,


We were so close to a favorite here. Oh well. Back to the ice.

7233391 I have a hard time getting myself to read dark stories.

7233338 It's ok. I was just saying how what you said plus your profile pic face was funny.

"Well yeah, humans and other races tend to forget what we can do and look down on us . We're like the African Americans of ponies."


I couldn't resist.

7233560 You sure you haven't? You referenced it by saying gift horse in the mouth. That's a pretty common idiom but it stuck out in The Savage Way

7489119 Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

I feel like this could have been better had they actually been doing productive things with the cabbages while bad mouthing them.

"Cabbages are completely worthless," he said, building a two way radio out of cabbages. "Just look at this." He straightened out the cabbage antenna and stretched it into the sky. "Look. At. This."

He grabbed the cabbage mike and barked into the cabbage leaves, "Hey, do you know how many calories in a pound of cabbages?"

"Uh, this is an international distress line, please observe proper radio discipline unless you've experienced a disaster like a shipwreck-"

"Just answer the fucking question," Caramel shouted through the cabbage loudspeaker he'd built, the leaves vibrating past capacity and igniting brightly enough to be seen for hundreds of miles.

"About 100, I think? But please leave this line open for distress-" was as far as the potential rescuer got in his reply before the human unhinged his jaw and devoured the entire radio in one gulp.

"See? That whole radio was barely a tenth of the calories I need each day. And how many more radios can we make? 200? What would we do with 200 radios other than eat them? What would we do with anything other than eat it?"

Absolutely and entirely bizarre. I don’t know how to feel about this.


I don’t know how to feel about this.

That makes at least two of us.

How do you have so many parodies of stuff I’ve (probably?) read?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

I suppose it can be! (Though I never really got that one personally)

Also I would have sworn I was following you!

... I was under the impression you followed everyone tbh? Or just had the widest friend circle on the site.

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