• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 29,098 Views, 1,879 Comments

A Delicate Balance - JapaneseTeeth

Twilight struggles with the fact that her feelings for one of her friends may have turned romantic.

  • ...

The Good Morrow

Dear Princess Celestia,

I’m writing this to tell you that Applejack and I have finally set a date for our wedding! The invitation is enclosed, of course, but after all you’ve done for me, I thought it would be best to send you something more personal. So… you’re invited! Although I suppose you probably knew that because I sent an invitation along with this letter. But even so, Applejack and I would love for you to be there. You’ve been such a big part of my life ever since I was a filly that it would feel like something was missing if you weren’t with us.

In fact, if it’s possible, we would both be honored if you would officiate the ceremony for us. I realize this might be a bit short notice, but we can’t think of anypony we’d rather have perform the ceremony for us.

Of course, if your duties as Princess mean you can’t make it, I completely understand. Though just between you and me, I think you could pull some strings. *wink*

Your faithful student (and soon-to-be Mrs. Applejack),

Twilight Sparkle

P.S. The “pull some strings” thing is just a joke. I didn’t mean to imply anything untoward.

P.P.S. Was the wink too much? It was, wasn’t it? Oh well, this is my last scroll.

And now good morrow to our waking souls,

Which watch not one another out of fear;

For love, all love of other sights controls,

And makes one little room, an everywhere.

Let sea discoverers to new worlds have gone,

Let maps to others, worlds on worlds have shown,

Let us possess our world; each hath one and is one.

My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears,

And true plain hearts do in the faces rest;

Where can we find two better hemispheres,

Without sharp North, without declining West?

Whatever dies, was not mixed equally;

If our two loves be one; or thou and I

Love so alike that none do slacken, none can die.

-- The Good Morrow,

John Donne

Twilight’s first thought upon waking up was that she had clearly forgotten to brush her teeth before bed. She squinted and reached for the glass of water that she usually kept on her nightstand. It wasn’t there. Oh right, I was so tired after the bachelorette party that I just slumped into bed, and— Wait. If the bachelorette party was last night, that means today is…

Twilight had never woken up so quickly.

“GAAHHHH!” Twilight tried to leap out of bed, but she found the sheets wrapped tightly around her. She fell to the floor with a thud.

“Mnh?” Spike rolled over in his bed. He blinked the morning sun out of his eyes and was greeted by the sight of Twilight wriggling furiously in her sheets, like an anxious butterfly trying to escape its cocoon. “Oh, boy, here we go.” He hopped out of bed. “Calm down, Twilight!” He grabbed her head to hold her still so she could untangle herself.

“Calm down? How can I calm down!? I’m getting married in” —she glanced at the clock— “five hours! There’s so much going on!” Her mind began to whirl. “The music, the food, the seating arrangements, the—”

“Snap out of it!” Spike said as he helped her up. “Everything is taken care of, okay? Remember? You and Applejack spent like a week getting everything together so you wouldn’t freak out now! Take some deep breaths.”

Twilight nodded and obeyed. She began to review her memories over the past few days. Seating arrangements, so many seating arrangements. She and Applejack had spent nearly a whole day figuring out who would go at which table. Then there were the decorations: hanging banners and ribbons and frills all over Town Hall, and putting up tables and balloons all over Sweet Apple Acres.

Then had come the rehearsal; checking the timing, the entrance, the processional, the coin flip to decide who would be walking down the aisle… her checklist had been even longer than usual. But she had somehow powered through it all. Or rather, Applejack had pushed her through all of it. When she closed her eyes she could almost hear Applejack whispering in her ear.

“Don’t worry about all that stuff, as long we’re together at the end, I’d say everything went just fine.”

Then she heard another, considerably less soothing voice.

“You’re up! Great! I was just about to wake you!”

Twilight opened her eyes. “Good morning, Lyra,” she said. The memories of the previous night’s events began coming together. They involved loud music, flashing lights, and a lot of chocolates that were too deformed for sale in Bon Bon’s shop. Fortunately, the taste remained unaffected.

“Good morning to you, too!” Lyra answered. Twilight had never seen her so chipper this early in the morning. “You’d better get ready, because today is going to be the best day of your life!”

“Hopefully,” Twilight mumbled to herself as she got up and lurched groggily towards the door. Lyra scurried sideways to block her path.

“Um…” Twilight tried to go around her, but Lyra remained in the way. “I was going to get breakfast now.”

“And you can, in just a minute,” Lyra said. “Just promise me you won’t freak out when you get downstairs, okay?”

“Downstairs?” Twilight’s eye twitched. “Fine. I have other things to worry about anyway.”

“Okay, then,” Lyra stepped aside and Twilight descended. Lyra turned to Spike. “You might want to cover your ears.”

He obeyed, just in time.

“What the hay happened down here?!” Twilight had never seen the library in such a sorry state. The floor was strewn with confetti, streamers, crumbs, and miscellaneous party props that no doubt belonged to Pinkie. Rainbow Dash was splayed out on a couch that Twilight didn’t remember having.

The previous night was really a bit of a blur. She remembered the rehearsal dinner quite clearly; sitting next to Applejack, mingling with family that neither of them had seen for a while. The stress of the rehearsal itself had slowly started to melt.

Then Applejack had said “We’d better get on our way. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

“What? Why?” Twilight had asked.

“Well, we each got our own parties to go to, right? And besides, you know it’s tradition that the bride’s not supposed to see the… other bride before the wedding.”

Twilight had reluctantly agreed. It wouldn’t even be a day, of course, but it felt like an eternity. Her heart had sunk as she watched Applejack head back to the farm with a massive Apple Family Entourage. Then she had felt a hoof around her shoulder. Then another hoof around her, from the other direction. When she looked up, she had found herself flanked by Lyra and Pinkie Pie.

“Don’t worry, Twilight,” Lyra had said with a wink. “This is your last night as a free mare, and we are going to make sure you enjoy it!”

And she had, though the individual events blended together a bit. Before she had known what hit her, she’d been wearing a skirt that hadn’t been in-style for two decades, dancing with her friends to music that hadn’t been popular since her mother was her age. Lyra had busted out a massive pile of chocolate, and Pinkie Pie had taken over from there. Everything after that started to blend together. A carriage joyride through Ponyville had taken place, and an orangutan had been present at some point. And then they had ended up at the library, and made a tremendous mess of the place before falling asleep.

Twilight tried not to think about how much work it would be to clean up said mess. At the very least, somepony had had the presence of mind to shield the bookshelves with sheets before the party started.

“Hey, wake up!” Lyra kicked the couch.

Rainbow Dash snorted once before rolling off the couch and onto the floor. “Ugh.” She shook her head and shakily got back on her hooves. “Man, that was one crazy party last night, wasn’t it, Twilight?”

“Pinkie Pie’s parties usually are,” Twilight said. She gave Lyra a sideways glare. “Especially when somepony stuffs her full of sugar.”

Lyra shrugged. “I figured she’d be immune to the stuff by now.”

“You don’t know Pinkie that well, then,” Twilight mumbled, rubbing her forehead. “Seriously, what did we do in here? Not even Pinkie usually causes this big of a mess.”

“I don’t remember exactly, but apparently you won.” Spike tapped on Twilight’s chalkboard, which was now an impromptu scoreboard. “Or at least I think you won. I’m not sure exactly how Pinkie’s scoring system works.”

“So, I had six hundred points…” She scowled. “While Lyra has…”

“Q?” Lyra scratched her head. “I think that’s a Q.”

“And Rainbow Dash has a drawing of a muffin!” Spike said, pointing.

“That’s not a muffin!” Rainbow Dash said with a snort. “It’s an explosion! I remember that much!”

“Do you remember how many points that” —Twilight made hoof-quotes in the air— “‘explosion’ is worth?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “No clue.”

“Well, it’s not important, anyway!” Twilight said. “I’m getting married in a few hours! I have to get ready!”

“No, you need to relax!” Lyra pushed Twilight towards the table, and began clearing a space for Twilight to sit. “All the other stuff is being taken care of. Rarity is over at Town Hall right now making sure all the decorations are in place, and then she’s going to head over to Sweet Apple Acres to help make sure Applejack’s dress is good to go. Fluttershy is there too, rehearsing with the other musicians. Pinkie is at Sugarcube Corner, helping Mr. and Mrs. Cake with the… well, you know.”

“And Rainbow Dash is still here!” Spike said.

“Oh, right.” Dash scratched her head. “I should probably get going. Need to make sure the sky’s all clear. Wouldn’t want your reception to get flooded out.” She patted Twilight on the head. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back in time to help you get ready. I promise!”

“Well, that’s all well and good,” Twilight said, “but what do I do?”

“You have some breakfast.” Lyra shook some confetti off of a cushion and dropped it next to the table.

“And that’s what I’m taking care of!” Spike said. “Hay bacon, eggs, and pancakes!”

“See? Spike’s got that.” Lyra patted the cushion and gestured for Twilight to take a seat. “You just try to stay calm, and not to think about how boring it’ll be to take all the wedding pictures after the ceremony! You’d be surprised how long that can take.” She paused. “You hired a professional photographer, right?”

“Of course.”

“Good!” Lyra patted her on the back. “Bon Bon and I just had my cousin. He’s a pretty good photographer now, but back then…” She shuddered. “You would not believe how long it took to get some decent pictures! Although if Pinkie can’t figure out how to sit still, it might take a while anyway.”

“Oh, I’m sure we’ll figure something out,” Twilight mumbled, only half listening. She hardly noticed when Lyra sat down next to her.

“Something bugging you?”

“Huh?” Twilight blinked. “No… nothing big. I just can’t believe it’s actually happening. We’ve been planning for so long that it almost doesn’t feel real. I didn’t think that today would ever actually come.”

“Yeah, that happens,” Lyra said with a nod. “I think it wasn’t until a few weeks after me and Bon Bon got hitched that it actually sunk in. But you know what? That doesn’t really matter. I mean, it’s kind of a big occasion. It’s only natural you’d feel a bit weird. Really, it would be weirder if you didn’t feel that way.”


Lyra shrugged. “Probably. Just don’t worry about it. If I managed to get through all this stuff, I’m sure you’ll be just fine.”

“Pancakes are ready!” Spike burst out of the kitchen, carrying a massive stack of pancakes and a jug of syrup. “The hay bacon and eggs will be done in a couple minutes.”

Twilight stared at the tower of flapjacks Spike put on the table. “How am I supposed to eat all of those?!”

“Well, Lyra and I get some too,” he said. He shook his head and returned to the kitchen.

“Better fill up.” Lyra winked. “You’re probably not gonna get any more food until the reception. Once you finish breakfast, you can worry about getting yourself ready.”

Twilight nodded, then looked at the clock. Only a few hours to go. She took a deep breath and also took a pancake.

She wondered what Applejack was having for breakfast.

Applejack snored loudly. A long night of hoedowns, dancing, and eating apple fritters had made her utterly exhausted. She was too tired to dream. Which made it rather weird when she felt herself moving up and down. Then there was that voice in the background...

“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!”

“Ugh…” She didn’t have to open her eyes to know what was going on. “Apple Bloom, what have I told you about jumpin’ on the bed?”

The bouncing stopped. Applejack opened an eye to find her sister staring at her.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m gettin’ up. Get off the bed. You’re gettin’ hoofprints all over it.” She yawned as she sat up. “What’s goin’ on? What time is it?”

“Don’t worry, you got plenty of time to get ready!” Apple Bloom said as she hopped off the bed. “Granny Smith and Apple Rose are knittin’, Apple Brown Betty is makin’ breakfast, and Aunt Orange is gettin’ your dress ready.”

“Is that so?” Applejack asked as she lumbered out of her room. “Between Aunt Orange and Rarity, it’ll be a miracle if I ever get to the wedding. They’ll probably spend forever fightin’ over what to do with my mane.”

“What are you gonna do with your mane?” Apple Bloom asked. “You kinda got a case of bedhead.”

“Well, I was just gonna shove it all into a hat, but Rarity wasn’t havin’ that,” Applejack said. “What about you? You gotta get yourself dressed up too, you know.”

Apple Bloom shrugged. “Rarity said that if I tried to eat anything while wearin’ the dress she’d launch me out of that catapult we built for our science project.”

Applejack chuckled. “Well, we’d better go get some grub, then. I’m gonna need my energy today.”

“Aren’t you nervous?” Apple Bloom asked. “I mean, you are gettin’ married today.”

“Nervous? Of course I’m nervous!” Applejack ruffled her sister’s mane. “But I figure that there isn’t any good I can do by worryin’ about it. Besides, I just woke up and I’m not totally awake yet. Once I get some food in me, it’ll sink in and then I’ll get jumpy.”

“Then I’ll make sure you stay calmed down!” Apple Bloom declared. “Or I’ll get Big Macintosh to do it, seein’ that he’s your Best Stallion and all.”

As if on cue, his voice boomed from downstairs.

“Breakfast is ready! Come and get it!”

“I think we oughta listen to him,” Applejack said. “Food first, worryin’ about gettin’ ready later.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Sounds like a plan to me!”

Twilight trotted nervously in place. She could practically hear every tick of the clock, counting down the seconds towards the ceremony. She couldn't decide if she was scared, excited, nervous, anxious, impatient, or a combination of them all.

“Your move,” Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight didn't respond.

“Hey, Twilight!” Lyra rapped on Twilight's head with her hoof. “Anypony home? Rainbow Dash is kicking your rump!”

“It's Battlecloud,” Rainbow Dash said. “I always win.”

“It's easy to win when your opponent isn't paying attention,” Spike said.

“Sorry,” Twilight shook her head. “I just can't focus! I'm just thinking about the—”

“We know!” Rainbow Dash said. “We've been trying to get you not to think about the wedding all morning!” She snorted. “I should've dragged the cloudbusting out a bit more. Would've been more interesting than sitting here and watching you try to pick the same space over and over.” She waggled a hoof at the board. “It's your turn. I do not have anything on Cloud 7, so don't guess that again.”

“Alright, alright,” Twilight took a deep breath. “Here we go. How about... Cloud f—”

“Twilight! Twilight!” The library door burst open, and Pinkie somersaulted through it. “Do you know what time it is?”

“Dang it, Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash put a hoof to her forehead. “We're trying to get her not to think about wedding stuff! Remember the plan?”

“Oh, are we early?” Fluttershy trotted in. “Rarity and I had finished up at Town Hall, and Rarity told us to come over here.”

Lyra glanced at the clock. “Well, technically you're a couple minutes early, but I think we're still good.” She turned to Spike, a grin on her face. “Spike, it's time to get the dresses out.”

“Roger!” Spike saluted and sprinted off.

Lyra turned back to Twilight. “You ready?”

“Uh...” Twilight's eyes darted around like a pinball. “Maybe?”

“Of course you are!” Lyra grabbed Twilight by the tail and dragged her toward the stairs. “We’re gonna make Applejack’s jaw hit the floor when she sees you! Metaphorically, of course. It would be kinda freaky if her jaw literally hit the floor.”

Twilight nodded. “Right. Applejack and I have done everything we could to make this the best wedding possible, for both of us! I can’t let that stop now!”

“That’s the spirit! Let’s get you into that dress!” Lyra spun around. “You two can get your dresses on, too. We’ve got to be at Town Hall in… let’s say an hour. Pinkie, if you want to eat any snacks, eat them now. Rarity says you’re banned from eating anything once you put your dress on!” She vanished into Twilight’s room, and slammed the door behind her.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “She could’ve at least let us finish the game.”

“Forget the game!” Pinkie said with a snort. “I have to finish my donuts!”

“Rarity, is this really necessary?” Applejack grumbled. She tried to stand perfectly still, staring at herself in the mirror as Rarity wove her mane into a long, overcomplicated braid. “There’s gotta be other stuff that you do besides mess with my hair.”

“Not in particular,” Rarity answered. “I’ve spent the past hour at Town Hall making sure all the decorations were in place. There really isn’t much more I can do there.”

“What about Twilight? You don’t have time to head over there and get her all gussied up.”

“No,” Rarity admitted. “Though I don’t think she needs quite as much assistance with her mane. It’s a good deal simpler.” She leaned in close. “But I’m quite sure that you’ll find it ravishing on her.”

Applejack smirked. “Oh, I sure will. It would take a lot of work to make her look bad, you know.”

“Trust me, she will look wonderful. She knows how important this is. Besides, I reminded Lyra that despite being humble and personable, Twilight does know three princesses, and that bad things may happen if she ruins Twilight’s mane. Not that I think Lyra would do such a thing, of course.”

“So, uh, do you think Twilight is doin’ okay?” She flicked a lock of her mane out of her face. “Y’know, with her nerves and all.”

“I’m sure she is a bit nervous, but that’s to be expected. I suspect that most brides-to-be are a bit apprehensive.” Rarity paused to select a ribbon to weave into Applejack’s hair. “But I am just as sure that this is nothing she isn’t capable of dealing with. If anything, I’d think she’s more excited than anything else.” Rarity grinned. “How could she not be? She knows that when I’m done with you, you’re going to look fabulous.”

“Yeah, I’m sure I will.” Applejack took a deep breath. “I just hope I can get all the way down the aisle without trippin’ over my own hooves. Can you imagine how embarrassin’ that would be?”

“Well, somepony sounds like she’s getting a bit jittery.” Rarity suppressed a giggle. “I’m sure you’ll do just fine. And really, if such a thing should happen, I hardly think that Twilight will care. She isn’t going to abandon you at the altar because you trip over your own hooves.”

“Are you tryin’ to freak me out?” Applejack rolled her eyes. “That’s the last thing I need right now.” She trotted in place, trying to reassure herself that her legs still worked properly. “Ugh, all this waitin’ and preparin’ is drivin’ me nuts! I just want the wedding to happen already. I’ve spent too much time gettin’ ready for it, and I’m sick of standin’ arOW!”

“Sorry!” Rarity delicately released Applejack’s braid. “You know, if you wouldn’t move around so much…”

“If I don’t, I’m gonna go crazy.” She carefully sat on the edge of her bed. “I just wanna see Twilight again.”

“You’ll see her soon enough, dear,” Rarity took a seat next to her. “I think now’s the time to just take a nice, deep breath, and clear your head a bit. After all, this is the last bit of peace you’re going to get for a good long while. Would you like me to get you a drink?”

“Right, because havin’ to stand here while you tie my mane in a knot is so peaceful. I’m fine. I’m just a bit… was that word that Pinkie made up?”

Rarity thought for a moment. “I believe ‘nervicited’ is the term she used.”

“Yeah, that. I think I finally get what she was talkin’ about.”

“That’s perfectly understandable,” Rarity said as she tweaked at Applejack’s braid with her telekinesis. “And I know for a fact that you are perfectly capable of dealing with nerves.”

“Thanks, Rarity, I—”

“Hey, sis! You almost done in here!?” Apple Bloom poked her head into the room. “Wow, Applejack, you look great!”

“Of course she does!” Rarity said with a huff. “Now, let me just finish with this ribbon…” With a flourish, she weaved the tail end of the strip of cloth into a bow. “There! Now you truly look wonderful!”

“You really think I look that good, huh?” Applejack stood and stretched her legs, as far as the dress would allow. “I thought it would take a bit longer than that.”

“Oh come on, Applejack!” Apple Bloom said with a snort. “Just ‘cause you’re usually sweaty and dirty from workin’ doesn’t mean you can’t be pretty, too. Here, look!” Apple Bloom shoved her towards the mirror.

“Yes, now that you’re all made up, you simply must see how you look!” Rarity joined Apple Bloom in pushing Applejack to the looking glass, though a good deal more delicately.

Applejack closed her eyes as Rarity and Apple Bloom maneuvered her into position. She wasn’t sure she wanted to see. It blew her mind just to think that the day had finally come. Actually seeing herself in the dress she had taken so long to select would make it so real.

“Alright, Applejack,” Rarity said. “Open your eyes.”

She took a deep breath and obeyed.

For a moment she could barely believe that she was the pony looking back at her from the mirror. She had seen herself wearing the dress before, but this was different. During the fitting, she’d never really been comfortable. She had known that the dress would look wonderful, Rarity had made sure of that, but it had felt like it was out of place on her. But now, looking at herself… it fit.

“I… I look…”

“You look great!” Apple Bloom chirped.

“Just think of it, Applejack,” Rarity said. “When the music starts up, and you begin your walk down the aisle, Twilight won’t be able to stop staring!”

Applejack nodded. “Y-yeah.”

In the distance, the clock tower sounded.

“Oh my!” Rarity gasped. “We’re quite low on time, and I still have to get Apple Bloom into her dress and make sure that Big Macintosh has his bowtie on straight! We must get ready to go.”

Applejack smiled widely. “I think I’m already ready. Let’s get movin’.”

Twilight pranced in place just beside the stage. The air inside Town Hall echoed with the murmurs of friends and family as they found their way to their seats. Shining Armor and Cadance sat in the second row, just behind the seats that were reserved for her parents. Her brother waved at her, and she waved back sheepishly. She had gotten a chance to talk to them as they crossed paths on the way to the venue.

“Don’t be so nervous!” Cadance had told her with a grin. “You haven’t been kidnapped by changelings, so your wedding is already going way better than ours did.” She narrowed her eyes. “You’re the real Twilight, right?”

“And I’m pretty sure you didn’t get brainwashed into almost marrying a changeling, either,” Shining Armor added. “But seriously, just have a good time today. It’s a celebration, you know?”

Twilight couldn’t help but laugh. Sure, having your wedding ruined by a Changeling invasion was a one-in-a-million experience, but it did put things in perspective. Or at least, it had, for a couple of minutes. They had only talked for a few minutes before she had to get to the town hall to make sure she was on time.

But now she was alone, and her memories of the conversation only did so much to calm her. The rest of the wedding party was engaged in escorting the numerous guests to their seats. At least Lyra had stayed. There wasn’t much encouragement that she could offer that Twilight hadn’t already heard, but Twilight still felt at ease. Mostly, at least. As the clock ticked down, Lyra had darted towards the entranceway, so she’d be in place for the processional.

Now, the anxiety was beginning to sneak back into her brain.

“And how are you doing, my most faithful student?”

Twilight’s ears perked up at the familiar voice. She tried not to squeak in excitement as she turned around. “Princess Celestia!”

“Why are you so surprised, Twilight?” Celestia asked. “You’re the one who asked me to officiate, after all. Though I admit I cut it a bit close. After last time, my guards may have gone a little overboard in clearing the area before letting me in.”

Twilight chuckled nervously. “Yeah, one of the guards had to come and check in the dressing room.” She swallowed. “I’m so glad that you could make it!”

“It did take some careful planning,” Celestia admitted. “It isn’t often that I have the chance to set my duties aside. But I’m very happy to be here with you. It’s hard to believe that you’re that same little filly who blew a hole in my tower.”

Twilight blushed. “Y-yeah. I’m glad that you could be here, too. It really means a lot to both of us.”

Celestia smiled. “Think nothing of it.” Then she nudged Twilight and nodded her head toward the back of the hall. “Your friend is waving at you.”

“Huh?” Twilight looked up to see Lyra poking her head through the enormous double doors at the far end of the hall, an enormous grin on her face. Lyra waggled her hoof at Twilight. Twilight felt her heart drop straight through the floor. That was it. That was the signal. A chill ran down her spine as she realized that everypony was seated—and staring at her in expectation.

She looked to her left. The string quartet was waiting. Waiting for her. She took a deep breath and nodded. The leader of the quartet, a grey earth pony cellist, returned the nod, and began to play.

As the prelude began, she forced herself to take her place on the stage. If not for Celestia’s presence beside her, the weight of the audience’s stares would have crushed her. Should she be glad that the coin toss had ended with Applejack walking down the aisle? But would she even have been able to walk? She barely managed to make her way up to the little taped X that marked her place on the stage.

Any moment now, the double doors at the end of the aisle would open, and her friends would march through them. She smiled so widely that her cheeks hurt. It was really happening.

“Alright, everypony in position?” Lyra quickly double-checked to make sure everyone was lined up. “We have to get moving in the next thirty seconds!”

“And remember to keep proper spacing.” Rarity added. “Don’t start down the aisle until the ponies in front of you reach the front. Are you ready, Spike? You’re going to be first through the door!”

“Y-yeah, I think so.” He nodded.

“Good.” Rarity took a moment to rearrange the cushion that held the rings, then hustled back to her place in the procession. “Are you ready, Applejack?”

Applejack nodded. “Ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s get this show on the road!”

“Great!” Lyra said. “You know what to do, right?”

“Sure do. As soon as Fluttershy starts the wedding march, the ushers open the doors, and I finally get to walk down the aisle.”

“Right on. Twilight’s gonna love this.” She gave Spike a telekinetic poke. “Alright, Spike, it’s showtime! Head right on out.”

“Roger! Here we go.” Spike took a deep breath, and started down the aisle.

Applejack felt a bit lightheaded as she watched them go. Spike went first. Then Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. They were followed by Pinkie and Rarity. Then, at the end, Lyra and Big Macintosh.

“Behave,” Big Macintosh said to the Cutie Mark Crusaders before he and Lyra started down the aisle.

For once in their lives, the Crusaders obeyed.

Applejack closed her eyes and listened to the music. She thought about Twilight. There wasn’t anything else she could think of. For a minute, she wished they hadn’t bothered with all this. All the dresses, the music, the decorating, the rehearsing… she just wanted to kick down the door and run straight to Twilight. Whoever had come up with that tradition about not seeing the bride before the wedding obviously hadn’t been the one getting married.

Her heart started to pound as the music faded.

“That’s our cue!” Apple Bloom snatched up her flower basket. “Cutie Mark Crusaders Flower Fillies are go!” They pranced out the door, leaving a trail of flower petals in their wake.

Applejack smiled as she watched the doors close behind them. That was it. No more waiting. Nopony else between her and Twilight.

The music faded once more, giving way to what seemed like an eternal silence. She knew what it was: Fluttershy was taking a moment to get her birds ready. But even so, the wait was excruciating. Then she heard it, the first note. The hall was filled with the sound of ponies standing.

Applejack took a moment to straighten her braid, and took her place. The ushers, two of her cousins, readied themselves to open the doors.

“Okay, Applejack,” she said softly to herself. “Don’t trip over your own hooves.”

The doors opened. Twilight fought to keep herself from shaking as she heard the music. It was beautiful, of course. Fluttershy’s bird chorus had practiced for days with the quartet, but Twilight barely heard it. All she could hear was her own heartbeat pounding in her ears.

Then Applejack took her first step down the aisle.

Twilight’s face trembled. She didn’t have the right expression. No smile could possibly have done her feelings justice. It was so unfair to make her stand there. It wasn’t right that Applejack had to walk so slowly. She tried to close her eyes, to keep the tears of happiness from leaking out, but she couldn’t bear to close them.

Applejack seemed to be more beautiful with every step she took. It could’ve been her dress, or maybe her hair, but more than anything it was the simple fact that she was closer. They would be together.

Twilight couldn’t say exactly which thoughts were going through Applejack’s head, but her face told Twilight everything she needed to know.

As Applejack reached the first row of seats, she stopped. Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, and Big Macintosh went to her, and slowly escorted her to the stage. Granny Smith and Big Macintosh went on either side of her, with Apple Bloom following behind, holding the train of her dress. As Applejack took the final step, time froze. Twilight didn’t mind.

They stared into each other’s eyes, daring each other to say something. Twilight didn’t want to say anything. For once in her life, she wanted to throw the plan out the window. She wanted to grab Applejack and kiss her, right there and then. Unfortunately, there was still a ceremony to complete. She contented herself with mouthing a silent “I love you.”

Big Macintosh took Granny back to her seat. As she sat, the assembled wedding guests followed suit. As he returned to his place beside his sister, Celestia cleared her throat.

“We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two ponies that we all know and love…”

The rest of it flew by, and Twilight could hardly register it. Or rather, she did, but everything rolled by so quickly that it felt like she was simply watching. She heard every word Celestia said, but it was all a daze. Everything felt out of focus. Except Applejack, of course. They didn’t say a word to each other, but they didn’t need to. Not yet, anyway.

Celestia finished, and there was some more music. Fluttershy’s birds sang an aria, one of Applejack’s cousins sang a song, and the string quartet performed another piece. All of it was beautiful, of course, but all Twilight could feel was anticipation. The next time she spoke to Applejack, the next words they would say to each other…

She had spent hours turning the words over and over in her head. They had decided early on that they would write their own vows. She had been prepared to agonize over what to say, but something had clicked. When the time came, she’d have the words. Nothing she could have written beforehand would have fit. Now the time was here, and she knew what she was going to say.

“And now,” Celestia said, “the two brides shall give one another their vows.” She bowed her head slightly and stepped back.

“Applejack,” Twilight said, “I love you. I know I’ve said it a hundred times, but it never feels like it’s enough. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be now than right here. You’ve always been my friend, but now you mean more to me than anypony else. I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anypony but you. I can’t promise that it’ll be perfect, but I can promise that I’ll do everything I can to make our life together the best that it can be. You deserve nothing less.”

Twilight clamped her mouth shut. Somehow, against all odds, she had gotten all of the words out without tripping over her own tongue. She wasn’t about to tempt fate by trying to say anything else.

Applejack smirked, then chuckled softly. “You took the words right outta my mouth, Twilight. I don’t know what else to say that we haven’t already said, so I’m gonna keep it short and sweet: I love you and I’ve never been more happy in my life.”

Behind her, Pinkie said “Awwww!” and then snorted as Rainbow Dash silenced her.

Celestia smiled and addressed the crowd. “If anypony has any reason why these two should not be married, speak now, or forever hold your peace.”

Both Applejack and Twilight glared daggers at the audience. There wasn’t a sound except for a cough from somewhere in the back. Satisfied that nopony was going to ruin their moment, Twilight and Applejack turned back to Celestia.

She smiled, and cleared her throat. Then she turned to Twilight.

“Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia said, her voice wavering slightly. “In the presence of your family and friends, do you take Applejack to be your wife, to have and to hold, to honor and treasure, in times both good and bad, in sickness and health, to love and cherish, for as long as you both shall live?”

Twilight knew the customary words. She had said them a hundred times to herself today. Nothing was going to stop her from saying them now.

“I do.”

“Applejack,” Celestia said once more, “In the presence of your family and friends, do you take Twilight Sparkle to be your wife, to have and to hold, to honor and treasure, in times both good and bad, in sickness and health, to love and cherish, for as long as you both shall live?”

Twilight could see Applejack silently mouthing the words as Celestia recited them. Her heart pounded so hard that she felt like it would burst out of her chest. She watched Applejack’s lips as they spoke the words she had waited to hear.

“I do.”

It was the most beautiful sound Twilight had ever heard.

“Say ‘Cheese’!”


The flashbulb popped, and Applejack saw stars. The wedding had passed in a flash. She could still hardly believe that she had made it through without messing anything up. Her vows had made their way out of her mouth, and next thing she knew she and Twilight had been trotting down the aisle to the cheers of her friends and family.

The rush hadn’t faded until the wedding party had reached the top of the hill where they had planned to take their pictures. There was nothing that dulled an excited edge like trying to get a dozen-odd ponies to stand still long enough to take half-decent pictures. Doubly so when the sun was so bright and one had to squint to see anything.

“Are we almost done?” Rainbow Dash grumbled. “If I stand here for much longer my hooves are going to fuse with the ground.”

“Rainbow Dash, behave yourself!” Rarity snapped. “Surely you can wait just a bit longer, for Applejack and Twilight’s sake.”

“Actually, I’m gettin’ a bit restless myself,” Applejack said. “Pictures are great and all, but” —she paused long enough for the photographer to take another picture— “I’m just about ready to head to the reception.” The reception, where her first priority would be to get a few moments to talk to Twilight. For an occasion that only existed to celebrate their relationship, they certainly hadn’t had much time with each other.

“Well, at least it gives everypony time to find their seats at the reception,” Fluttershy said. The photographer cleared his throat. Fluttershy turned and smiled, and he took another picture. “And the caterers can get all the food ready.”

Pinkie nodded. “Yeah, my tummy is starting to grumble!”

Lyra rolled her eyes. “How can you be” —she paused for another picture— “hungry after the size of the breakfast you had?”

Spike chuckled. “Pinkie Pie is always hungry.”

Big Macintosh nodded. “Eeyup.”

“Aaaaand we’re done!” The photographer announced. “With the bridal party photos, at least. Still need to get some shots of the happy couple.”

“Finally!” Rainbow Dash darted out of the lineup. “I get to move!”

“We’ll head over to the seating area and make sure everything is ready for you!” Lyra said. “Unless you want us to stick around, obviously.”

“No, you go right ahead,” Twilight motioned for Lyra to go on her way. “I’m sure that everypony will appreciate your help.”

“And the pictures will probably go a whole lot faster if Pinkie Pie isn’t here distractin’ us,” Applejack added.

“In that case, we shall see you at the reception!” Rarity said. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to make sure everypony makes the trek without completely ruining their dresses!” She scurried off after the rest of the party.

“So.” Applejack had waited all day for a chance to talk to Twilight, and now she couldn’t think of anything but small talk. Then again, any talk would seem small now. “How are you doin’?”

“Never better.” Twilight smiled and leaned against Applejack. The camera’s flashbulb popped. “Just a little bit tired after my bachelorette party.”

“Bet that was crazy,” Applejack said with a laugh. “Then again, Pinkie was there, so I guess it would have to be.”

“You have no idea.” Twilight nuzzled against Applejack’s cheek for a moment. “This is actually happening, right?”

“Unless I’m dreamin’ too. But if I am, it's the best dream I’ve ever had. ‘Course, that’s just askin’ for a rude awakening, so I’m hoping we’re both awake.”

The camera bulb flashed again. Twilight blinked the spots out of her eyes. “I guess we should get these pictures finished up. We wouldn’t want to keep everypony waiting.”

“Yeah,” Applejack said. She was still in a bit of a daze. Just as well. By the time it had really sunk in, she and Twilight would be well on their way to Los Pegasos. “I’m sure the pictures are gonna be nice memories, but right now I really want to sit down and get some food.”

“Sounds good to me.” Twilight nodded. “I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.”

Applejack returned the nod and turned back to the photographer. “Alright, let’s get these pictures taken.”

Lyra resisted the urge to start nibbling on her corsage. Twilight and Applejack had finally made their big entrance to the wedding reception, taking their seats at the enormous table that had been set up on Sweet Apple Acres’ lawn. It wouldn’t be long now before the food finally came out. But before that came the toasts. If there was one thing she could count on, it was that Big Macintosh wouldn’t go for very long.

She drained her glass, wishing it was filled with cider rather than water. For most of the day, excitement had overwhelmed her nerves, but that was wearing off. Getting up in front of Twilight and Applejack’s friends and family and making sure that she didn’t totally ruin the moment would be quite the experience. At least there was the consolation that most of them didn’t know her. If she screwed up that badly most of the audience would never see her again anyway.

Big Macintosh cleared his throat and stood. The murmuring died down almost instantly as everypony took their seats and turned to face the table. Twilight and Applejack waited with baited breath for him to begin.

“All my life,” he began, “I knew that Applejack would eventually find a very special somepony, and I thought it would be my job as her brother to put the fear of Tartarus into them. Fortunately for her, she found somepony that I know is gonna treat her right. Fortunately for me, I still have a little sister, so I still have a chance to scare somepony.”

Lyra chuckled. Big Macintosh had an odd sense of humor.

“But seriously, I know that my sister found somepony who loves her and makes her happy. And I couldn’t ask anything more for her.” He smiled. “Congratulations, to both of you.”

The audience clapped.

“Thanks, Big Mac,” Applejack said as she gave her brother a hug.

Lyra took a deep breath. It was her turn now. Her mouth was dry as she stood up, despite the drink she had taken moments before. She could see Bon Bon sitting at one of the side table, waiting to see what she had come up with.

“I’m no expert when it comes to romance,” she said. “Bon Bon can tell you that much.” The audience laughed, and she breathed a sigh of relief. “Really, it’s almost a miracle that Twilight and Applejack are still together after taking advice from me.” There was more laughter. Even Bon Bon cracked a smile. “But in spite of me, I think they’ll be okay. I may not know them quite as well as some of you, or have known them for quite as long as you have, but I do know that they love each other.

“And I’m not talking about that ‘Hearts and Hooves Day’ kind of love, where it’s all flowers and candy and cards shaped like hearts. I’m talking about the love they have for each other even when they’re in a bad mood, or tired, or grouchy, or when things aren’t going so well. Because there are going to be some rough spots, there will be times when they get on each others’ nerves, sometimes they’ll butt heads.

“But the thing is, that’s unavoidable. Anypony who’s ever been in a relationship knows it. Nopony is perfect, and nopony is going to have a perfect relationship. But that’s okay, because, well, what makes a real relationship, what makes it strong, what makes last, it isn’t whether or not you can avoid having problems. What makes or breaks it is whether they can keep on loving each other even when the problems pop up. And I know that Twilight and Applejack can.”

She smiled widely and raised her glass. “Congratulations, you two.”

Lyra leaned back in her chair, wishing she could put her back hooves on the table. It would be in bad taste, of course, though at this point it was unlikely anypony would notice. Twilight and Applejack had finished their meals, left the table and made their rounds through the reception, stopping by each table to personally thank everyone for coming.

Twilight’s parents had been proud of their daughter, of course. Twilight’s mom had fought back tears during their whole conversation. Twilight’s dad had fought the urge to give his daughter and daughter-in-law such huge hugs that he ruined their dresses. When he had welcomed Applejack to the family with a friendly noogie, Rarity had shot him such a cold glare that Lyra got chills just from watching.

Shining Armor had been even more… affected. The sight of Cadance rolling her eyes as she gave her husband yet another tissue was something that Lyra would remember. Even Big Macintosh had gotten caught up by emotion. Out of everypony, only Apple Bloom had escaped the flood of sentimentality. She spent most of the reception scurrying around with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

Even Celestia had teary eyes as she offered Twilight and Applejack her congratulations. Lyra shivered when she realized that she had given a speech to a princess, and that she had gotten applause for it.

Before long, the bouquet had been tossed, and caught by Cheerilee, much to Big Macintosh’s non-surprise. The happy couple had enjoyed their first dance, and now the DJ was getting the party started in earnest.

Now would be a good time to go find Bon Bon, Lyra decided. She’d have finished putting out the desserts by now, and Lyra was anxious to catch up with her. And maybe get her onto the dance floor to boogie a little. After so much standing and sitting, Lyra needed to move around a bit.

She got up and began to weave her way through the crowd towards the dance floor. As she reached the edge, the pounding beat subsided. “Figures,” she grumbled. “I finally get a chance to show off my moves and they put on a slow song.”

“Care to dance anyway?” asked a familiar voice from behind her.

“Oh, Bon Bon!”

“Shall we?” Bon Bon waved a hoof at the dance floor.

“As if I could say no to you.” Lyra held out a hoof.

Bon Bon smirked and followed Lyra out onto the floor. “It’s not everyday that I can dance with you.” She began to sway as she listened. “Besides, I like this song.”

Lyra rolled her eyes as she and Bon Bon began to dance. When she thought of dancing it meant feeling the rhythm and getting down with it, not slowly stepping back and forth in circles.

“You did a wonderful job with your little speech, Lyra.”

“Thanks,” Lyra said with a smile. “I’d never have figured out all that stuff if not for you. I mean, not that I… uh. There was probably a better way to put that. I guess I should thank you again for putting up with me. I’m pretty sure it isn’t always easy.”

“Of course not. You said that much yourself.” Bon Bon laughed. “Besides, it isn’t like I make it particularly easy for you either.”

“Eh, it’s worth the hassle.” Lyra stuck her tongue out. “I get free chocolate, after all.”

“I should’ve known you only married me for my chocolate.”

Lyra winked. “Not just for the chocolate.” She looked down at her hooves, to make sure she wasn’t going to step on Bon Bon’s. “You really think my speech was good? You know I’m no good at these sorts of things.”

“You could’ve fooled me. I thought it was lovely. But more importantly, it was real.” Bon Bon rolled her eyes. “I was afraid you were going to get up and start spouting clichés about how lovey-dovey they are and how happy they’ll be. Instead” —she leaned in and gave Lyra a peck on the nose— “you went and reminded me why I married you to begin with.”

Lyra blushed. “Don’t pretend you forgot.”

“Of course not. But it never hurts to be reminded.”

“I’ve got an idea,” Lyra said as she hopped to the side to avoid colliding with Cheerilee and Big Macintosh. “How about after we see Twilight and Applejack off, we go out and do something. You know, go out for dinner or something. It’s been forever since we’ve gone on a date night.”

“I’d like that,” Bon Bon said. “Though it’ll probably have to wait till tomorrow. We promised Big Macintosh we’d help clean up, remember?”

“Oh, right.” Lyra groaned. “Guess there’s a ton of work behind a wedding, huh?”

Bon Bon rolled her eyes. “There’s a lot of work behind anything worthwhile.”

A loud record squeak echoed from the loudspeakers as the song ended. “Alright!” the DJ called. “Let’s have some fun!” A new song started, this one comprised mostly of drums and electronic squawks.

“And this is where I take my leave,” Bon Bon said with a sigh. “You know as well as I do what will happen if I try to dance to this. You remember what happened last time.”

Lyra snorted as she tried to hide her giggles. “Well, it’s not like you danced. It was more like a full-body heave set to music.”

Bon Bon’s cheeks were red. “At least I tried. I will catch up with you later."

“Sure thing!” Lyra watched Bon Bon disappear back into the crowd. Then she started to bob her head. “Now this is music to dance to!”

Rarity stood just outside Sweet Apple Acres’ gate, watching with distaste as her friends finished decorating the coach that was going to take Twilight and Applejack off on their honeymoon. She was quite proud of her elegant soap calligraphy on the back window. The customary “Just Married” had never looked better. She couldn’t say the same for everything else.

“Pinkie Pie, you are putting entirely too many balloons on that carriage!” Rarity grumbled. “At this rate, Twilight and Applejack would float away, never to be seen again!”

“Nah, they’d totally be seen again!” Pinkie said as she tied yet another balloon to the roof. “I’m not sure where they’d be seen, but somepony would see them.”

Rarity shook her head. “Pinkie, that’s not the point.”

“Actually, I think she’s right,” Rainbow Dash said. “With the way the winds are right now, if the carriage does lift off, it’d probably end up drifting to Cloudsdale.”

“What are we, shredded wheat?” grumbled one of the carriage ponies, who had been waiting with remarkable patience as the wedding party decorated the cart.

“You could just detach yourselves from the harnesses,” Rarity said. “And again, not the point! I just want the carriage to not look utterly absurd!” She poked one of the cans that hung from the bumper.

“Fine job you did of that,” said the other carriage-puller. Rarity ignored them.

“But that’s the whole point!” Rainbow Dash grumbled. “I spent like half an hour putting those on!” She shooed Rarity away from her handiwork. “You leave them alone.”

“I have no plans to remove your soup cans, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity wrinkled her nose. “I do wish you’d have taken the time to remove the labels first, but I suppose it’s too late for that now. I just hope the clatter won’t be too loud.”

Fluttershy poked her head out of the carriage window. “I’m all done getting the inside ready. Is there anything else you need me to do out here?”

“Streamers!” Pinkie hurled a hoofful of streamers over the edge of the roof and onto Fluttershy’s head.

“Hey, are you guys almost ready?” Spike emerged from the gate. “Twilight and Applejack want to get going soon, and Lyra can only keep them distracted for so long.”

“We just have to finish the streamers,” Rainbow Dash answered. “It’ll take us like, two minutes, tops.”

“Great. Twilight and Applejack obviously want you to be there when they say goodbye to everypony before they leave. I’ll go let Lyra know that you’re almost done.” He scurried back to the festivities.

“Can you believe it!?” Pinkie squeaked. “They’re actually married!”

“It is quite surreal,” Rarity said as she carefully tied one of Pinkie’s ribbons to the carriage’s fender. “After planning for so long, it really is an odd feeling to know that it’s actually happened.”

“It’s not that weird,” Rainbow Dash said. “I mean, I know Twilight drags her hooves sometimes, but did anypony really think that they wouldn’t go through with it?”

Fluttershy tied her ribbon in a bow. “I knew they would get married, I just didn’t think it would be so soon.”

“Soon?” Pinkie snorted, somehow spraying a bunch of glitter over the carriage’s roof in the process. “What do you mean, ‘soon’? They took, like, forever!”

“It’s soon, relatively speaking,” Rarity said, wrinkling her nose at the sparkly mess Pinkie was making. “Though I suppose it won’t be long before Twilight and Applejack are back, and things will seem, well, normal.”

“Normal, huh? I dunno about that.” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “This whole thing is a pretty big change.”

“Well, everypony has been through lots of really big changes,” Fluttershy said. “I mean, when Twilight first moved to town, that was a pretty big deal, but now it’s hard to imagine what it would be like if she weren’t around.”

Pinkie nodded vigorously in assent. “Yeah! It’s like when I first moved to Sugarcube Corner and my head almost exploded like a balloon filled with confetti because there was cake everywhere! And now there’s still cake everywhere, but my head doesn’t almost explode anymore.”

“I suppose that ‘normal’ is a bit of a relative term,” Rarity said with a shrug. “Are you almost done? If we take much longer Twilight and Applejack will get suspicious.”

“What, you’re expecting them to be surprised that we put a bunch of stuff on their cart?” Rainbow Dash asked as she wiped the last of the glitter off of her hooves. “I’m pretty sure one of them would’ve thought about it.”

“It’s a carriage, Rainbow Dash, not a cart,” Rarity said.

“Well, whatever it is, we’ve got all the streamers on it now!” Pinkie leaped to the ground and admired her work. “I think we did pretty good.”

“I, uh…” Fluttershy searched for the right words. “I suppose you could say that. It’s supposed to look a little ridiculous, right?”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s perfect!” Rainbow Dash hovered for a few moments before heading back down the path. “How about we get back to the reception before they wonder where we went?”

Pinkie hopped after her, followed by Fluttershy. Rarity watched them go, then looked back over her shoulder at the carriage. Twilight had come quite a long way since that conversation in the library. Rarity smiled. She had expected nothing less from her friend.

Twilight and Applejack stood in the kitchen of the Apple Family Farmhouse. Just outside the door, they could hear the murmuring of the crowd, waiting for them to make one last appearance before they hopped in their carriage.

“Ugh, I feel so glad to finally be out of that dress.” Applejack ran her hoof through her mane a few times to make sure it was suitably mussed, then put her hat on. “Now that’s more like it.”

“Aw, I thought you looked good!” Twilight said with a chuckle as she carefully hung her own gown on the hanger that Rarity had provided. “You should braid your mane more often.”

“We’ll see about that, alright.” Applejack made on final adjustment to her hat, then looked at herself in the mirror. “Huh. I almost look normal. I’da thought that Rarity’s makeup would’ve stuck on a bit longer.”

Twilight put a hoof around Applejack. “So? Yes, you looked nice, but normal is good too. After all, you were just being normal when I fell in love with you, remember? I wouldn’t want you to be anything else.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I guess normal is good,” Applejack said, “even if it’s not the same. A new normal is fine by me.” She gave Twilight a squeeze. “What do you say we get on our way? It’s been a long day, and it’s high time we got some time to ourselves.”

“I’d like that,” Twilight answered. “It feels like it’s been forever since we were alone together.”

“Well, in that case, let’s go.”

The gathering of ponies cheered as Twilight and Applejack emerged from the farmhouse. Lyra forced her way to the front of the crowd.

“Alright, everypony be quiet!” she shouted. “The time has come for Twilight and Applejack to get out of here. They just want to say a few words to everypony before they go, and then they’re off on their honeymoon!”

“First of all,” Twilight said, “we want to thank all of you for coming. Today has been wonderful, and it wouldn’t have been the same without you celebrating it with us!”

“We know it was a big hassle for a lot of you to make it,” Applejack said, “but it really means a whole lot that you all went to the trouble of bein’ here. But now, we got a reservation waitin’ for us and as much as we like hangin’ around here, we got a honeymoon to go on.”

“Thank you again for helping to make this day so great!” Twilight waved at the crowd. “Goodbye!”

The crowd began to clap, and parted as Twilight and Applejack trotted through. As they emerged from the gaggle of ponies, they found Lyra waiting next to the path.

“The carriage is ready to go, and all of your luggage is already loaded,” she said. “All you have to do is hop on.” She leaned in, a wide smile on her face. “Make the most of your honeymoon. Things will be back to normal before you know it.”

“Normal is okay with me,” Twilight said with a laugh.

“Not that we won’t enjoy ourselves,” Applejack added. “Thanks, Lyra. For everything.”

Lyra just waved her hoof dismissively. “Don’t worry about it. I did what I could, and that’s it. Just do me a favor and enjoy yourselves, okay?”

“Will do!” Applejack nodded with determination.

“And the first part of that is getting there on time!” Twilight said, giving Applejack a light tug. “Thanks, Lyra. We’ll see you in a few weeks.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll see you too. Now get moving already.”

Applejack and Twilight laughed, and headed down the path.

Twilight’s head was a whirl as she accompanied Applejack down the path. They were married. They had said their vows, exchanged rings, and filed all the proper paperwork. How long had she spent planning it? But now there was nothing left to plan. No more proposals, no more worrying about impressions, no more seating charts… just spending their lives together. Her lip quivered as she thought about it.

“You okay, Twilight?” Applejack asked.

“Never better,” she answered. “It’s just… it’s a lot to take in.” She rocked to the side, giving Applejack a bump. “You feel the same way, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. Good thing we got the next two weeks to get it all figured out.”

They walked through the gate, and found themselves face to face with the carriage.

“Wow,” Twilight said. “Pinkie sure did a number on that, didn’t she?”

“TA-DA!” Pinkie’s shout was accompanied by an explosion of confetti and a blaring horn. “How do you like the carriage?! Isn’t it great!?”

Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike emerged from behind it.

“It’s…” Applejack bit her lip to keep from laughing too hard at Pinkie’s enthusiasm, “quite something, Pinkie.”

“Needless to say, all the… stuff was her idea,” Rainbow Dash said as she knocked on the side of the carriage. “You two have a great time, okay? I hear the weather in Los Pegasos is supposed to be perfect.”

“We sure will,” Applejack said. “And I really gotta thank you all again. Without all of you, I don’t know where we’d be.”

“Somewhere else!” Pinkie said, winking.

“Yes, I don’t know how I would have managed without all of you keeping me from going crazy,” Twilight added. “I owe all of you so much!”

“You don’t owe us anything, Twilight.” Fluttershy gently put her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “We just want you to be happy.”

“Yeah,” Spike said. “We just did what friends are supposed to.”

“You did way more than that, Spike,” Twilight gently ruffled his spines. “You put up with me for all that time, and never complained about it.”

“Nah, it wasn’t that big of a deal,” he answered. “So it wasn’t exactly easy sometimes, but seeing you two here makes it all worth it. I like helping you, Twilight.” He paused. “And you too, Applejack. Or at least, I think I will. It’ll be hard to tell until you actually move in.”

“Don’t you worry about that, Spike.” Applejack patted him on the shoulder. “You’re family now. And I’m glad that you’re part of…” her voice trailed off as she heard an odd squeaking noise. She turned around. “Rarity, are you cryin’?”

“I’m sorry!” Rarity sniffed dramatically and dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief. “It’s just… it’s such a happy occasion! Seeing the two of you together…” She loudly blew her nose.

“Oh come on!” Rainbow Dash put a hoof to her face. “You were doing so well today with not crying!”

“I… I made it through most of it!” Rarity sniffed. “Two of my best friends are getting married, and you expect me not to shed a tear of happiness?”

“That’s sure better than tears of sadness!” Pinkie said.

“We’re all just so happy for you!” Fluttershy hopped into the air and hovered. “We just really really want you to enjoy your honeymoon.”

“We sure do!” Spike cleared his throat. “We know that we already got you a bunch of wedding presents and whatever, but we wanted to do something special for you!”

“What?” Applejack blinked in surprise. “Y’all didn’t have to do that.”

“Maybe not” Rarity said, “but we did nonetheless.”

Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof on the ground. “We all chipped in and got you tickets for the Daring Do Movie Set Tour!”

“You should totally bring her back a souvenir!” Pinkie added. “The tickets are on the seat inside the carriage, by the way.”

“We’ll see what we can do,” Twilight said with a laugh. “And thank you. All of you. I don’t know what else to say.”

“You can say ‘goodbye’!” Rarity said. “You’ve hung around here with us for long enough.”

Twilight and Applejack exchanged a glance and a nod. They spent a minute exchanging goodbyes and hugs with their friends, and climbed into the carriage.

“See you in a few weeks!” Spike pounded his claw on the side of the carriage. The carriage ponies, who had been growing restless, finally started to move. The gravel path crunched under the wheels, and as the carriage rolled down the road, the cans that dragged behind it clanged loudly. “And congratulations!” he shouted.

Twilight and Applejack waved through the back window. Their friends waved back. The carriage grew smaller and smaller, finally vanishing into the distance.

Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Spike spent a moment of silence staring at the now empty road.

Then Spike broke the silence. “So, uh, not to ruin the moment or anything, but what do we do now?”

“I suppose we should go back to the reception and begin to clean up,” Fluttershy said.

“And it begins.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “I guess I’ll go round everypony up now that the party is over.”

“And I’ll take care of the leftover food!” Pinkie said as she bounced along behind Rainbow Dash back towards the reception.

Spike sighed and began to walk back with them. “It’s so weird how things can go back to normal so quickly. I mean, we were just all partying and everything and now it’s all over.”

“It’s hardly over, Spike,” Rarity said as she patted him on the back. “Behind every wonderful, spectacular, memorable moment, there’s usually just a lot of plain, old, hard work.” She smiled. “Things will be back to normal soon enough, and normal is hardly a bad thing. Normal is only what you make it, after all.”

Spike nodded. “I guess it is.”

“Now, what do you say about helping me pack up all of the dresses so they don’t get dirty during the cleanup?”

Spike smiled. “I’d love to.”

The End

Author's Note:

...Or is it? Yeah, it is.

I just want to take a second to thank everybody for reading and sticking around for this long. I have a blog post over here that's sort of a wrap up. If enough people are interested, I also might do a Q&A style followup, so if you'd want something like that, go over to that post and ask some questions.

And seriously, thank you. Writing this story has been an amazing experience, and it wouldn't have been the same without you guys.

Comments ( 86 )

i like it and JapaneseTeeth can you do a sequel for this story

This story was amazing. You didn't do a typical happy sunshine and rainbows relationship. No, you actually showed the rough parts, the little things that can set people off, and demonstrated that a relationship isn't about avoiding conflict but getting through it and overcoming it together. This is a more realistic view of romance, and so I'm glad I read this fic. Well done, good sir/madam, well done. :ajsmug: :twilightsmile:

It ends. And damn if it wasn't really rather pretty good.

Exactly why I like this story. It's not a overdramatic fairytale romance, it's one where people behave rationally, and that includes the arguments. The whole story felt really real. And now it's over, but that's ok. It's not a Happily Ever After, but I think they'll be fine anyway.

Aww, what a sweet ending!

Well it's been a long journey, but it's been well worth it.


She had spent hours turning the words over and over in her head. They had decided early on that they would write their own vows. She had been prepared to agonize over what to say, but something had clicked. When the time came, she’d have the words. Nothing she could have written beforehand would have fit. Now the time was here, and she knew what she was going to say.

When Twilight trusts herself to leave something to the moment instead of triple-checking it for the whole morning, you know it's special.

If I may counter epigraph with epigraph:

As they went in, it was the beginning of a story. But let's be different and call it the end.
-J.T. McIntosh

I can't say anything that hasn't already been said. Good Story.


Bravo! Bravo!

That was a great read, from start to end, and I'm happy to have followed it through the whole way.

This is how shipping should be done, and I look forward to seeing more fic from you!

I'm gettin' all kinds of emotional, seeing that this is over.

I have to say, my favorite part of the wedding itself was Celestia not going on to say 'By the power vested in me...' I'm Celestia, I -am- the power. I proclaimeth thee: BE WED! :trollestia:

That mental image kept me from tearing up and made me giggle.

A wonderful end to a wonderful story.

i shall read even though im not keen on the pairing but it is a massive story with my fav character:twilightblush: if i like i shall thumb up good day

I really like how you put focus on all aspects of the day, it really helped build the image of the emotions they must have been going through.
I've pretty much fallen out of the fandom, but I stuck around to read this story. Your pacing is good and your writing is great. I'll keep an eye out every now and again for more stories by yourself, but for now, Its off to bigger and better things. Enjoy your break, knock um dead in November, and keep doing what ya love.

5135889 JT won't be doing a sequel. This is confirmed.

I'm glad to see that Lyra's experience of wedding receptions (thirst and hunger - how long can these guys talk for anyway?) is basically the same as mine. :derpytongue2:

in the words of the Grateful Dead "What a Long Strange Trip It's Been", You've written an absolutely wonderful story, and I'm a little sad to see it end. Thank you so much for your time and effort, I hope to see more from you soon.


5135889 Just for the sake of not stringing anybody along, I have to say that unfortunately, I'm not going to be doing a sequel to this in the foreseeable future. If I had planned on covering all the post-wedding material, I would've just made it part of this story. The short version is that I've spent a lot of time on this one, and I can only put so much effort into one project without starting to burn out. Better to end it while I still have my motivation than to force myself to keep writing something that I've gotten tired of.

Ah, now that is a great end to a great story.

...But what happened with the orangutan?

5139061 At the very least, I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to want a sequel. :twilightsheepish:

Simply magnificent. I loved every moment of this fic. Every chapter, every trial, every success, and the overall ending, this was an amazing time and to see it end in such a way is satisfying. You did a stupendous job on this piece of literature. I am glad to have stumbled on to this and followed it through to the end, I await more greatness from you with other fics you decide to write.

This was truley an amazing story. Seeing the end makes me want to go back and read the whole thing from beginning to end again.

Been a while, huh?
First of, grats on finishing your story. It's always an awesome feeling when finishing such a long project.
Second of, thanks for sharing. It's one thing your love for your own project, but it's also always nice seeing a good story come to completion from a reader's point of view.

It's funny how the sense of finality doesn't quite sink in instantly (much like with Twi and AJ I suppose).
Grats on finishing this once again. :twilightsmile:

Here it is, the final chapter, the end of a truly AMAZING story... time to see how it goes.

Hey, no opening monologue, but an opening DPC letter! YES!! Yeah, I know a lot of people are kinda glad they are gone, or see why they went but I really miss hearing "Dear Princess Celestia."

In fact, if it’s possible, we would both be honored if you would officiate the ceremony for us.

Okay was starting to wonder why they were just inviting her, rather then, you know, having her perform it. hey, this means Luna can ring the bells soon, YAY! Happy Best Princess!

Though just between you and me, I think you could pull some strings. *wink*

That... feels very odd for Twi to add.. I know she's calmed down a lot but, still...

Your faithful student (and soon-to-be Mrs. Applejack),

How do names work with Pony weddings? given how, there doesn't seem to be an family names.. except for the few families that do have them.. except those that don't...
pony naming is so weird...:derpyderp2:

P.S. The “pull some strings” thing is just a joke. I didn’t mean to imply anything untoward.

P.P.S. Was the wink too much? It was, wasn’t it? Oh well, this is my last scroll.

Awww Twi trying to act calm and joking, and being so cute having to make sure she knows it's a joke... how many scrolls did she go through trying different jokes out before getting stuck with this as her last one? :twilightsheepish: Yes, really like this, it shows how Twi's grown though this story quite well.

Oh right, I was so tired after the bachelorette party that I just slumped into bed, and— Wait. If the bachelorette party was last night, that means today is…

Awww we don't get to see the party? Will we at least get a lot of humorous, easy to misconstrue, vague noodle incident lines about the wild night?

“GAAHHHH!” Twilight tried to leap out of bed, but she found the sheets wrapped tightly around her. She fell to the floor with a thud.


“The music, the food, the seating arrangements, the—”

“Snap out of it!” Spike said as he helped her up. “Everything is taken care of, okay? Remember? You and Applejack spent like a week getting everything together so you wouldn’t freak out now!

Okay.... huh? I'm with Spike here, what? I can get her getting excited, freaking out with anxiety, but over stuff that is done, she knows is done, and better damn well be done before the wedding day? Now double/triple/octople checking things, worrying about something going wrong, just general fear and anxiety about the wedding? Sure. But general stuff like that? Bit to far IMO.

Seating arrangements, so many seating arrangements. She and Applejack had spent nearly a whole day figuring out who would go at which table.

And I was really looking forward to seeing that, it had to have been epically hilarious watching Twi try to organize that much.

the coin flip to decide who would be walking down the aisle

:rainbowlaugh: Well, best way to decide it I guess. Though o'd think ponies would have a system for this.. unless... is hat the traditional pony system for these kinds of things? Wait... given the lack of an signs of overall gender typing and what not... is that how it works for Mare/Stallion weddings too? that would be hilarious.

Also.... meh not a fan of this kind of recap of all the setup. I really would have liked to see the details rather then just a quick summery, just, feels wrong skipping hings like this in this story, though I do get why you did it. And best you could for what you wanted and to not drag on forever. But, still not a fan of the idea.

They involved loud music, flashing lights, and a lot of chocolates that were too deformed for sale in Bon Bon’s shop.

That's it? Sounds like a rather lame bachelorette party. Or did she just forget the good stuff from to man 'special' chocolates?

Lyra turned to Spike. “You might want to cover your ears.”

He obeyed, just in time.

Ooookay, Lyra, what did you do? wait, did she try to make breakfast?

Twilight had never seen the library in such a sorry state. The floor was strewn with confetti, streamers, crumbs, and miscellaneous party props that no doubt belonged to Pinkie. Rainbow Dash was splayed out on a couch that Twilight didn’t remember having.

:rainbowlaugh: okay, just the mess from the party. And seems like it did get good at some point. Yeah I would have loved to have seen it but, this does lead to much more humor if the bits we learn just get bigger and more insane in what went on.

“Well, we each got our own parties to go to, right? And besides, you know it’s tradition that the bride’s not supposed to see the… other bride before the wedding.”

Another odd bit that is rather funny for this situation. wait, was she about to say Groom? Now THAT would be rather awesome.

When she looked up, she had found herself flanked by Lyra and Pinkie Pie.

Yeah, that's enough reason to panic in and of itself. And hey least you woke up alone and on our own bed, that's a huge bonus compared to what else I'd expect from any night that starts with that.

“Don’t worry, Twilight,” Lyra had said with a wink. “This is your last night as a free mare, and we are going to make sure you enjoy it!”

In ways that we can't really talk about and will end up being pretty tame given the overall tone of his story.

Lyra had busted out a massive pile of chocolate, and Pinkie Pie had taken over from there.

So, was that chocolate spiked with something? Why else wouldn't she remember anything clearly?

and an orangutan had been present at some point.

:pinkiegasp: The Librarian!? Please tell me that was a Discworld reference. That has GOT to be one. No no that WAS one even if you deny it. It is to awesome for that NOT to have been The Librarian crossing over to Twilight's library through L-Space.:eeyup:

See Big Mac agrees.

At the very least, somepony had had the presence of mind to shield the bookshelves with sheets before the party started.


“Especially when somepony stuffs her full of sugar.”

you did WHAT!? And.. the town.. the building.. reality itself is still standing? Lyra, you were playing with forces you know not the might of.:pinkiecrazy:

“Do you remember how many points that” —Twilight made hoof-quotes in the air— “‘explosion’ is worth?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “No clue.”

okay story, keep up this stuff, and forgive you for not showing the party, yeah this is way more fun guessing as long as it keeps things over the top and so huge we know it wouldn't have been as great to actually see.... OR WOULD IT!

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back in time to help you get ready. I promise!”

Well, yeah I guess AJ would nee more help with all that primping and dressing and getting something like that on and fixed up rather then Twi, so yeah Rarity is needed there. But still, having RD help with that? isn't the like, the opposite of a good idea?

“Oh, I’m sure we’ll figure something out,”

Well you will have at least two Princesses there, likely three, wait... hold on... personal invite for Tia, but not Luna? Awww poor unloved Moonbutt... but anyway, with that much raw power... you might get her still for at least half a second.

Or you could just get a pony painted Pinkie and wearing a wig to fill in for her.

She wondered what Applejack was having for breakfast.


But, okay I liked this, yeah bit snark about skipping stiuff, and do wish we saw that all being worked out but, I get why. Disappointed, but not upset. And Twi's feelings, the rather out of it, not upset, not even quite worried, just, vaguely "Wow..." unable to really get past how huge this is... very nicely conveyed and really fits. it's not "maybe we shouldn't" Cold hooves, but just, her really having it start to hit home how big, how REAL this is. And, Love it.

A long night of hoedowns, dancing, and eating apple fritters had made her utterly exhausted

Yeah, pretty much what I should have expected her party to be like given all the Apples around. Well unless they had their own 'special' brand of family celebration but... right not that type of story. :derpytongue2:

Which made it rather weird when she felt herself moving up and down. Then there was that voice in the background...

“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!”

“Ugh…” She didn’t have to open her eyes to know what was going on.

Me either. So is it bad luck to toss one of the flower fillies through a wall the morning of the wedding?

“Between Aunt Orange and Rarity, it’ll be a miracle if I ever get to the wedding. They’ll probably spend forever fightin’ over what to do with my mane.”

Right she has Aunt Orange to help too. So, why is Twi getting stuck with just RD to help? Yeah I do get why rarity would want to handle AJ's preparations more, given she does need it more but, why not Fluttershy to help Twi? Even Bon-Bon, Derpy, Cadance, her mom, anypony but RD and/or Pinkie.

“Well, I was just gonna shove it all into a hat, but Rarity wasn’t havin’ that,”

To bad, so sad, seeing that would have made me glad. Also I would like to add, wedding hats could become quite the fad.

“Rarity said that if I tried to eat anything while wearin’ the dress she’d launch me out of that catapult we built for our science project.”

Hmmmm.... that seems odd. Far far far to controlled and calm for Rarity. She usual wouldn't even need the catapult to send a pony that ruined a dress like that flying.

“But I figure that there isn’t any good I can do by worryin’ about it.

Also a very great showing from AJ. Nervous, but simply taking it in stride and not freaking out over it. Knowing there's nothing she can do by worrying to much, and just going on with things. Very nice.

Once I get some food in me, it’ll sink in and then I’ll get jumpy.”

Really? I tend to find anxiety levels go down after I eat.

So yeah, love the contrast between how they are handling things this morning. Very nicely done, both felt very much how they would, yet not enough to be feeling like some conflict is coming up over it, just, normal "This is the biggest event in m life" jitters. And both reacting to it like you would expect.

“Your move,” Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight didn't respond.

She's 'helping' by playing battle-cloud with Twi, isn't she? Why was RD and RD alone sent to help something like this?

“It's Battlecloud,” Rainbow Dash said. “I always win.”

Be hilarious if RD lost because Twi was so distracted she just put her pieces randomly around the board rather then a pattern like usual, and so RD's strategy fails. Also, CALLED IT!

“Oh, are we early?” Fluttershy trotted in. “Rarity and I had finished up at Town Hall, and Rarity told us to come over here.”

Okay good... well kind of. Fluttershy, good help, Pinkie, more of the opposite of 'Help' that you'd get from RD so, not a huge improvement. But yeah, doubt you'd want... wait why isn't Pinkie all over the Apple farm now that she knows she's related? trying to meet every single family member?

It would be kinda freaky if her jaw literally hit the floor.”

Well, she IS related to Pinkie.......

Pinkie, if you want to eat any snacks, eat them now. Rarity says you’re banned from eating anything once you put your dress on!”

So does the dress come with a muzzle? cause, how else are you going to keep Pinkie from eating?

“Forget the game!” Pinkie said with a snort. “I have to finish my donuts!”


Though I don’t think she needs quite as much assistance with her mane.

Mane, dress, searching her down several times to make suer there are no hats hiding somewhere under the dress she'll whip out when she things Rarity isn't looking...

Besides, I reminded Lyra that despite being humble and personable, Twilight does know three princesses, and that bad things may happen if she ruins Twilight’s mane.


“If I don’t, I’m gonna go crazy.” She carefully sat on the edge of her bed. “I just wanna see Twilight again.”

Not quite nerves, but still on edge, wantin this over with, to have been done... yeah I can really see AJ acting like this. Again great job with how they are dealing with things.

“I believe ‘nervicited’ is the term she used.”

“Yeah, that. I think I finally get what she was talkin’ about.”

Awesome call back, and, yeah that fits SO damn well.

Actually seeing herself in the dress she had taken so long to select would make it so real.

Wish we had gotten to see that.

Twilight pranced in place just beside the stage.

And jump cut to later on without some of the stuff of her actually getting there. Again more just m wanting to see EVERY detail.

She had gotten a chance to talk to them as they crossed paths on the way to the venue.

And we couldn't see this why?

Sure, having your wedding ruined by a Changeling invasion was a one-in-a-million experience, but it did put things in perspective. Or at least, it had, for a couple of minutes. They had only talked for a few minutes before she had to get to the town hall to make sure she was on time.

Or we do, but in flashback, so why not just see it as i happened? Also, yeah, so far best wedding you've ever dealt with.

But now she was alone,

Where's her best mare?

At least Lyra had stayed.

So not alone?

There wasn’t much encouragement that she could offer that Twilight hadn’t already heard, but Twilight still felt at ease. Mostly, at least.

Okay this paragraph kind of wanders around and is a bit confusing.

“And how are you doing, my most faithful student?”

YAY TIA! Now where's Moonbutt?

“Yeah, one of the guards had to come and check in the dressing room.”

What dressing room? I thought you got ready at the Library then came here?
And, again would have been nice to see this happening. Also, she cut it close? Not like you can really start tings without the pony actually doing the whole ceremony.

Celestia smiled. “Think nothing of it.” Then she nudged Twilight and nodded her head toward the back of the hall. “Your friend is waving at you.”

Hmmm that felt..... rather flat. Didn't.. really feel much emotion behind them talking. Just, nothing bad but, not as 'real' as your character interactions usually are. Just, more like it's there just to have a bit where those to talk, but not really feeling all that well done. Again nothing bad just, not as touching or well done as this feels like it should have felt. Like, they are just casual acquaintances, not as close as they really are. Tia is like another mother to her, the most important pony in her life outside her family, and Twi is Tia's star pupil and the pony closer to her then any other save Luna. (Who I am detecting a rather saddening lack of). And this is the biggest day of her life but, no real emotion behind their interaction.

“Sure do. As soon as Fluttershy starts the wedding march, the ushers open the doors, and I finally get to walk down the aisle.”

"As you know" But, it foes work here, just making sure that something IS known, and verifying that she's got it down, yeah can totally buy recapping something like this out loud given what a big deal it is that it goes perfectly.

For once in their lives, the Crusaders obeyed.

Hey, they also obey Fluttershy.

she just wanted to kick down the door and run straight to Twilight. Whoever had come up with that tradition about not seeing the bride before the wedding obviously hadn’t been the one getting married.

Yeah, where the fuck DID that come from?

The doors opened. Twilight fought to keep herself from shaking as she heard the music.

Do really love the timing of the transitions between the two, very nice job of showing both their perspectives, without going back in time, or skipping around to much. That is very well done.

She contented herself with mouthing a silent “I love you.”

:pinkiesad2: Wow...... just.... wow...

The rest of it flew by, and Twilight could hardly register it.

Reall? Just skipping it? A chance for some really great words from Tia, I mean yeah that scene of AJ coming o the alter was.... so well done, but missing out on this now? First no Luna, now Tia getting skipped over. Meghan.. is that you?

She heard every word Celestia said,

To bad we didn't

She had been prepared to agonize over what to say, but something had clicked. When the time came, she’d have the words. Nothing she could have written beforehand would have fit. Now the time was here, and she knew what she was going to say.

No planning? Just going with it raw, unpracticed? Winging it? Are we sure she isn't a changeling?
But really, that alone is.. it is great and, yeah very unlike Twi and yet, in a good way, it's just how big a deal this is to her. Means so much that she can do that. Very nice touch and, damn that works so well.

Twilight clamped her mouth shut. Somehow, against all odds, she had gotten all of the words out without tripping over her own tongue. She wasn’t about to tempt fate by trying to say anything else.

D'awwwwww and it was good too... very good job Twi.

I don’t know what else to say that we haven’t already said, so I’m gonna keep it short and sweet: I love you and I’ve never been more happy in my life.”

Short, to the point, practical.. very AJ. Though yeah Twi had the better set of vows.

Both Applejack and Twilight glared daggers at the audience.

Somepony please speak up, I want to see what happens. Guessing Twi zaps them hard enough to send them flying, before AJ flying bucks them out through the wall.

“In the presence of your family and friends, do you take Applejack to be your wife, to have and to hold, to honor and treasure, in times both good and bad, in sickness and health, to love and cherish, for as long as you both shall live?”

:rainbowhuh: isn't the point of "Writing your own vows" to NOT have those basic ones and as a replacement to those?

It was the most beautiful sound Twilight had ever heard.

“Say ‘Cheese’!”

Wait, no kiss? You skip over the single most emotional moment of the whole thing?!:twilightangry2:

Up till now, good transitions, this one, you skipped a pretty major point.

For an occasion that only existed to celebrate their relationship, they certainly hadn’t had much time with each other.

Well, that's what the wedding night is for. :raritywink: But yes another oddity in the whole wedding thing.

—she paused for another picture—

Do love this, just randomly pausing as a photo is snapped mid sentence, can see it happening well. Just, yeah that, love that effect.

. “How are you doin’?”

A whole day of build up, and you open with that? HEH!

By the time it had really sunk in, she and Twilight would be well on their way to Los Pegasos

Wait.. private train car at least right? Come on, wedding night! Also, yeah still prefer Las Pegasus

OH IDEA! Those are BOTH cities in Equestria, and everypony always mixes them up.

Lyra resisted the urge to start nibbling on her corsage.

BUWHAHAHAHA! okay, something you don't really have to worry about at non-pony weddings but, great bit.

Also explains why you'd keep those things in a fridge

If there was one thing she could count on, it was that Big Macintosh wouldn’t go for very long.


Getting up in front of Twilight and Applejack’s friends and family and making sure that she didn’t totally ruin the moment would be quite the experience.

OHHH yeah, going to be odd having a pony not another Mane 6/family having words here.

At least there was the consolation that most of them didn’t know her. If she screwed up that badly most of the audience would never see her again anyway.

But... some will and, well... you'd be better off leaving town.. quickly...

“But seriously, I know that my sister found somepony who loves her and makes her happy. And I couldn’t ask anything more for her.” He smiled. “Congratulations, to both of you.”

Poor AB's first coltfreind. Also, that is likely more words then he has ever said in public in his life. Combined.

“And I’m not talking about that ‘Hearts and Hooves Day’ kind of love, where it’s all flowers and candy and cards shaped like hearts.

And love poisons, and sickening over the top cutesy speak......

She smiled widely and raised her glass. “Congratulations, you two.”

/slowclap that... was amazing!

Twilight and Applejack had finished their meals, left the table and made their rounds through the reception, stopping by each table to personally thank everyone for coming.

Ehhhh, would have been fun to see a few but, yeah mostly repetitive and boring after while. So, not to upset over this one being skipped.

When he had given welcomed Applejack to the family

huh? Also, okay seeing some of the more important ones but, just, odd seeing them from this angle, just, Lyra remembering what she had seen, seems, to distinct, not real emotion to it because, we're not involved.

with a friendly noogie, Rarity had shot him such a cold glare that Lyra got chills just from watching.

And he is still best non-Mane 6 pony this story. Hell, he even beats out a few mane 6, or at least one.. sorry Fluttershy.

Even Celestia had teary eyes as she offered Twilight and Applejack her congratulations.

Okay get skipping most of them but that one? REALLY should have seen that one. in, some way that actually conveys the emotion...

much to Big Macintosh’s non-surprise.

non-surpise? he rigged it? He has plans? The mares all arranged it? Just, that reaction feels really weird....

“Figures,” she grumbled. “I finally get a chance to show off my moves and they put on a slow song.”

I'm not sure if we should be upset or grateful for that.

“I was afraid you were going to get up and start spouting clichés about how lovey-dovey they are and how happy they’ll be. Instead” —she leaned in and gave Lyra a peck on the nose— “you went and reminded me why I married you to begin with.”


“Well, it’s not like you danced. It was more like a full-body heave set to music.”

:rainbowlaugh: nice one story.

“Nah, they’d totally be seen again!” Pinkie said as she tied yet another balloon to the roof. “I’m not sure where they’d be seen, but somepony would see them.”

Hmmm, can't argue with that logic. And she is right

“Actually, I think she’s right,” Rainbow Dash said. “With the way the winds are right now, if the carriage does lift off, it’d probably end up drifting to Cloudsdale.”

Not sure if I should be cheering RD for adding to that, or telling her not to encourage Pinkie. Wait, not that second on is Rarity's job. Go on RD, double team! WHOOOO!

“What are we, shredded wheat?” grumbled one of the carriage ponies,

Ohh everypony ganging up on you Rarity.

“I spent like half an hour putting those on!” She shooed Rarity away from her handiwork. “You leave them alone.”

An hour? Do I want to know how man cans there are?

“I do wish you’d have taken the time to remove the labels first,


“We just have to finish the streamers,”

Okay I was with the rest to a point, but now, I'm on rarity's side here, Streamers are just a bit to much.

“After planning for so long, it really is an odd feeling to know that it’s actually happened.”

Or reading for so long. But yeah... good sentiment.

“Thank you again for helping to make this day so great!” Twilight waved at the crowd. “Goodbye!”

Rather short and practical. AJ is rubbing off on her.. or the are just VERY eager to get some alone alone time.

“I… I made it through most of it!” Rarity sniffed. “Two of my best friends are getting married, and you expect me not to shed a tear of happiness?”

yeah, that was never going to happen. :raritycry:

“I… I made it through most of it!” Rarity sniffed. “Two of my best friends are getting married, and you expect me not to shed a tear of happiness?”

All RD's idea of course.

“Things will be back to normal soon enough, and normal is hardly a bad thing. Normal is only what you make it, after all.”

Such a really great ending sentiment and, so fitting just, perfect closing point

Well overall, pretty good, though honestly, not as great as I was hoping, but still good.

Not bad in ANY way but, a little underwhelming in spots, the only bit that really brought any major feels just a "Oh that is so beautiful" type, really hitting you was when AJ was walking down the aisle. the rest, a rather contented, peaceful, low key "Good" feeling but nothing really powerful. Felt good to the head, but not enough to reach the heart of you get what I'm saying.

Mostly it was a lot of how fast it moved. Now the set up, the stuff before the wedding that was great, perfect. But the actual wedding felt, rushed, skipped over so much, went from major bit to major bit without the smaller build up parts, skipping Tia's speech, some more set up of the actually wedding itself, and then the kiss, the emotional height of the whole ceremony.....

Again NOT bad, and hell it was good, and just so well done overall but, not really pushing past really good into amazing.

Gaaahh so hard to talk right. It did feel good. Peaceful, and everything we saw was very well done, and I get why some of it was rushed or skipped, but also felt like, we missed some bits that would have, elevated it. Slowed down, really built up the feelings. Like, again the big one I really regret not getting is some more emotional interaction between Tia and Twilight.. and seriously no Luna? She was so excited for their wedding, so wanting them to have the best. And, not even invited?

So yes it WAS a good end. But, came so close to being amazing, just, fell a tad short for me because of how much it jumped around and rushed things. Everything we got was SO well done, but the things it missed were things I really would have loved to see.

I get why, and, again still REALLY good, but, came so close to being so much more.

Sad to see it end, but... at the same time I'm glad to see them finally get married. The most Un-Romantic Shipfic on Fimfic, is what someone called it, if I recall correct. I'm pretty sure you said that once :ajsmug:

Anywho, a job well done indeed. I'm glad to have found this story and, despite how little intimacy there's in it, I feel like it's possibly one of the most romantic stories out there. It shows that you don't have to kiss and hug and go on dates constantly to show affection, but just being there for your partner, talking to them and making time to be with them is what really counts.

Also, for that Q&A you mentioned that you might do. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wonders "What happens after the story?" So, as a request and warning, might I suggest that you think a little about potential future and such? I'm sure that people will have questions such as potential children, how they got them, and so on.

Man, it's weird seeing this come to an end.

It's been a great journey.

5140421 I'll admit, I was really frustrated that I couldn't find a place to include Luna, but I couldn't think of anywhere that made logical sense. A scene with Celestia would'v been nice, too, but again I couldn't find anywhere to put it.

As for the kiss, I actually did have a plan for it, but after I got to the point where the scene cuts off, I couldn't think of a way to segue to it without completely flattening the impact.

If I find the time, I may go back and add some of that stuff once I've had time to think about it, but I can't promise anything.

5141405 Well, maybe not even really needing a whole bit with Luna, but at least have here THERE. I mean not even invited? Are they trying to turn her back into NMM? Or, hell maybe even something about how she's covering for Tia for the day to let her come, but sends her best wishes. And this cheese wheel. (Cut to Luna going happy nuts back in Canterlot while ringing every bell she can as loudly and randomly as she can.)

And you have a scene between them already but, it's just so, flat and, plain. Not bad but, nothing really great either just, kind of there. No real emotion. Would have been a great place for a heart touching little talk between the two. This is the pony that seems to be the closest Tia has to a daughter, you'd think she'd have more to say then that.

Besides the chapter jumps around rather randomly anyway, wouldn't be out of place to just slip those bits between any other two cuts where we jump ahead a good chuck of time.

The kiss, eh not sure what to say just, again it's just the stuff that isn't there really stands out by it's absence. good, and so close to great just, not quite passing over that line.

:pinkiehappy::ajsmug::rainbowkiss::raritystarry::twilightsmile::yay: this was any awesome story from begining to end but :applecry::fluttercry::raritycry::raritydespair: now its over nice story though:heart::heart::heart::heart:

5141549 Ah crap, you just reminded me of something I had planned to have in the chapter that I completely forgot to add.

And yeah, I really do want to try to involve Luna somehow.

Congrats on finishing this fic. An epic ride… glad that you brought us along! :raritystarry:

I'm sad to see it end but I'm happy that I have been with you from the first chapter, I loved every moment of this entire story! Though I do wish for a fallow up chapter, many see if they choose to have kids or whatever, I think that this is a perfect end to this story. (At least I can't think of a way for it to be better)
Thank you for writing this and actually sticking to it, nothing is more sad than when an amazing story is abandoned!

We’ve been planning for so long that it almost doesn’t feel real. I didn’t think that today would ever actually come.

Neither did I! ;)

It's great to see this end... for great stories need an ending, and for me this has been a great story. I love two things especially: Pinkie's comment on tears of happiness, and Rarity's comments on how behind every great moment lies a lot of boring, normal hard work. It fits the story so well!

Unlike most of your admirers, I don't think this need a sequel... let us imagine that ourselves. But please go on and write other things!:twilightsmile:

Now if you excuse me I must go and have a cry.:fluttershysad:

Thank you for the time and effort you have put into this story. I've enjoyed it immensely and appreciate the note it was ended on. I hope to see more of your writing in the future. :moustache:

5139275 I think almost EVERYBODY loved it enough to want a sequel

And so the Happy Couple begins their life.


I'm gunna miss this, but that was a marvelous ending. I love seeing these characters being happy, and happy is what was delivered. :twilightsmile:

5153360 Well, even within the episode, it was pretty clear that the talent didn't get swapped along with the marks. Pinkie was terrible at apple farming despite having AJ's mark, AJ was an awful dressmaker despite having Rarity's CM, Rarity couldn't fix the weather to save her life despite having RD's mark, etc. The reason the swap was such a disaster in Magical Mystery Cure is because they were trying to act out the marks without having the talents to do so.

Commence read.

And it has all come to an end.

Good for them.

This story stands as a testament to the fact that you don't need big, capital-D Drama in order to make a compelling romance. I have been consistently charmed by its sincerity throughout the story's notable length, and that is why it is one of my all-time favorites on the site. Thank you, JapaneseTeeth, for writing this behemoth for us. I wish you the best luck in all your future endeavors.

5156246 Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. :pinkiehappy:

And it is done! Thank you for all the considerable time and effort you've put into this over the last couple of years. It has been nice to see a story that deals with romance a way that's not quite so idealised for a change.

Excellent job.

Somehow, this music reminds me of a lot of the events that have happened in this story:

I am not exactly sure why, but I don't really need to know. It simply does. :ajsmug:


And now.... now I have to click that little green button that removes this from my Tracking list. Man. I've been reading this for north of two years, now. Probably the longest I've ever followed a fic that's actually been finished. It's kind of surreal, knowing that no more is coming.

But enough of that. I don't have a lot to say that I haven't before, so I'll just say that it's been a hell of a ride. One of my favorite shipfics yet, no question, and it'll probably always be the definitive TwiJack fic, for me. Ya done good, Mr. Teeth. I look forward to whatever your next big project will be.


Well to date that's the longest single story I've read. I liked it, for the length you would have thought it would drag or be wasteful. The size allowed for setting up good descriptions so people could visualize what was happening. I enjoyed switching between different characters so we could see their though and actions. The part I didn't like was the time skip from about a month into the relationship to a year.

This was an absolute delight to read through. It sat in my read later queue until it got finished, but it was definitely worth the wait. The story itself was interesting in the slice-of-life kind of way, but presented some great points in its course.

Also, the technical quality of the writing was through the roof. Bottom line: great work, enjoyed the piece very much, thank you for the hard work that went into this :twilightsmile:

That must have been the loveliest thing I've read in a very long while! I love it :twilightsmile:
I wholeheartedly agree. It says quite a lot when a story hooks you (like it hooked me) even though it's very clear from the beginning how things are going to go down. That is, AJ and Twi getting together, going through some rough spots, and ending up happy & still together. I'm just glad you didn't end with one of those corny 50-year timeskips where one of the two has died and the other contemplated on the loss and the meaning of death & love.
I won't go into detail since it looks like plenty enough people have already said what I was gonna say, so I'll name just one particular thing hat I enjoyed, which is Lyras (and Bon-Bons as well I guess) character and contribution to the story. Lyra becoming the Mare of Honor in the end fit so well that it made me stupidly happy.

Congratulations, for the happy couple and for you. I've loved following this story, and it's always been worth it! I've loved logging in of an evening and finding the next chapter there. It's quite a refreshing change from the hijinks and unbelievable twists of most romance stories, and while I like those too, I'm glad something like this exists. Completing a story like this is a true accomplishment, so well done.

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