• Published 6th Apr 2016
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Young Amazons - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer is flung into another universe

  • ...

Chapter 20: Life

Young Amazons
By Ackbarfan5556
Executive Produced By Wanderer D
Chapter 20: Life

The alarm blared in Pamela’s ears as she slowly started to return to the waking world. Even though she wanted to sleep for a few hours more, she knew she had to get up for school unless she wanted her mother to come in and make sure she got out of bed.

She slowly raised in her bed before she stretched her arms and turned off the clock alarm. She then yawned before she finally through the covers off her.

“Pam, you up, sweetie?” the young girl heard her mother call out from outside her bedroom door.

“Yeah, I’m up, Mom,” she told her before she stood up. It had been a week since the ‘Lost Ones’ gripped Gotham in fear. Pamela was certainly glad it was over so she wouldn’t have to her mother worrying about her every minute.

The redhead started heading for the bathroom to get ready for the coming school day. After she got cleaned up and dressed; in warmer clothes since it was late fall and winter was around the corner, she sat down and poured herself some breakfast across from her mother.

“What are you reading, Mom?” Pamela asked.

Her mother placed down the paper and smiled at her. “Oh, nothing much, just the normal local stories, the feel-good ones, I mean.”

“Yeah, with this town, I guess you’d take any happy story.”

“Well, you know the reason, Pam. Right now, I have a good-paying job that doesn’t require me working more than one job, and this place is pretty good for the price.”

“I know, Mom, it’s just I always wondered why we never really moved considering the city.”

“I grew up here, and we’re both smart enough to know how to stay out of trouble,” Mrs. Isley said before she looked slightly worried at her daughter. “Pamela, is something the matter?”

“Huh? No, Mom, nothing wrong.” Pamela quickly waved her hands.

“Are you sure? You’ve never really said anything before about wanting to move away? I always thought you liked it here. Did something happen again at school?”

“I didn’t say anything about wanting to leave, and nothing has happened at school. I mean, everything is going good, better even this year, but I already told you that.”

Her mother nodded. “That’s good to hear, for a moment, I was worried that something had happened between your friends.”

“Nope,” Pamela smiled. “Everything has been going great with Barbara and Sunset. I wanted to ask, but is it okay if they could come over again? Maybe even spend the night?”

Her mother gave a small chuckle. “That depends, are they staying the night because you three will be so tired from studying, or is this more of a girl’s sleepover?”

“Mom!” Pamela groaned as she rolled her eyes.

“I’m just teasing, sweetie. I was your age once too, and I did the same thing with my friends as well,” her smile dropped as soon as she saw her watch. “Shoot, it looks like I need to get moving if I don’t want to be late. Make sure you get to school on time, Pam.”

Pamela watched as her mother quickly grabbed her stuff and headed for the door. “I will Mom, see you later.”

“Bye, love you!” Mrs. Isley waved as she shut the door.

Pamela gave a small sigh before she went back to eating. Her eye soon caught the attention of the newspaper that her mother left on the table. She picked it up and looked at the main article that was on the front of it.

“Well, well, looks like our old friend is making some noise,” Pamela smiled as she finished eating.

“Hey! Sorry, I’m late!” Pamela waved to Sunset and Barbara who were waiting outside school for her. Due to their classes, there was no time during the day for the three of them to hang out, so instead, they agreed to meet a bit before school would start.

Pamela could see her two friends dressed like her: hoodies, or small jackets with long leg pants. Typical outfits for Gotham’s population during November.

“You know you don’t have to rush. We understand if you’re just going to show up before class rather than meet up with us.” Barbara said. “It’s what you and I do when Sunny is late.”

“Hey, I’m not that bad,” Sunset gave her a look.

“No, but out of the three of us, you’ve missed our meetups the most.”

“Yeah, she’s got a point,” Pamela agreed. “Seriously, Sunny, what is it that you do that causes you to miss us?”

“I’ve just got a lot of studying to do. I want to make sure I’m ahead of everything.” Sunset told them. "Besides, I still need to practice in case I'm called in for a show."

“Do you read all your textbooks every night?” Barbara chuckled. “You need to get out more and live a more normal life like us.”

“I know, I know, it’s just the whole growing up always on the move and being homeschooled, I’ve just been focused on myself for much of my life.”

“Well, no one is going to hold that against you Sunny, especially not us,” Pamela assured her as she placed a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Oh, I just remembered,” the glasses-wearing girl started to dig through her backpack. “Anyone catch a glimpse of the Gotham Times today?”

Both girls shook their heads before Pamela pulled out the newspaper and showed it to them. The two of them went wide-eyed the moment they read the headline: ‘Gotham’s Guardian Angel?’ The picture below showed a faint picture of Alicorn who a photographer got a lucky shot off.

“Seems our old friend is getting some fans.” Pamela smiled.

“May I take a look at that?” Sunset asked. Pamela nodded and handed her the paper. “Pam, did you read this article?”

Pamela nodded once more. “Yeah, I read it after my mom had left it behind on the table when I was eating. I was just as surprised to see it like you two.”

“Well, of course, we’re surprised! Still, I think aside from the Batman, we’ve been the closest to her that didn’t involve being a criminal.” Barbara reminded.

“Uh, Red, you do remember what we were going to do when we met her, right?”

Barbara slowly moved her hand to her face as she remembered the events. “Oh, yeah, we were planning on doing something potentially illegal.”

“And I was nowhere near you girls because I got lost trying to meet up with you. You were the ones who met Alicorn, not me.” Sunset reminded.

Pamela felt slightly guilty after that. It was her fault they were in that predicament in the first place. “Yeah, I’m still sorry we had that I dragged you two into my foolish mistakes.”

Barbara shrugged. “Eh, forgive and forget. It’s all water under the bridge now,” she then turned to Sunset. “So, what exactly does it say?”

“It seems that public opinion is slowly turning Alicorn’s way. The person behind the article talked with a few people that she helped, like a woman that got her purse taken during the ‘Lost Ones’ scare a few weeks ago,” Sunset explained.

“Well, public opinion is one thing, but what about the police; Red, has your dad said anything about this?” Pamela asked.

“Dad does say some things at dinner, he hasn’t said much about Alicorn, only that the police are wanting to charge her with vigilantism, just like Batman, but I get the feeling that he’s under the impression that Chief Rojas is more obsessed with capturing Batman than her,” Barbara told her friends.

“Still, a guardian angel, that’s certainly one way of describing her.”

“Isn’t that what Vicki Vale said when she was found with the ‘Lost Ones’ or vampires if any of you believe what Penguin said when they took him away.” Sunset chuckled before her friends joined in.

“I think he’s probably been seeing too many bats!” Barbara added to the laughter.

Pamela looked down at her flip phone and saw what time it was on it. “Hey, you two, it’s getting close to starting time, we should probably head inside.” Both girls nodded at Pamela’s suggestion and followed her into the school. “So, I was thinking we could do something after class.”

“Oh yeah, what? Is this related to Green Club again?” Sunset asked.

Pamela nodded. “In a way, yeah, if you two don’t have something to do, we could spend the rest of the day after school in a nice, warm location.”

“A spa?” Barbara smirked as she had already guessed what Pamela was suggesting.

“Well, kind of, though it’s more of a spa for plants actually,”

“Ah, the Gotham Botanical Gardens.”

“Look, that’s only if you girls want to go, I mean, we can go to a spa if you want to.” Pamela nervously blushed. After her meltdowns and her little vandalism streak, she was trying hard to be a better friend to Sunset and Barbara who had every reason of simply leaving her alone.

“No, it’s fine, we’ll be more than happy to come with you after school,” Sunset assured her. “I’ve been interested in going since you keep mentioning every once in a while.”

Pamela’s spirits perked up upon hearing that. “Great! Oh, and I was also wondering if you girls would mind spending the night at my place tonight?”

Sunset nodded immediately while Barbara wasn’t as sure. “Well, I will need to check with my folks about it, but I don’t see it being much of an issue, besides, it’s a good way to spend a long Friday after school.”

Their conversation was soon interrupted by the early bell ringing indication that the students should start heading to their classes.

“Okay, then, I’ll see you girls after class!” Pamela smiled as she readjusted her backpack and ran to her homeroom.

“Come in,” James Gordon said as he heard a knock on his office door but didn’t look up from the paperwork that was currently crowding his desk. One thing he always truly hated about being an officer was the loads of paperwork that needed to be filled out. Still, if it kept him safe in his office, then he was fine with it; certainly kept his wife April happy.

The door opened and in walked the heavy-set Commissioner Patterson. James stood up immediately as soon as he realized his guest. “Commissioner.”

Patterson held his hand up. “At ease, Jim,” the man sat down in the chair opposite of James’ desk and removed his hat to reveal his bald head with gray hair on the sides. “Swamped with paperwork, I see.”

“Yeah, now I’m on the normal stuff since I had to deal with all that ‘Lost Ones’ business for the past few days.”

“Cursed Cobblepot, he worked us all to the limit for this. I had to deal with the city council complaining to me every morning about the rapid abductions,” the older man pulled out a bottle of antacids. “Pretty sure I’ve got a few ulcers now.”

“At least it’s over,” James pointed out. “And there’s at least the good news with the mob stash that was found when we arrested him; it’s being returned to either it’s proper ‘legal’ owners or donated to charity.”

“At the cost of my health and probably what’s left of my sanity,” Patterson sighed. “I swear, it used to be so much easier years ago, I mean, don’t get me wrong Jim, Gotham had it’s problems before: homicide, arson, robbery, that was nothing new.”

“But the recent strain of insane super-criminals and metahumans?” James interrupted.

Patterson nodded. “Policing has changed in this town, and I feel like quite the relic that just can’t handle it anymore. That’s why I’ve decided to resign at the end of this year.”

James gave his boss a puzzled look. “Sir?”

“Sometime in the last week of the year, I’m going to retire. Take the wife somewhere small and quiet where we can spend the rest of our days. In the meantime, while Grange and the city council elect a new commissioner, you’ll be acting in post with a strong consideration for the job.”

James couldn’t believe his ears, he was going to be Gotham’s Police Commissioner, for a short time anyway, with the possible chance of having the job permanently.

“Sir, I don’t know what to say,”

“You don’t need to say much, you should just try and make the council see you’re the right man for the job.”

James rubbed the back of his head. “I’m not sure, there are a few things that might keep the council hesitant to appoint me. Things that I would be sure to do if I secured the job.”

“Regarding the Bat?” Patterson raised an eyebrow.

James hesitated for a second before he nodded and looked out the window. “Yes, sir.”

“I know I’ve sided with Angel about him, but I’ve been seeing this thing from both angles. Your idea of calling off the manhunt and just allowing him to do what he does is,” Patterson paused. “controversial, but it might be the right thing.”

“I’m aware we have the laws, but if it wasn’t for the Dark Knight, this city would probably in ruins,” James made his case. “The same goes for the girl as well.”

“We might be forced to twist our arm on the girl at the rate things are going; I trust you saw this morning's paper?” James nodded at the question. “Still, that’s not something for us to worry about right now.”

“No, of course not, I’m just surprised to hear about your plans, sir.”

Patterson stood up. “Well, I’m not wanting this job to kill me, Jim, I’m an old man. Just keep in mind with what I said,” the Commissioner said as he opened the door.

“I will sir.” James sat back down once the door closed as he took a moment to process the conversation to himself. Commissioner Gordon. He liked the sound of that.

“Good grief, you weren’t kidding about it being warm!” Barbara shouted as the girls walked through the entrance of the botanical gardens after they paid at the front. The three of them removed their winter coats due to the warmer climate in the building.

“Well, of course, they’d keep the building warm, Red, the plants won’t survive in a cold climate,” Pamela told her.

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “This coming from the girl who I first met was trying to have the school build a garden around it.”

Pamela blushed for a moment. “For the warmer months. The only problem with this city and all of the Midwest is that it’s freezing and gloomy for almost half the year!”

“And we have to attend school during almost all of that time, maybe instead of trying to plant gardens, we should’ve tried to change the school schedule,” Barbara said. Sunset began to laugh before Pamela joined in a moment later.

“Please! We’d be the most hated students in school!” Sunset said through the laughter. Barbara joined into the laughter as well before they all calmed down. “Anyways, since you’ve been here before, would you like to be our guide, Pam?”

Pamela smiled before nodding. “With pleasure, come with me you two.” The two girls followed close behind before the arrived in one of the first rooms. The room was filled with many exotic bonsai trees.

“What’s that smell?” Sunset asked as she looked around. “It smells nice.”

“That would be the bonsai garden, it’s one of the biggest in the world outside of Japan. The trees give off different aromas during certain times of the day,” Pamela explained.

“I have to say, it’s very pleasant to look at too,” Barbara said.

“Yeah, I would’ve liked to show you two the Japanese garden, but that’s outside and I don’t think we’d want to get back into the cold again for a bit, especially since most of the plants have been moved or in hibernation.”

“Always did find that somewhat peculiar that plants could do something similar to animals.” Barbara said.

In the next few hours, Pamela continued to take the girls around the gardens before she finally led them to a large room full of exotic plants and fauna. “And here we are, my favorite room in the building.” Both girls were in awe at the vast collection that had been arranged in the chamber.

“Unbelievable,” Sunset muttered. “It’s completely breathtaking.”

“It almost feels like we’re in the Amazon or something,” Barbara added.

“Well, a good amount of the plants here are actually from the Amazon rain-forest, as well as some from the jungles of Africa,” Pamela said.

“Hey, Pam, what’s this one?” Barbara pointed to a large flower near the floor. “It smells horrible like something is rotting.”

“That’s because it’s supposed to smell like that. That’s rafflesia arnoldii or better known as the corpse flower. It’s the largest individual flower in the world. The reason for the smell is so it can attract flies and other insects to pollinate it. Of course, this species of plant is slowly starting to shrink due to deforestation.” Pamela felt a bit depressed upon saying that last part.

“Sounds like you had information memorized, Pam.” Barbara crossed her arms.

“Well, I actually heard about this from Dr. Jason Woodrue when he was on the radio a few years ago; he’s a Green Activist with a doctorate in botany.” Pamela explained.

“So, I’m guessing he’s a role model you look up to, what with your advocacy efforts.”

Pamela gave a small blush. “Yeah, if you put it that way, you’d be right.”

“You know, I think I finally understood your fascination with plant life today,” Barbara said.

The glasses wearing redhead gave her a confused look. “I’m sorry?”

Barbara shook her head. “What I mean is that I always knew you loved plants, but it wasn’t until today that I realized why. That’s what I’m saying.”

Sunset walked over to the two of them and patted Pamela on the back. “Sometimes Pam, I think you’d be happier as a plant living in this place,” she joked.

Pamela chuckled at the comment. “Hey, a girl can dream, can’t she?”

“Excuse me, girls,” A security guard walked up to them. “The gardens will be closing soon, so if you wouldn’t mind?”

“Of course, come on you two, shall we head over to your house, Pam?” Barbara asked.

“Uh, give me a moment would you two?” Pamela responded. The two girls nodded and started walking for the door leaving Pamela alone in the room. She took a deep breath as she went into thought.

A smile crept along her face as she felt happy for hearing those words Barbara said before, about truly understanding her admiration of flora. She was lucky that she had friends like that, ones that stuck with her even when she nearly got them in trouble.

With her head held up high, Pamela walked out of the garden to rejoin her friends outside.