• Member Since 10th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen May 21st

the frank


"The war of the suns is an unique war. Lasting barely a year, it's one of the shortest in our history. But in spite of this, it is also the one having the greatest impact on our society, as it brought the end to the Queens reign and bore way for the Empress, as well as the completely unique effect that a public movement caused the restorement of the bloodline.

While the history off the war of the sun is is well known, the origin and reason for the conflict is still somewhat held in darkness. And just as so, the very end of the conflict, the final hours, have until now been a secret.

I have been given acess to the royal archives, I have interweived many of thepeople who were around at the time, and my position earned me a special moment with the Empress herself.

The story won't be made justice as a simple history text, and I have therefore taken the liberty of a slight dramatition. I can only hope you'll find it as fascinating as I did, and that you see our glorious history in a new light.

Canterlot 7th of july 1072 ATF.
HRH Queen Twilight S-S"

Authors notes: this is 1400-europe Equestria, where people have horns and wings.

Slightly rewritten 27th of december 2019. Because reasons.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

the frank

What does that have to do with the story?

Nothing. I'm sorry about that, apparantly the description disappeared. Now it's back.


Great story, though not without a few grammatical errors.

7123769 Oh, thanks! I just wanted to get it Done so I didn't bother getting an editor. I can imagine there are errors everywhere. Still, glad you liked it.

War. What is it good for?

7124170 Oh, yes. That too.

Could use the standard polish, but intriguing all the same. Fighting to the death is always a treat.

HRH Queen Twilight S-S

I'm not sure whether you accidentally, and technically got this address right or not. I'm not sure if I should praise you for correct usage or nod and say "you got lucky".

Regardless, not too bad a little story: 6/10.

7125968 If I'm correct informed, since she's not ruling Queen, she should be adressed as "her royal highness". Was I lucky? :)

Thank you!

Well i must say that this is the kind of story setting i can get interested in, A fantasy world of Sword and spells :twilightsmile: check, Twilight X Sunset :twilightsmile: check, what seems to be epic battles (off screen) :twilightsmile: check, a world where it makes sense for the characters to be able to use there weapons without hurting themselves (aka Human or anthro) :twilightsmile: double check.
Overall i congratulate you on making this very fine and great one-shot story, and i will be glad to add it to my favorites list, thank you for the story. :pinkiehappy:

7138029 Thanks! :twilightsmile: Glad you liked it!

7139186 Your very welcome, thanks for writing it. :twilightsmile:

God damnit that ending was sad. Honestly I would pay to see an extended version/sequel or whatever of this because this idea, this story is god damn amazing great job.

Oh, thanks! Well, I didn't have any further plans with this AU, but if anyone else wants to try it, it's cool with me. :)

Oh, thats a shame. However, on a sidenote/out of curiosity, do you have any other stories with Celestia and Sunset?

No, unfortunately not.

Damn, that sucks because this was probably one of my favorite momlestia sunset fics.

Huh. I was honestly expecting the tea and biscuits be poisoned.

Others Cwlestias might, but not mine. It's not cricket, and it wasn’t benificial to her plan.

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