• Published 16th Jun 2016
  • 13,151 Views, 122 Comments

A World Worth Dying For - ClanCrusher

Not every alternate world Twilight went to was a villain's playground. Some were only mildly worse. One was arguably better...

  • ...

Part 1: The Worst World Yet

Twilight barely reacted as she was flung from the spatial rift above the Cutie Map. Instinctively, her wings opened, catching her in mid-air, and her horn glowed, grabbing Spike before he landed on the crystal table. In a single smooth motion, the alicorn turned and landed on the map, letting out a sigh as she placed the young dragon on her back. A perfectly executed recovery maneuver that Rainbow Dash would have been proud of. She'd had plenty of practice by this point.

“Huh...it actually looks peaceful for once,” said Spike, rolling up the tattered scroll as he surveyed the surrounding area. “Should we leave before something crazy happens this time?”

The alicorn didn't answer immediately. Instead, she took a look around. Off in the distance, Canterlot Castle was clearly visible on the mountainside. Through a gap in the trees, she could make out the houses of Ponyville and it didn't seem like they were boarded up. The sun was in the sky, free of any blemishes or imprisoned ponies, and the air felt as clean and fresh as she was used to.

“Believe me, I'd love to, but we need to repair that scroll before it tears apart,” said Twilight finally. “And this is the first peaceful moment we've had since Sombra's tyrannical empire.”

“Chrysalis' tyrannical empire seemed pretty peaceful too,” grumbled Spike as he unrolled the scroll in question, careful not to let his claws damage the parchment any further. “Are you sure you can recreate this? I thought Starswirl's work was crazy complicated.”

Twilight sighed, gently taking the scroll from Spike and looking it over. “I've used this spell so many times now, I couldn't forget it if I tried. The problem is finding a moment to actually sit down and write it out. Not to mention how hard it is to find quills and paper when Equestria has been turned into scorched earth.”

The last part came out with far more frustration than she'd intended. The magic that was holding onto the paper seemed to tremble slightly as she carefully rolled it up and gave it back to Spike. “I'm sorry, I just...”

Spike took the scroll out of the air, his other hand moving to her neck and giving her a pat, telling her without words that she didn't need to say anything more. Seeing that wasteland had been difficult for him as well. “Why don't we just rest here for a bit?” he suggested. “Even if there is some new tyrant around in this timeline, things seem peaceful enough here.”

“That...might not be a bad idea, actually,” said Twilight, slumping down and stretching out on the table. The crystal didn't make for a comfortable resting place, but Twilight didn't much care at this point. Just so long as the sun was shining and there was a fresh breeze. “You think you could keep watch, Spike? I'm a bit more tired than I thought.”

“You got it,” said the young dragon, taking a seat and leaning up against her side. “Nothing will get by me. I'll roast anything that tries!”

“Like how you roasted those timberwolves?” said Twilight with a sly smile.

“Hey, those caught me off guard!”

“Mmhmm. Sure. Just wake me up if anything comes calling, okay?”

“Fine,” grumbled Spike, crossing his arms over his chest.

Minutes ticked by in silence as Twilight descended into an uneasy sleep, her head resting on her forehooves and her tail draped over her hind legs. In the sky, the sun continued its slow, steady path. From their place on the table at least, everything looked normal enough. Even the Everfree Forest was quiet.

Unfortunately, the peace didn't last.

“Twilight, we've got company.”

The murmur in her ear was accompanied by an insistent tap of Spike's claws on her neck, gently rousing her from sleep. Jerking up, she looked around, seeing nothing until Spike directed her towards the sky where two pony silhouettes were passing overhead. No...that wasn't quite right. Her magic was telling her something different.

“The one on the left is a changeling. Looks like we're in another Chrysalis timeline after all,” she grumbled, shaking out her wings and slowly getting to her hooves. “Well, it wasn't long, but I think I've got more than enough energy to blast a couple changelings into dust.”

Spike looked up, squinting slightly as they figures became a bit more clear. “Are those Wonderbolt uniforms?”

Twilight paused, looking again. “That's...a changeling in a Wonderbolt uniform, yes,” she agreed, the glow in her horn fading slightly. Something was off about this situation. That was definitely a pony and a changeling flying together, both in uniform. “Maybe we should let this play out.”

Spike groaned. “And since when has that ended positively?”

“I'm waiting for a better suggestion then. We've got a damaged spell that can handle maybe three more trips at most, and considering the luck we've had with the last fifteen worlds-”

“Alright, alright, fine,” grumbled Spike, taking his spot on her back just in case they needed to flee.

In short order, the two landed. This close, Twilight's magic couldn't be fooled. One was definitely a changeling, but the other was most certainly a pegasus. Both were dressed in the Wonderbolt blue and gold colors, too. For a moment, no one spoke, the two seemingly surprised at her appearance.

It was Twilight who finally broke the silence. “Alright you two, I've had it up to here with bucked up worlds and twisted timelines. Compared to some of the stuff I've seen, Tartarus is looking like a prime vacation spot, so unless you want to get blasted all the way back to Canterlot, I suggest you buck off and leave me alone.”

Silence followed her statement. Even Spike seemed a little unnerved by her words and the ominously glowing horn that was giving off a display of power that made the dragon's scales tingle. The pegasus and the changeling shared a glance before the blue eyed changeling stepped forward. “P-please forgive my forwardness, but are you...Princess Twilight?”

The glow in Twilight's horn winked out and a look of surprise passed over her face. “Oh, right. Forgot to hide my wings,” she murmured, the spell she'd been using before now having faded thanks to the nap she'd taken.

“What? Are you serious?” asked the pegasus, looking almost as shocked as Twilight.

“I'm certain of it,” replied the changeling, looking directly at her. “My senses couldn't be fooled by something like this. And in case you didn't notice, she has wings and a horn.”

“Any changeling can give themselves wings and a horn if they really want them,” retorted the pegasus.

“Yes, but not the power of a princess. I've told you this before, you can't just-”

A tap on her neck drew Twilight's attention back to Spike. “You know, I think this is the first time someone in any of these worlds has recognized you.”

“That's not exactly a good thing,” muttered Twilight back before returning her attention to the arguing pair. “Excuse me, could you two shut up for a moment?”

The two Wonderbolts immediately stopped talking, both bowing their heads apologetically in her direction. Taking a breath, Twilight got her thoughts together before turning to the pegasus. “So...there's an explanation for this, but for right now, just pretend that I have amnesia and don't remember much of my life up to this point.”

The two shared a nervous look before the changeling spoke. “Well um...forgive me if I'm mistaken Twilight, but...you're supposed to be dead.”


“This is the worst timeline we've been to yet.”

“Really, Twilight?” groaned Spike from her back. “Even worse than the one Sombra was ruling over?”

“Yes. Worse than that,” she snapped.

“Well at least we haven't been attacked yet,” said Spike encouragingly. “And Ponyville looks pretty normal, too.”

“Don't care. Still hate it,” she grumbled, slowly following behind the two Wonderbolts leading her into town. “You. Pegasus. What's your name?”

“Skybright, Princess Sparkle,” came the immediate response, his nervousness almost tangible.

“Right. Skybright. Who is the current Princess of Equestria?”

“Er...Princess Celestia. Always has been for as long as I can remember,” he replied quickly.

“Her and Princess Luna,” corrected the changeling, equally nervous.

“And was Princess Luna freed from her persona of Nightmare Moon by the Elements of Harmony?” she pressed.

The two shared a glance before Skybright looked back over his shoulder. “Yes, of course. What kind of amnesia do you have, Princess?”

“I'm asking the questions here, Skybright,” snapped Twilight.

“My apologies, Princess,” said the pegasus meekly. “Princess Luna was freed from the moon after a thousand years of imprisonment, and then restored to health and sanity thanks to the Elements of Harmony and their bearers, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and yourself, of course.”

“Sounds good so far,” said Spike, just loud enough for her to hear.

“At least one thing went right in this timeline then,” said Twilight, the irritation fading slightly from her voice. “But that still doesn't explain you,” she snapped, her hoof pointing towards the changeling.

Hesitantly, the target of her ire turned and faced her, clearly intimidated by her sharp tone and the cascade of emotions she was giving off. “Wonderbolt Reserve Unit Fayne, Princess Sparkle.” A salute accompanied her title.

“And you're alright with her?” asked Twilight, turning towards the pegasus.

“O-of course! She came highly recommended from Princess Chrysalis herself.”

Twilight paused, replaying that sentence over in her mind several times, until finally something snapped. “What?!”

The changeling and the pony both cowered back from her sudden outburst, looking like they were about to flee. Behind her, Spike sighed. “I think you spooked them, Twi.”

Twilight ignored him. “Did you really just say Princess Chrysalis?” Furiously, the changeling nodded. “So...not Queen Chrysalis?” she pressed.

“N-no! She took on the title of princess after you helped her negotiate a treaty with Princess Celestia and Luna!”

“I...wait, really?” Her surprise died down, her expression becoming more thoughtful. “Huh...I never even considered that.” Realizing that the two Wonderbolts were still trembling in front of her, Twilight took a calming breath and addressed them. “Look, I'm sorry if I seem a little on edge. A particular spell of mine...backfired, and it had some unexpected consequences. You're familiar with Starswirl, yes?”

The Wonderbolts blinked before recognition dawned in their eyes. “Please forgive our ignorance, Princess Twilight. That would explain much of your confusion,” said Skybright.

With the tension relaxed, the three of them soon made their way into Ponyville. It was late in the afternoon so there weren't many ponies about, but the small procession drew stares nonetheless. By morning, everypony would know of her.

A light tug on her mane drew her attention back towards Spike. “Hey, Twilight, is that the old library?”

Twilight paused, her eyes following the dragon's claw towards the familiar looking treehouse that her eyes had passed over once before. “Excuse me,” she said to the two Wonderbolts, taking a sharp turn and making a beeline towards the building.

It was just how she remembered it. The smell of oak, the curated branches and careful growth...it was an exact match. Except for one thing. Right on the door in a gold plate was a plaque.

“It's dedicated to me,” she murmured, placing her hoof on the door, barely paying attention to the guards who had raced to catch up with her.

“Princess Twilight, please don't run off,” said Skybright, landing next to her. “It's important to keep-”

“I want to take a look inside,” said Twilight firmly.

“Er...well it's closed right now...”

Looking up to a particular branch, Twilight grabbed it with her magic and gave it a shake, a spare key suddenly coming loose from the leaves and falling into her waiting hoof. “Look, I'm not going to run, alright? If I didn't want to come with you...”

Twilight's horn glowed and her body disappeared in a flash of violet light before suddenly reappearing right in front of Skybright's face. “...I would have teleported away a long time ago. If somepony wants to see me, this is where I'll be.”

Even as she made her demands clear, Twilight couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for the Wonderbolt. She knew she was being irritable and difficult, but it was hard to rein in those particular emotions after witnessing so many worlds filled with death and destruction and finding out about her own death in this one.

The Wonderbolt caved, nodding quickly as Twilight returned to the library, slipping the key into the lock and pushing the door open. The familiar smell of books washed over her as she magically lit the lights inside. The tomes were meticulously sorted just the way she liked them and all of the familiar furniture pieces were in their proper places.

“It almost feels like I never left,” said Twilight, feeling a calmness overtake her at the familiar sights and scents.

Spike hopped from her back to do his own inspection, looking over things with a critical eye. “Whoever is maintaining the place cleans up pretty well too,” he added.

Automatically, Twilight's hooves took her through the library. The kitchen, her reading corner, her bedroom...everything was there, perfectly preserved, almost as if...

“This is a memorial,” said the alicorn finally, meeting back with Spike on the ground floor. “I mean...it's supposed to be one, but it still feels like home to me.”

“You know that this isn't really our home,” said Spike softly, his voice weak. “I know you don't like the castle all that much, but I kinda like having my own room.”

“I actually preferred it when I could visit with the ponies of Ponyville. Being in charge of the library was a great excuse to connect with them. But in the meantime, this is probably the best place to work on the new spell. Just so long as there aren't any evil dictators around.”

“Twilight Sparkle!”

The dulcet tone was immediately recognizable. “Chrysalis,” said Spike and Twilight in perfect synch.

“Do you think you can take her?” asked Spike worriedly.

“I'm in the mood to try,” growled Twilight, throwing open the library door with a bang, startling Fayne who had been standing guard.

Up above, wings buzzing rapidly, was Chrysalis, slowly descending, her eyes narrowed and her fangs visible, two changelings flanking her on either side. Beside her, Fayne fell to a kneeling position. “Princess Chrysalis, I wasn't aware you were coming.”

“I had to see for myself whether or not all the talk was true. If one of my changelings has been playing a joke in ill taste, I will be most...displeased.”

Twilight met her look with a level stare of her own, her magic simmering behind her eyes and ready to snap to the surface. Even though her presence didn't seem to be causing a panic in Ponyville, she'd clashed with her far too many times in various timelines to let her guard down so easily.

That tension quickly turned to confusion though, as Chrysalis stepped forward and then to the side, walking a slow circle around the purple alicorn as Twilight moved her head to keep her in view. “Um...”

“It's really her,” said Chrysalis finally, the tension seeping away, but before Twilight could even begin to relax, the changeling princess turned and wrapped a hoof around her neck, pulling her into a tight hug. “And you have some explaining to do, princess.”

Twilight barely had time to squeak in surprise at the embrace before another familiar voice filled the air. “I knew it! I told you it was her! The sense never lies!” Barely managing to wiggle free of the changeling embrace, Twilight found herself practically tackle-hugged by a pink blur.

“Pinkie?” she gasped out, slightly breathless as a pair of powerful forehooves squeezed around her barrel.

“You betcha! And you're Twilight! Well, not completely Twilight, but like ninety-nine point eight percent Twilight!”

“Wait, what?”

Before another word could drop from her mouth, a sudden boom shook the town and a wave of rainbow colors washed over the sky. Transfixed at the sight, Twilight could only think, 'She managed to do it this time!' before the cyan colored mare became visible, streaking through the sky towards the small group at supersonic speeds. For a moment, Twilight was certain she was going to crash into them, but at the last moment, Rainbow twisted in mid flight, spreading her wings and killing her momentum right before landing on the ground in front of them, a wave of air following behind her with enough force to dislodge several leaves from the library tree.

“Egghead! It really is you!”

Pinkie yelped as she was suddenly pushed to the side to make way for Rainbow, the alicorn squeaking as she found the pegasus' hug to be just as tight as the earth pony's hug. “Wait...hold on. If it really is you, then tell me that story I told you about flight camp.”

Twilight hesitated. “You mean the one where you and Fluttershy showed up to a party only to find out they were really holding an o-”

“Egghead! It really is you!” Twilight squeaked as her voice was cut off with a powerful hug.

The crowd was starting to increase in size. From the corner of her eye, she could see Applejack approaching, a trail of dust in her wake with Fluttershy following behind, and off in the distance she could see Rarity emerging from her shop. It was hard not to be overwhelmed by the positive feelings, especially after seeing so many worlds where her friend's lives had been ruined.

“Spike! You're back too!” came Fluttershy's voice from behind her. “A-and you're back to your younger self!” The young dragon who had been overlooked in the chaos yelped in surprise as the pink maned pegasus suddenly hugged him tight.

Questions flew at her from all sides, her friends practically jumping over each other to fulfill their curiosity. The residents of Ponyville were starting to get attracted to the commotion as well, peeking out of their houses and gathering in a small crowd some distance off. Finally, the princess lit her horn, a small bubble forming around her body first and gently pushing outward, gently dislodging her friends until she was standing in the middle of a circle, panting slightly.

“Girls, if we can calm down for a minute I really need to know something.” The chattering stopped and slowly the shield faded. Taking a breath, Twilight asked the question she'd been dreading the answer to. “Why am I supposed to be dead?”


The scene was a wasteland. Trees had been burnt to the ground, half of the Everfree Forest was still smoldering, and a couple buildings on the edge of Ponyville had been leveled. All things considered, it was a small miracle she'd been able to keep the fighting away from town given the sheer scale of destruction.

“It seems we are at a stalemate.”

Tirek's voice made the air rumble as red arcs of magic danced along his body. There was no telling how many ponies he'd managed to drain at this point, but it was enough to put the power of four alicorns in check...at least for now. He was wasteful, unskilled, and had little to no control over his energy. Tirek was treating this fight like a sprint, when really, it was going to be a marathon. All she had to do was keep him distracted, keep him on the defensive...

“So how about I propose a trade.”

...and keep him from playing his trump card. Twilight's breath caught in her throat as her friends and Discord appeared, trapped in magical prisons. “Your friends for your magic.”

Twilight wanted to curse herself. She'd hoped Tirek would have been too involved with the fight to think of taking hostages, too overconfident in his power to stoop to such tactics, but it had been wistful thinking. Her head fell, her bangs falling over her eyes as she considered her options. Would he keep his word? Would it matter? What would become of Equestria if he held all of its magic? Would he ever stop?

No...he wouldn't. He was nothing more than a power hungry tyrant who would never be satisfied, and without its magic, Equestria would wither and die, even if all her friends were safe. If she sacrificed them, he'd just take more ponies hostage. Maybe even a city or two. There was only one real choice.

“Fine, I accept.” Her head raised and her eyes narrowed, unwavering as he laughed, lowering her friends to the ground as his own magic drew her up into the air. “Discord too,” she demanded.

With a snort, he snapped his fingers, freeing the Draconequus from his prison as his own magic began to tug at hers, her body trembling as it instinctively fought against the pull. His mouth opened and the sucking feeling intensified, her aura springing to life as it slowly began to get drawn away.

“Choke on it!” The sun dimmed. On the other side of the Equestria, the moon went dark. All the way in the Crystal Empire, the Crystal Heart dimmed...and in front of Tirek, the small alicorn glowed like a miniature sun.

The pain was excruciating. It had taken her several hours to manage the power of three alicorns when it was first given to her. Simple things like walking had almost been impossible, and her body had been in constant agony as she'd tried to get a handle on all the conflicting magic. Now though, she let that control loose, white fire racing through her veins as she concentrated every ounce of magic in her body and directed it right towards the centaur's open mouth. His eagerness to drain her had left him vulnerable, and now he was going to pay for it.

Tirek's cries of pain filled the air as pure white hot magic raced through his body, overloading him with the energy he desired even as it burned him from the inside. He couldn't control it, not so much at once, and Twilight had plenty more to give, putting everything she had into the transference. At some point, his magical hold faltered, but Twilight didn't stop, force-feeding him more and more until his body gave out. His screams cut off abruptly and his magical hold failed, the alicorn dropping to the ground hard, though her numb body barely felt the impact.

And then there was silence. Her vision was gone, but she could feel the magic break free, spreading back through Equestria, seeking out the ponies who were robbed. Part of her was glad she couldn't see what was left of Tirek, as he was likely little more than a liquified puddle.


Her friends...they were safe. It had worked. She tried to tilt her head in the direction of the sound, but her body wasn't responding. She could feel them though, sense each of their magics that had returned to them, even as her own continued to slip away.

“Twilight...oh no...y-you're...”

“Glad...I can't...see myself...right now...” she gasped out, her tongue feeling heavy in her mouth. “I know...I look bad...”

“Just stay with us Twilight, we'll get Celestia! She can help!” Fluttershy's voice was quivering as she spoke, but filled with determination. “Rainbow-”

“No...it's...too late...nopony...meant to take this much magic...not even an alicorn...”

“Dammit, Egghead, don't you dare talk like that! Just...just hang on, dammit!”

“Please...just...stay here...a little while...”

Hooves pressed against her from all sides. She could barely feel them against her body. One by one her senses began to fade, her body going limp and her sightless eyes closing. Her friends shouts and cries became little more than muted background sounds as their magic tried to pull her back. Even Discord's magic was trying to reach out to her...but eventually her magical sense faded as well, a calm feeling of peace overtaking her as the last bits of life slipped from her body.


Twilight slowly put down the cup that was shaking in her hooves. She'd put most of the pieces together already, but hearing the full story of her death was more unnerving than she'd been prepared for. Everypony else in the library seemed at a loss for words once Rainbow finished the tale.

“Magical overload,” said Twilight finally. “When I had the power of four alicorns inside me, it took a huge amount of effort to stop myself from exploding. Letting all that energy out at once...there probably wasn't even a body left...”

“You mean...you remember that?” asked Applejack. “I thought you said-”

“I'm sorry, I haven't been entirely honest,” replied Twilight quickly. “You see, I don't exactly have amnesia. The truth is, I'm from an entirely different world from everypony here.”

Silence filled the library, the grim atmosphere turning to one of confusion instead. “Come again?”

“You're all familiar with Starswirl, yes?”

There was a collective groan from everyone, including Chrysalis.

“Dear, I thought you had that library sealed up and the contents collected into a vault after the first time-travel incident,” said Rarity earnestly.

“Believe me, I'm kicking myself for not thinking of it right now,” grumbled Twilight, gently taking the scroll from Spike's claws once more and unrolling it. “But the long and short of it is, thanks to this spell and a...troublesome mare, I've been hopping through one timeline after another...although this one is the first I've seen where everything seems...okay.”

“Um, except you died!” protested Rainbow Dash. “I'd call that a pretty big negative!”

Rarity approached, taking a closer look at the spell. “This thing is practically in tatters.”

“I know. I was hoping to get some time to repair it while I was here.”

A light knock interrupted her. Almost instinctively, Twilight's horn glowed and opened the door. “Come on...”

Her voice trailed off. Standing in the doorway, dressed in a red regal cape was King Sombra. Instinct kicked in far before her mind did, passing over small details, such as the lack of red in his eyes, the silver band that had replaced his usual steel crown, the gold trim on his shoes rather than the solid steel ones, and the complete lack of dark energy around him.

By then though, it was too late to stop the powerful magical blast from leaving her horn, striking the surprised king and sending him flying out through the doorway, taking a good chunk of the door with him.


The alicorn's horn winked out as the panicked shouts of her friends rang out behind her. Sheepishly, she looked around to see their shocked expressions. “You're about to tell me that Sombra is a good pony in this world, aren't you?”

“Little bit, yeah,” said Rainbow, a hoof over her muzzle holding back a snicker.

Nearly knocking over her chair, Twilight ran out the ruined door and over to Sombra's side where the dark maned pony was groaning and getting back up on his hooves. “I'm really sorry about that, I'm still operating with a certain set of memories and we're not exactly on the best of terms in those memories!”

With a bit of effort, the king slowly managed to stand up, wobbling only slightly before turning to his assailant. “Thank you, Twilight, I apologize for startling you. I really should have listened to Chrysalis' warnings.”

Twilight let out a sigh of relief. While she hadn't used enough energy to be lethal, she'd definitely pushed quite a bit into that one attack after seeing who it was, and Sombra hadn't even put up a shield.

The alicorn blinked as her eyes moved to his forehead and suddenly found the reason for his lack of defense. “You...don't have a horn,” she said dumbly.

“Yes, that was a small side-effect of being brought back from the void and cut off from all of the dark magics that consumed me,” said Sombra, rubbing the spot on his forehead with a hoof. “My own magic had to be severed, though I consider it a fair trade for being able to walk and talk again.”

Questions exploded into Twilight's mind. Did alternate Twilight actually figure out a way to save Sombra? Was there magic here that didn't exist back home that helped? Or...had she simply not looked hard enough?

Before she had a chance to even ask a simple 'how', a bright light filled the sky, shining briefly like the sun, even though the sun itself was hanging low in the sky. While Sombra shielded his eyes, Twilight immediately looked up despite the brief pain. When the light cleared, Celestia was slowly descending towards the ground, looking just as unblemished and calm as she did in her home world.

“Princess!” called Twilight excitedly, rushing towards her, only to remember herself at the last moment and compose herself. This wasn't her Celestia. No matter how good it was to see the sun princess as the ruler of Equestria again, she didn't know what sort of relationship they had, or if they even-eep!

Her thoughts were derailed quite suddenly as Celestia took a step forward and enveloped the smaller alicorn in her wings and hooves, pulling her into a tight embrace. “Twilight...it is wonderful to see you again.”

Twilight couldn't help herself. Even knowing this wasn't her home-world Celestia, she embraced her tightly, letting out a sigh as a string of tension that had been winding its way through her body for the past two-dozen timelines slowly went slack. “I've missed you, princess,” murmured Twilight quietly. In almost every timeline, Celestia had been the first to be displaced, and most times it hadn't been as neat or clean as being banished to the moon.

And yet, it still felt wrong. She wasn't this Celestia's Twilight. She was just-

“It's okay Twilight,” murmured Celestia, slowly sliding her wings away. “I've been briefed on the situation by Chrysalis' changelings. I'd like to think you're still my little pony no matter which world you’re from..”

Nodding happily, Twilight wiped a foreleg across her moist eyes and composed herself. “You have no idea how good it is to see you again.”

“Almost as good as seeing my most faithful student and fellow princess alive again after a year of mourning?” said Celestia with a small smile.

Twilight chuckled. “I suppose I can give you that one. All I need now is for Starlight Glimmer to teleport here and claim she's my new best friend.”

“I don't believe I'm familiar with that pony,” said Celestia.

“Probably for the best considering how this turned out,” Twilight grumbled. “Hey um...before I go blasting anyone else, do you think you can let me in on who and who isn't a good pony in this universe?”

Celestia smiled, her horn glowing as she effortlessly repaired the doorway and put the shattered door back together seamlessly. “Why not tell me what trials you have overcome in your world and I shall endeavor to fill in the differences?”

“I would really appreciate that.”


The sight of Sombra, Chrysalis, and Celestia sitting in the library, reflecting on her story was a surreal sight that beat any other world she'd been to. Questions had been plentiful for the first several minutes, but after a while Celestia had put a stop to them, realizing that the tale was never going to finish otherwise.

Aside from a brief break to let Celestia lower the sun so her sister could take charge of the night, there were no more interruptions.

“So you're telling me, that in your world, my Sonic Rainboom was awesome enough to bring us all together?” asked Rainbow excitedly.

“Ho boy, we're never gonna hear the end of it now,” grumbled Applejack.

“Yes, and you deserve every bit of praise you get for it,” said Twilight. “Although it makes me wonder, how did we all meet in this timeline if not for Rainbow?”

Rainbow shrugged her wings. “I got an internship with the Everfree Weather Patrol because it was the most exciting, and every Wonderbolt is required to do at least a year of weather work. During a particularly nasty hurricane, I performed a Rainboom that dispersed it.”

“When I got frustrated by where my magic had led me, I had just given up and pushed the boulder down the hill, but I had the good sense to look where it had fallen. At the bottom, the rock had cracked open, and it wasn't long after that I discovered my talent,” explained Rarity.

“W-well, after I fell off of Cloudsdale, I decided that I really didn't like flying. Even though it seemed like the animals rejected me at first, I worked with them, cared for them, and then one day I managed to calm down an angry, injured bear, and once I'd treated him, I got my cutie mark.”

“That would be...Mr. Bear?” asked Twilight curiously.

“That's him!” exclaimed Fluttershy with an excited nod. “Did my other self...”

“Almost word for word...except she got her cutie mark a little earlier.”

Applejack adjusted her hat. “Well, can't say I've got a particularly excitin' story. I spent a few months in Manehatten and then I got a care package from back home. Apple cider, apple pie, fresh apples...it was while I was eating them that I realized just how much I missed home. Got on a train the next day and got my cutie mark.”

“And you, Pinkie?” I asked finally.

“Well, when my sister's birthday came around, I decided that I wanted to do something really special. Mom and dad had missed her last birthday so I wanted to make it up to her. I did some research, really got into it, and it was a huge hit! Gave me my cutie mark and everything!”

“And so everypony ended up in Ponyville and averted disaster,” Twilight finished. “Even though we found our talents at different times and through different circumstances, events still played out really close to my timeline. Arguably better,” she added, giving Chrysalis and Sombra a meaningful glance.

“Oh, and just so we're clear, I don't buy for a second that you're not our Twilight,” said Rainbow suddenly.

“What? But I-”

“Lemme ask you this. When you first got your wings, did you list slightly to the left when you flew? It took me three straight weeks to break you of that habit.”

“W-well yes, that still happened but-”

And,” continued Rainbow unabated. “It took you a full week before you stopped flailing your legs in the air, as if trying to run.”

Twilight blushed slightly. “You said it made me look like a grown filly trying to fly for the first time.”

“Exactly! Fluttershy, what about you? You know what Twilight's favorite food is, right?”

“Steamed lilacs and parsnip garnish,” came the pegasus' immediate reply.

“That's...right,” said Twilight, slightly surprised.

“And your favorite book is 'A Compiled Lexicon of Spells and Their Practical Applications',” chimed in Rarity.

“And you're absolutely terrified of quesadillas!” concluded Pinkie Pie.

Celestia seemed slightly taken aback at that, giving Twilight a curious look. “You never told me the incident was quite that bad,” she accused. “I had always wondered what you were fixing that caused such a catastrophe, but you were too embarrassed to say.”

Twilight blushed, avoiding Celestia's gaze. “W-well I suppose we might not be all that different,” she finally admitted. Grimly, she turned towards Chrysalis and Sombra. “I didn't manage to rescue you,” she told Sombra, “And I never even thought about trying to make peace with you,” she told Chrysalis.

“Hmph. I can hardly hold that against you,” said Chrysalis with a scoff. “I am not the most easy changeling to work with, and we were both quite bitter after our second confrontation.”

“And as I understand it, you spent almost two years researching what had happened with the Crystal Empire before you were able to make any headway with my...unique case,” added Sombra. “I couldn't have hoped anypony would do anything for me before that, so it's not as though you were letting me down.”

Twilight sighed. Their words were comforting, but it was still hard not to feel inadequate compared to her other self. “Well...maybe when I get back, I can work on changing that,” she said finally.

An uncomfortable silence filled the room.

“You're...going back?” asked Fluttershy meekly.

“...yes?” said Twilight, uncertainty in her voice.

“Why?” asked Rainbow pointedly. “You just made it back! You're here now!”

A glance around the table showed that almost everypony was thinking the same thing, even if Rainbow Dash was the only one to outright say it. “But...this isn't my world! I don't belong here!”

“Horseapples, Twi,” cut in Applejack. “You just said everything played out darn near the same here, and when I look at you, I see my good friend Twilight who helped organize Winter Wrap-Up and helped out on the farm when Big Mac got injured.”

“And you're still the same Twilight that helped me study for the Wonderbolt's test,” added Rainbow.

More voices soon joined them, each one throwing out bits and pieces from Twilight's life and the times she helped them. She remembered all of them. Just as she was starting to feel overwhelmed though, Celestia held up her hoof and the talking died down immediately.

“Twilight, I realize you've had a trying time. You have that look that you often get before a big test. Even if you truly wish to return to your own world, there is no need to rush, yes?”

Twilight hesitated. Technically speaking, her battle with Starlight Glimmer was a 'fixed-point' in time, and the scroll would take her back there no matter how long she actually spent here. “No...I suppose not.”

“Then please, stay here a while and rest. Your room is still the same as we left it a year ago, and you're welcome to use the library while you work on fixing the spell scroll.”

That did sound like a good idea. The nap had been nice, but she was still tired. What point was there in going back while she was half-dead if she could get a good night's sleep and approach her fight with Starlight at a hundred percent?

“I...yeah, I think I'll do that,” said Twilight finally.

Celestia smiled and turned to her friends. “Then we shall leave you be for the evening.”


“Twilight is not going anywhere for the next day at least,” said Celestia, cutting off Twilight's friends before they could protest. “You will have plenty of time to reconnect with her then.”

There was a bit more grumbling, but eventually everypony cleared out. Celestia, however, paused at the doorway. “Twilight, do you recall a certain time-traveling incident where you traveled a week into the past via one of Starswirl's spells?”

The smaller alicorn nodded. It was the first thing she'd thought of. “I did a bit of research into Starswirl's work after that...incident.”

“As did the Twilight of this world. I did not wish to go into detail in front of your friends, but do you recall what Starswirl had written about the timeline?” asked Celestia gently.

“He...he said that there was only one...that all time travel would result in a closed loop...but he was proven wrong,” insisted Twilight. “I'm living proof of that!”

“Are you? Or has your presence here merely replaced your timeline with this one?” The way Celestia asked the question made it clear she didn't know the answer herself.

“The crystal map from my castle is still here,” replied Twilight confidently. “The universe knows there's something wrong, that's why it’s always there when I land.”

“Is it 'wrong' or is it simply being pulled through as part of the spell you're using? You did say it was the catalyst, after all.”

Twilight hesitated. “I...don't know,” she said finally. “But I know what you're trying to say.” Her breath caught in her throat as she tried to get the words out.

“Um...what is it?” asked Spike cautiously when neither one of the ponies volunteered the information.

Before Twilight could respond, Celestia moved, drawing a wing around her side. “Twilight, do not misunderstand me. My intention is not to guilt you. I will stand by and support whatever decision you make. You've always been my faithful student, have you not?”

Spike's eyes widened as he heard a sniff from behind Celestia's wing. “Twilight?”

“All I ask is that you give yourself time to rest and think things over. Be sure of your decision before you make it.”

Twilight swallowed, sniffing again, slowly slipping out of the hug. “Thank you Princess, I will.”

Playfully, Celestia's wing came out and flicked her muzzle. “And stop calling me Princess. We are peers, remember? Then again, I never did break that habit of yours in this world either.”

Just as the white alicorn was about to leave, Spike spoke up one last time. “Princess, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to me in this timeline?”

Celestia sighed. “When the Twilight of this world passed on, you disappeared into the dragon lands. No one has seen you for the past year, and the last message I received was six months ago.”

The alicorn walked out into the evening air and spread her wings. “I shall remain in Ponyville for the next two days, though if you need to speak to me at any time, my dragon-fire address hasn't changed.”


“Twilight, what was she talking about?” asked Spike, watching as the alicorn paced around her room, her horn glowing, the violet sparkle of her magic appearing around various pieces of furniture as she moved them around the room.

“Multiverse theory versus closed-loop theory,” said Twilight shortly.

Spike waited for her to continue, but she didn't. That was a rather alarming sign, when Twilight didn't want to talk about something magic-related. “And that is?” he asked finally.

Twilight sighed, her magic enveloping her writing desk and pulling it into the air. “Starswirl theorized that if any time travel was possible, it would happen one of two ways. Either you'd travel to a different universe entirely, or all the time travel that will happen has already happened, thereby creating a closed loop, which is what happened to me the one time I tried it.”

“And...Starlight screwed that up?”

“I don't know,” growled Twilight, practically turning her desk upside down as she shook it. “If the single-timeline theory is correct, then going back could mean...”

“Wiping this timeline out,” finished Spike, his eyes widening at the implications.

“I don't know which is worse,” said Twilight with a sigh. “The thought that I'd have to choose between these two timelines, or the thought that all those other worlds we went to are ruled by the villains we failed to defeat.”

Spike shuddered, looking down at the scroll in his hand. Neither thought was very comfortable. Clutching the worn paper just a bit tighter, Spike watched as Twilight continued to tear through her room. “Er...what are you looking for?”

“Not looking for,” corrected Twilight. “Found.” The wall behind her bed suddenly fractured and cracked. In the next moment, a large book emerged, held in Twilight's magical grip.

“How did you know that was there?” asked Spike.

“Because I had one as well, before my library blew up. This is my other self's diary.”