• Member Since 6th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen May 27th


Brony, gamer, writer, and full-time cynical realist. Something about what I just said seems ironic....


I never wanted to be here, in this world. I just wanted to go to a costume party, have a good time. But I'm here now, in Equestria, and it looks like I'm here to stay.

I suppose it's not all bad. I make a nice living as a doctor, I'm living a nice life. Or I was, until Celestia and Luna petrified me while I was fighting Tirek. A story for another time, that one. I don't know why I was petrified, honestly. Sure, those two preferred to talk to every single opponent they faced and give them chance after chance. Dreams of peace and rainbows, that's what those two had. But I was more realistic, willing to fight and, if need be, kill those that would end those innocent lives in their selfish desires, whatever they may be. But was that really enough to seal me away, just because our view-points conflicted?

Doesn't matter now, I suppose. I'm free again, after a thousand years. I'll go back to my job as a doctor, try and eke out a peaceful life. But I warn anybody who might have any thoughts or ideas about trying to do anything to this town and the peaceful lives around me.

My name is Jude Mathis, M.D. I'm a doctor, and the hands that can heal know best how to destroy.

(Displaced fic with Tales of Xillia)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Although a council, try to give it a personality of its own, many writers overwrite with the personality of the character, for that would be to bring the original character.

Crossover careful, well done can be fun but they can stagnate the story.

Careful to fall with absolute forgiveness or revenge, both ways are often used and poorly executed in this type of story

Luck in your story

You might also want to include a status about if or if not they'll be cross-overs.

Its ironic this story is about a doctor and they have a doctor who quote that sounds almost prophetic..

"Demons run when a good man goes to war."
"Night will fall and drown the sun,When a good man goes to war."
"Friendship dies and true love lies,Night will fall and the dark will rise,When a good man goes to war."
"Demons run, but count the cost The battle's won, but the child is lost”

Does that poem sound like a Nightmare Moon incident to anyone else? With some add-ons...

I have never heard that poem before, but holy hells it sounds so damn close to what I have planned for this fic that I actually got chills.

Seriously? Watch the doctor who 6 x 07 "A good man goes to war" on youtube sometime. The episode is based around the poem and even recites it. Pretty good episode too.

Sadly this looked like an interesting idea

The Monk

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