• Member Since 17th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 26th



Autumn Frost is a thestral, and has been a loyal member of the Lunar Guard for several years. After an accident forced her into early retirement, she finds herself somewhat at a loss for what to do with herself.

Then she runs into Reed. Reed is shy, reticent, and quite possibly the biggest nerd she has ever met in her entire life--and considering who used to be the Captain of the Royal Guard, that's saying something. Namely, he's everything she isn't. Still, she finds herself somewhat drawn to him, even as events start to show her that civilian life might not be quite as uninteresting as she may have thought.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 6 )

Looks good so far.

And so it begins.

(No one believed Berry when she claimed she got the idea for her newest drink when a hardback copy of “A Guide to Equestrian Beverages” struck her head. Regardless, the “Pageturner” was a moderate success at her bar)

Nothing like bookcramming into your head to get a business advantage.

The mare Frost ? looked like she was stuck halfway between concern and a case of the giggles. “Reed’s got a date!”

? = talked to, (missing words here)
Damn librarian chicks could have helped him snap out of it!

It was so astonishingly ugly she was amazed it existed. It seemed like Celestia should have destroyed it on general principle. It represented almost everything the solar alicorn wasn’t. Like a relic of some forgotten age of chaos, a reminder of a time long ago, when order was a thing that happened to other planets and mad gods turns clouds into sugary confections.

All this to describe a tie, and worth every word, hilarious!:rainbowlaugh:


Gotta hit them books hard!
...Or is the other way around?


Thanks for catching that!
And there are reasons they didnt. It shall be explained!

Its one of my personal favorite bits.
Thanks for the fav!

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