• Member Since 14th Jul, 2013
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Nameless Narrator

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This story is a sequel to Corrupted Lands

What does it mean to lose everything?

What if there was a pony who had no self-respect, no sense of self-worth, and who suppressed his self-preservation instinct to save the few friends who against all odds stood by him through good and bad? What did they see in him he couldn't see himself?

Maybe it was the fact that he really sacrificed all he had so that they could have a future even without him. What if this pony was an alicorn, though, whose divinity forced him to return back to the world much later when all he knew was gone? No friends, no love for himself, nopony to lean on.

Blazing Light is back, baby.

Chapters (75)
Comments ( 455 )

This really needs the sex tag added.

You know, after over one hundred chapters you would expect my hope for Blazing Light to do something that would make things easy would die out. No idea why this hope is still sticking around after this long.

7682497 Maybe the alicorn of Hope title wasn't just for show. Or hey, he could grow up eventually. You just might be secretly rooting for him.

To be honest, anyone still sticking around for this final story is kinda miracle I never hoped for so I'm kinda in the same crazy unsubstantiated hope boat.

Good story so far. I have no idea why more people haven't read this, or even left a comment here. I hope you still write more chapters for this story. If not, well, my bad. See you around

7708400 Updates for New Age are kinda irregular at the moment because I'm trying to finish off Shine Of The Silver Sun first, but I'm working on it as well, don't worry.

As for popularity, I guess my stories just aren't for everyone.

7708487 Yeah, that may be the thing. But as of now, I shall wait for another chapter. And from what I've seen in comment under one of previous chapters,is there a story that happens before this one? If yes, then I will have to find time to read it. Good luck

7708672 This is the final story of a loooong chain starting with Imbalanced. The only reason I didn't tag it as a sequel to something is that I'm trying to make this one readable on its own.

Good as always. As it should, things get more interesting with each chapter. Keep it up

7725866 Working on it so hard my Microsoft notepad is smoking.

7726355 Don't burn it. You still have more chapters to write, so the delay of buying new keyboard won't be good. But thanks anyway

7759853 Hey, a new reader .)
Welcome to the abyss.

I'll be damned if Blazing Light is actually dead. After all, I don't see that complete status.

And here I hoped that he finally got to die...
Heh Heh Heh... Heh...
I should've known better.

Small question, you've noted before that this will be the last story in the Imbalanced series, are there any plans to write other stories (either in the Imbalanced Universe or just other stories)?

7853053 I'm toying with few ideas, but since things aren't exactly going my way these days I'm not planning anything as such. I'd like to finish off Happiness and Shine, and if nothing goes horribly wrong then maybe finally return to Icy Gaze and To The Skies! so that I can complete the story part about Crowley's takeover of griffon throne. That, and I'll probably scrap The Second Diary and reupload the original three stories because I doubt I'll have the time to rewrite the abomination into a readable story.

But, if thing suddenly for some reason stop going down the drain I'd like to make a sexy CYOA (gamebook) from Corrupted Lands setting, a changeling focused story happening after Chrysalis' defeat in Canterlot (overused setting, I know), and the final part of Silver Sun trilogy (but I might scrap that entirely because no one reads those)

7854257 Awesome, I'll be patiently waiting and reading. Hopefully things do end up getting better, those story ideas that you've proposed seem like a lot of fun to read (especially with your writing style).

7899361 One of us has to be, besides, I just said 'interesting'.

Hey look, Blazing had success.
My bet's on seven minuets and forty-two seconds before it all goes sideways.

7941511 That's a pretty safe bet, try something a little wilder. Let'S say, betting on how it's gonna all go wrong.

7941824 Something followed Blazing and infiltrates the changeling camp, Guiding gets killed? Blazing blames himself.
I know for sure that whatever happens, Blazing will think it's his fault.

7942215 Damn, I've become what I've always hated - extremely predictable. You actually got the much later happening event somewhat right.

Welp, no reason to continue anymore. :twilightoops:

7942332 It's Blazing, the guy only ever has things getting better for him so they can be torn away. Besides, even if you are pedictable, I always enjoy seeing how Blazing gets crap shoveled onto him.

Loving the exchanges this chapter, witty and plot-driving.

You can the soldiers

Not sure what this is though, I assume it's supposed to read:

You can tell the soldier

though I personally would've gone with:

You, tell the soldiers

7961445 It means I screwed up the pre-reading. My bad. Fixing it now.

7974489 I do have experience in that realm, if you're interested. I am currently editing three other stories, so there might be a few times where I get bogged down, but -especially with your chapter length- I probably wouldn't be too long.

7974499 Once I have any sort of idea about how my schedule is going to look (for these past 2 weeks I've always just come home mentally dead and unable to write a single sentence), I'll think about it. The first versions are usually one hell of a mess.

7975144 Take your time. If you want I can act as a developmental editor, copyeditor/proofreader or both. Please don't feel pressured to rush into giving me an answer.


I assume there's supposed to be a word between 'hate' and 'ups'?

Interesting chapter, Heavy's dialogue was, as always, spot on for observational humor and Blazing was still Blazing.

7982575 No, there isn't. It'S just incoherent rambling of Blazing when faced with heights.

7982800 Ahhhh.... makes more sense now that I look at it again.

So the plot thickens, yet again. I thought Blazing was sour wine guy, or did he change when I wasn't looking closely enough at the details?

8013899 I don't know if it's explicitly stated anywhere, but Blazing loves sweet wine the most, although it was mostly out of his price range after running away from home until he, Cromach, and Heavy rebuilt Silver Sun and got some money going. Where I live sour wine is significantly cheaper, and Blazing considered drinking the horrible box kind the perfect complement to his miserable life.

8014867 Ah, it's been a little while since I read the first diary and I have to admit I never read the second one, so I suppose that I could have completely missed that.

8015575 I'll pretend it'S worth reading and tell you to go read it :ajbemused:

8016023 Yes sir. I'm actually thinking of rereading the entire series, so it might be a while before I get to the second diary if I'm rereading the first.

just explain

double space.
So an establishment the pretty much caters for sex, but has a rule against violent fetishes/paraphilias is run by a sex demon who is quite willing to be violent if she is opposed.
I can buy it. Catering to violent fetishes might detract from the number of NDS clients.

8025614 Let me offer an alternative view on things:

1) The purpose of the estabilishment isn't to make money, but to fulfill someone's life calling, the gold is just a secondary effect. Thus, objections to violence may have connection to the owner's morals. (Rather common in Equestria with cutie marks symbolizing fate)
2) There's an enormous difference in violent self-defense and supporting violent tendencies (like sexual ones) of others. The fact that Comfort isn't exactly opposed to it might mean she's not the one making the rules.
3) There is literally nothing pointing to Comfort being hostile to Desert Shade. It's Blazing who is "just one of many mindless Corrupted, and thus expendable."

Also, NDS - National Defense Strategy, Nintendo Dual Shock? :derpyderp1: Sorry, don't know that acronym.

Unfortunately, this just means my writing is too unclear, I focus on the wrong things which can be misconstrued and feel like I'm contradicting myself.

1. I am way too cynical for that idea to seriously cross my mind, but I guess with a succubi it would make sense that that's why she's running the establishment. If her boss is a god or an alicorn it would also make sense that they don't care that much for money.
2. Wasn't disputing that difference, just commenting on it.
3. Violence against the expendable tends to lead to the mindset that there are few who aren't expendable.
4. Initialization, acronyms spell out words and are a subgroup of initializations (pet peeve, sorry).
NDS > non-deviant sexual behaviour
Because someone had to steal heteronormativity and make it political (if I ever find out who I am going to have a strong temptation to hurt them, because NDS takes way too long to write out/explain). Also, I apologize if I use acronyms and/or initializations, I tend to shorten a lot of information to make it easier to write and talk; it works, so long as everyone understands what they mean. I have a bad habit of assuming that everyone knows what the initializations mean, and it is something I'm trying to be more cognizant of (in the future, if I use an initialization or acronym, just tap me and remind me).

1) Although I try to bring a bit of realism to a soft fantasy world, Equestria still isn't as broken as ours.
2) My bad.
3) Once again a misunderstanding of Comfort's role and intentions. Though it's interesting to see the difference in what was supposed to be understandable about events from what little information I gave in the mentions concerning Desert Shade. There is a small problem I'm dealing with which is that there is one short part from Blazing's storyline missing, although one easy to figure out for ppl who read Silver Sun 1 and Corrupted Lands . One I decided against writing because it didn't have enough content, but one vital to what is going to happen in the next 2 chapters. In short, Comfort is not opposed to violence at all, nor does she care about Blazing's or Des' well-being. Ironically, if she somehow managed to hurt Blazing she would face far more brutal punishment than for hurting Des.

4) Don't worry about it. I'm not an English speaker, so I might need an explanation of things other people don't.

1. Understandable. I'll have to keep that in mind when reading your stories.
2. I'll admit the way I worded it sounded a little more confrontational than I admitted.
3. Yeah... that's on me.
4. Native speaker or not, I toss around a ridiculous number of acronyms and initializations, so you not understanding it almost definitely has less to do with your non-nativity and more to do with me. Out of curiosity, what is your native tongue?

Hmm... intriguing. I really want to find out what's behind that door.
Prediction time: I've got nothing for whose behind the door, but Blazing is the Alicorn of (im)Balance

8066961 You caught one of the "symptoms" tying into his aspect right.

As for what's inside... it's fairly simple to deduce, especially if you read Corrupted Lands. I just can't write it in the right way to have proper impact. I don't know why it's suddenly bothering me so much. I could just write something down and move on, but no.

8067597 didn't read Corrupted Lands
So now I'm even more interested, Celestia?
Good to know that I'm at least a partially competent reader.

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