• Published 9th Jul 2016
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Beethoven's Tenth - CrackedInkWell

One stormy evening in 1825, Ludwig van Beethoven was followed by a mysterious shadow and transported into Equestria.

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Chapter 27: Nightmare Night Allegro in C # minor

Vinyl raised an eyebrow. She wrote down to Octavia on a notepad expressing her thoughts of what she heard.

He agreed? Beethoven agreed to have a battle of the bands against the Countess Coloratura? Is he serious?

Octavia nodded from the couch, “My thoughts exactly! I get that his music is becoming popular, but to have Coloratura challenge him to a musical duel that he accepts? I know this is going to end a bloodbath.”

The unicorn scratched her response.

For who? Beethoven or the Countess?

“Does it matter? Either way, it’s going to put more pressure on the orchestra then it already is. To make things worse,” she pointed to the newly open cardboard box, “did you see the score this time? It’s just as bad as his third one!”

Curious, the DJ went over to the box and levitated the copy of the manuscript. “Symphony No. 5 in C minor,” she flipped open to the first page and whistled at the marking at the very top.

One hundred beats per minute! Dude that is really fast!

“Tell me about it,” Octavia moaned. “But that’s nothing compared to what is going to happen. Ludwig had sent us notices that not only are we going to play on period instruments that date around the time of Moztrot, but he insists on conducting! He’s hardly tolerable during rehearsals, but how is he going to be able to conduct without those headphones falling off?”

Vinyl put a hoof to her chin.

That’s a good question. I think I might need some time to think about it, when is this concert thing again?

“On the 22nd of November,” the cellist replied, “Which means that after Nightmare Night, we have three weeks to rehearse before heading off to Applewood.”

Speaking of which! Neon Light is having me be the DJ for this upcoming party in Canterlot for Nightmare Night. You wanna come?

After giving some thought, she replied, “Alright, just to give me an excuse to unwind before the real torture begins."

The DJ grinned.

Great! Now before I forget, I have finished something from last night that I want to get your take on.

Octavia raised an eyebrow, “Why? You know I’m not exactly a fan of your music.”

But Vinyl had already put the notepad down and went to her turntables, picking up a record.

The gray mare sighed, “I don’t have much of a choice don’t I?”

Shaking her head, she placed the disc down before placing the needle on it. Switching the machine on, and immediately, something very familiar came up on the speakers. An electronic pizzicato played at a nearly impossible rate raced through the cottage while a beat takes over.

“Isn’t this Beethoven’s improvisation?” Octavia asked and her roommate nodded.

The sounds of a piano being played at an incredible tempo of a familiar tune were only highlighted with the change of rhythm, beats, and sounds that somehow blended well with the solo. While the song was short, the remix captured all the exciting moments as notes fly up and down the scales like a tumbling bird through a hurricane.

At the end of the short song, Vinyl took up a notepad and wrote a message.

It took forever just to get it sound just right, but now I think I have just the right material for that Nightmare Night gig. As you would say, if you’re going to have some fun, give it a bit of class.

Octavia put a hoof on the unicorn’s mane and messed it up a bit, “You’re certainly full of surprises.”


Ludwig did recover his cold by the time Nightmare Night came around. Thanks to getting stuck inside his studio room for several weeks, he was able to get about half of the third movement done. While the air was turning cold, Beethoven was relieved to be stepping outside. The leaves were already displaying its full wardrobe of yellows, reds, browns, pale greens, orange and gold to the world while the town was putting the finishing touches of their carnival games.

Everywhere he looked, he saw macabre and creatively creepy displays being put up in the town square. The string of paper bats, spider webs, carved pumpkins ranging from adorable to grotesque were placed outside of many pony’s doors, even bones and fake skeletons sat outside of each building. While it has the look of death, there was certain playfulness all around.

When the sun was setting, he was invited by Twilight to come with her to the market place again, this time; he took his composition book with him.

The Princess of Friendship held up the magic scroll up to him when she asked, “Why did you bring your notebook along?”

“You never know when inspiration may come,” he said. “Looking around, I think I might get a few tunes before this night is out.”

Twilight pulled her mask over her face, “Ludwig, this is a holiday; you don’t have to work when everypony is celebrating.”

“It is no excuse for being lazy. Inspiration does not come to those who idle but to those who call after it. Given the atmosphere, I’m waiting to hear what my muse has to say.”

“At least try to have fun. There is more to life than music alone.”


Twilight recoil her wings from the outburst, “Okay, okay! I’m just saying that you need some variety every once in a while.”

By the time they’ve reached the public space, it was nearly crowded with booths and ponies in costumes. It was like an outdoor costume ball that collided with the fair games of his youth for Ludwig as he followed the masked alicorn around. Everywhere he saw foals playing games or trading sweets in their bags while at times he saw a few grown-up ponies chasing one another in frightening costumes only to laugh it off. From the galloping all around, a rhythm triggered in Beethoven’s imagination as a quartet provided the foreground music to the festivities.

He could practically hear a violin taking up the role of a ghost while wandering through the carnival. Cello and Viola keep up the spooky beat while the second violin joins in the fun. Ludwig took out his composition book and started sketching, distracting himself from where he was going. Suddenly, he felt a jerk on the collar of his topcoat. Looking up, he saw that Twilight stopped him from running into a pole.

Vielen Dank,” he said.

In her bird’s mask, Twilight looked around until she spotted her friends. Using her magic to pull on Beethoven’s sleeve, she led him towards the other ponies that too were in costume. “There you guys are! I’ve been looking all over for you.”

“Hey Twilight,” her friends greeted her.

The lilac alicorn took off her mask, “Fluttershy isn’t coming again?”

“Not this time,” Pinkie said through her clown makeup. “You know how she’s not much of a fan of the holiday.”

“She really ought to come with us sometime,” Rarity commented. “I mean I know she’s a bit jumpy around this time of year, but she should step out of her comfort zone eventually.” The tailor looked up at Ludwig, “Is he dressing up?”

Twilight looked up at the giant, who was paying more attention to the notebook. “He said he didn’t want to.” She looked around, “Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, where are the Crusaders?”

“They’re tossing spiders for candy with Spike.” Rainbow in her “bloodied” doctor’s lab coat pointed over the three fillies and the dragon was, “They said something about playing games first before going trick-or-treating.”

“Only there’s a bit of a problem,” Applejack in a tin suit said.

“How come?” Twilight asked.

“Well,” Pinkie, in her superhero costume stepped in. “You know that new haunted house that just opened up? All of us really, really wanted to go but the Crusaders aren’t exactly keen on going. You know, because they’ve really added up the scares and all.”

In her replica of a plunge mask, Twilight looked up at Ludwig. “This is very simple, why not we get somepony to look after the Crusaders while we go through it?”

“Y’all mean you wanna have him look after them?” Applejack questioned.

“He just needs to keep an eye out for them,” Twilight pointed out. “Besides, he’s a giant and Spike is with them that should be enough to keep them safe.” Twilight took out the magic scroll and pulled on his sleeve to get his attention. “My friend and I are going to leave for a couple of minutes; I want you to keep an eye on the Crusaders and Spike over there to make sure they don’t get into trouble. Can you make sure that they don’t leave the market place until we get back?”

After she and Ludwig went over for a moment to tell the foals that the giant was going to look after them later, Twilight and her friends went off to visit the haunted house. Spike waved at Beethoven to unroll the scroll, “How are you feeling?”

“At least I can walk outside again,” he answered. “What is it that the three of you are doing?”

“We’re playing a game,” Scootaloo told him. “We get candy if we hit a particular place on the target. Wanna play?”

Ludwig shook his head, “No thank you little Fräulein.”

“Do you want some candy?” Spike asked as he reached into his bag and pulled out a couple wrapped caramels. While Beethoven did take them, he took notice of their costumes as they played their game. The dragon was wearing armor, mimicking a knight while the other three fillies had on completely different costumes compared to the drake. Applebloom reminded the old man of pictures of the Ancient Greeks with her flowing white gown and mane style. Scootaloo, to Ludwig in her pale coat, fake cuts, and rag clothing thought that she was impersonating a shipwreck survivor, if sluggish at that. As for Sweetie Belle, it reminded him of the pictures of Egyptian art that Napoleon’s armies had recorded for she had on a dress, makeup and headdress of a pharaoh.

While Beethoven looked after them as the children get bored and moved on to another carnival game, Ludwig returned to his sketches, making and scratching out bars of notes to get it just right before they moved on.

Eventually, the giant felt a tug on his overcoat, looking down; he found it was Sweetie Belle trying to get his attention. After taking out the scroll from his pocket, she asked. “Why are you working?”

“I have too many ideas in my head,” he replied. “If I don’t, I go more insane then I’m already am.”

“Oh… Okay, what are you working on now?”

“I’m juggling ideas for a string quartet and three of the four movements of my new symphony.”

All four children snapped their attention to Ludwig.

“How in the hay do ya do that?” Applebloom asked. “Are ya really sayin’ that you’re jugglin’ a bunch of tunes all in yer head?”

“Herr Mozart once did the exact same thing,” Beethoven pointed out. “When I tell many people that, they look at me with astonishment because, as they tell me, they can’t do that as well. For me, since I’ve done this for so long, it is as easy as breathing. And you’re right,” he pointed to the yellow apple. “Like juggling, the same requirements are also required for doing the same with music. One must adapt, keep a good balance when you do all sorts of tricks, and a good eye at where all the notes are going.”

Scootaloo was taken aback, “All in your head?” she questioned.

“It’s always noisy in here,” he tapped a pencil to his temple. “The only relief I get is to write it down.”

Soon the children ran out of games that the square had to offer, but since they didn’t want to go anywhere until their older sisters come with them, the four of them leaned against a tree.

“So what do we do now?” Scootaloo asked, “I’m not exactly keen on eating everything yet.”

“You think that they would be back out here by now,” Spike commented.

Then Sweetie Belle got an idea, getting Ludwig’s attention once more, she said: “Mr. Beethoven, can I ask you something?”


“Since you’re not from Equestria, do you happen to know any ghost stories?”

Ludwig raised an eyebrow, but then he noticed Spike speaking so he looked at the scroll to read, “Yeah, that would be interesting. After all, you come from a different culture altogether! Surely you might have a tale or two to pass the time.”

“You want me to tell you a story?”

“Make it a scary story,” Scootaloo interjected, “It’s Nightmare Night after all.”

“So please,” Sweetie begged. Ludwig looked down and immediately regretted it as he saw her eyes grew wide and shiny underneath the exotic makeup.

“I… I don’t know little ones,” the giant said. “I’m not sure if I know any that you might consider good.”

“Come on,” Spike pleaded, “at least give us one. Chances are, we probably never heard of it before.”

“Well…” Beethoven thought back, “I do know this one tale that I tried to set to music but never finished. Although, Herr Schubert did write it better-”

He was cut off when he felt another tug on his coat, this time it was Applebloom who spat out the fabric and told him, “Well jus’ tell us already! What is it called?”

Beethoven too leans his back against the tree and after looking at all four of them in the eye asked one question. “Have any of you heard of the Erlkönig?”


“I wasn’t scared,” Applejack boasted.

Rainbow huffed, “Oh really? Then why have you clenched onto me for dear life?”

“You were doin’ it too!”

“Girls!” Twilight interjected, “As… entertain as that was, we need to find Spike, the Crusaders, and Mr. Beethoven.”

Pinkie hopped onto Twilight’s back with a pair of binoculars scanning over the marketplace until she suddenly pointed a hoof, “There! Three fillies, a giant and a dragon at ten o’clock!”

After jumping off, the alicorn took the lead towards the tree where the children were resting up against. As she noticed, all of them looked uncomfortable as they approached.

“….Anxious, the father reaches the farm.” They could hear Beethoven say, “In his arms, the boy is dead.”

“Geez laweez that is dark,” Spike exclaimed, “are you sure you should be telling us something like that?” but Ludwig didn’t hear him.

“What?” he asked as he reached for the scroll.

“Excuse me,” Rarity said when the giant looked down at the scroll. “What are you doing?”

Confused, Beethoven looked around and identified who was speaking to him. “Ah, finally back?”

“We’re sorry,” Twilight explained, “but it took longer than we thought it did. So are you guys ready to go trick-or-treating?”

Quickly, all four went straight for the group of mares.

“Thanks for looking after them Mr. Beethoven,” Twilight added. “We’ll let you go for the rest of the night.”

Rolling up the scroll and putting in his pocket, Ludwig tilted his hat before going on his way with a double shadow following close by.

“Hey Applejack,” the little sister said as they started to head towards the neighborhoods, “Can you and the girls promise us something?”

“Uh? Sure, what is it?”

Spike told them, “If you ever wanted Mr. Beethoven to tell a ghost story to you, just do yourselves a favor, and don’t. Just… don’t.”

“Why not?” Rainbow inquired.

“Let’s just say that the story we’ve just heard,” said Scootaloo, “was a touch too… dark. Even for me.”

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