• Published 24th Jul 2016
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Color’s Spectrum’s Concerto - CrackedInkWell

Not everypony knows that on the day of their wedding, Color Spectrum had gotten cold hooves before the ceremony. However, Discord had given him his wedding present to him beforehoof in case this very thing should happen.

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4th Movement: Adagio con Tenerezza

Color blinked, and blinked again, “You have a friend that’s a Changeling?”

Joy nodded, “Yeah. Vicky is my best friend! she comes around a lot. She’ll be coming soon and we’re gonna have so much fun at the Tulip Festival and we are gonna play with all my toys and talk about all the fun things we do and eat lots of ice cream!”

The Artist looked at the Princesses with great astonishment, “So does that mean that the Changelings became good in my future?”

“Only by unusual circumstance,” Celestia said ominously. “I don’t want to give away the surprise on how this was accomplished, but yes, you will be seeing peace between us in your future.”

“Huh… I didn’t think that would ever happen, considering what happened at Cadence and Shining Armor’s wedding.”

“Well, to be fair,” Cloudy commented as she dug her fork into her slice of chocolate cake. “You lived at a time when everything was changing really fast. Course, there were a lot of threats here and there, and your time got to see the rise of many things that ponies in the past didn’t think were possible.”

“Given from what I’ve seen from Canterlot, I’m not that surprised,” the artist commented. They were finishing up dessert, but they had been talking for so long that at one point, both Princesses had to excuse themselves to lower the sun and raise the moon. Color, all the while, was gaining insight into his fiancé’s future family. He learned that Joy still hadn’t earned her cutie mark, has recently asked Harmonic if he could teach her to play the violin. Whole Note, while being a part-time prince, still holds a job at the Canterlot Philharmonic and composes with his husband. Color’s son had written books and a hoofful of plays while his wife is now the principal of a school. Their daughter Cloudy had taken up an interest in Philosophy. “But what about Princess Cadence and Shining Armor?” Color asked between bites, “Are they still around?”

The family looked at one another uneasily, “Last I’ve heard,” Page said, “She’s dating somepony since Shining Armor had passed away.”

“Oh… and how is she?”

“In a stable relationship, it looks like,” Cloudy’s mother smiled. “I think at this rate we might be looking at another wedding down the road – though I’d say that eight months dating is still a little too early to tell.”

“Okay,” Color took another bite of the cake, “what about Princess Twilight? Is she around too?”

Luna nodded, “As well as Sir Spike, yes. She still resides in her castle in Ponyville, but Spike has long become independent. Twilight has taken on a husband but her old dragon assistant is still in the dating field. I don’t know what else to tell you since we’ve pretty much caught you up on everything we’re willing to share.”

“Exc-cuse me, Color,” Whole Note began, “Is there something you wanted t-to do before you go back?”

It didn’t take the unicorn to think of an answer, “Didn’t you guys say that you want me to listen to a new concerto you wrote together?”

“Oh! That’s right,” Harmonic facehoofed, “I nearly have forgotten all about it – but I’ll tell you what, as soon as we get done eating this, we’ll go to the music room. Okay?”

Color told him that would be fine. After everypony had eaten their dessert, the alicorn prince told one of the servants to fetch their instruments. Soon after, the large family left the garden for the servants to clean up after them. The Royal Family started to make their way up towards the music room. Taking the lead, Harmonic was flanked on both sides with his current husband and his past fiancé. Every so often, the Violinist looked over to Color, he noticed a thoughtful look spread across his face. It was the same kind of look whenever he was thinking about a painting, but all Harmonic could think was, ‘What are you up to?’

“So Note,” Page started as they walked casually behind them. “Is this concerto new?”

“Uh-huh,” the green Earth Pony nodded back to them. “You guys are g-g-getting to hear it being played for t-the first time. Of course, we don’t have the orchestra with us, but I think since Harm is here, that won’t be a problem. We’ve written it in the style of Fi-V-Vifilly s-so you’re in for a real tra-treat.”

“How long is it Grandpa Note?” Cloudy asked with a smirk on her lips.

The cellist sharply turned at her with a frown, “You’re never gonna let that down, are ya?”

“Nope,” she giggled.

Rolling his eyes, Whole Note replied, “It should be about ten minutes, give or t-take. Still, as excited as I am in showing you guys the cou-concerto, what do you all want to do afterward?”

“Well, I have to go to Night Court,” Luna replied first. “As much as I want to spend more time with Color, I’m afraid that after the mini-concert that I must leave.”

“Yeah,” Harmonic’s son agreed, “We’ve gotta get home ourselves, tomorrow is a school day for my wife and Cloudy.”

“If you’re all really going,” Color said at last, “Can I have a pencil and some paper?”

The Prince of Inspiration looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “Why?”

“Oh I just wanted to doodle a bit,” judging by that passive voice, Harmonic could instantly tell that the unicorn was planning something.

“There’s some scratch paper in the room, so you can use that.” When the family reached the music room, they found the servants had already brought the couple’s violin and cello. In the middle of the room, there was a music stand that held the sheet music that the musicians were working on.

Meanwhile, Color sat down next to a table where there was a neat stack of blank paper waiting to be used. Picking up a pen, he took a moment to study the ponies in the room. In particular, at his future son, his wife, and daughter, along with Harmonic’s new husband and their daughter as they sat around the room waiting while the string instruments tuned. He took note of their facial features, their mane styles, and even their colors before he started sketching.

“Everypony ready?” Note asked as he lifted his bow over his red instrument.

Harmonic looked at the hoofwritten score for just a moment before looking up at Color. His past husband took a moment to glance up at them before he put his violin to his chin. Lighting up his horn, the alicorn encased his instrument in his golden aura. Using the notes on the page, he recreated the sound of a string orchestra and a harpsichord playing an upbeat melody without putting his bow on the strings. Out of the sound holes of the Trotivarious, a chorus of violins and violas were jumping around like a team of acrobats in a circus. All the while, Harmonic gently counted time with his bow for the first several seconds of the established theme before he put his bow to his instrument.

From there, the two stallions started a musical conversation. It was like listening to a game between the energetic violin and the calculating yet quick-thinking cello. Each note climbs and leapfrogs over the other like foals on a playground. From their bows that leap from one string to the next at lightning speed, the music they produced had plenty of childhood games that ran around, play tag, and from the trills, there was a good deal of laughter. It was as if the two musicians were trying to act much younger despite their actual ages.

While the first movement was playing out, the artist was hard at work to draw out as much and as fast as he could of his future relatives. He was paying attention to the shading, refining the features of their faces, their manes, cutie marks, size proportions to get them as accurately as possible on paper. Not to say that this didn’t go unnoticed, his future son saw what he was doing and quietly walked over next to him.

“Why are you drawing?” He whispered.

“You know how it’s tradition to give your spouse-to-be a meaningful gift when you get married?”

“Of course I know… wait, why are you bringing this up?”

“Tell me, did Harmonic ever say what my gift to him was?”

Script thought it over for a moment, “Technically, I don’t think you ever did, even after you guys got married. Even back then it was really unusual…” the stallion trailed off as he realized where his Pa was going with this. “Hold on, are you implying that you’re making the big gift right now?”

“Starting to,” Color replied. “Don’t tell your father, but what I have in mind is going to be the most ambitious thing I’m ever gonna attempt. And knowing that I don’t have that much time to live, I have to begin immediately.”

His future son’s ears folded back, a look of sympathy was on the stallion’s face before he hugged his father to be. “Pa, just being Harmonic’s husband or my adopted father is a gift in and of itself. I’ve seen you two as role models for me because of how hard working and dedicated to your art you both were. Though I really do wish that you could have lived longer, you already have a great legacy that you’ve planted long ago. You don’t need to prove yourself in getting him a gift anyway, just being here is enough.”

“But I want to,” Color replied, “I don’t want it to be just for him, but for all of you as well. After all, it was my family that helped me make the biggest decision of my life, so what I’m planning on doing is the least I can do with how long I have left.” He gave a smile, “Besides if it’s true that I’m gonna be raising you, I guess I have much to learn before that day comes when we met.”

“Just to give you a heads up,” Script told him. “The pony you’ll be adopting is hardly like the one you’re talking to. If anything, I’ve changed so much over the years that you probably won’t recognize me at all. I had a completely different life before you and Harmonic came along, so it took me some time to become what I am now.”

At this, the unicorn took a moment from drawing and looked up at his future son. “Can you tell me one thing? Was I a good dad to you?”

Script smirked, “Spoilers.”

“Gee, thanks,” Color quietly deadpanned. “By the way, since I’m sketching out portraits, are there any other relatives that aren’t here?”

The Writer thought over carefully of his response. “Well… Apart from Cadence that isn’t here, along with Twilight and Spike, there is a cousin that’s a couple years younger than me. Little Flurry, we call her, she has a resemblance to Aunt Cadence.”

Color looked at him in surprise, “Really? Cadence and Shining are going to have a kid? I expect it sometime soon, right?” He nodded, “Oh good, I can’t wait to see the filly. How’s that unicorn now anyway?”

“…. Spoilers.”

The Artist looked at the stallion with a raised eyebrow, “Okay… Since I think this project is gonna take me a while, I guess I can just have to wait and see.”

“I assume you would,” Script commented, “You know. The last time I saw you when you were still alive, none of us had gotten the chance to give you a proper goodbye.”

Color paused once more at his future son, his ears folded back. “Oh…I see. Look, maybe if you have the time, I’ll take the time to listen. You can have your say, and I’ll hear every word you’ll speak. After all, that would be fair on your part, right?”

Script nuzzled him, “Thank you Pa.”


Whole Note sat on the step near the top of the grand staircase, watching Color speak to Script and his family by the door. In his hooves a small glass of ginger ale. He listened to them talk before his husband came up behind him. “I’ve already put Joy to bed. Are they still talking?”

The Cellist nodded, “I n-never knew that it would take somepony this long t-to say goodbye. Though, given the circumstance, I t-think it’s unders-standable.”

Harmonic took a seat next to the light green stallion, “Yeah, what a day, huh?”

“It’s like your dad coming back all over again. But I s-suppose that I’m thankful that I was able to meet him.”

“What do you think of him?”

“Color is a good stallion Harm. For a guy that’s still young, he’s much more mature than most stallions I know at his age. If he weren’t an Artist, I might h-had mistaken him for a th-therapist. He might have been made a good friend in an alternative universe.”

The couple looked up at Color where he and Script nodded before he hugged the family one at a time. Once they left, the tan unicorn came up to them. “Sorry about that, it took longer than I thought it did.”

“That’s okay,” the alicorn replied, “I was able to take care some last minute business before bed. So Color, are you ready to go back?”

“Actually,” his past husband replied before he was interrupted by a yawn. “I would like to have some sleep.” Just then, he realized something, “Wait, where am I going to sleep? My apartment has been replaced with a park, so… do you want me to sleep in a guest room or…”

Both Harmonic and Note looked at each other, “He’s got a point,” the Cellist observed, “how are we going to m-make this work? I mean, he’s technically your fiancé.”

“If you want,” Color interjected, “I can always sleep on a couch.”

“Oh no,” the Violinist shook his head. “If you’re going to stay for the night, let it be in a bed.”

“Harm,” Note asked a question that gave his husband pause. “What do you want?”

He looked between the two, “I… I want something that I’m not exactly sure if you would approve of,” Harmonic said, nodding to the green stallion.

“And that being?”

“Note, please understand that I’m going to suggest is completely innocent in nature. If Color is going to stay the night, then what I want is to sleep next to me… for one last time – in our room.”

“Oh…” Note blushed, looking over to Color who had the same expression. “L-L-Look, Mr. Spectrum, I-”

Color raised a hoof, “I know what you’re thinking, and no, I’m not entirely on board on having a three-way with Harmonic. After all, I’ve made a promise to the one I know, so it would be considering cheating in my book to do the deed before the honeymoon. If anything Whole, consider this as more of a… sleepover then anything else. Besides,” he yawned, “I don’t think I have enough energy for that sort of thing anyway tonight.”

“So then, gentlecolts,” Harmonic said as he spread open his wings, “Shall we?” They both nodded, leaning up against him, the alicorn draped his wings over the stallions as they made their way up towards his room. As expected, a fire was still going at the mantel, casting the spacious room flickering lights and shadow. Nearby it on a low table was a copper kettle and a couple of cups, “Care to interest you in some hot chocolate?” he asked Color.

His fiancé tilted his head in confusion, “Sorry?”

“It’s what he dra-drinks before going to bed,” Note explained. “Almost every night in fact, even on hot summer nights he would have a cup before getting to bed.”

“That’s new,” Color commented as Harmonic went to pour the smooth liquid into the cups. “In all the years we’ve dated, you’ve never done that. Even during those few times when we spend the night I never have seen you order hot cocoa before bed.”

“It’s a habit I’ve picked up after Note and I got married,” the violinist told him as he poured the other two cups. “Do you remember the Copper Pot Café? Well, although the place has been closed for a while now, I was able to get the recipe to make this stuff since I like it so much. What can I say; I’m addicted to it. You want some?” Harmonic explained holding an empty mug up in question.

With a shrug, the artist accepted and before long all three had a steamy cup in their hooves. They all of them sat on the couch facing the fireplace, watching the flames dance in the darkened room. Harmonic sat between the two stallions, enjoying this quiet moment in the warmth of the fire, the smooth cocoa, and the lovers of the past and present. For all the talking they’ve done that day, words were unnecessary as they listened to the crackle of burning wood.

Once the chocolate was drained from their cups, each stallion took their turn in the bathroom before retiring to bed. The blankets and sheets were pulled back and Harmonic scooched into the middle of the large bed. With Note laying on his left and Color to his right, the alicorn lit his horn to put out the fire and pulled the covers over them.

Facing over to Color first, Harmonic gave him a kiss, “Goodnight, my Prince-to-be,” the unicorn said.

Then turning over to Note, he did the same thing to him, “Goodnight, my Prince.”

Embracing them both in his forelegs, the alicorn whispered to both of them, “Good night, my Kings.”


The next morning, standing in front of a mirror, Color Spectrum had his white wedding suite on once again. The gold vest shined over his spotless white shirt, and an orange tie. The suit was still the purest white, but the leaves on his cuffs and tail-coats were aged orange. Next to him, Harmonic was smiling, “You’re still as handsome as ever.”

This got a nervous chuckle out of the unicorn. “Oh come on Harm, if I’m gotta get back to my time, I have to look my best.”

The alicorn levitated a brush over the suit to dust it off a bit, “are you still nervous about the ceremony?”

“In a way, yeah – but not as much as I was,” he sighed. “All I’m worried about now is that I might somehow mess something up. I know we’ve gone over the ceremony by walking over the same patch of grass a billion times, but I have an inkling in the back of my mind that something is bound to go wrong.”

Harmonic rolled his eyes, “I was nervous too, and I can safely tell you that everything is going to be fine. Of course, the only downside is that there was a world-threatening crisis of the mole ponies-”

"The what!” Color snapped his attention at him in alarm.

“Kidding,” Harmonic chuckled, “Or am I?”

To this, the unicorn frowned, “Not funny.”

“But in all seriousness though, I never had been that happy when we were announced that we were married.” Taking the brush off, he looked into the mirror with a smile. “So Color, is there anything you like to say before we send you back?”

Color looked over himself, going through the mental checklist over his grooming. He already had a shower, teeth were brushed, breath was washed, mane and tail combed, the suit was dry-cleaned, buttons polished, and had a touch of expensive cologne that never overpowered the senses. Turning his head to the alicorn, he said, “There is one last… no, two questions that I have to ask.”


“Now, please be honest with me when I ask this,” the unicorn took in a deep breath. “How will you remember me after I’m gone for good? And if this is the last time we see each other for you, will you remember me with the rest of eternity to consider?”

Harmonic placed his hooves underneath his chin to where he looked at him square in the eye. “Color, I can never, ever forget how big of an impact you’ve made. Even with all the years that I will face where I may enter a cycle of watching one husband after another grow old and pass away, you and Whole Note have taught me to appreciate each and every day I have with the ones I love. Even when all other memories about you fade, this, right here, is how I will always remember you. A wise and compassionate pony that had walked on a carpet of autumn leaves, forever young, forever beautiful in my eyes as the art he created. Do not cry for me, Your Highest and Glorious Majesty, I love you too much to be able to forget.”

“That was beautiful,” Color smiled, his eyes watering. “I’m so happy that I’m going to marry the very stallion that will look back on me that way.”

“I’m still happy that you were able to say ‘I do.’” The Prince gave him a long, lingering kiss before he hugged him. “I guess, this really is goodbye?”

“Afraid so, at least I can go to my grave with the thought that you’ll be happy in the end. I guess it only makes me think of the future that I will have with you. But don’t worry, I promise that I will dedicate my life to make your life the happiest that I possibly can.”

“I know you will,” he smiled before letting him go. “You still have that key?”

Nodding, Color levitated the silver key out of his pocket. “You know Harm, I think it might be a good idea that I hide this.”


“I mean, with something as powerful as a key that can open doorways through time, I don’t exactly want this to fall into the wrong hooves here. Nor wanting to expect throughout the rest of my life to see a future you to pop by giving me spoilers.”

Harmonic frowned but replied, “Okay, fair enough.”

The artist nodded. “So then, goodbye Harm. I wish your eternity, however long it is, to be filled with happiness.” Just as Color started to head his way towards the bathroom door of Harmonic’s room, he stopped as he realized something. “Oh, and one more thing, since I’m getting married today, and you haven’t received your marriage gift for all these years, I think it’s about time I give it to you. But tell me,” he stuck the key into the doorknob, “What’s today’s date?”

The Prince raised an eyebrow, “March 24th, why?” Before the Artist could answer, there was a knock on the door.

“Prince Harmonic,” a voice from one of the guards say, “Are you in there?”

“Yes, what do you want?”

“There’s a delivery for you.”

Confused, the alicorn went up to the double doors and opened it to find a Solar Guard there. “What delivery? I didn’t order anything.”

“But it’s addressed to you, Your Grace,” said the guard. “And it’s huge too, we had to place it in the ballroom.”

Craning his neck over, he saw Color wink at him before turning the key and saying, “Goodbye Harmonic,” and walking through before closing the door behind him.

“Hold on for just a sec,” he said as he trotted over to the bathroom door, only to find it empty before returning his attention to the guard. “Who sent it? Where did it come from?”


When Color turned the key and opened the door, he saw that instead of the luxurious bathroom of the palace, it was the bathroom that he recognized was from his apartment. After bidding his future spouse farewell, he stepped right back in and closed the door behind him. Taking in a deep breath, the unicorn used the key on his side to jam into the doorknob and unlock it, to which he heard the voices of his father and Rarity calling out to him.

“Color, you’re really blowing this out of proportion,” Golden called out. “Come on son, unlock the door.”

“Darling, please come out, everything is going to be fine,” Rarity pleaded.

The unicorn unlocked the door and opened to two familiar faces in the doorway. “Sorry about that,” he said. “I just needed a moment.”

Golden came up to him and wrapped him in a hug. “Color, I know how stressful this all is. But knowing you two, you can still make this work.”

“Dad,” his son gently pushed him off. “I know you’re right and… yeah, I’m really sorry about nearly walking away, I just needed some time to reflect. And you know what? I think everything is going to be okay.”

This took both Rarity and his father completely by surprise. “Really?” the tailor inquired, “Just a moment ago you said that you can’t do this because it may harm your fiancé and now you’re just fine with it?”

“I have to agree,” Golden commented, “This is rather sudden.”

“The point being,” Color stepped out of the bathroom, “is that I think I’m ready. I know what I said, but upon reflection, I came to realize that even though I’m mortal, Harm still needs me. It would be selfish of me to have helped him for four years only to suddenly ditch him when he needs me the most. So…” he took a deep breath before adding, “I think I’m ready to go.”