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The Wind King

A natural born editor, sometimes I edit blank pages into stories.


Inspired by a conversation with Lord of Dorkness and Moongaze14, blame them.

After making a blind jump from the Nevernever, Harry Dresden ends up in Equestria, surrounded by attractive females; given his track record with the fairer sex this would be a terrifying proposal even if they weren’t obviously inhuman.

Now trapped until he can find a safe entrance back into the Nevernever, he must attempt to play nice with the local powers (all attractive females), explain his magic to the pre-eminent scholars in the field (all attractive females), and avoid the malevolent forces that seek to use his knowledge for their gain (all attractive females).

Chivalry, it can get a guy killed.

Takes place after Book 11 "Turn Coat" in the Dresden Files, and the beginning of season 3 and beyond.

Pre-readers are Lord of Dorkness, Moongaze14, and Appletank
Wlam (as of Chapter 3)

(Sex tag is for sexually charged situations; actual nookie may or may not happen and will include a ratings change)

Tags are: Anthro, Human, Crossover, Comedy, Adventure, Sex?

Character Tags will change with Arc

Featured 2nd Sept, 2016 - 5th Sept, 2016.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 538 )

Hot Dam! - A Parody of Human Wizards and Equine Anthromorphs

Lose the exclamation mark, it looks very silly in a title.

That, and you should consider dropping the 'A Parody...' subtitle. As it's currently worded, it sounds very clunky, and not even close to the standard 'A Novel From The Dresden Files.'

Think that going with just 'Hot Dam' would be much more snappy and striking, while sticking to the DF naming scheme. (And not as if the ones that go 'eww, anthro' are going to react any less knee-jerk, anyway.)

No seriously it wasn’t my fault.

Seems to be some commas missing. 'No, seriously. it wasn’t my fault.'

find the slimy bastard that thinks children are suitable hor-d’oeuvres, and remind them why that’s a bad idea.

I'd use 'woman and children' personally.

Which was the reason I was here in the first place, what with the brainwashing of Luccio,

Remember to add a line to the description about what book this takes place after, or you'll get a lot of angry/disappointed comments and PMs.

I had only just broken the borders of Winter, maybe an hour out from headquarters when everything went wrong.

Add a comma after 'headquarters.'

“Good day Wizard” one of the fairies called to me as I continued walking,

Missing commas after 'Good day' and 'Wizard.'

the now unpowered flesh construct melting into ectoplasm almost immediately.

Inside the NeverNever? Missed it before, since it's such a standard way for spiritual beings to react to damage, but that's wrong.

Greyish white powder, maybe?

“Come wizard; let us share our fire with you, let us warm your bones

I'd tweak it to: 'Come wizard, let us share our fire with you. Let us warm your bones.'

If nothing else, missing comma after 'bones.'

“Let us share our fire with you wizard, let us warm your bones, speak your stories through the crackling of our flames”

Missing full-stop after 'flames.'

I resisted the urge to facepalm as the firestorm pressing against my shield continued to grow in intensity, sparks of blue magic flew from the shield as it resisted both the force behind the ash storm and the growing heat, while I summoned my will for what I was about to do.
The runes on my staff started to blaze with light as I spun it in my hands, building the first spell with each rotation.

Missing blank line between paragraphs.

“Hey Peaseblossom, share this!”

Names and titles always get commas before and after them when they're in a sentence since they're off special significance.

Never let anyone tell you that wind magic isn’t scary; the other elements may be obvious in the way that they can destroy things, fire consumes, earth crushes, water erodes, spirit warps and twists, but all wind does is move. How is that destructive?

Drop the semi-colon. Two normal sentences are good enough in this context, and Butcher uses semi-colons once or twice a book when writing Harry.

“Why do you refuse us so Wizard? We offer you naught but warmth and comfort.”

Missing comma after 'so.'

I looked around for a suitable stone as I walked over to the remains of the campfire, ignoring the cracked and charred bones that had been washed every which way. Repairing the circle was important; leaving a broken circle like that in the Nevernever was a recipe for disaster and I wouldn’t be the one to leave it for some other fool to come across.

I was maybe halfway between the smouldering fire and the path before I felt a bloom of heat slap me across the face and light assaulting my eyes, as the campfire exploded back into life; the flames blazing with a barely contained fury; my shield sprang back into existence almost immediately.

Revengence of the semi-colons; The revenganing; WITH A VENGEANCE.

jokes aside, just drop them. They're distracting in what's otherwise some solid lines.

“Why do you refuse us mortal wizard?” whips of flame lashed out, smashing against my shield and pushing me back over the muddy ground. “We offer you naught but hospitality and you destroy our guests.”

'Whips' should be capitalized since the previous sentence ended in a question mark.

“We will not offer you warmth again wizard; your fat shall be as tallow for our guests and your tale one of horror for those who would harm those in our protection!”

Another semi-colon here.

“Have you any last words to end your tale mortal wizard?”

Missing comma after tale.

Thank the stars for the rules of the fae. If this thing wanted to turn me into a cautionary tale it couldn’t just say ‘and then I turned the mortal fool to ash’ that would be boring, and it couldn’t lie to tell a different ending, it wanted drama, suspense, evil laughter and booming thunder. It wanted me to go out like a two-bit warlock who doesn’t know what a cliché is.


Thank the stars for the rules of the fae. If this thing wanted to turn me into a cautionary tale it couldn’t just say ‘and then I turned the mortal fool to ash.’ That would be boring, and it couldn’t lie to tell a different, more exciting ending. It wanted drama, suspense, evil laughter and booming thunder. It wanted me to go out like a two-bit warlock who doesn’t know what a cliché is.


Thank you.

Changes made, and a couple of capitalisations I missed put in.

I’d like to say I jumped into action, immediately smothering the flames with my wizardly wisdom and consummate skill; a heroic action far outside my normal comfort zone.


had no clue where I was and, considering what I had just gone through to get here, I had no actual desire to return to the Nevernever for a second shot without a chance to rest my head, soothe my aches and pains, and scrape myself clean of all the ectoplasm that had found itself where it didn’t belong. Even if it dissolved quickly there are places that shouldn’t be that damp or slimy.

You said that Sombra messed with Dresden's Way in an attempt to go conquer some back-water for power, right? And that's why 'fire pit of doom' leads to 'quiet town library?'

I barely noticed the clothes she was wearing, presumably to avoid blinding anyone else with her pure purple presence, but then there was nothing special about them. A long white lab coat with only the occasional stain, a shirt buttoned up enough to be sensible, a pair of loose jeans, no shoes or socks, but I doubt that she would need those considering she seemed to have hooves. They were just normal clothes: no shimmering fabric that shifted, warped, and drew the eye in the most sensual of ways; no hanky sized squares of fabric covering only the important bits; and no strange bulges where she could have concealed weapons beside a pair on her chest, which I was pretty certain I shouldn’t stare at, she might take offense to that.

Drop the semi-colons, but keep the colon.

If wasn’t for the fact that she looked like a humanoid horse with a horn sticking almost 4 inches out of her forehead

That's one tiny, tiny horn for such a tall girl. (~1 decimeter) Was she just in the shower, and it shrunk? :twilightblush:

Might want to tweak that to half a foot if not outright a full one. At least.

It also had enough force behind it to slam my arm against my ribs hard enough to make me wince.

Comma after 'ribs.'

Left hand blocks; right hand attacks.

Semi-colon. Drop the semi part.

I may have underestimated just how much power was in that blast as a gale force winds burst forth; howling and screaming as they swept through the library, picking up books, scrolls, chairs, dwindling globs of ectoplasm, a pile of library cards that had been sitting loose on the desk, and a small wooden statue carved in the shape of a horse’s head.

Semi-colon. Use a full-stop and new sentence instead.

But at least it wasn’t on fire any more.


'But, hey, at least it wasn’t on fire any more.'

Not a big change, but it makes it more flippant.

I’ll admit to the fact that I just stopped dead for the third time, I don’t think my mouth flopped open as I performed another guppy impression, but my brain certainly stopped working as I took in the sight before me.

'I’ll admit to the fact that I just stopped dead for the third time. I don’t think my mouth flopped open into another guppy impression, but my brain certainly stopped working as I took in the sight before me.'

The first thing that caught my attention was just the insane amount of colours on display; fur and manes from sorrel red to storm grey and all shades in-between, oh my. The second thing was the fact that damned near the entire crowd was female; I could see blockier masculine faces in the crowd, but they were few and far between.

More semi-colons.

Lastly, my focus fell on the rest of the crowd who looked normal as far as the whole half human/half horse thing went; but something about their numbers and the fact that they all seemed to move in concert, little teams becoming readily apparent with a second glance, made me just as nervous about what they could do to me as I was with the others.


I was just about to open my mouth and say something before another scream of rage came from the library behind me, causing a trio of ‘normal’ mares standing at the front of the crowd, each of them wearing flowers in their hair, to scream “the horror” at the top of their lungs and start running as though I was a demon from the depths of hell itself, the crowd following their sterling example.

Whoa, holy run-on-sentences, Bat-man. Can't believe I missed it before.

'I was just about to open my mouth and say something before another scream of rage came from the library behind me—causing a trio of ‘normal’ mares standing at the front of the crowd, each of them wearing flowers in their hair, to scream “the horror” at the top of their lungs and start running as though I was a demon from the depths of hell itself—with the crowd following their sterling example.

Think that works slightly better while keeping the frantic feel.

I was maybe ten yards away from the end of the road when another horse with a horn— may as well just call them unicorns as it’d be quicker and easier to say— cantered out from behind the last building running in the direction I’d just fled from.

No breaks when you use em-dashes.

She looked every part a self-styled lady despite her apparent young age; poised, elegant, glistening white fur and an indigo mane that looked as though it took an hour minimum with an egg-beater each morning to get just right. Her clothes looked handmade by a master of the craft and were designed to draw attention to her curves while leaving enough to the imagination to maintain a sense of decency and mystery.

Switch that semi-colon to a colon. Otherwise good.

This being me, of course her sapphire eyes were narrowed in anger and her horn was humming softly with a cloud of blue magic, her clothes doing nothing to hide or hinder her fencer’s stance before her horn flared, and instead of the blasts of magic that A-grape-a had been throwing at me a tangle of thread lanced out at me like a nest of snakes, encased in an aura the same colour as the cloud surrounding her horn as she yelled.

“Stop right there you ruffian!”

'This being me, of course her sapphire eyes were narrowed in anger and her horn was humming softly with a cloud of blue magic. Her clothes doing nothing to hide or hinder her fencer’s stance before her horn flared, but instead of the blasts of magic that A-grape-a had been throwing at me a tangle of thread lanced out at me like a nest of snakes. Each string encased in an aura the same color as the cloud surrounding her horn as she yelled. “Stop right there, you ruffian!”'

Make a control f pass on 'colour' by the way, for both chapters. That's the British spelling. American's spell it 'color.'

I didn’t bother with a shield; anything big enough to actually stop the entire thing would slow me down too much. Instead I began focusing my will and summoning just enough power to boost my candle lighting spell enough that it wouldn’t flare and accidently ignite the unicorn’s pelt.


I stumbled slightly as the power left me, my boots slipping on the cobblestone street while I fought for my balance, the unicorn flinching away from the nest of threads that burned merrily with tiny flickers of fire turning to ash in a second.

One fix, one suggestion:

'I stumbled slightly as the power left me, my boots slipping on the cobblestone street while I fought for my balance. The unicorn flinching away from the nest of threads that burned merrily with tiny flickers of fire, as parts of the cat's cradle from Heck turned to ash in a second. Only partially charring most of them, though, as my old lighter spell had only been intended as a distraction.'

Since the rest of the chapter needs some threads left, it would be a bit silly if it all turned to ash first.

Kudos to her though, she’d barely flinched away from the tangled knot of fire before she stepped out into the road to try and stop me again, her expression set in grim determination while her horn started to glow.

'Kudos to her though, she’d barely flinched away from the tangled knot of fire before she stepped out into the road to try and stop me again. Her expression set in grim determination while her horn started to glow anew.'

I really didn’t want to get bound up in another spell-slinging match; if she was even half as skilled as the other ‘unicorn’ I’d already faced there would be no way to avoid throwing punches intended to stick or a pointless argument over my non-existent nefarious intent. At the same time I wasn’t quite ready to go full-force against someone that was attacking me with string.

Semi-colon. Switch with an 'and.'

Ashes and cinders danced upwards right into the mare’s face on hair dryer force winds; smearing her ivory fur with lines of dirty grey, while she clenched her eyes shut and held an embossed handkerchief to her mouth and nostrils before she could breath in too much of the sudden ash cloud. The web of fabric she had been levitating started to fall as her horn winked out from the sudden cloud of dirt and dust that she struggled against.

'Ashes and cinders danced upwards right into the mare’s face on hair dryer force winds, smearing her ivory fur with lines of dirty grey, while she clenched her eyes shut and held an embossed handkerchief to her mouth and nostrils before she could breath in too much of the sudden ash cloud. The web of seared strings she had been levitating started to fall as her horn winked out from the sudden cloud of dirt and dust that she struggled against.'

I got to use it once, twice if you count the time I triggered the wards by accident and spent half an hour trying to wiggle loose before Murphy arrived.

'I got to use it once. Twice if you count the time I triggered the wards by accident and spent half an hour trying to wiggle loose before Murphy arrived.'

Then just over a year ago I’d received an impossible gift for an incredible task; the archangel Uriel had invested in my future after I’d managed, somehow, to redeem the shadow of a fallen angel that had taken residence in my head. The shadow I’d named Lash saving me from a mental attack that would have shredded my mind and cost me my life, that single act of sacrifice being enough to save a newly made soul from damnation.

Semi-colon. Go with full stop.

The best explanation I’d got was that in using Soulfire I mixed my magic and my soul together to achieve something that neither of them could do on their own. The Hellfire I had gained from the shadow may have made my combat spells more destructive, but Soulfire made my spells simply more; my evocations acted true to the purpose I called them for, my wards grew stronger against hostile forces, and my thaumaturgy reached complexities that would have evaded me before.

Semi-colon. Go with full stop.

It’s not as bad as it sounds, the soul grows back with all of life’s little joys; good food, sweet song, and fast friends; but the last time I had used Soulfire in any serious capacity I collapsed almost immediately afterwards and remained exhausted and shaky for the following week.

Semi-colon. ARGHHHHHHH~!—I mean, go with full stop.

I could faintly hear muffled groans coming from behind where the pegasus— hey I had a theme going with the unicorn thing— had me pinned.

Remove the spaces by the em-dashes.

I barely noticed the fist before it crashed into the side of my face; although truth be told I barely noticed it afterwards either. No offense to the mare but I had faced so many things that could actually throw something more than a regular punch, that I couldn’t even be bothered noticing what she could dish out.

Semi-colon. Go with em-dash instead.

This one actually hurt, mostly it hurt my feelings, but there was a tiny sliver of pain in there somewhere.

'This one actually hurt. Mostly my feelings, but there was a tiny sliver of pain in there somewhere.

Given my fucked up monster filled life I got a lot more use out of my constant running practice than I ever did my ability to throw a punch, but when all people expect you to do is stand on the sidelines and throw fireballs all night long they tend to let their guard down. If I ever stopped smiling at people’s faces when they realised my staff was also a six foot length of lightning blasted oak that could be swung, hard; it’d be because I was dead.

Semi-colon. Go with colon instead.

Yeah, with a staff I could do anything, but it took time and honest effort; with a blasting rod all I could do was hurt people with ruthless efficiency.

'Yeah, with a staff I could do anything, but it took time and honest effort. With a blasting rod all I could do was destroy things with ruthless efficiency.

I’m not entirely sure what the pegasus mare was expecting as she brought her wings in against her back; maybe she figured that I was going to throw another gust of wind directly against her. Maybe she thought I was targeting the appendages themselves. Whatever she thought I was planning she got it wrong, as my will grasped the winds above her and slammed her towards the earth with a sudden downdraft. Turning her dive into an uncontrolled plummet that ended on the cobblestones with the thump of flesh, the crack of stone, and a cloud of dust.

Semi-colon. Go with new sentence.

On both my hands

'On both my hands, and my socks off.'

I hadn’t used my old shielding spell in a long time; maybe not since I’d been an apprentice trying to be far more elegant than was necessary, or practical. Pure force was far better for stopping bullets, not to mention it was much easier to control compared to the wall of wind that whipped past me, but raw force wasn’t soft enough for what I needed. Using a wall of stubborn, unyielding force might have been great for throwing vampires and other nasties around, but contrary to what damned near everyone thought of me I was capable of showing restraint.

Semi-colon. Go, go gadget colon.

I gingerly pulled myself to my feet; both hands on my staff as I used it to support my everything, the world lurching under my feet as the bull continued to buck and spin; trying to send me back to the ground.

Semi-colon. Use colon.

Author's Note:

Did you drop the 'land of giants' thing?

A real shame in that case, I thought it was really interesting to have 'tiny' be relative on a dimensional scale.

being noticed, “Come sit

use a period. Sentence ended

“I can explain”


colour “attack me

colour. "Attack

On both my hands



Thanks once again, got all of that sorted out.

Also you have no clue how much I didn't want to change the word count, it was at 6,666 perfect for this chapter before this round of edits.

You said that Sombra messed with Dresden's Way in an attempt to go conquer some back-water for power, right? And that's why 'fire pit of doom' leads to 'quiet town library?'

Sombra never did anything particular with Dresden's Way intentionally himself, but, in typical Harry Dresden fashion, Sombra's demesne (inside the Equestrian Nevernever), where the Crystal Empire had been secreted away, broke open at the exact same time as Harry cast his Way-making spell, which rather than connect to his home dimension, he put too much power into it so he could escape the Campfire Spirit.

The reason he landed in Twilight's library is due to the fact he was in the presence of a creature that could recite stories and books by heart, while being socially inept (Twilight herself), had a habit of bursting into flames when angered (see Twilight's Rapidash evolution), and lives on the edge of a dark spooky forest (The Everfree), while the reason Sombra's demesne broke is thanks to Cadance's and Shining's love bomb during the wedding.

Harry was falling through Sombra's demesne for about about fourty five minutes experienced time. Three or so weeks Equestrian time.

That's one tiny, tiny horn for such a tall girl. (~1 decimeter) Was she just in the shower, and it shrunk?

It might just be me, but I've always thought Horns were pretty small on Anthro characters, no more than an inch over hand length on anyone other than Alicorns, and the most "powerful" of unicorns. On that same side four inches is tiny, and I've moved it up to six, and corrected it from numbers to words.

Did you drop the 'land of giants' thing?

That was never a thing, :trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright: capiche?


That was never a thing, :trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright: capiche?


The one and only anthro crossover for The Dresden Files is going to be spitting in the wind as it is without accusations of being soft core macrophilia porn. Got it.

Probably a good change then, given the circumstances, but it was an interesting concept.

I'm happy that your fic is finally released, though it's a bit sad that you had to modify the chapter for editing at the cost of losing the 6666 word count. BTW, you might need to edit this phrase: "and by the feel of it whatever had hit me had hit me as hard as possible."
You can change it to "whatever had hit me made sure to tackle me as hard as possible"


Thanks man, "Had hit me had hit me" is unnecessarily repetitive so I've got that changed up to "Had hit me had made sure to hit me"

Never seen the show, it appears to be a magic detective thing. Any idea how good it is compared to Constantine?

7530052 Okay so the tv series with a main character that uses magic and has the same name was just a fake?


Books, there was a Sci-fi channel show (Decent, for the Sci-fi Channel), but that's really not the main focus of the series. And yes it is a magic detective thing, and it is glorious.

As for how it stacks up against Constantine, I've only seen the recent Constantine TV series so take this with a grain of salt, but the Dresden Files is less 'fantastical' than Constantine. No vinyl records that cause people to go mad, no shotguns that kill whatever they hit, no mine spirits (Kobolds/Coblynau/Goblins are all in Dresden Files, they're just more 'limited') that will drown you inside your own car. At the same time it's a little darker and more depressing than Constantine by implication. Constantine is in the same universe as Superman (the universe's boy-scout), Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman; Harry is in the same universe as classical Fae (the old-school steal children and murder the cow type Fae), vampires that hail back to Aztec blood sacrifice times and still regularly kill thousands, and Archangels that cannot interfere in mortal business unless the other team do so first and are caught doing so.

Both series are great, in their own ways, and I really need to get a better latch on Constantine. Solid 8/10 on both of them (with what I've experienced)


Sci-fi Channel thing. It's not that well known.


Sci-fi Channel thing. It's not that well known.


It's a book series, not a TV show.

It's both, actually.



The TV-series something of a black sheep for the franchise, though. Thought it was decent (what I've seen) myself, but it really doesn't hold a candle to the books.

*Edit: Ninja'd.

7530064 Thanks, I probably won't be able to get my hands on the books, but I'll watch the tv show and then read your story once I understand the whole thing a bit more.
Hopefully the story will be a bit further along so I can immerse myself in it.

Just by reading the description, it's already looking like a Naruto Fanfic with all the cliche harems.


I should aspire to such lofty heights.

The TV series was pretty good... but it was killed when there was the TV writer's strike later that year. (Many promising series died to that strike.)
They changed a few things... but they kept the spirit of the books intact.

Anthro's usually not my thing, but this is interesting enough for me to follow. As it stands, however, something needs to stop Harry; this "Dresden smashes the Mane 6", even though it's one chapter, is starting to drag in my opinion.


Don't worry, this should be the last time that Harry smashes the main 6 in this story arc, unless something goes really hinky.

I have to ask, did you mean "Hot Dam," as in the hydroelectric plant is getting warm or that a beaver's handiwork is about to go up in flames..., or, did you mean "Hot Damn," the common yet mildly profane expression of strong emotion, usually positive?


Or Hot Dam, as a pun on Sire and Dam(e), the term used to refer to a horse's parents?

Also the second one.

Congratulations! Your story is showing up on the Featured list! (With the mature filter on)

Do they look like their equestria girls human form with pony features (hooves, horn, wings,etc) or do they look like humanised ponies?


Like this , or this

Obviously inhuman, on a bipedal framework.

so this crossover never herd of this book/show series so not going to know any of the people or events reference. So hope theirs not to much knowledge needed form those books to follow whats going on.

Which is why I was understandably shocked about the group of fairies who were apparently sitting around a merrily blazing campfire like a group of college kids out for an autumn hike. Seriously, I think one of them had a bag of marshmallows.

Actually, this sounds pretty normal in the Dresden verse.

Pretty good opening chapter, but you need to work on punctuation. I noticed a few times you forgot to add commas to character dialogue.

Question about the title:

Did you mean it as Hot Damn! like the curse, or as a heated dam that holds back water?

Let me tell you, there is no better way to escape attention than a crowd, even one that is running in terror of you. In a panicked crowd everyone else is the source of the fear and anyone else is just another thing to escape from, and combined with my yell of ‘it’s behind us’ I managed to ride the crowd for a short while before it thinned out as doors slammed shut and shutters clicked together.

This made me laugh, and it also seems like something Dresden in the actual books would do.

“That’s just the traditional greeting of my people,” I spoke as dryly as was possible with a cerulean pegasus straddling my chest. “Would you like to experience it for yourself?”

I really liked this line on several fronts. First off, it's the perfect sarcastic response for any character. Secondly, this honestly sounds like something Dresden would say.

Overall, this is off to a very promising, misunderstood start and I really want to see where where it goes.

That being said, work on your punctuation. Especially around dialogue, you keep forgetting that most dialogue needs a comma at the end within the quotations marks.

Comment posted by FordPrefect deleted Sep 2nd, 2016

Yay! Another 'Dresden In ponyland' story that's good. Insta-fav and follow.

Yeah, getting there was a surprise to me too. Less so now. I don't get those much anymore.

7530078 You could try your local library. That is where I was able to obtain the books to read them. I highly recommend that you attempt to read the series. Very good!

The mechanics here are a touch rough...

But you're doing great with voicing Harry, and you've got enough subversion and jokes I've enjoyed it immensely. Liked, fav'd, waiting for more. :)

So he made it through ponyville without encountering pinkie pie?

Only Dresden.

The fact that someone actually made this... Thank you sir. SO much.

Oh gosh, a dresden files story? I don't know, i obviously know nothing at all about the series. I'm worried it may spoil me!!

Lol in all honesty though i'm really enjoying this so far. I'm currently in the process of re-reading the books for the umpteenth time and even more dresden is even better!

7524448 Good luck! I hope you succeed in this one.

Lord knows that Dresden gets enough shit elsewhere.

Great start. So this is going to be like the other Dresden/MLP crossovers, but with a Anime-esk Harem comedy vibe to it? Also why is Fluttershy so tall compared to the other Mane6?

Wow. You really got the feel of the Dresden Files down. The writing flows in a way a lot like the books, and the characterization of Harry is spot on. I'll certainly be following this!.

Eh. Not nearly enough dithering and introspection from Harry over punching a girl in the face.


Or Hot Dam, as a pun on Sire and Dam(e), the term used to refer to a horse's parents?

Also the first one.

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