• Published 1st Oct 2016
  • 6,150 Views, 51 Comments

Celestia of Chaos - AkumaKami64

Instead of being absorbed by Tirek, Discord's magic shoots away and goes to the last pony anyone expected: Celestia. Now Equestria must cope with thier most experienced leader being a bit...stranger

  • ...

Celestia, Chaos Edition

Deep in the pits of Tartarus sat three peculiar guest, unjustly imprisoned in this dark realm; Three Alicorns, immortal princesses each of ponykind. Their magic voluntarily stripped of themselves, their weakened bodies chained atop a spire by the centaur, Tirek.

"Mi Amore, are you ill?" Luna asked in concern, seeing the younger Alicorn looking more tired than herself or her sister.

Cadence smiled weakly, "No, Aunty. My body only recently fully adjusted to Alicornhood, so losing my magic is a bit more exhausting," she assured, smirking as best she could, "And you know I prefer Cadence."

Luna smiled …or tried to smile, but failed half way through it, "Forgive me, niece, but I can hardly bring myself to jest, even for our own comfort," She apologized.

"Aunties...could we get...Cerberus to help us?" Cadence asked, looking ready to nod off.

"Unfortunately not," Luna answered, scowling at the restraints, "He is a loyal hound, but he has no power to free prisoners. Even if he managed to destroy these chains, escaping here would be a dangerous and long journey and we would still be of no aid and doubtlessly too late by then," Luna elaborated with a sigh, "It would appear we are truly blind and helpless."

"Not so much blind, Sister," Celestia retorted, getting both of their attention. Celestia was sitting there with a distant look in her eyes, as if she was looking far beyond the caverns.

"Sister?" Luna asked curiously.

"While I may be magic-less, I can still sense it," Celestia answered distractedly.

"Why...send...Discord...again?" Cadence asked, blinking herself awake as best she could.

"He could sense it on the smaller level; I can only sense it on a larger scale. And Tirek is now a constant disruption in the grand scheme of things," Celestia said with a scowl, sighing.

"What is it, Celestia?" Luna asked in concern.

"Tirek just stole the magic of Twilight's friends. Luckily, she wasn't present," Celestia explained with a shake of her head, "I am sorry, both of you."

"What for, Tia?" Luna asked in confusion, Cadence perking up in curiosity as well.

"I should not have trusted Discord with this mission, not alone," Celestia admitted, "I have failed you both in th-" She stopped in midsentence, her eyes wide yet still glazed over.

"Aunty...?" Cadence asked in concern.

"Tirek just took Discord's magic," Celestia answered in disbelief.

"I...I didn't think that was even possible," Luna said in shock and horror, "Celestia, if Tirek has Discord's powers then-"

"He...doesn't," Celestia corrected with a scrunched brow.

"...I'm afraid I don't follow?" Luna asked in confusion.

"Discord's powers left his body, but they didn't go into Tirek," Celestia explained, equally confused.

"Perhaps his chaos rejected Tirek as proper host?" Luna suggested, not at all surprised by the notion that Discord's magic was picky.

"Perhaps, but regardless, it didn't return to Discord," Celestia said with a scowl, mental eye still following the rogue magic, "Where is it going th-...Oh....!" Celestia said with wide, focused eyes as she stepped back tentatively, as far as her chain would allow.r

"Tia, what is it?" Luna asked in alarm as her sister put on a nervous smile.

"Sister, this...might get a bit scary," Celestia answered sheepishly.

"What is about to get scary? Celestia, what is happening?" Luna asked urgently.

The Princess of the Day just smiled in sympathy.

The other two Alicorns looked straight up as a piece of the rock ceiling exploded, letting through an almost screeching noise that made even Cerberus whimper. The rubble fell harmless around the edge of their prison, most falling into the abyss below.

The Lunar and Love Princesses recoiled in shock as a mass of magic shot down and floated just between them all. It slithered and shot around like a rapid snake. It was a strange, eldritch black with thin red lines crisscrossing randomly within it and patchwork blotches of dark blue moving around independently. Around it was a smoky aura of lavender clouds and small bolts of green lighting dancing around it occasionally.

"What is that?!" Cadence asked in disbelief.

"Discord's Chaos..." Luna breathlessly answered in shock, awe, and even fear.

Like a living thing, it seemed to look at each of them, shooting from Luna to Cadence to Celestia quickly before settling on the elder Alicorn. She almost looked sheepish as it "stared" at her. Luna got as far as opening her mouth before the magic shot into Celestia, through the mouth and eyes.

"SISTER/AUNTY!" The other two ascended yelled in freight and worry, even as all of Tartarus began to tremble around them.

Celestia heaved back as the power entered her, the chain breaking with her hoof like paper. She slammed her back against a giant stalagmite, turning it into a mix of glass, clay, plastic, and ice. The white mare slid to the ground as her wings began to spasm in all direction. Her eyes scrunched shut, she slammed her left hoof down on the floor five times.

The first turned the entire floor of Tartarus into ice cream

The second filled the air with blue clouds, raining a hail of frozen tea.

The third turned the ceiling into pink silly putty, malleable but unbreakable.

The fourth had giant rats, made of red sea-weed with green and purple candy canes for tails, dig out of the ice cream.

The fifth created odd octopus-headed red-dragon hybrids the size of cragadiles which clawed out of the ceiling to take flight.

All the other two could do was watch in disbelief and fear as Celestia just laid there with a pant, not looking at them, "...Celestia?" They both asked cautiously.

Celestia looked up and Luna had to admit, she was genuinely terrified of her sister right now.

The giggling didn't help any.


"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Tirek roared, physically holding and nearly crushing Discord, "WHERE DID YOUR MAGIC GO!?"

"Stop it! Please, stop hurting him!" Fluttershy yelled tearfully.

"I...don't...know!" Discord wheezed out, very unused to the sensation know as pain, among other things.

"YOU FILTHY, LYING WORM!" Tirek yelled in rage as he violently teleported Discord into the cage with the ponies and drakeling, making him appear and slam against the bars with a pained thud, "It matters not, I already possess more than enough magic to deal with this Princess Twilight," Tirek said angrily as he stalked away.

Fluttershy had leapt to Discord's side before the magic stealer had even finished speaking, "Discord! Are you hurt?! Are you okay?!" She asked desperately, checking him for any obvious signs of injuries, internal or external.

Discord winced for many reasons as he looked down at the rosy maned mare, speaking only one broken word, "...No."

Fluttershy looked up at him with shimmering eyes, knowing it was much more than just his health. Discord miserably turned away with his talons over his eyes. Applejack sighed as she pulled her hat over her own eyes while Rainbow shook her head to herself over the scene. Spike just glared with his arms crossed while Rarity looked like she wanted to turn her nose up at the scene but didn't have it in her heart to while Pinkie looked about as miserable as Discord himself. Fluttershy merely stayed at the side of her treacherous friend.

"So...," Rainbow started off evenly, "What did happen with your powers soaring off like that?"

Discord peaked out between his talons, before closing his eye at their stares with a sigh, "I don't know, honest."

He sounded too defeated for any of them to believe otherwise.

"At least Tirek didn't get them," Applejack mused absently.

"Fluttershy?" Discord asked weakly, not even looking to see if she acknowledged him, "Could...could you stay with me? Until...Twilight wins and they...you...whoever puts me back?" He requested resignedly, getting more than a few surprised looks.

"Oh, don't give up just yet, Cordy!" A familiar yet strange voice echoed throughout the town with a coy, playful tone.

Everyone, from Tirek to his prisoners to the ponies of Ponyville, all stopped in their tracks at that unmistakable voice.

"...Celestia?" Discord said in shocked confusion.


Just as he said it, something struck from the sky at triple the speed of needed for a Sonic Rainboom, sending out three rings across the sky: a ring of pink, a ring of kaleidoscopes and a ring of gravy. It landed halfway between them and Tirek, leaving a surprisingly small crater. With a flurry of wings, the dust cleared and no one could believe their eyes.

It was a white, graceful creature in the form of an Alicorn. That was about the extent of her likeness to Celestia. The eyes were aflame with grey-purple magic. Her right front leg was that of a raven's black talon, while the left was a brown and large hoofed moose limb. The hind legs were unchanged, surprisingly. The horn also seemed no different at first, but a notable curve to it could be noted by the observant. The wings had doubled with two purple changeling wings on the back while the lower wing on the right was a pink pterodactyl wing and the other was red and bulkier than a pony's, like a gryphon's. On her rear was a long, slender, and fluffy lemur tail.

Her mane was still flowing, but colored an unnaturally dark shade of black with tiny random red lines standing out against it, covered with moving blotches of dark blue. A lavender mist surrounded it and green lightning cracked around her ears and forehead, almost in imitation of a crown.

And sitting proudly on her flank was the symbol of a circle with eight arrows pointed out and expanding in every direction to varying length…the symbol of Chaos.

"Is...is that the Princess?" Rarity asked in disbelief, everyone else gaping. Especially Discord, who found himself numb to all pain as he absently crawled to the front of the cage and watched this, his hands on the bars.

Tirek narrowed his eyes at the grinning creature before him. It almost looked like Princess Celestia but that couldn't be, could it? "Who are you, abomination?" He asked with a growl.

"A bomb a nation? That sounds like a horrid policy, and very ineffective," The mare said in mock disbelief before smirking playfully, "But as for who Moi is?" She said, pointing her talon to her chest while bowing dramatically, "I am Celestia 2.0, The Chaos Edition and I am here, Tirek, to wreck you."

Author's Note:

Well, there we go, Celesita now has Discord's chaos. Next chapter, we will see the fight we always wanted, Tirek being owned by Chaos's might- just with a different Chaos user.

Hope you all like Chaos-Celestia's form. While I wanted to be creative with it, I also wanted her to still be a mostly graceful creature in terms of looks.

Of course, we can only wonder how everypony will react to this after the fight. Poor Twilight, lol. And of course, there'll always be the question of why this happened.....but they'll have to deal with Chaos-Celestia, who will do a mostly good job of keeping herself under control, but...hiccups, we have them.