• Member Since 6th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I wrote hoers (Ko-Fi/Patreon)


Anon shaves his head. The ponies think he has cancer. What could possibly happen?

Edited/Proofread by Enigmatic Otaku and Vylon

Narrated by Straight To The Point Studio

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 103 )

Anon you piece of shit. I love you~

anon you f****** a****** you are the biggest troll ever known:trollestia:

<blatant copy/paste> My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your [story] gave me cancer anyway. </blatant copy/paste>

That said, 5/7, perfection. Will read again once I get proper internet back. :yay:

haha nice

What have you done...
WELP time to go see if there are any tense errors...

my nigga you just got cancer

>Improperly formatted dialogue
>improper use of raise vs. rise
>Word repetition
>Wrong word errors


Priest, funny read, loved the end. And only one tense error! YAY! :)

T-thank you, senpai~

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つThis is the shit-posting we live for. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

You shaved your fucking head. What the actual fuck are these ponies smoking?


“I did not spend three weeks wearing kitty ears and saying ‘mew’ to listen to you go into denial over your sickness!”

oh shitt, i wish I could see that

7749016 just fuck already god

Okay, I snickered. Well done yellow autism and vomit-green pony :pinkiehappy:

Well, pencil... he asked... :twilightsmile:

That reminds me of a 4chan story I read once. Some guy had to shave his head as part of a bet with his friends, and he didn't want to explain it to the guys in his dormitory floor. They assumed the worst without asking him, and they all shaved their heads as well to show their silent support.

Manes are everything to ponies. It’s part of their identity. So if they shave their head, or lose their hair, it means their sick. Or balding.

They're not wrong.
Cancer is the only reason I'd ever get rid of this glorious golden mane.
Also, how can Anon have cancer if he's a Libra?

Why am I not getting flak for this? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Cause oh no, I'd never do anything like that, gross, never ew....

Someone want to tell em?

I'm not even surprised anymore.

...I have many words butI am sleepy and not very well today so...I will summarize with:

You a shit.

This story gave me cancer.

featured on 11/26/2016 this was. done well you have

How do I not the shit become? :applejackconfused:


And this is what I've been missing out on. Jesus...

Hahahaha :rainibowlaugh: this was funny... this was incredibly funny XD I love it.
Trollnon ftw.

I was waiting for something like that at the end lol

That ending just earned this story a like and a favorite.

I can already hear "In The Arms of an Angel".

At least he has a legitimate reason to convince the Mane 6 to continue treating him like a king...:trollestia:

That was weird. And considering the author, weirdly unsuprising.

To baldly go..

As a two time cancer survivor, I laughed my ass off. This was great from beginning to end, :rainbowlaugh:

well shit. . .

I wonder how they're gonna react to him actually going through all the chemo shit.

And then Anon was the cancer. The End.

(...)They think you have cancer.

(...) there are two logical outcomes to this. You can clear the air right now, laugh this off as a big misunderstanding. Or, you can see how long you can keep up the act. For an even bigger laugh.

Contributing to your friends belief that you have cancer when you don't? Dick move Anon.
When they beat you to death for the "joke" when you finally come clean, know that you deserve it.

Now to continue reading the story.

Karma agrees that was a dick move by Anon. :yay:

Technically speaking the fic is great. The prose is good, never spotted a single error in spelling or grammar, etc.

But I didn't like it. It was predictable, it was already in poor taste so it really needed to be funny to be worth it, and it wasn't. The delivery of the punchline had no weight, the doctor didn't even sound like he gave a shit about telling someone they have cancer. The last line sounded... weird, for lack of a better term. Only the most ridiculous Anon would talk like that, even if it was to defuse tension with "humor."

I'm not one to say "never make fun of anything serious like cancer, ever," but I think it has to be worth it. This did not end up being worth it.

Just my two bits.

Well I'm dead inside after reading this.

7749296 Brain transplant.



“You have stage two liver cancer, Anon.”

Probably from all that cider.

7749430 Idubbztv is awesome. I literally just watched over half of his videos yesterday and today.

A sequel would probably be funny as hell. Lol

You mean you shaved your hair off?
You don't want to shave your head off, that'll hurt!

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