• Published 12th Jan 2017
  • 9,251 Views, 76 Comments

Sunset Shimmer Discovers Bubble Wrap - Sidral Mundet

Equestria is full of all kind of strange and magical things, from mystic evil amulets to flying cities, even cannons that shoot cake batter. But there's one thing that Sunset never expected to find in the human world: bubble wrap.

  • ...

Bursting the Bubble

Sunset Shimmer Vs Bubble Wrap

“And then he starts yelling and gets this cool blue aura around him and his eyes were all white!" Rainbow Dash threw her hands up into the air. "It was epic!”

Applejack was confused. “So he went blue then?”

“No,” Rainbow replied, “He was still yellow but he had this really awesome blue aura under his yellow one.”

“So he turned blue but was still yellow? And this is why Ah don’t do anime.” Applejack said chomping down on her sandwich.

The school lunch room was packed as ever. Thousands of different conversations took place all around them. Rainbow had just retold the fascinating story of some foreign cartoon she watched while the Rainbooms waited for Pinkie Pie and Sunset to join them.

Rainbow Dash continued, “So then he pulled out his sword and-”

“Hey guys you’ll never guess what I discovered!” Sunset Shimmer set her tray down, wearing a massive smile that could rival Pinkie Pie’s.

The table turned to their bacon haired friend, Sunset drawing their attention. “No what?” Rainbow asked, a bit annoyed by Sunset’s interruption.

“Well the order I placed for my new motorcycle helmet finally came through.” Sunset beamed.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes “That’s not really all that-”

“And when I got it, it was wrapped in this!” Sunset reached into her backpack and pulled out a translucent sheet of plastic, perforated by hundreds of bumps all over the surface. Still wearing a huge grin, Sunset presented the bubble wrap to her friends.

“Uh Sunset Ah think-“ Applejack tried to speak, slightly concerned and confused towards the reason Sunset acting they way she was.

“But wait that’s not the best part!” Sunset said gleefully. “It makes a noise whenever you pop one of this little air pockets. Watch!” In between her fingers, Sunset placed a bubble and slowly squeezed the sheet, the bubble burst with a short but loud POP.

“Man I popped like half of the sheet last night. This is so amazing. I need to tell everyone about it!” Sunset exclaimed, about to get up from the table.

“Ah Sunset dear I think you should-“ Rarity tried to speak as Pinkie Pie joined them at the table.

“OH MY GOSH is that bubble wrap!?” Pinkie questioned as she stood over Sunset’s shoulders, looking down at the sheet.

“I haven’t been able to bring this in since freshman year. No idea why though.” Pinkie said as she moved over to sit next to Sunset, taking the sheet and popping a few bubbles in her hand.

“It’s called bubble wrap?” Sunset asked, letting Pinkie hold the paper, Sunset also popped a few along with her. “I was calling it popping paper!”

Sunset sat at the table popping the bubble wrap alongside her pink friends of several minutes, completely oblivious to her friends concerned and amused looks. Then Sunset’s popping slowed down as her smile fading as the dawn of revelation started working through her mind. Her face morphed into a deadpan expression as she turned to her friends.

“This is extremely common to you, isn’t it?” She asked unenthusiastically.

Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle did their best to look away from Sunset. Fluttershy panned all around the cafeteria, deliberately avoiding Sunset's general direction while Twilight took a particular interest in her fork. Rarity and Rainbow Dash were doing their best to hold in their laughter, with Rarity doing a slightly better job than Rainbow, who was letting a few chuckles slip through.

“Eeyup,” said Applejack, who was clearly enjoying Sunset’s reaction but not to the extent Rarity and Rainbow Dash were.

“BWAHAHAHA!” Rainbow laughed. No longer being able to contain herself she banged her fist on the table.

“Well I look like an idiot then,” Sunset huffed, mocking herself.

Rainbow still laughed her ass off when Applejack finally punched her in the shoulder, the farm girl clearly giving Rainbow Dash the indication that she was overdoing it.

“Ow,” Rainbow said rubbing the muscle, not pleased at the punch she had received.

“No it’s fine,” Applejack said in a lighthearted way to Sunset. “Just be glad you didn’t go telling everyone in school about you’re amazing new discovery.” Applejack snickered at that herself, which earned her a punch from Rainbow Dash.

“Oh boy yeah,” Sunset sighed, rubbing her temples with the palms of her hands. “Jeez why didn’t any of you tell me?”

“Well Pinkie kind of already did,” Twilight replied. “And like you said, it’s common place. We thought you knew about it since practically everyone else does.”

“Well it’s the first time I’ve seen it,” Sunset explained shrugging.

“Really?” Rainbow Dash questioned, her eyebrow raised. “You’ve never dealt with bubble wrap before?”

“No.” Sunset said. “I don’t get too many packages and when I do they’re usually stuffed with those Styrofoam S thingies.”

“And Equestrian doesn’t have bubble wrap?” Rainbow Dash asked, rolling her hand out.

“No. And it’s called Equestria.” Sunset answered. “For one thing, shipping is nowhere as huge as it is here. We don’t have Amazon or Ebay or anything like that. When we do ship stuff we use a magic anti-movement spell on it to keep the object in place.”

“And is that common place for you?” Applejack asked knowingly.

“Well yeah I mean it’s… Oh okay I see what you’re getting at.” Sunset replied. “Well this is still new for me.” Sunset said grabbing the role of bubble wrap from Pinkie Pie.

“So you’re telling me Equestria doesn’t have bubble wrap?” Rainbow Dash asked yet again.

“No, Rainbow,” Sunset groaned. “Why are you asking?”

“No reason,” said Rainbow Dash as she turned away from Sunset, her face curling up into a most wicked terrible grin.

Late at night

In front of Canterlot High

After Sunset drove her motorcycle up to the school, she parked on the curb. Walking up to the horse statue that adorned the front of the school, she saw both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash waiting for her. They had several green rolls of plastic and tape rolls scattered down by their feet.

“I got your text message Rainbow, what’s up? You said you needed my help with something,” Sunset asked, curious about what was going down.

“Oh nothing much, just the most epic prank in the multiverse!” Rainbow grinned.

“A prank really?” Sunset was surprised. “Are you sure that’s such a good idea? What did we tell you about pranking?”

“Oh don’t be like that.” Rainbow Dash insisted with a wave of her hand “I'm not going to put a brick in someone’s sandwich or anything like that. This is something that'll be talked about for ages!”

“Well maybe you could fill me in on it then?” Sunset turned towards Pinkie Pie. “And why is Pinkie Pie here?” Pinkie Pie waved after Sunset’s acknowledgement.

“Pinkie’s here to help me lift stuff,” Rainbow stated, pointing at the pile of plastic rolls. “Can’t carry this by myself. And you’ll just have to wait and see what I’ve got planned.”

“Okay but why do you need me?” Sunset figured Rainbow and Pinkie were more than capable of pulling off whatever prank they had in mind.

“Well because you’re the one that’s from the other side so you can help me navigate around in there. Now are you coming or not? We’re wasting nightlight!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Wait, what?” Sunset was appalled. "You guys are actually serious about heading into Equestria for a prank?”

“Well, duh!” Dash rolled her eye. “Come on, this will be epic. Trust me!”

“Fine,” Sunset agreed though unsure of actually wanting to go through with whatever Rainbow had in mind. “But only to keep an eye on you two.”

“Yeah yeah, whatever,” Rainbow said dismissively. “Let’s go!

“Geronimo!” Pinkie yelled out as the trio entered the portal mirror, luggage in tow.

Their hooves fell to the floor with a metallic clack. After being transformed into their pony counterparts, the three of them were now inside Princess Twilight’s library with a bunch of plastic rolls scattered in from of them. Pinkie stuck her hoof through the mirror, playing with its shimmering surface.

“Weird,” Rainbow looked over her new body and raised a hoof. “How do you do anything in these?”

“Could say the same to you and your species,” Sunset smirked as she wiped some hair away from her eyes.

“Fair point,” Rainbow Dash tilted her head to the library doors. “So where’s Twilight’s living room, or wherever she spends a lot of her time?”

“How should I know?” Sunset replied. “I don’t have a map to this place.”

“It’s down the hall, take a left and then it’s the third door on your right,” Pinkie cheerfully recalled.

“Awesome, let’s go!” Rainbow Dash said, immediately picking up on her ability to fly. She flew over to the door that led into the castle’s hallway.

“Wait, how do you know that Pinkie?” Sunset asked.

“Oh I come here all the time,” Pinkie said nonchalantly.

“WAIT WHAT!?!” Sunset blurted out.

“Keep quiet!” Rainbow Dash shushed, her voice in a strained whisper. “It’s Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie, we’ll discuss it later. Right now we have an epic prank to pull off.”

“Alright fine,” Sunset dropped the subject. She knew she wasn’t going to get the answers she was looking for anyways. “But we are talking about this when we get back, got it?”

“Got it!” replied Pinkie Pie in a bubbly tone yet quiet tone.

“Come on already,” Rainbow Dash motioned them to the door.

The trio crept silently down the corridors as Sunset’s horn illuminated the hallway. Upon coming to the door which led into Twilight’s lining room they slowly pulled the crystal doors apart with a slight creak from their sheer weight. Inside were two sofas, three armchairs, two side tables and a coffee table.

“Oh man this is perfect!” Rainbow Dash whispered. “Quick Pinkie get the tape ready. I’m going to wrap this up in ten seconds flat.”

“What do you mean by-“Sunset was interrupted when Rainbow flew past her, carrying the large green bags of plastic rolls. Pinkie followed closely behind with a tape dispenser in her mouth. The duo moved back towards Sunset in the exact amount of time Rainbow described.

“Oh-Oh that’s good,” Sunset grinned, looking over the two’s handy work.

“Yeah I know right?” Rainbow cocked a smile.

“Course there is one minor thing that should be fixed.” Sunset’s horn flared up and the room was enveloped in a faint aura.

“What did that do?” Rainbow asked, patting herself all over. “I’m not going to get magic cancer or something am I?”

“What? No.” Sunset shook her head. “It was an anti-magic spell, so when Twilight wakes up she just can’t teleport all if it away.”

“Oh,” Rainbow exclaimed with a raised hoof. “Okay that’s pretty good. Now come on before they wake up.” She ushered them quickly back to the mirror.

The following morning.

Twilight rose with a yawn. She had had a full peaceful night’s sleep. A pleasant dream started to fade from her memories as she made her way to the living room, ready to grab the latest Daring Do book and put a good two or thirty chapters behind her before the day really started.

When she opened the door, her jaw nearly fell to the floor.

All her furniture was covered in bubble wrap, everything from the couches to the tables, the fans, and even the floor.

“What in the wide world of Equestria!” Twilight yelled out before her head bumped into a letter. It hung down from a string tapped to the ceiling.

From your CHS friends, Rainbow Pinkie and Sunset. Have fun!

“Argh, this is going to be like that Zombie thing all-“


“What?” Twilight looked down and saw she had burst one of the bubbles.

“Oh sweet Celestia, what is it now?” Spike had groggily got up. He was having yet another wonderful ice cream dream when Twilight’s loud shout interpreted him. Rolling over and throwing over the covers usually put him right back under but a squeaking noise kept him up until he couldn’t take it any longer. He had to come to the living room door to exactly find out where it was coming from.

He had to rub his eyes at the slight he saw.

Inside the living room was Twilight, hopping up and down on her couch like a little school filly. The sheets of bubble wrap underneath her hoofs popped with every jump, with Twilight looking absolutely elated.

“Spike, you’ll never guess what I discovered! Quick, get a letter ready, I need to tell Princess Celestia all about this!”

Spike watched as the purple alicorn continued to jump all over her furniture, simply taking in the sight. “I don’t get paid enough for this.” He muttered as he left the room.

Author's Note:

So a headcanon of mine is that Equestria doesn't have bubble wrap. Don't know why, just a thought I had.

But what about the stuff that was wrapped around one of the mannequins in Maud Pie (the episode)?

....well Fyay

Also first time using the New EQG tags.

Edited by: Nugget. Thanks again for the help!

Constructive Criticism welcomed.

Comments ( 76 )

Holy shit, that Dragon Ball Super eference was amazing!
Also, a goid read, very funny

Loved it. Great Job.

Emtu #3 · Jan 12th, 2017 · · ·

It's Pinkie being Pinkie. Most plot holes can be written off as "Pinkie Pie".

Their hooves feel to the floor


Overall, pretty good, just a fun little thing. Maybe a bit rushed but, well that's likely personal taste, I prefer things that take their time, but it works, nothing majorly off, well two points, one a minor continuity issue, the other a bit larger. The "Horse statue" is no longer there, at least if this is set post Friendship Games when it got destroyed, and with Sci-Twi there, yeah this is after it got destroyed. The other is Twilight's reaction when she walks in, this is from her perspective, so just saying she saw the... everything.. covered in bubble wrap, makes it seem like she knows what that is, rather then describing what it looks like from her perspective, and just overall, her reaction to the prank felt... rather bland. Didn't really get any hint of what she was thinking or how she was hit by it at first, since this is what's been built up to with RD's prank, the payoff pre-discovery of the joys of it felt a tad flat. But other then that, good, decent, fun little story.

Oh and as to it not existing in Equestria, two options, 1. It's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. 2. It was discovered after Sunset left Equestria. 3.Addendum to 1. Pinkie got some from EQG Pinkie or picked some up when the two of them were swapping worlds with each other.

I like it! It seemed to move a bit fast at points, but that's just me being picky. I enjoyed it though, kept me smiling the whole way through:twilightsmile:

Heck, I STILL get crazy over bubble-wrap. No judgement here, Sunset.

Bubble Wrap, greatest thing in the universe. Makes everyone happy.

Maud Pie was... after the first Equestria Girls movie

Maybe this really happened and that's how Pinkie got a hold of it

Am I the only one who thinks that this will incite an interdimensional prank war?

I rather appreciate that the reason Pinkie knew her way around the castle wasn't just Pinkie sense magic. Makes it seem a bit more crazy that she casually sneaks into a parallel universe all the time. Would have loved it even more if pony Pinkie was squeezed in at the end proclaiming "Oh! I love bubblewrap!"

I thought Spike didn't even get paid.

For one thing, shipping is nowhere as huge as it is here.

Don't know if intentional, or accident. :unsuresweetie:
Still funny. :pinkiehappy:

All the punctuation issues and saidisms derailed me when I tried to read this.

Whoa, so there are new EQG tags, huh.

WOOT!! Sunset Shimmer story for the win!!! :heart:

"How much do I pay you?"


"I'll double it!!!":pinkiehappy:


Am I the only one who thinks that this will incite an interdimensional prank war?

I'm half tempted to write a sequel with that idea now.

7861563 Well, during the end credits of Friendship Games or Rainbow Rocks, I don't remember, it showed both Pinkies swapping spots. So it's valid too.

Bubble wrap is fun. Anyone who says otherwise has no soul.

So we have stuff in that photo for Star Trek and a Packer backer. Man Equestria is weird I thought they would support the Broncos, Colts, or the Chargers not the cheese heads.

they should have done the throne room so that all of the mane 6 could get into the action.


7863426 7861549 Problem is it's also before Rainbow Rocks ie the one where they figured out how to keep the portal open.

7861677 ...yes that was definitely intentional and you didn't just catch me making a great joke through sheer luck.

7863130 But then where will they plan their revenge?

7861013 7861144 7862809 Bubble wrap FTW! Always so fun to play with.

7863452 Sugarcube corner? just like old times?

Had me grinning like an idiot the whole time.

Equestria lacks bubble wrap.

Pinkie does not. :pinkiecrazy:

Upon coming to the door which led into Twilight’s lining room they slowly

Should be "living."

Good writing for all of the characters involved!


7863452 Now you mention it it's also before Twilight get's her castle

Inside the living room was Twilight, hopping up and down on her couch like a little school filly. The sheets of bubble wrap underneath her hoofs popped with every jump, with Twilight looking absolutely elated.

D'aaww :yay:

"Twilight’s loud shout interpreted him."

Well it's about time, I've always wanted to know what he's mumbling about.

Even though Sunset has adapted well to human life, she is still naive about certain things. It provides a lot of laughs for the rest of us.

This is priceless. I loved it.:heart:

Well, this was a good read... I am laughing so hard right now! :rainbowlaugh:

7864152 Someone make a picture of that! :pinkiehappy:

The instinct to pop bubble wrap is a very deep part of the human experience--it springs from the need to stand in front of the bathroom mirror while squeezing pimples. :facehoof: <POP!)

7862295 I could see it ending with a joint cooperation between Princess and Principal Celestia to prank them all.

Rainbow asked, patting herself all over. “I’m not going to get magic cancer or something am I?”

:rainbowlaugh: Hahahah! Ooooh lawdy.

Duuuuude, this story was epic! :rainbowlaugh: I laughed so hard, and BUBBLE WRAP!

Nicely done~

Skipped right to the comment section after reading the first few lines to express my agreement at how TENGEN TOPPA HYPE the Black Arc was. My favorite part of Super so far. Back to my regularly scheduled reading.

Starting to think Pinkie is like Primus from Transformers: a single essence spread across all her incarnations in the multiverse.

This is awesome. :rainbowlaugh:

I know right? And I was reminded of this the moment I saw the name

Heh! A good prank, and an amusing story. According to Ms. Faust, Equestria wasn’t supposed to have electricity, but does have steam locomotives, telegraphy, and bellows cameras—similar to the late nineteenth century in the real world. That’s long before bubble wrap, or even the plastic it’s made from, was invented, so it would make perfect sense that Sunset and Twilight wouldn’t know of it! (And yes, Ms. Faust apparently was pretty frustrated by all the anachronisms; she wanted to stay more faithful to the period, as I understand it.)

So a headcanon of mine is that Equestria doesn't have bubble wrap. Don't know why, just a thought I had.

Bubble Wrap is made from plastic. Not having it makes sense if the society makes little to no use of natural oil deposits. If they even have oil in the first place.

I have the same headcanon for The Elder Scrolls. Turns out Nirn is no where near old enough to develop fossil fuels (no fossils).

Well since it only shows up in that one episode, and it was set up by Pinkie Pie. It can be chalked up to Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie and putzing around with the fabric of reality again for the lolz.

And that would be the most epic prank in the multiverse. Of course when Tia and Luna get in on the fun it would only be greater (and personally I'd love to see / know what their reaction to the amazing joy inducing goodness of Bubble wrap is.)


Actually they are more than old enough to have discovered, used, and refined natural oils. Seeing as from 1E to 4E 202 (Skyrim game start) is 4,451 yrs.

With all but Skyrim taking place in the 3rd Era (and in all those thousands of years not a lot of progression, but tons of regression socially and magically (I still remember Morrowinds ability to make your own spells.)). But like Equestria they have lots of magic to take up the slack, but unlike Equestria, they've had mixed feelings on magic users to the point that they've stagnated there as well.

7920657 I'm planning it, only need to get off my ass and start writing it.

Actually, headcannon of mine, EQG Pinkie and original Pinkie swap worlds on a regular basis. They do this because Pinkie. And by Pinkie. Don't question the Pink One.

7933606 Or maybe she's in both worlds at the same time and can swap places with each other at will

7862295 Don't feel bad about there being bubble wrap in an episode of the show; your story just shows how it got there.:pinkiehappy:

“Let’s go!

needs end " marks.

“It was an anti-magic spell, so when Twilight wakes up she just can’t teleport all if it away.”


Re-read this. It's a cute little fic ^_^.

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